em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The present research project focuses its attention on the study of structure-property relations in polymers from renewable sources (bio-based polymers) such as polymers microbially produced, i.e. polyhydrohyalkanoates (PHAs) or chemically synthesized using monomers from renewable sources, i.e. polyammide 11 (PA11). By means of a broad spectrum of experimental techniques, the influence of different modifications on bio-based polymers such as blending with other components, copolymerization with different co-monomers and introduction of branching to yield complex architectures have been investigated. The present work on PHAs focused on the study of the dependence of polymer properties on both the fermentation process conditions (e.g. bacterial strain and carbon substrate used) and the method adopted to recover PHAs from cells. Furthermore, a solvent-free method using an enzyme and chemicals in an aqueous medium, was developed in order to recover PHAs from cells. Such a method allowed to recover PHA granules in their amorphous state, i.e. in native form useful for specific applications (e.g. paper coating). In addition, a commercial PHA was used as polymeric matrix to develop biodegradable and bio-based composites for food packaging applications. Biodegradable, non-toxic, food contact plasticizers and low cost, widely available lignocellulosic fibers (wheat straw fibers) were incorporated in such a polymeric matrix, in order to decrease PHA brittleness and the polymer cost, respectively. As concerns the study of polyamide 11, both the rheological and the solid-state behavior of PA11 star samples with different arm number and length was studied. Introduction of arms in a polymer molecule allows to modulate melt viscosity behavior which is advantageous for industrial applications. Also, several important solid-state properties, in particular mechanical properties, are affected by the presence of branching. Given the importance of using ‘green’ synthetic strategies in polymer chemistry, novel poly(-amino esters), synthesized via enzymatic-catalyzed polymerization, have also been investigated in this work.


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This study is focused on radio-frequency inductively coupled thermal plasma (ICP) synthesis of nanoparticles, combining experimental and modelling approaches towards process optimization and industrial scale-up, in the framework of the FP7-NMP SIMBA European project (Scaling-up of ICP technology for continuous production of Metallic nanopowders for Battery Applications). First the state of the art of nanoparticle production through conventional and plasma routes is summarized, then results for the characterization of the plasma source and on the investigation of the nanoparticle synthesis phenomenon, aiming at highlighting fundamental process parameters while adopting a design oriented modelling approach, are presented. In particular, an energy balance of the torch and of the reaction chamber, employing a calorimetric method, is presented, while results for three- and two-dimensional modelling of an ICP system are compared with calorimetric and enthalpy probe measurements to validate the temperature field predicted by the model and used to characterize the ICP system under powder-free conditions. Moreover, results from the modeling of critical phases of ICP synthesis process, such as precursor evaporation, vapour conversion in nanoparticles and nanoparticle growth, are presented, with the aim of providing useful insights both for the design and optimization of the process and on the underlying physical phenomena. Indeed, precursor evaporation, one of the phases holding the highest impact on industrial feasibility of the process, is discussed; by employing models to describe particle trajectories and thermal histories, adapted from the ones originally developed for other plasma technologies or applications, such as DC non-transferred arc torches and powder spherodization, the evaporation of micro-sized Si solid precursor in a laboratory scale ICP system is investigated. Finally, a discussion on the role of thermo-fluid dynamic fields on nano-particle formation is presented, as well as a study on the effect of the reaction chamber geometry on produced nanoparticle characteristics and process yield.


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Copper(I) halide clusters are recently considered as good candidate for optoelectronic devices such as OLEDs . Although the copper halide clusters, in particular copper iodide, are very well known since the beginning of the 20th century, only in the late ‘70s the interest on these compounds grew dramatically due their particular photophysical behaviour. These complexes are characterized by a dual triplet emission bands, named Cluster Centred (3CC) and Halogen-to-Ligand charge transfer (3XLCT), the intensities of which are strictly related with the temperature. The CC transition, due to the presence of a metallophylic interactions, is prevalent at ambient temperature while the XLCT transition, located preferentially on the ligand part, became more prominent at low temperature. Since these pioneering works, it was easy to understand the photophysical properties of this compounds became more interesting in solid-state respect to solution with an improvement in emission efficiency. In this work we aim to characterize in SS organocopper(I)iodide compounds to valuate the correlation between the molecular crystal structure and the photophysical properties. It is also considered to hike new strategies to synthesize CuI complexes from the wet reactions to the more green solvent free methods. The advantages in using these strategies are evident but, obtain a single crystal suitable for SCXRD analysis from these batches is quite impossible. The structure solution still remains the key point in this research so we tackle this problem solving the structure by X-ray powder diffraction data. When the sample was fully characterized we moved to design and development of the associated OLED-device. Since copper iodide complexes are often insoluble in organic solvents, the high vacuum deposition technique is preferred. A new non-conventional deposition process have also been proposed to avoid the low complex stability in this practice with an in-situ complex formation in a layer-by layer deposition route.


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Polyphenols, including flavonoids and stilbenes, are an essential part of human diet and constitute one of the most abundant and ubiquitous group of plant secondary metabolites. The level of these compounds is inducible by stress or fungal attack, so attempts are being made to identify likely biotic and abiotic elicitors and to better understand the underlying mechanism. Resveratrol (3,5,4’-trihydroxystilbene), which belongs to the stilbene family, is a naturally occurring polyphenol, found in several fruits, vegetables and beverages including red wine. It is one of the most important plant polyphenols with proved benefic activity on animal health. In the last two decades, the potential protective effects of resveratrol against cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as the chemopreventive properties against cancer, have been largely investigated. The most important source of polyphenols and in particular resveratrol for human diet is grape (Vitis vinifera). Since stilbenes and flavonoids play a very important role in plant defence responses and enviromental interactions, and their effects on human health seem promising, the aim of the research of this Thesis was to study at different levels the activation and the regulation of their biosynthetic pathways after chitosan treatment. Moreover, the polyphenol production in grape cells and the optimisation of cultural conditions bioreactor scale-up, were also investigated. Cell suspensions were obtained from cv. Barbera (Vitis vinifera L.) petioles and were treated with a biotic elicitor, chitosan (50 μg/mL, dissolved in acetic acid) to promote phenylpropanoid metabolism. Chitosan is a D-glucosamine polymer from fungi cell wall and therefore mimes fungal pathogen attack. Liquid cultures have been monitored for 15 days, measuring cell number, cell viability, pH and grams of fresh weight. The endogenous and released amounts of 7 stilbenes (trans and cis isomers of resveratrol, piceid and resveratroloside, and piceatannol), gallic acid, 6 hydroxycinnamic acids (trans-cinnamic, p-coumaric, caffeic, ferulic, sinapic and chlorogenic acids), 5 catechines (catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin and epicatechin-gallate) and other 5 flavonoids (chalcon, naringenin, kaempferol, quercetin and rutin) in cells and cultural medium, were measured by HPLC-DAD analysis and total anthocyanins were quantified by spectrophotometric analysis. Chitosan was effective in stimulating trans-resveratrol endogenous accumulation with a sharp peak at day 4 (exceeding acetic acid and water controls by 36% and 63%, respectively), while it did not influence the production of the cis-isomer. Compared to both water and acetic acid controls, chitosan decreased the release of both trans- and cis-resveratrol respect to controls. No effect was shown on the accumulation of single resveratrol mono-glucoside isomers, but considering their total amount, normalized for the relative water control, it was possible to evidence an increase in both accumulation and release of those compounds, in chitosan-treated cells, throughout the culture period and particularly during the second week. Many of the analysed flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids were not present or detectable in trace amounts. Catechin, epicatechin and epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) were detectable both inside the cells and in the culture media, but chitosan did not affect their amounts. On the contrary, total anthocyanins have been stimulated by chitosan and their level, from day 4 to 14, was about 2-fold higher than in both controls, confirming macroscopic observations that treated suspensions showed an intense brown-red color, from day 3 onwards. These elicitation results suggest that chitosan selectively up-regulates specific biosynthetic pathways, without modifying the general accumulation pattern of other flavonoids. Proteins have been extracted from cells at day 4 of culture (corresponding to the production peak of trans-resveratrol) and separated by bidimensional electrophoresis. The 73 proteins that showed a consistently changed amount between untreated, chitosan and acetic acid (chitosan solvent) treated cells, have been identified by mass spectrometry. Chitosan induced an increase in stilbene synthase (STS, the resveratrol biosynthetic enzyme), chalcone-flavanone isomerase (CHI, that switches the pathway from chalcones to flavones and anthocyanins), pathogenesis-related proteins 10 (PRs10, a large family of defence proteins), and a decrease in many proteins belonging to primary metabolisms. A train of six distinct spots of STS encoded by the same gene and increased by chitosan, was detected on the 2-D gels, and related to the different phosphorylation degree of STS spots. Northern blot analyses have been performed on RNA extracted from cells treated with chitosan and relative controls, using probes for STS, PAL (phenylalanine ammonia lyase, the first enzyme of the biosynthetic pathway), CHS (chalcone synthase, that shares with STS the same precursors), CHI and PR-10. The up-regulation of PAL, CHS and CHI transcript expression levels correlated with the accumulation of anthocyanins. The strong increase of different molecular weight PR-10 mRNAs, correlated with the 11 PR-10 protein spots identified in proteomic analyses. The sudden decrease in trans-resveratrol endogenous accumulation after day 4 of culture, could be simply explained by the diminished resveratrol biosynthetic activity due to the lower amount of biosynthetic enzymes. This might be indirectly demonstrated by northern blot expression analyses, that showed lower levels of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and stilbene synthase (STS) mRNAs starting from day 4. Other possible explanations could be a resveratrol oxidation process and/or the formation of other different mono-, di-glucosides and resveratrol oligomers such as viniferins. Immunolocalisation experiments performed on grape protoplasts and the subsequent analyses by confocal microscope, showed that STS, and therefore the resveratrol synthetic site, is mostly associated to intracellular membranes close to the cytosolic side of plasma membrane and in a smaller amount is localized in the cytosol. STS seemed not to be present inside vacuole and nucleus. There were no differences in the STS intracellular localisation between the different treatments. Since it was shown that stilbenes are largely released in the culture medium and that STS is a soluble protein, a possible interaction of STS with a plasma membrane transporter responsible for the extrusion of stilbenes in the culture medium, might be hypothesized. Proteomic analyses performed on subcellular fractions identified in the microsomial fraction 5 proteins taking part in channel complexes or associated with channels, that significantly changed their amount after chitosan treatment. In soluble and membrane fractions respectively 3 and 4 STS and 6 and 3 PR-10 have been identified. Proteomic results obtained from subcellular fractions substantially confirmed previous result obtained from total cell protein extracts and added more information about protein localisation and co-localisation. The interesting results obtained on Barbera cell cultures with the aim to increase polyphenol (especially stilbenes) production, have encouraged scale up tests in 1 litre bioreactors. The first trial fermentation was performed in parallel with a normal time-course in 20 mL flasks, showing that the scale-up (bigger volume and different conditions) process influenced in a very relevant way stilbenes production. In order to optimise culture parameters such as medium sucrose amount, fermentation length and inoculum cell concentration, few other fermentations were performed. Chitosan treatments were also performed. The modification of each parameter brought relevant variations in stilbenes and catechins levels, so that the production of a certain compound (or class of compounds) could be hypothetically promoted by modulating one or more culture parameters. For example the catechin yield could be improved by increasing sucrose content and the time of fermentation. The best results in stilbene yield were obtained in a 800 mL fermentation inoculated with 10.8 grams of cells and supplemented with chitosan. The culture was fed with MS medium added with 30 g/L sucrose, 25 μg/mL rifampicin and 50 μg/mL of chitosan, and was maintained at 24°C, stirred by marine impeller at 100 rpm and supplied of air at 0.16 L/min rate. Resveratroloside was the stilbene present in the larger amount, 3-5 times more than resveratrol. Because resveratrol glucosides are similarly active and more stable than free resveratrol, their production using a bioreactor could be a great advantage in an hypothetical industrial process. In my bioreactor tests, stilbenes were mainly released in the culture medium (60-80% of the total) and this fact could be another advantage for industrial applications, because it allows recovering the products directly from the culture medium without stopping the fermentation and/or killing the cells. In my best cultural conditions, it was possible to obtain 3.95 mg/L of stilbenes at day 4 (maximum resveratrol accumulation) and 5.13 mg/L at day 14 (maximum resveratroloside production). In conclusion, chitosan effect in inducing Vitis vinifera defense mechanisms can be related to its ability to increase the intracellular content of a large spectrum of antioxidants, and in particular of resveratrol, its derivates and anthocyanins. Its effect can be observed at transcriptional, proteomic (variation of soluble and membrane protein amounts) and metabolic (polyphenols production) level. The chitosan ability to elicit specific plant matabolisms can be useful to produce large quantities of antioxidant compounds from cell culture in bioreactor.


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Critical lower limb ischemia is a severe disease. A common approach is infrainguinal bypass. Synthetic vascular prosthesis, are good conduits in high-flow low-resistance conditions but have difficulty in their performance as small diameter vessel grafts. A new approach is the use of native decellularized vascular tissues. Cell-free vessels are expected to have improved biocompatibility when compared to synthetic and are optimal natural 3D matrix templates for driving stem cell growth and tissue assembly in vivo. Decellularization of tissues represent a promising field for regenerative medicine, with the aim to develop a methodology to obtain small-diameter allografts to be used as a natural scaffold suited for in vivo cell growth and pseudo-tissue assembly, eliminating failure caused from immune response activation. Material and methods. Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal cells isolated from human umbilical cord tissue were expanded in advanced DMEM. Immunofluorescence and molecular characterization revealed a stem cell profile. A non-enzymatic protocol, that associate hypotonic shock and low-concentration ionic detergent, was used to decellularize vessel segments. Cells were seeded cell-free scaffolds using a compound of fibrin and thrombin and incubated in DMEM, after 4 days of static culture they were placed for 2 weeks in a flow-bioreactor, mimicking the cardiovascular pulsatile flow. After dynamic culture, samples were processed for histological, biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Discussion. Histology showed that the dynamic culture cells initiate to penetrate the extracellular matrix scaffold and to produce components of the ECM, as collagen fibres. Sirius Red staining showed layers of immature collagen type III and ultrastructural analysis revealed 30 nm thick collagen fibres, presumably corresponding to the immature collagen. These data confirm the ability of cord-derived cells to adhere and penetrate a natural decellularized tissue and to start to assembly into new tissue. This achievement makes natural 3D matrix templates prospectively valuable candidates for clinical bypass procedures


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Food packaging protects food, but it can sometimes become a source of undesired contaminants. Paper based materials, despite being perceived as “natural” and safe, can contain volatile contaminants (especially if made from recycled paper) able to migrate to food, as mineral oil, phthalates and photoinitiators. Mineral oil is a petroleum product used as printing ink solvent for newspapers, magazines and packaging. From paperboard printing and from recycled fibers (if present), mineral oil migrates into food, even if dry, through the gas phase. Its toxicity is not fully evaluated, but a temporary Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 0.6 mg kg-1 has been established for saturated mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOSH), while aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) are more toxic. Extraction and analysis of MOSH and MOAH is difficult due to the thousands of molecules present. Extraction methods for packaging and food have been optimized, then applied for a “shopping trolley survey” on over 100 Italian and Swiss market products. Instrumental analyses were performed with online LC-GC/FID. Average concentration of MOSH in paperboards was 626 mg kg-1. Many had the potential of contaminating foods exceeding temporary ADI tens of times. A long term migration study was then designed to better understand migration kinetics. Egg pasta and müesli were chosen as representative (high surface/weight ratio). They were stored at different temperatures (4, 20, 30, 40 and 60°C) and conditions (free, shelved or boxed packs) for 1 year. MOSH and MOAH kinetic curves show that migration is a fast process, mostly influenced by temperature: in egg pasta (food in direct contact with paperboard), half of MOSH is transferred to food in a week at 40°C and in 8 months at 20°C. The internal plastic bag present in müesli slowed down the startup of migration, creating a “lag time” in the curves.