em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In this work I address the study of language comprehension in an “embodied” framework. Firstly I show behavioral evidence supporting the idea that language modulates the motor system in a specific way, both at a proximal level (sensibility to the effectors) and at the distal level (sensibility to the goal of the action in which the single motor acts are inserted). I will present two studies in which the method is basically the same: we manipulated the linguistic stimuli (the kind of sentence: hand action vs. foot action vs. mouth action) and the effector by which participants had to respond (hand vs. foot vs. mouth; dominant hand vs. non-dominant hand). Response times analyses showed a specific modulation depending on the kind of sentence: participants were facilitated in the task execution (sentence sensibility judgment) when the effector they had to use to respond was the same to which the sentences referred. Namely, during language comprehension a pre-activation of the motor system seems to take place. This activation is analogous (even if less intense) to the one detectable when we practically execute the action described by the sentence. Beyond this effector specific modulation, we also found an effect of the goal suggested by the sentence. That is, the hand effector was pre-activated not only by hand-action-related sentences, but also by sentences describing mouth actions, consistently with the fact that to execute an action on an object with the mouth we firstly have to bring it to the mouth with the hand. After reviewing the evidence on simulation specificity directly referring to the body (for instance, the kind of the effector activated by the language), I focus on the specific properties of the object to which the words refer, particularly on the weight. In this case the hypothesis to test was if both lifting movement perception and lifting movement execution are modulated by language comprehension. We used behavioral and kinematics methods, and we manipulated the linguistic stimuli (the kind of sentence: the lifting of heavy objects vs. the lifting of light objects). To study the movement perception we measured the correlations between the weight of the objects lifted by an actor (heavy objects vs. light objects) and the esteems provided by the participants. To study the movement execution we measured kinematics parameters variance (velocity, acceleration, time to the first peak of velocity) during the actual lifting of objects (heavy objects vs. light objects). Both kinds of measures revealed that language had a specific effect on the motor system, both at a perceptive and at a motoric level. Finally, I address the issue of the abstract words. Different studies in the “embodied” framework tried to explain the meaning of abstract words The limit of these works is that they account only for subsets of phenomena, so results are difficult to generalize. We tried to circumvent this problem by contrasting transitive verbs (abstract and concrete) and nouns (abstract and concrete) in different combinations. The behavioral study was conducted both with German and Italian participants, as the two languages are syntactically different. We found that response times were faster for both the compatible pairs (concrete verb + concrete noun; abstract verb + abstract noun) than for the mixed ones. Interestingly, for the mixed combinations analyses showed a modulation due to the specific language (German vs. Italian): when the concrete word precedes the abstract one responses were faster, regardless of the word grammatical class. Results are discussed in the framework of current views on abstract words. They highlight the important role of developmental and social aspects of language use, and confirm theories assigning a crucial role to both sensorimotor and linguistic experience for abstract words.
The enteric nervous system regulates autonomously from the central nervous system all the reflex pathways that control blood flow, motility, water and electrolyte transport and acid secretion. The ability of the gut to function in isolation is one of the most intriguing phenomenons in neurogastroenterology. This requires coding of sensory stimuli by cells in the gut wall. Enteric neurons are prominent candidates to relay mechanosensitivity. Surprisingly, the identity of mechanosensitive neurons in the enteric nervous system as well as the appropriate stimulus modality is unknown despite the evidence that enteric neurons respond to sustained distension. Objectives: The aim of our study was to record from mechanosensitive neurons using physiological stimulus modalities. Identification of sensory neurons is of central importance to understand sensory transmission under normal conditions and in gut diseases associated with sensorimotor dysfunctions, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Only then it will be possible to identify novel targets that help to normalise sensory functions. Methods: We used guinea-pig ileum myenteric plexus preparations and recorded responses of all neurons in a given ganglion with a fast neuroimaging technique based on voltage sensitive dyes. To evoke a mechanical response we used two different kinds of stimuli: firstly we applied a local mechanical distortion of the ganglion surface with von Frey hair. Secondarily we mimic the ganglia deformation during physiological movements of myenteric ganglia in a freely contracting ileal preparation. We were able to reliably and reproducibly mimic this distortion by intraganglionic injections of small volumes of oxygenated and buffered Krebs solution using stimulus parameters that correspond to single contractions. We also performed in every ganglion tested, electrical stimulations to evoke fast excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Immunohistochemistry reactions were done with antibodies against Calbindin and NeuN, considered markers for sensory neurons. Results: Recordings were performed in 46 ganglia from 31 guinea pigs. In every ganglion tested we found from 1 to 21 (from 3% to 62%) responding cells with a median value of 7 (24% of the total number of neurons). The response consisted of an almost instantaneous spike discharge that showed adaptation. The median value of the action potential frequency in the responding neurons was 2.0 Hz, with a recording time of 1255 ms. The spike discharge lasted for 302 ± 231 ms and occurred only during the initial deformation phase. During sustained deformation no spike discharge was observed. The response was reproducible and was a direct activation of the enteric neurons since it remained after synaptic blockade with hexamethonium or ω-conotoxin and after long time perfusion with capsaicin. Muscle tone appears not to be required for activation of mechanosensory neurons. Mechanosensory neurons showed a response to mechanical stimulation related to the stimulus strength. All mechanosensory neurons received fast synaptic inputs. There was no correlation between mechanosensitivity and Calbindin-IR and NeuN-IR (44% of mechanosensitive neurones Calb-IR-/NeuN-IR-). Conclusions: We identified mechanosensitive neurons in the myenteric plexus of the guinea pig ileum which responded to brief deformation. These cells appear to be rapidly accommodating neurons which respond to dynamic change. All mechanosensitive neurons received fast synaptic input suggesting that their activity can be highly modulated by other neurons and hence there is a low stimulus fidelity which allows adjusting the gain in a sensory network. Mechanosensitivity appears to be a common feature of many enteric neurons belonging to different functional classes. This supports the existence of multifunctional enteric neurons which may fulfil sensory, integrative and motor functions.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the respective contribution of prior information and sensorimotor constraints to action understanding, and to estimate their consequences on the evolution of human social learning. Even though a huge amount of literature is dedicated to the study of action understanding and its role in social learning, these issues are still largely debated. Here, I critically describe two main perspectives. The first perspective interprets faithful social learning as an outcome of a fine-grained representation of others’ actions and intentions that requires sophisticated socio-cognitive skills. In contrast, the second perspective highlights the role of simpler decision heuristics, the recruitment of which is determined by individual and ecological constraints. The present thesis aims to show, through four experimental works, that these two contributions are not mutually exclusive. A first study investigates the role of the inferior frontal cortex (IFC), the anterior intraparietal area (AIP) and the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) in the recognition of other people’s actions, using a transcranial magnetic stimulation adaptation paradigm (TMSA). The second work studies whether, and how, higher-order and lower-order prior information (acquired from the probabilistic sampling of past events vs. derived from an estimation of biomechanical constraints of observed actions) interacts during the prediction of other people’s intentions. Using a single-pulse TMS procedure, the third study investigates whether the interaction between these two classes of priors modulates the motor system activity. The fourth study tests the extent to which behavioral and ecological constraints influence the emergence of faithful social learning strategies at a population level. The collected data contribute to elucidate how higher-order and lower-order prior expectations interact during action prediction, and clarify the neural mechanisms underlying such interaction. Finally, these works provide/open promising perspectives for a better understanding of social learning, with possible extensions to animal models.
The motor system can no longer be considered as a mere passive executive system of motor commands generated elsewhere in the brain. On the contrary, it is deeply involved in perceptual and cognitive functions and acts as an “anticipation device”. The present thesis investigates the anticipatory motor mechanisms occurring in two particular instances: i) when processing sensory events occurring within the peripersonal space (PPS); and ii) when perceiving and predicting others’actions. The first study provides evidence that PPS representation in humans modulates neural activity within the motor system, while the second demonstrates that the motor mapping of sensory events occurring within the PPS critically relies on the activity of the premotor cortex. The third study provides direct evidence that the anticipatory motor simulation of others’ actions critically relies on the activity of the anterior node of the action observation network (AON), namely the inferior frontal cortex (IFC). The fourth study, sheds light on the pivotal role of the left IFC in predicting the future end state of observed right-hand actions. Finally, the fifth study examines how the ability to predict others’ actions could be influenced by a reduction of sensorimotor experience due to the traumatic or congenital loss of a limb. Overall, the present work provides new insights on: i) the anticipatory mechanisms of the basic reactivity of the motor system when processing sensory events occurring within the PPS, and the same anticipatory motor mechanisms when perceiving others’ implied actions; ii) the functional connectivity and plasticity of premotor-motor circuits both during the motor mapping of sensory events occurring within the PPS and when perceiving others’ actions; and iii) the anticipatory mechanisms related to others’ actions prediction.
La ricerca ha preso le mosse da tre ipotesi fondamentali: 1) Esiste un legame tra processi cognitivi di basso ed alto livello; 2) Lo spazio senso-motorio è una percezione soggettiva; 3) Lo spazio senso-motorio varia in funzione delle diverse modalità di interazione sociale. La tesi sostiene che lo spazio senso-motorio si lascia modulare dalla semplice co-presenza di un altro agente umano e da interazioni cooperative e non cooperative. I capitoli I, II, III, hanno lo scopo di scomporre e spiegare il significato della prima, seconda e terza ipotesi; giungendo a formulare la tesi centrale che sarà poi dimostrata sperimentalmente nel capitolo IV. Il capitolo V introduce future linee di ricerca nell’ambito dell’etica proponendo una nuova ipotesi sul legame che potrebbe sussistere tra la percezione dello spazio durante l’interazione sociale e i giudizi morali. Il lavoro svolto chiama ad operare insieme diverse discipline che concorrono a formare le scienze cognitive: la storia della filosofia, la filosofia della mente contemporanea, la neuropsicologia sperimentale ed alcuni temi della psicologia sociale.
People are daily faced with intertemporal choice, i.e., choices differing in the timing of their consequences, frequently preferring smaller-sooner rewards over larger-delayed ones, reflecting temporal discounting of the value of future outcomes. This dissertation addresses two main goals. New evidence about the neural bases of intertemporal choice is provided. Following the disruption of either the medial orbitofrontal cortex or the insula, the willingness to wait for larger-delayed outcomes is affected in odd directions, suggesting the causal involvement of these areas in regulating the value computation of rewards available with different timings. These findings were also supported by a reported imaging study. Moreover, this dissertation provides new evidence about how temporal discounting can be modulated at a behavioral level through different manipulations, e.g., allowing individuals to think about the distant time, pairing rewards with aversive events, or changing their perceived spatial position. A relationship between intertemporal choice, moral judgements and aging is also discussed. All these findings link together to support a unitary neural model of temporal discounting according to which signals coming from several cortical (i.e., medial orbitofrontal cortex, insula) and subcortical regions (i.e., amygdala, ventral striatum) are integrated to represent the subjective value of both earlier and later rewards, under the top-down regulation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The present findings also support the idea that the process of outcome evaluation is strictly related to the ability to pre-experience and envision future events through self-projection, the anticipation of visceral feelings associated with receiving rewards, and the psychological distance from rewards. Furthermore, taking into account the emotions and the state of arousal at the time of decision seems necessary to understand impulsivity associated with preferring smaller-sooner goods in place of larger-later goods.
The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) of primates represents a remarkable platform that has evolved over time to solve some of the computational challenges that we face in the everyday life, such as sensorimotor integration, spatial attention, and motor planning. With the aim of further investigating the multifaceted functional characteristics of medial PPC, we conducted three studies to explore the visuomotor, somatic, visual, and attention-related properties of two PPC areas: V6A, a visuomotor area part of the dorsomedial visual stream, and PE, an area strongly dominated by somatomotor input, residing mainly on the exposed surface of the superior parietal lobule. In the first study, we tested the impact of visual feedback on V6A grasp-related activity during arm movements towards objects of different shapes. Our results demonstrate that V6A is modulated by both grip type and visual information during grasping preparation and execution, with a predominance of cells influenced by grip type. In the second study, we explored the influence of depth and direction information on reach-related activity of neurons in the so far largely neglected medial part of area PE. We observed a remarkable trend in medial PPC, going from the joint coding of depth and direction signals caudally, in area V6A, to a largely segregated processing of the two signals rostrally, in area PE. In the third study, we used a combined fMRI-electrophysiology experiment to investigate the neuronal mechanisms underlying covert shift of attention processes in area V6A. Our preliminary results reveal that half of the cells showed shift-selective activity when the monkey covertly shifted its attention towards the receptive field. All together these findings highlight the role of the medial PPC in integrating information coming from different sources (vision, somatosensory and motor) and emphasize the involvement of action-related regions of the dorsomedial visual stream in higher level cognitive functions.
The nature of concepts is a matter of intense debate in cognitive sciences. While traditional views claim that conceptual knowledge is represented in a unitary symbolic system, recent Embodied and Grounded Cognition theories (EGC) submit the idea that conceptual system is couched in our body and influenced by the environment (Barsalou, 2008). One of the major challenges for EGC is constituted by abstract concepts (ACs), like fantasy. Recently, some EGC proposals addressed this criticism, arguing that the ACs comprise multifaced exemplars that rely on different grounding sources beyond sensorimotor one, including interoception, emotions, language, and sociality (Borghi et al., 2018). However, little is known about how ACs representation varies as a function of life experiences and their use in communication. The theoretical arguments and empirical studies comprised in this dissertation aim to provide evidence on multiple grounding of ACs taking into account their varieties and flexibility. Study I analyzed multiple ratings on a large sample of ACs and identified four distinct subclusters. Study II validated this classification with an interference paradigm involving motor/manual, interoceptive, and linguistic systems during a difficulty rating task. Results confirm that different grounding sources are activated depending on ACs kind. Study III-IV investigate the variability of institutional concepts, showing that the higher the law expertise level, the stronger the concrete/emotional determinants in their representation. Study V introduced a novel interactive task in which abstract and concrete sentences serve as cues to simulate conversation. Analysis of language production revealed that the uncertainty and interactive exchanges increase with abstractness, leading to generating more questions/requests for clarifications with abstract than concrete sentences. Overall, results confirm that ACs are multidimensional, heterogeneous, and flexible constructs and that social and linguistic interactions are crucial to shaping their meanings. Investigating ACs in real-time dialogues may be a promising direction for future research.
Values are beliefs or principles that are deemed significant or desirable within a specific society or culture, serving as the fundamental underpinnings for ethical and socio-behavioral norms. The objective of this research is to explore the domain encompassing moral, cultural, and individual values. To achieve this, we employ an ontological approach to formally represent the semantic relations within the value domain. The theoretical framework employed adopts Fillmore’s frame semantics, treating values as semantic frames. A value situation is thus characterized by the co-occurrence of specific semantic roles fulfilled within a given event or circumstance. Given the intricate semantics of values as abstract entities with high social capital, our investigation extends to two interconnected domains. The first domain is embodied cognition, specifically image schemas, which are cognitive patterns derived from sensorimotor experiences that shape our conceptualization of entities in the world. The second domain pertains to emotions, which are inherently intertwined with the realm of values. Consequently, our approach endeavors to formalize the semantics of values within an embodied cognition framework, recognizing values as emotional-laden semantic frames. The primary ontologies proposed in this work are: (i) ValueNet, an ontology network dedicated to the domain of values; (ii) ISAAC, the Image Schema Abstraction And Cognition ontology; and (iii) EmoNet, an ontology for theories of emotions. The knowledge formalization adheres to established modeling practices, including the reuse of semantic web resources such as WordNet, VerbNet, FrameNet, DBpedia, and alignment to foundational ontologies like DOLCE, as well as the utilization of Ontology Design Patterns. These ontological resources are operationalized through the development of a fully explainable frame-based detector capable of identifying values, emotions, and image schemas generating knowledge graphs from from natural language, leveraging the semantic dependencies of a sentence, and allowing non trivial higher layer knowledge inferences.