7 resultados para SELF-EFFICACY

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The aim of this research is to estimate the impact of violent film excerpts on university students (30 f, 30 m) in two different sequences, a “justified” violent scene followed by an “unjustified” one, or vice versa, as follows: 1) before-after sequences, using Aggressive behaviour I-R Questionnaire, Self Depression Scale and ASQ-IPAT Anxiety SCALE; 2) after every excerpt, using a self-report to evaluate the intensity and hedonic tone of emotions and the violence justification level. Emotion regulation processes (suppression, reappraisal, self-efficacy) were considered. In contrast with the “unjustified” violent scene, during the “justified” one, the justification level was higher; intensity and unpleasantness of negative emotions were lower. Anxiety (total and latent) and rumination diminished after both types of sequences. Rumination decreases less after the JV-UV sequence than after the UV-JV sequence. Self-efficacy in controlling negative emotions reduced rumination, whereas suppression reduced irritability. Reappraisal, self-efficacy in positive emotion expression and perceived emphatic selfefficacy did not have any effects.


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The present dissertation focuses on burnout and work engagement among teachers, with especial focus on the Job-Demands Resources Model: Chapter 1 focuses on teacher burnout. It aims to investigate the role of efficacy beliefs using negatively worded inefficacy items instead of positive ones and to establish whether depersonalization and cynism can be considered two different dimensions of the teacher burnout syndrome. Chapter 2 investigates the factorial validity of the instruments used to measure work engagement (i.e. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, UWES-17 and UWES-9). Moreover, because the current study is partly longitudinal in nature, also the stability across time of engagement can be investigated. Finally, based on cluster-analyses, two groups that differ in levels of engagement are compared as far as their job- and personal resources (i.e. possibilities for personal development, work-life balance, and self-efficacy), positive organizational attitudes and behaviours (i.e., job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour) and perceived health are concerned. Chapter 3 tests the JD-R model in a longitudinal way, by integrating also the role of personal resources (i.e. self-efficacy). This chapter seeks answers to questions on what are the most important job demands, job and personal resources contributing to discriminate burned-out teachers from non-burned-out teachers, as well as engaged teachers from non-engaged teachers. Chapter 4 uses a diary study to extend knowledge about the dynamic nature of the JD-R model by considering between- and within-person variations with regard to both motivational and health impairment processes.


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Emotional Intelligence (EI) has increasingly gained widespread popularity amongst both lay people and scientists in a wide range of contexts and across several research areas. In spite of rigorous inquiry into its applications in educational, social, health and clinical settings, substantial disagreement exists regarding the definition of EI, with respect to both terminology and operationalizations. Actually, there is a consensus about a conceptual distinction between Trait EI, or trait emotional self-efficacy (Petrides & Furnham, 2001), and Ability EI, or cognitive-emotional ability (Mayer & Salovey, 1997). Trait EI is measured via self-report questionnaires, whereas Ability EI is assessed via maximum performance tests. Moreover, EI is the broadest of the emotional constructs, and it subsumes various constructs, as Emotional Awareness (Lane & Schwartz, 1987). To date, EI research has focused primarily on adults, with fewer studies conducted with child samples. The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of different models of EI in childhood and early adolescence (N = 670; 353 females; Mage= 10.25 years ; SD = 1.57). In addition, a further goal is to evaluate the relationship of each construct with personality, non verbal cognitive intelligence, school performance, peer relationships, and affective disorders (anxiety and depression). Results shows significant correlations between Trait EI and Emotional Awareness, whereas Trait and Ability EI appear as independent constructs. We also found significant positive associations between age and Ablity EI and Emotional Awareness (although with add of verbal productivity), while gender differences emerged in favour of females in all EI-related measures. The results provide evidence that Trait EI is partially determined by all of the Big Five personality dimensions, but independent of cognitive ability. Finally, the present study highlights the role of EI on social interactions, school performance and, especially, a negative relationship between Trait EI and psychopathology.


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Management and organization literature has extensively noticed the crucial role that improvisation assumes in organizations, both as a learning process (Miner, Bassoff & Moorman, 2001), a creative process (Fisher & Amabile, 2008), a capability (Vera & Crossan, 2005), and a personal disposition (Hmielesky & Corbett, 2006; 2008). My dissertation aims to contribute to the existing literature on improvisation, addressing two general research questions: 1) How does improvisation unfold at an individual level? 2) What are the potential antecedents and consequences of individual proclivity to improvise? This dissertation is based on a mixed methodology that allowed me to deal with these two general research questions and enabled a constant interaction between the theoretical framework and the empirical results. The selected empirical field is haute cuisine and the respondents are the executive chefs of the restaurants awarded by Michelin Guide in 2010 in Italy. The qualitative section of the dissertation is based on the analysis of 26 inductive case studies and offers a multifaceted contribution. First, I describe how improvisation works both as a learning and creative process. Second, I introduce a new categorization of individual improvisational scenarios (demanded creative improvisation, problem solving improvisation, and pure creative improvisation). Third, I describe the differences between improvisation and other creative processes detected in the field (experimentation, brainstorming, trial and error through analytical procedure, trial and error, and imagination). The quantitative inquiry is founded on a Structural Equation Model, which allowed me to test simultaneously the relationships between proclivity to improvise and its antecedents and consequences. In particular, using a newly developed scale to measure individual proclivity to improvise, I test the positive influence of industry experience, self-efficacy, and age on proclivity to improvise and the negative impact of proclivity to improvise on outcome deviation. Theoretical contributions and practical implications of the results are discussed.


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L’attività fisica produce effetti benefici a livello mentale (Biddle et al.,2004) e sembra agire sull’emozione modificando attitudini e motivazioni verso la pratica motoria (Digelidis et al., 2003) a partire da sensazioni come il piacere o la noia del fare (Spray et al., 1999). Da questi presupposti il progetto che comprendeva l’analisi di due studi volti a verificare gli effetti dell’attività motoria e sportiva in ambito scolastico, sui comportamenti di adattamento sociale e self efficacy dei bambini. Un terzo studio, di analisi qualitativa, in ambito calcistico, per verificare correlazioni tra orientamento motivazionale genitoriale e comportamenti di adattamento sociale dei figli. Gli strumenti di rilevazione dei livelli di adattamento sociale (Caprara et al, 1992) e self efficacy (Colella, 2008), sono stati somministrati prima e dopo il trattamento delle relative attività motorie mentre, l’orientamento motivazionale dei genitori (Borgogni et al, 2004) è stato rilevato una volta e confrontato con l’adattamento sociale dei figli. Il modulatore del primo studio, l’attività ad alto contenuto emotivo o aggressivo, ha mostrato variazioni significative (p<.05) nei livelli di aggressività fisica-verbale e di comportamento pro sociale tra i 2 gruppi, confermando la letteratura sull’argomento (Pellegrini, in Storch e Roth, 2005; Vaughn, 2005; Tappern e Boulton, 2005). Il modulatore del secondo studio, rappresentato dal giocosport rugby, sempre realizzato nelle ore curricolari di educazione fisica, ha evidenziato differenze significative (p<.05) nell’aumentata self efficacy da parte del gruppo sperimentale, con effetto preponderante sulle femmine rispetto ai maschi. Il terzo studio, descrittivo, ha evidenziato la correlazione tra orientamento motivazionale dei genitori e instabilità emotiva dei figli in risposta a profili genitoriali tendenti alla leadership o al successo nell’ambito lavorativo. I risultati evidenziati mostrano effetti significativi (p<.05), successivi al trattamento, sui comportamenti di adattamento sociale, aggressivo e sulla self efficacy a conferma, della letteratura, sull’importanza di determinate esperienze motorie in età scolare.


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Social networks are one of the “hot” themes in people’s life and contemporary social research. Considering our “embeddedness” in a thick web of social relations is a study perspective that could unveil a number of explanations of how people may manage their personal and social resources. Looking at people’s behaviors of building and managing their social networks, seems to be an effective way to find some possible rationalization about how to help people getting the best from their resources . The main aim of this dissertation is to give a closer look at the role of networking behaviors. Antecedents, motivations, different steps and measures about networking behaviors and outcomes are analyzed and discussed. Results seem to confirm, in a different setting and time perspective, that networking behaviors include different types and goals that change over time. Effects of networking behaviors seem to find empirical confirmation through social network analysis methods. Both personality and situational self-efficacy seem to predict networking behaviors. Different types of motivational drivers seem to be related to diverse networking behaviors.


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Workaholism is defined as the combination of two underlying dimensions: working excessively and working compulsively. The present thesis aims at achieving the following purposes: 1) to test whether the interaction between environmental and personal antecedents may enhance workaholism; 2) to develop a questionnaire aimed to assess overwork climate in the workplace; 3) to contrast focal employees’ and coworkers’ perceptions of employees’ workaholism and engagement. Concerning the first purpose, the interaction between overwork climate and person characteristics (achievement motivation, perfectionism, conscientiousness, self-efficacy) was explored on a sample of 333 Dutch employees. The results of moderated regression analyses showed that the interaction between overwork climate and person characteristics is related to workaholism. The second purpose was pursued with two interrelated studies. In Study 1 the Overwork Climate Scale (OWCS) was developed and tested using a principal component analysis (N = 395) and a confirmatory factor analysis (N = 396). Two overwork climate dimensions were distinguished, overwork endorsement and lacking overwork rewards. In Study 2 the total sample (N = 791) was used to explore the association of overwork climate with two types of working hard: work engagement and workaholism. Lacking overwork rewards was negatively associated with engagement, whereas overwork endorsement showed a positive association with workaholism. Concerning the third purpose, using a sample of 73 dyads composed by focal employees and their coworkers, a multitrait-multimethod matrix and a correlated trait-correlated method model, i.e. the CT-C(M–1) model, were examined. Our results showed a considerable agreement between raters on focal employees' engagement and workaholism. In contrast, we observed a significant difference concerning the cognitive dimension of workaholism, working compulsively. Moreover, we provided further evidence for the discriminant validity between engagement and workaholism. Overall, workaholism appears as a negative work-related state that could be better explained by assuming a multi-causal and multi-rater approach.