6 resultados para Séoul
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The Mufarriḥ an-nafs (Soul-Cheerer), attributed to Badr ad-Dīn Muẓaffar Ibn Qāḍī Baʿlabakk, who served under the Ayyubids as the Chief Medical Officer of Damascus in the mid-13th century, was written as a comprehensive guide for physicians outlining different approaches to cheering the soul. The tractate is divided into ten chapters, which explore the nature of the soul, its distinction to the body as well as their connection through sensorial perception. Ibn Qāḍī Baʿlabakk distinguishes the bodily senses – hearing, vision, smell, taste, touch – and the inner senses, which he sees as stimulated through activities such as hunting and engagement in poetry and the sciences. The seventh chapter of the Mufarriḥ an-nafs includes an extended encyclopedia on materia medica as well as dispensatory of simple and compound drugs, which is devoted to treating the soul and remains unparalleled in the history of Islamicate medicine. My doctoral dissertation offers a complete recension and translation of the Mufarriḥ an-nafs based on a stemma codicum drawn from the seventeen extant text witnesses. The dissertation contextualizes the work, its author as well as sources, and features a text commentary that seeks to enable the reader to easily place and understand the Mufarriḥ an-nafs within the tradition of Galenic medicine. The glossaries on materia medica found at the end of the dissertation are aimed at facilitating access to the pharmacological dispensatory included in the seventh chapter.
Angela da Foligno’s Liber is a fundamental text for the scholar of Women Mystics between the XIIIth and the XIVth century in Italy and all over Europe, and it has been chosen in my research because of its originality, with refer of its feminine and franciscan essence. Angela teaches to the italian hagiographic tradition the internal point of view of the holy woman, who becomes the teller of her both ordinary and extraordinary experiences. After giving references about the religious and social historical universe in evolution during the XIIth century, my research proceeds with a linguistic and rhetorical analysis based upon the Liber. I have been searching in Angela’s text and in contemporary italian feminine hagiography the sensory metaphor of “tasting”. That kind of metaphor has an ancient memory and, thanks to the Origene’s studies - the Christian Father of the IIIrd century - we can easily recognize it already in the Bible; Origene identifies the sensory metaphor as a rhetoric system, able to exemplify the God learning process of soul. Theory of “spiritual senses”, theory of vision and rhetoric, evolving from the IIIrd to the XIIIth century, are the theological and linguistic heritage of our feminine and franciscan literature. Inside of that, the metaphor of “tasting” moves and changes, therefore becoming the favourite way of mystics to represent the contact of their souls with God.
La goutte et la feuille . Transfigurations de la beauté naturelle dans la littérature européenne : Chateaubriand , Hölderlin et Leopardi . La thèse se présente comme une étude morphologique de l'esthétique de la nature à la fin de 18 ans. Siècle. Le dénominateur commun est une étude comparative des paradigmes scientifiques et des images symboliques utilisés dans la littérature européenne . Sous ce point de vue la thèse identifie les formes originaires de la goutte et de la feuille comme un point de contact entre des moments culturels distincts, même si entrelacés. Un passage particulièrement important du travail est l'analyse structurelle du paysage . Le paysage est le point culminant d'accès aux secrets de l'écriture romantique. Le paysage commence avec la représentation classique du jardin édénique et se termine avec la forêt exotique américaine. Celle-ci est décrite par Chateaubriand, en tant qu’objet d’une KOINONIE stylistique à l’immensité sublime du désert et l'océan . Hölderlin place avec la beauté naturelle devient une harmonie secrète et sombre dans l'inconscient symbolique de l'âme humaine . Leopardi est l'auteur du désenchantement , et pourtant il est encore capable de pressentir empathiquement la mesure de l’imagination envers la beauté naturelle. Avec Léopards , cependant, s’accomplit la séparation finale entre l’EPOS de la beauté naturelle et l’ETHOS de la nature . Cette dernière est une grandeur morale, et au fait elle représente le moment de la dissolution nihiliste, notamment magnitude de l’esthétique typiquement romantique . Après Chateaubriand , Leopardi , et Hölderlin beauté naturelle ne seront plus transfigurant .
Nella tesi si osserva come nella cultura russa cambiava l’immagine di Roma. Se ancora alla fine del settecento l’antichità romana poteva risultare solamente uno strumento retorico-filologico da utilizzare per fare il proprio discorso più convincente, la generazione dei decabristi la stessa antica romanità la accostava alla cultura e storia russe tramite gli elevati ideali civici. La romanità ora risultava uno strumento di analisi della esperienza storica e politica della Russia anche nel contesto europeo. Da qui nasceva una serie di modelli russi legati all’antica Roma: il Catone di Radiscev, il Bruto dei decabristi, ecc. Vi attingeva generosamente anche una corrente di lirica russo-antica con i suoi ricchi riferimenti agli autori classici, Ovidio, Tacito, Orazio. Nasceva così una specie di Roma antica russa che viveva secondo le sue regole etiche ed estetiche. Con il fallimento dell’esperienza decabrista cambia anche l’approccio alle antichità: ci si distacca dalla visione storico-morale dell’antico, Roma non è più una categoria da emulare, ma una storia a sé stante e chiusa in sé stessa come ogni periodo storico. Essa smette di essere un criterio universale di giudizio etico e morale. Allo stesso tempo, una parte integrante della cultura russa all’epoca era il viaggio a Roma. I russi cresciuti con interesse e amore verso la Roma antica, impazienti ed emozionati, desideravano ora di vedere quella patria dei classici. Era come se fosse un appuntamento fra gli amici di vecchia data. Si affrettava a verificare di persona le muse di storia e di poesia. E con tutto questo si imparavano ad amare tutti i defetti della Roma reale, spesso inospitale, la Roma del dolore e della fatica. La voce importante nel racconto romano dei russi era anche la Roma del cristianesimo, dove ritrovare e ricoprire la propria “anima cristiana”.
La thèse vise à analyser la représentation des villes de Bologne, Limoges et Thessalonique, dans le roman noir italien, français et grec contemporain (1995-2015). L'approche sociologique, anthropologique et géocritique domine dans la première partie de la thèse, tandis que, dans la deuxième partie, plus consacrée à l'analyse des textes, est utilisée une approche linguistique et stylistique basée sur les occurrences et la rhétorique, qui prend également en compte certains éléments de psychocritique. La réflexion se développe en deux étapes, plus un chapitre conclusif. Dans la première partie, les villes de Bologne, Limoges et Thessalonique sont analysées comme des villes noires, des lieux du crime à déchiffrer, sur la base de cinq caractéristiques : dilatation, déshumanisation, désorientation, déculturation, désindividualisation. Dans la deuxième partie, nous essayons de définir le défi des détectives contemporains : lire les villes, comme codes à déchiffrer, pour résoudre les crimes. L'interprétation de la ville se développe en cinq phases, spéculaires aux caractéristiques de la première partie : exploration, détection, reconstruction, identification, acceptation. À la fin de son enquête et du roman, le détective découvre que la ville est un vrai personnage, elle n’est pas seulement un lieu de crime mais aussi un lieu de l'âme, miroir du vécu des protagonistes. Les romans noirs contemporains de Bologne, Limoges et Thessalonique mettent en scène le conflit, peut-être insoluble, qui tourne autour de la définition de qui est la ville et donc de qui est l’individu et ils indiquent l'impossibilité d'une réponse définitive et rassurante. L'homme et la ville se confondent pour ne faire plus qu'un.
The focus of this dissertation is the analysis of the music-related philosophical passages from the 5th century B.C. to the 2nd century B.C. It aims to provide a multifaceted view towards music as a cultural phenomenon, which is based primarily on the philological and culturological explorations instead of the technical-musicological approach. The texts from our selected period attest that mousikē had an extremely broad conceptualisation which led to the attribution of the different, sometimes completely opposite value: from an insignificant performative practice to an activity which corresponds to the divine laws and directly affects the human soul. The discussed testimonia provide evidence of defining music both as an exclusively acoustic phenomenon and as a philosophically significant concept that oversteps the sonic definition. Our sources clearly demonstrate that mousikē was a polysemous term: it was understood as an interdisciplinary form of art (as the arts of the Muses), though it was also used to indicate the exclusively instrumental music or a philosophical concept, which does not necessarily define sound as its essential quality. The aim of this dissertation is to clarify the arguments behind each of these positions, to analyse whether such different modes of conceptualisation are compatible among themselves, and to see how they fit together into explaining what was understood as music in Antiquity. In this thesis we explore the conceptual framework of mousikē and analyse what enabled the musical thought to be worthy of the attention of the greatest philosophical minds. We will demonstrate that it was not the sound or the artistic practices that were central in the philosophical thought on music, but instead the embedded structural qualities that have correspondence to the universal proportions of the cosmic world and which are perceptible to the listeners through the medium of sound.