5 resultados para Row houses -- Spain -- Terrassa

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Ultrasonography (US) is an essential imaging tool for identifying abnormalities of the liver parenchyma, biliary tract and vascular system. US has replaced radiography as the initial imaging procedure in screening for liver disease in small animals. There are few reports of the use of conventional and helical computed tomography (CT) to assess canine or feline parenchymal and neoplastic liver disease and biliary disorders. In human medicine the development of multidetector- row helical computed tomography (MDCT), with its superior spatial and temporal resolution, has resulted in improved detection and characterization of diffuse and focal liver lesions. The increased availability of MDCT in veterinary practice provides incentive to develop MDCT protocols for liver imaging in small animals. The purpose of this study is to assess the rule of MDCT in the characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals; and to compare this method with conventional US. Candidates for this prospective study were 175 consecutive patients (dogs and cats) referred for evaluation of hepatobiliary disease. The patients underwent liver US and MDCT. Percutaneous needle biopsy was performed on all liver lesions or alterations encountered. As for gallbladder, histopatological evaluation was obtained from cholecystectomy specimens. Ultrasonographic findings in this study agreed well with those of previous reports. A protocol for dual-phase liver MDCT in small animals has been described. MDCT findings in parenchymal disorders of the liver, hepatic neoplasia and biliary disorders are here first described in dogs and cats and compared with the corresponding features in human medicine. The ability of MDCT in detection and characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals is overall superior to conventional US. Ultrasonography and MDCT scanning, however, play complementary rules in the evaluation of these diseases. Many conditions have distinctive imaging features that may permit diagnosis. In most instances biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis.


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Intorno alla metà degli anni trenta la Spagna diventò il centro dell’attenzione del mondo e tutte le grandi potenze internazionali, vecchie e nuove, vennero coinvolte, in misura diversa, nella guerra civile. Già nell’agosto del 1936, un mese dopo l’esplosione del conflitto, tutti gli Stati più rappresentativi caldeggiavano l’ipotesi di una politica comune di “non intervento”. Il ruolo guida in tal senso venne assunto dal governo inglese, capace di dissuadere, in tempi estremamente rapidi, il governo frontista francese di Leon Blum dall’intento di sostenere economicamente e militarmente il legittimo governo repubblicano spagnolo. La preoccupazione che il conflitto potesse degenerare in uno scontro più generale fu quindi la ragione principale per la quale qualche settimana dopo nacque il “Comitato di Non Intervento”, cui aderirono ben ventisette nazioni europee tra cui Francia, Inghilterra, URSS, Italia, Germania e Portogallo. Il mio progetto di ricerca dottorale esamina il ruolo, le scelte ed i relativi dibattiti in merito all’unica grande potenza, gli Stati Uniti d’America, che, pur scegliendo di rimanere neutrale, si astenne dal partecipare al suddetto Comitato. In ambito statunitense particolare rilievo assumono due aspetti del dibattito politico sulla Spagna: il primo maturato in seno all’Amministrazione Roosevelt, il secondo elaborato dalla componente Liberal della coalizione del New Deal attraverso i settimanali, “The Nation” e “The New Republic”. Il confronto pubblico acceso dalla guerra civile spagnola fu infatti l’occasione per la società civile americana per dibattere apertamente e francamente circa l’opportunità e la capacità della nazione di assumere o meno un ruolo internazionale corrispondente al prestigio socio-economico in via di acquisizione a livello mondiale. Approfondire ed esaminare il dibattito sulla guerra civile spagnola negli USA significa dunque andare alla ricerca delle radici culturali di quello che sarà uno dei più vasti ed articolati confronti politici e teorici del ventesimo secolo: l’internazionalismo americano.


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Multidetector row computed tomography over the last decade is commonly used in veterinary medicine. This new technology has an increased spatial and temporal resolution, could evaluate wider scanning range in shorter scanning time, providing an advanced imaging modality. Computed tomography angiographic studies are commonly used in veterinary medicine in order to evaluate vascular structures of the abdomen and the thorax. Pulmonary pathology in feline patients is a very common condition and usually is further evaluating with computed tomography. Up to date few references of the normal computed tomographic aspects of the feline thorax are reported. In this study a computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) protocol is reported in normal cats and is compared with the up to date anatomical references. A CTPA protocol using a 64 MDCT in our study achieved high resolution images of the pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins and bronchial lumen till the level of minor segmental branches. Feline pulmonary bronchial parenchyma demonstrates an architecture of mixed type with a monopedial model observed in the most anatomical parts and the dichotomic aspect is seen at the accessory lobe. The arterial and venous architecture is similar to the bronchial. Statistical analysis demonstrates the linear correlation of tracheal diameter to the felines weight. Vascular variations were noticed. The pulmonary venous system enters into the left atrium through three ostia (left cranial ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the cranial and caudal portion of the left cranial pulmonary vein; right ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the right cranial and middle pulmonary vein; and the caudal ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the right and left caudal pulmonary vein). In conclusion CTPA is applicable in feline patients and provides an excellent imaging of the pulmonary arterial, venous and bronchial system till the level of minor segmental branches.


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The Schroeder's backward integration method is the most used method to extract the decay curve of an acoustic impulse response and to calculate the reverberation time from this curve. In the literature the limits and the possible improvements of this method are widely discussed. In this work a new method is proposed for the evaluation of the energy decay curve. The new method has been implemented in a Matlab toolbox. Its performance has been tested versus the most accredited literature method. The values of EDT and reverberation time extracted from the energy decay curves calculated with both methods have been compared in terms of the values themselves and in terms of their statistical representativeness. The main case study consists of nine Italian historical theatres in which acoustical measurements were performed. The comparison of the two extraction methods has also been applied to a critical case, i.e. the structural impulse responses of some building elements. The comparison underlines that both methods return a comparable value of the T30. Decreasing the range of evaluation, they reveal increasing differences; in particular, the main differences are in the first part of the decay, where the EDT is evaluated. This is a consequence of the fact that the new method returns a “locally" defined energy decay curve, whereas the Schroeder's method accumulates energy from the tail to the beginning of the impulse response. Another characteristic of the new method for the energy decay extraction curve is its independence on the background noise estimation. Finally, a statistical analysis is performed on the T30 and EDT values calculated from the impulse responses measurements in the Italian historical theatres. The aim of this evaluation is to know whether a subset of measurements could be considered representative for a complete characterization of these opera houses.


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Rural tourism has been widely promoted in the European Union as an effective measure counteracting economic and social challenges facing rural areas especially those with declining agriculture economies. Particularly its role is seen in provision and maintenance of public goods which are more and more demanded by the public and considered in the policymaking. In Kosovo, rural tourism has been developed through the support of the international organizations and private sector initiatives, with primary aim to generate additional income for rural households and sustainable management of natural and cultural resources. Anyhow, it could be stated that the use of territorial capital to enhance the quality of the tourist offer and undertake promotion at wider circles of people has not been well explored so far, particularly possible links with agriculture that would satisfy visitors demand. In this regard this research study analyzes involvement of local stakeholders and use of territorial capital to develop tourist offer in rural areas of Kosovo. Beside, study applies comparative approach with other two areas of the European Union, Appennino Bolognese in Italy and Alpujara in Spain, to understand and compare the process of rural tourism development and demand characteristics between Kosovo and these areas. A survey has been conducted in all three study areas with rural tourism visitors to understand their preferences for public and private goods and services when visiting rural areas and the role of agriculture in sustaining rural tourism. Results show that there is a potential to link rural tourism with agriculture in Kosovo, which would help in sustaining agriculture and add additional value to local food products, which in return would enhance the tourist offer and make it more attractive for the visitors but also for the farmers as an additional revenue generating sector.