5 resultados para Route of drug intake

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In this study, some important aspects of the relationship between honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) and pesticides have been investigated. In the first part of the research, the effects of the exposure of honey bees to neonicotinoids and fipronil contaminated dusts were analyzed. In fact, considerable amounts of these pesticides, employed for maize seed dressing treatments, may be dispersed during the sowing operations, thus representing a way of intoxication for honey bees. In particular, a specific way of exposure to this pesticides formulation, the indirect contact, was taken into account. To this aim, we conducted different experimentations, in laboratory, in semi-field and in open field conditions in order to assess the effects on mortality, foraging behaviour, colony development and capacity of orientation. The real dispersal of contaminated dusts was previously assessed in specific filed trials. In the second part, the impact of various pesticides (chemical and biological) on honey bee biochemical-physiological changes, was evaluated. Different ways and durations of exposure to the tested products were also employed. Three experimentations were performed, combining Bt spores and deltamethrin, Bt spores and fipronil, difenoconazole and deltamethrin. Several important enzymes (GST, ALP, SOD, CAT, G6PDH, GAPDH) were selected in order to test the pesticides induced variations in their activity. In particular, these enzymes are involved in different pathways of detoxification, oxidative stress defence and energetic metabolism. The results showed a significant effect on mortality of neonicotinoids and fipronil contaminated dusts, both in laboratory and in semi-field trials. However, no effects were evidenced in honey bees orientation capacity. The analysis of different biochemical indicators highlighted some interesting physiological variations that can be linked to the pesticide exposure. We therefore stress the attention on the possibility of using such a methodology as a novel toxicity endpoint in environmental risk assessment.


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Magnesium is an essential element for many biological processes crucial for cell life and proliferation. Growing evidences point out a role for this cation in the apoptotic process and in developing multi drug resistance (MDR) phenotype. The first part of this study aimed to highlight the involvement of the mitochondrial magnesium channel MRS2 in modulating drug-induced apoptosis. We generated an appropriate transgenic cellular system to regulate expression of MRS2 protein. The cells were then exposed to two different apoptotic agents commonly used in chemotherapy. The obtained results showed that cells overexpressing MRS2 channel are less responsiveness to pharmacological insults, looking more resistant to the induced apoptosis. Moreover, in normal condition, MRS2 overexpression induces higher magnesium uptake into isolated mitochondria respect to control cells correlating with an increment of total intracellular magnesium concentration. In the second part of this research we investigated whether magnesium intracellular content and compartmentalization could be used as a signature to discriminate MDR tumour cells from their sensitive counterparts. As MDR model we choose colon carcinoma cell line sensitive and resistant to doxorubicin. We exploited a standard-less approach providing a complete characterization of whole single-cells by combining X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy , Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy. This method allows the quantification of the intracellular spatial distribution and total concentration of magnesium in whole dehydrated cells. The measurements, carried out in 27 single cells, revealed a different magnesium pattern for both concentration and distribution of the element in the two cellular strains. These results were then confirmed by quantifying the total amount of intracellular magnesium in a large populations of cells by using DCHQ5 probe and traditional fluorimetric technique.


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During the previous 10 years, global R&D expenditure in the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology sector has steadily increased, without a corresponding increase in output of new medicines. To address this situation, the biopharmaceutical industry's greatest need is to predict the failures at the earliest possible stage of the drug development process. A major key to reducing failures in drug screenings is the development and use of preclinical models that are more predictive of efficacy and safety in clinical trials. Further, relevant animal models are needed to allow a wider testing of novel hypotheses. Key to this is the developing, refining, and validating of complex animal models that directly link therapeutic targets to the phenotype of disease, allowing earlier prediction of human response to medicines and identification of safety biomarkers. Morehover, well-designed animal studies are essential to bridge the gap between test in cell cultures and people. Zebrafish is emerging, complementary to other models, as a powerful system for cancer studies and drugs discovery. We aim to investigate this research area designing a new preclinical cancer model based on the in vivo imaging of zebrafish embryogenesis. Technological advances in imaging have made it feasible to acquire nondestructive in vivo images of fluorescently labeled structures, such as cell nuclei and membranes, throughout early Zebrafishsh embryogenesis. This In vivo image-based investigation provides measurements for a large number of features at cellular level and events including nuclei movements, cells counting, and mitosis detection, thereby enabling the estimation of more significant parameters such as proliferation rate, highly relevant for investigating anticancer drug effects. In this work, we designed a standardized procedure for accessing drug activity at the cellular level in live zebrafish embryos. The procedure includes methodologies and tools that combine imaging and fully automated measurements of embryonic cell proliferation rate. We achieved proliferation rate estimation through the automatic classification and density measurement of epithelial enveloping layer and deep layer cells. Automatic embryonic cells classification provides the bases to measure the variability of relevant parameters, such as cell density, in different classes of cells and is finalized to the estimation of efficacy and selectivity of anticancer drugs. Through these methodologies we were able to evaluate and to measure in vivo the therapeutic potential and overall toxicity of Dbait and Irinotecan anticancer molecules. Results achieved on these anticancer molecules are presented and discussed; furthermore, extensive accuracy measurements are provided to investigate the robustness of the proposed procedure. Altogether, these observations indicate that zebrafish embryo can be a useful and cost-effective alternative to some mammalian models for the preclinical test of anticancer drugs and it might also provides, in the near future, opportunities to accelerate the process of drug discovery.


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Drug abuse is a major global problem which has a strong impact not only on the single individual but also on the entire society. Among the different strategies that can be used to address this issue an important role is played by identification of abusers and proper medical treatment. This kind of therapy should be carefully monitored in order to discourage improper use of the medication and to tailor the dose according to the specific needs of the patient. Hence, reliable analytical methods are needed to reveal drug intake and to support physicians in the pharmacological management of drug dependence. In the present Ph.D. thesis original analytical methods for the determination of drugs with a potential for abuse and of substances used in the pharmacological treatment of drug addiction are presented. In particular, the work has been focused on the analysis of ketamine, naloxone and long-acting opioids (buprenorphine and methadone), oxycodone, disulfiram and bupropion in human plasma and in dried blood spots. The developed methods are based on the use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to various kinds of detectors (mass spectrometer, coulometric detector, diode array detector). For biological sample pre-treatment different techniques have been exploited, namely solid phase extraction and microextraction by packed sorbent. All the presented methods have been validated according to official guidelines with good results and some of these have been successfully applied to the therapeutic drug monitoring of patients under treatment for drug abuse.


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This thesis work aims to develop original analytical methods for the determination of drugs with a potential for abuse, for the analysis of substances used in the pharmacological treatment of drug addiction in biological samples and for the monitoring of potentially toxic compounds added to street drugs. In fact reliable analytical techniques can play an important role in this setting. They can be employed to reveal drug intake, allowing the identification of drug users and to assess drug blood levels, assisting physicians in the management of the treatment. Pharmacological therapy needs to be carefully monitored indeed in order to optimize the dose scheduling according to the specific needs of the patient and to discourage improper use of the medication. In particular, different methods have been developed for the detection of gamma-hydroxybutiric acid (GHB), prescribed for the treatment of alcohol addiction, of glucocorticoids, one of the most abused pharmaceutical class to enhance sport performance and of adulterants, pharmacologically active compounds added to illicit drugs for recreational purposes. All the presented methods are based on capillary electrophoresis (CE) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to various detectors (diode array detector, mass spectrometer). Biological samples pre-treatment was carried out using different extraction techniques, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid phase extraction (SPE). Different matrices have been considered: human plasma, dried blood spots, human urine, simulated street drugs. These developed analytical methods are individually described and discussed in this thesis work.