10 resultados para Rosas, Allan: The jurisprudence of human rights law: A comparative interpretive approach

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The objective of this dissertation is to develop and test a predictive model for the passive kinematics of human joints based on the energy minimization principle. To pursue this goal, the tibio-talar joint is chosen as a reference joint, for the reduced number of bones involved and its simplicity, if compared with other sinovial joints such as the knee or the wrist. Starting from the knowledge of the articular surface shapes, the spatial trajectory of passive motion is obtained as the envelop of joint configurations that maximize the surfaces congruence. An increase in joint congruence corresponds to an improved capability of distributing an applied load, allowing the joint to attain a better strength with less material. Thus, joint congruence maximization is a simple geometric way to capture the idea of joint energy minimization. The results obtained are validated against in vitro measured trajectories. Preliminary comparison provide strong support for the predictions of the theoretical model.


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This work provides several policy proposals capable to strengthen the private enforcement of EU competition law in arbitration. It focuses on the procedural law aspects that are permeated by legal uncertainty and that have not yet fallen under the scrutiny of the law and economics debate. The policy proposals described herein are based on the functional approach to law and economics and aim to promote a more qualified decision making process by: adjudicators, private parties and lawmakers. The resulting framework of procedural rules would be a cost-effective policy tool that could sustain the European Commission’s effort to guarantee a workable level of competition in the EU internal market. This project aims to answer the following broad research question: which procedural rules can improve the efficiency of antitrust arbitration by decreasing litigation costs for private parties on the one hand, and by increasing private parties’ compliance with competition law on the other hand?Throughout this research project, such broad question has been developed into research sub-questions revolving around several key legal issues. The chosen sub-research questions result from a vacuum in the European enforcement system that leaves several key legal issues in antitrust arbitration unresolved. The legal framework proposed in this research project could prevent such a blurry scenario from impairing the EU private enforcement of competition law in arbitration. Therefore, our attention was triggered by those legal issues whose proposed solutions lead to relevant uncertainties and that are most suitable for a law and economics analysis.


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Leishmaniasis is a complex parasitic disease caused by intracellular protozoans of the genus Leishmania mainly transmitted by the bite of sand flies. In Italy, leishmaniasis is caused by Leishmania infantum, responsible for the human visceral and canine leishmaniases (HVL and CanL, respectively). Within Emilia-Romagna region, Italy, recent molecular studies indicated that L. infantum strains circulating in dogs and humans are different. This suggests that an animal reservoir other than dog should be evaluated in the epidemiology of HVL in Emilia-Romagna. Therefore, the main aim of this PhD project was to investigate the role of wild and peridomestic mammals as potential animal reservoirs of L. infantum in the regional zones where HVL foci are still active, also evaluating the possible role of arthropod vectors other than phlebotomine sandflies as vectors of Leishmania spp. in the sylvatic cycle of the protozoa. Overall, 206 specimens of different animal species (roe deer, rats, mice, badgers, hares, polecats, foxes, beech martens, bank voles, hedgehogs, and shrews), collected in Emilia-Romagna were screened for Leishmania with a real-time PCR, revealing a prevalence of 33% for roe deer (first report in this species). Positivity was also found in brown rats (10.6%), black rats (13.1%), mice (10%), badgers (25%), hedgehogs (80%) and bank voles (11%). To distinguish the two strains of L. infantum circulating in Emilia-Romagna, a nested PCR protocol optimized for animal tissues was developed, demonstrating that over 90% of L. infantum infections in roe deer were due to the strain isolated from humans and suggesting their possible role as reservoirs in the study area. Furthermore, the presence of Leishmania kDNA was detected in unfed larvae, nymphs and males of questing Ixodes ricinus ticks collected in regional parks of Emilia-Romagna suggesting their possible role in the transmission of L. infantum in a sylvatic or rural cycle.


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Mollusk shells are often found in archeological sites, given their great preservation potential and high value as a multipurpose resource. They are often the only available material to use for radiocarbon dating, due to a lack of well-preserved bones in many archeological sites, especially for the key period of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition. However, radiocarbon dating on mollusk shells is often regarded as less reliable compared to bones, wood, or charcoals due to the various factors influencing their radiocarbon content (e.g., Isotope fractionation, marine reservoir effect etc.). For the development of more accurate chronologies using shells, it is fundamental to continue improving the precision of the techniques applied, as has been done for other materials (wood and bones). Thus, improving the chemical pretreatment on mollusk shells might allow researchers to obtain more reliable radiocarbon determinations allowing for the construction of new radiocarbon chronologies in archeological sites where so far it has not been possible. Furthermore, mollusk shells can provide information on the climatic and environmental variables present during their growth. Using shells for paleoclimatic reconstruction adds more evidence helpful for the interpretation of scenarios of human migration, adaptation, and behavior. Standard methods for both radiocarbon and stable isotope studies use the carbonate fraction of the shell. However, being biogenic structures, mollusk shells also consist of a minor organic fraction. The shell organic matrix has an important role in the formation of the calcium carbonate structure and is still not fully understood. This thesis explores the potential of using the shell organic matrix for radiocarbon dating and paleoenvironmental studies. The results of the work performed for this thesis represent a starting point for future research to build on, and further develop the approach and methodology proposed here.


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The main topic of this thesis is confounding in linear regression models. It arises when a relationship between an observed process, the covariate, and an outcome process, the response, is influenced by an unmeasured process, the confounder, associated with both. Consequently, the estimators for the regression coefficients of the measured covariates might be severely biased, less efficient and characterized by misleading interpretations. Confounding is an issue when the primary target of the work is the estimation of the regression parameters. The central point of the dissertation is the evaluation of the sampling properties of parameter estimators. This work aims to extend the spatial confounding framework to general structured settings and to understand the behaviour of confounding as a function of the data generating process structure parameters in several scenarios focusing on the joint covariate-confounder structure. In line with the spatial statistics literature, our purpose is to quantify the sampling properties of the regression coefficient estimators and, in turn, to identify the most prominent quantities depending on the generative mechanism impacting confounding. Once the sampling properties of the estimator conditionally on the covariate process are derived as ratios of dependent quadratic forms in Gaussian random variables, we provide an analytic expression of the marginal sampling properties of the estimator using Carlson’s R function. Additionally, we propose a representative quantity for the magnitude of confounding as a proxy of the bias, its first-order Laplace approximation. To conclude, we work under several frameworks considering spatial and temporal data with specific assumptions regarding the covariance and cross-covariance functions used to generate the processes involved. This study allows us to claim that the variability of the confounder-covariate interaction and of the covariate plays the most relevant role in determining the principal marker of the magnitude of confounding.


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The relevance of human joint models was shown in the literature. In particular, the great importance of models for the joint passive motion simulation (i.e. motion under virtually unloaded conditions) was outlined. They clarify the role played by the principal anatomical structures of the articulation, enhancing the comprehension of surgical treatments, and in particular the design of total ankle replacement and ligament reconstruction. Equivalent rigid link mechanisms proved to be an efficient tool for an accurate simulation of the joint passive motion. This thesis focuses on the ankle complex (i.e. the anatomical structure composed of the tibiotalar and the subtalar joints), which has a considerable role in human locomotion. The lack of interpreting models of this articulation and the poor results of total ankle replacement arthroplasty have strongly suggested devising new mathematical models capable of reproducing the restraining function of each structure of the joint and of replicating the relative motion of the bones which constitute the joint itself. In this contest, novel equivalent mechanisms are proposed for modelling the ankle passive motion. Their geometry is based on the joint’s anatomical structures. In particular, the role of the main ligaments of the articulation is investigated under passive conditions by means of nine 5-5 fully parallel mechanisms. Based on this investigation, a one-DOF spatial mechanism is developed for modelling the passive motion of the lower leg. The model considers many passive structures constituting the articulation, overcoming the limitations of previous models which took into account few anatomical elements of the ankle complex. All the models have been identified from experimental data by means of optimization procedure. Then, the simulated motions have been compared to the experimental one, in order to show the efficiency of the approach and thus to deduce the role of each anatomical structure in the ankle kinematic behavior.


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In this thesis, we extend some ideas of statistical physics to describe the properties of human mobility. By using a database containing GPS measures of individual paths (position, velocity and covered space at a spatial scale of 2 Km or a time scale of 30 sec), which includes the 2% of the private vehicles in Italy, we succeed in determining some statistical empirical laws pointing out "universal" characteristics of human mobility. Developing simple stochastic models suggesting possible explanations of the empirical observations, we are able to indicate what are the key quantities and cognitive features that are ruling individuals' mobility. To understand the features of individual dynamics, we have studied different aspects of urban mobility from a physical point of view. We discuss the implications of the Benford's law emerging from the distribution of times elapsed between successive trips. We observe how the daily travel-time budget is related with many aspects of the urban environment, and describe how the daily mobility budget is then spent. We link the scaling properties of individual mobility networks to the inhomogeneous average durations of the activities that are performed, and those of the networks describing people's common use of space with the fractional dimension of the urban territory. We study entropy measures of individual mobility patterns, showing that they carry almost the same information of the related mobility networks, but are also influenced by a hierarchy among the activities performed. We discover that Wardrop's principles are violated as drivers have only incomplete information on traffic state and therefore rely on knowledge on the average travel-times. We propose an assimilation model to solve the intrinsic scattering of GPS data on the street network, permitting the real-time reconstruction of traffic state at a urban scale.


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From the late 1980s, the automation of sequencing techniques and the computer spread gave rise to a flourishing number of new molecular structures and sequences and to proliferation of new databases in which to store them. Here are presented three computational approaches able to analyse the massive amount of publicly avalilable data in order to answer to important biological questions. The first strategy studies the incorrect assignment of the first AUG codon in a messenger RNA (mRNA), due to the incomplete determination of its 5' end sequence. An extension of the mRNA 5' coding region was identified in 477 in human loci, out of all human known mRNAs analysed, using an automated expressed sequence tag (EST)-based approach. Proof-of-concept confirmation was obtained by in vitro cloning and sequencing for GNB2L1, QARS and TDP2 and the consequences for the functional studies are discussed. The second approach analyses the codon bias, the phenomenon in which distinct synonymous codons are used with different frequencies, and, following integration with a gene expression profile, estimates the total number of codons present across all the expressed mRNAs (named here "codonome value") in a given biological condition. Systematic analyses across different pathological and normal human tissues and multiple species shows a surprisingly tight correlation between the codon bias and the codonome bias. The third approach is useful to studies the expression of human autism spectrum disorder (ASD) implicated genes. ASD implicated genes sharing microRNA response elements (MREs) for the same microRNA are co-expressed in brain samples from healthy and ASD affected individuals. The different expression of a recently identified long non coding RNA which have four MREs for the same microRNA could disrupt the equilibrium in this network, but further analyses and experiments are needed.


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Through the analysis of the prose of two nineteenth-century women writers: the English Mary Leman Grimstone and the Cuban-Spanish Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, the present dissertation aims at unveiling the relationship between women’s writings and the struggle for the recognition of women’s rights in two different geopolitical locations. To do so, it weaves a Feminist Planetary Web between each writer and her context, as well as among both writers, finding points of connection and disconnection. It shows how women appropriated the pen in different geographical locations, exposing a particular female voice that denounced not only the oppression suffered by women, but also by other marginalized subjects. For each writer this dissertation exposes several macro-arguments present transversally in their work, like their critiques to the institution of marriage, the importance of proper education for women, the advocacy for religious tolerance, and the narrative construction of different male and female paradigms. The critiques to the institution of marriage is a point of connection between both authors. They also coincided in highlighting the importance of women’s right to access a proper education. Aside from these commonalities, this dissertation also analyses how Grimstone and Gómez de Avellaneda negotiated their position in the literary public realm, showing how it was precisely in this point that readers and critics can find noteworthy differences between them.


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This Thesis focuses on the principles of international law relevant to the resolution of legal disputes arising from sovereign insolvency conflicts. It attempts to contribute to the “incremental” approach literature by identifying principles, justifying their application in litigation and assessing whether they may help to reconcile the trade-offs prevalent in that context. For that purpose, this Thesis distinguishes between two different types of principles. First, it investigates the “Principles of Public International Law” (henceforth, “PIL principles”). Said category refers to norms of the law of nations which can be considered functionally and structurally similar to domestic constitutional principles (i.e., that can be regarded as “optimization” or “prima facie” requirements). This Thesis underscores the PIL principles protecting the interests of the creditors and citizens as well as the “public interest”, arguing that decision makers face a trade-off between these principles in the context of restructurings. Secondly, this Thesis inquires into the “general principles of domestic law” (henceforth, “GPDs”) which can be applied in sovereign debt restructuring. Two GPDs are identified: a “stay” on litigation and a “cram down” on dissenting creditors’ claims. Although both principles have been identified by the prior literature, this work advances a small but significant “twist” in the methodology used for that purpose: it relies exclusively on functional and comparative analysis. Moreover, this work justifies the application of said GPDs for two jurisdictions: New York and Germany. Finally, it posits that those GPDs can help to mitigate the trade-offs between PIL principles, thus reconciling the interests at stake.