9 resultados para Rites of passage
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Prendendo in esame diverse angolature d’analisi è indagata la situazione attuale della produzione tradizionale della ceramica salentina. La ricerca comprende la descrizione della situazione culturale attuale, l’analisi qualitativa e quantitativa dei dati raccolti sul campo e la costruzione di un quadro generale multidimensionale della rappresentazione di un’area culturale. Il primo capitolo della tesi tratta il problema teorico dei linguaggi specialistici e delle peculiarità a essi legati. La dottoranda fornisce un quadro completo ed esaustivo della bibliografia sia italiana che anglosassone sull’argomento affrontato. Questo capitolo fa da introduzione al problema della comunicazione specialistica nell’ambito della quale si svolgono le interviste. Il secondo capitolo presenta la metodologia utilizzata durante la ricerca svolta sul campo. La metodologia della ricerca sul campo include i metodi etnografici di osservazione partecipante e linguistico antropologici di interviste non strutturate. Il terzo capitolo della tesi è dedicato alla descrizione etnografica del processo produttivo. Questo capitolo ha un valore rilevante per l’intera ricerca poiché oltre ai termini italiani sono riportati tutti i termini tradizionali e descritti dettagliatamente i momenti della produzione. Va dimostrata una profonda conoscenza della lavorazione della ceramica nel Salento non solo nel suo stato attuale ma anche nel passato. Come parte conclusiva di questo capitolo è proposta una riflessione di carattere filosofico e antropologico sul ruolo dell’artigiano come Creatore, proponendo paragoni con la figura del Demiurgo platonico descritto nel “Timeo” e l’analisi del cambiamento dello statuto di oggetto da manufatto a oggetto industriale basandosi sul lavoro di Baudrillard. Il quarto capitolo è strutturato in modo diverso rispetto agli altri perché rappresenta la parte centrale della tesi e propone quattro diversi tipi di analisi linguistica possibile. La prima analisi riguarda l’ideologia linguistica e la sua espressione nel parlato inosservato. E’ fornita la prospettiva teorica sulla problematica di ideologia linguistica e dimostrata la conoscenza dei testi sia di natura sociologica (Althusser, Bourdieu, Gouldner, Hobsbawm, Thompson, Boas) che di natura linguistica (Schieffelin Bambi B., Woolard Kathryn A., Kroskrity Paul V., eds. 1998 Language ideologies : practice and theory. New York Oxford, Oxford University press). Golovko analizza i marcatori spazio-temporali utilizzati dagli artigiani per costruire le tassonomie del pronome “noi” e la contrapposizione “noi” – altri. Questa analisi consente di distinguere i diversi livelli d’inclusione ed esclusione del gruppo. Un altro livello di analisi include la valutazione degli usi del passato e del presente nel parlato per costruire le dimensioni temporali del discorso. L’analisi dei marcatori spazio-temporali consente di proporre una teoria sulla “distanza” tra i parlanti che influisce la scelta del codice oppure la sua modifica (passaggio dal dialetto all’italiano, la scelta della varietà a seconda dell’interlocutore). La parte dedicata all’ideologia si conclude con un’analisi profonda (sia quantitativa che qualitativa) dei verbi di moto che sono stati raggruppati in una categoria denominata dalla Golovko “verbi di fase” che rappresentano usi non standard dei verbi di moto per esprimere il passaggio da una fase all’altra. Il termine “fasale” prende spunto non dalla letteratura linguistica ma dal libro di Van Gennep “Les rites de passage” che discute dell’importanza dei riti di passaggio nella cultura africana e nella ricerca etnografica e folkloristica. È stato rilevato dalla dottoranda che i passaggi da una fase produttiva all’altra hanno un valore particolare anche nella produzione della ceramica e soprattutto negli usi particolari dei verbi di moto. Analizzati in profondità, questi usi particolari rispecchiano non solo fattori linguistici ma anche la visione e la percezione di queste fasi delicate in modo particolare dagli artigiani stessi. Sono stati descritti i procedimenti linguistici come personalizzazione e alienazione dell’oggetto. Inoltre la dottoranda ha dimostrato la conoscenza della letteratura antropologica non solo inerente la zona da lei studiata ma anche di altre come, ad esempio, dell’Africa Sub Sahariana. Nella parte successiva del quarto capitolo viene proposta un’altra chiave di lettura delle problematiche linguistiche: l’analisi del lessico utilizzato dagli artigiani per poter classificare i gruppi identitari presenti nella comunità studiata. E’ proposta l’analisi dei rapporti all’interno dei gruppi professionali che sono generalmente classificati come solidarietà e distinzione. La terminologia ha origine sociologica, infatti viene proposto un quadro teorico degli studi sulla solidarietà (Durkheim, Appandurai, Harré, Zoll) e l’adattamento del termine in questo senso coniato da Bourdieu “la distiction”. L’identità linguistica è affrontata sia dal punto di vista linguistico che dal punto di vista sociologico. Per svolgere l’analisi sulle identità assunte dagli artigiani e poter ricondurre la scelta volontaria e a volte non conscia di uno stile (consistente di un insieme di termini) inteso come espressione d’identità assunta dagli artigiani, la dottoranda riflette sul termine “stile” nella sua accezione sociolinguistica, com’è usuale negli studi anglosasoni di ultima generazione (Coupland, Eckert, Irvine e altri). La dottoranda fornisce una classificazione delle identità e ne spiega la motivazione basandosi sui dati empirici raccolti. La terza parte del quarto capitolo è dedicata all’analisi del linguaggio specialistico degli artigiani e alla descrizione dei tratti solitamente assegnati a questo tipo di linguaggio (monoreferenziaità, trasparenza, sinteticità e altri). La dottoranda svolge un’analisi di carattere semantico dei sinonimi presenti nel linguaggio degli artigiani, analizza il rapporto con la lingua comune, riporta l’uso delle metafore e casi di produttività linguistica. L’ultima parte del quarto capitolo consiste nell’analisi dei tratti non standard nel linguaggio degli artigiani classificati considerando il livello di variazione (lessico, morfologia e morfosintassi e sintassi) e spiegati con gli esempi tratti dalle interviste. L’autrice riflette sui cambiamenti avvenuti nella lingua parlata italiana e nella sua varietà regionale basandosi sui lavori “classici” della linguistica italiana (Berruto, Sobrero, Stehl, Bruni, D’Achille, Berretta, Tempesta e altri) studiandone attentamente i processi evidenziati nella sua descrizione. Lo scopo e l’apice della tesi consiste nell’analisi del repertorio linguistico degli artigiani e la discussione delle dinamiche in corso (livellamento del dialetto, convergenza e divergenza del dialetto, italianizzazione e regionalizzazione dell’italiano). La dottoranda propone un suo schema di rapporti tra italiano e dialetto motivando pienamente la sua teoria. A corollario la tesi è composta anche da un glossario dei termini tecnici e un album fotografico che aumentano l’interesse del lavoro dandogli un valore culturale.
Nell'ambito di un'indagine sull'identità del rivoluzionario nel XIX secolo, calata tra gli attivisti coinvolti nella Comune di Parigi, si è trattato di selezionare quelle autobiografie scritte e pubblicate da comunardi come parte integrante della loro attività politica, e così porre il problema del rapporto tra pratica autobiografica e rivoluzione, ovvero chiarire le condizioni del passage au récit, la scelta autobiografica e insieme la mise en intrigue tra esperienze individuali e rivoluzione. Questa ricerca si presenta dunque come un lavoro sulle pratiche autobiografiche all'interno delle pratiche di attivismo politico, ovvero più specificamente sulla relazione tra autobiografia e rivoluzione. In altri termini si analizza il modo in cui i rivoluzionari narravano la loro identità in pubblico, perché lo avessero fatto e cosa veicolavo in termini di stili di vita e convinzioni particolari. In quanto rivoluzionari, l'autobiografia diviene fonte e parte di ciò che essi reputavano in quel momento la propria traiettoria rivoluzionaria, la narrazione di quella che in quel momento ritenevano comunicare al pubblico come propria identità narrativa. La ricerca si articola in tre momenti. Nel primo capitolo analizzo le biografie, o meglio un piccolo gruppo tra la massa di biografie di comunardi edite all'indomani della Comune da parte della pubblicistica tanto ostile quanto partigiana della Comune. Queste narrazioni biografiche diffuse nei mesi successivi alla repressione della rivoluzione comunalista consentono di affrontare una delle condizioni fondamentali del passage au récit autobiografico che si manifesterà solo posteriormente. Il secondo e il terzo capitolo sono dedicati a due progetti autobiografici di diversa natura: la trilogia autobiografica di Jules Vallès (1879, 1881, 1886) e le Mémoires di Louise Michel (1886).
Habitat structure is known to influence the abundance of fishes on temperate reefs. Biotic interactions play a major role in determining the distribution and abundance of species. The significance of these forces in affecting the abundance of fishes may hinge on the presence of organisms that either create or alter habitat. On temperate reefs, for example, macroalgae are considered autogenic ecosystem engineers because they control resource availability to other species through their physical structure and provide much of the structure used by fish. On both coral and temperate reefs, small cryptic reef fishes may comprise up to half of the fish numbers and constitute a diverse community containing many specialized species. Small cryptic fishes (<100 mm total length) may be responsible for the passage of 57% of the energy flow and constitute ca. 35% of the overall reef fish biomass on coral reefs. These benthic fish exploit restricted habitats where food and shelter are obtained in, or in relation to, conditions of substrate complexity and/or restricted living space. A range of mechanisms has been proposed to account for the diversity and the abundance of small fishes: (1) lifehistory strategies that promote short generation times, (2) habitat associations and behaviour that reduce predation and (3) resource partitioning that allows small species to coexist with larger competitors. Despite their abundance and potential importance within reef systems, little is known of the community ecology of cryptic fishes. Specifically on habitat associations many theories suggested a not clear direction on this subject. My research contributes to the development of marine fish ecology by addressing the effects of habitat characteristics upon distribution of cryptobenthic fish assemblages. My focus was on the important shallow, coastal ecosystems that often serve as nursery habitat for many fish and where different type of habitat is likely to both play important roles in organism distribution and survival. My research included three related studies: (1) identification of structuring forces on cryptic fish assemblages, such as physical and biological forcing; (2) macroalgae as potential tools for cryptic fish and identification of different habitat feature that could explain cryptic fish assemblages distribution; (3) canopy formers loss: consequences on cryptic fish and relationship with benthos modifications. I found that: (1) cryptic fish assemblages differ between landward and seaward sides of coastal breakwaters in Adriatic Sea. These differences are explained by 50% of the habitat characteristics on two sides, mainly due to presence of the Codium fragile, sand and oyster assemblages. Microhabitat structure influence cryptic fish assemblages. (2) Different habitat support different cryptic fish assemblages. High heterogeneity on benthic assemblages reflect different fish assemblages. Biogenic components that explain different and diverse cryptic fish assemblages are: anemonia bed, mussel bed, macroalgal stands and Cystoseira barbata, as canopy formers. (3) Canopy forming loss is not relevant in structuring directly cryptic fish assemblages. A removal of canopy forming algae did not affect the structure of cryptic fish assemblages. Canopy formers algae on Conero cliff, does not seem to act as structuring force, probably due to its regressive status. In conclusion, cryptic fish have been shown to have species-specific associations with habitat features relating to the biological and non biological components afforded by fish. Canopy formers algae do not explain cryptic fish assemblages distribution and the results of this study and information from the literature (both from the Mediterranean Sea and elsewhere) show that there are no univocal responses of fish assemblages. Further exanimations on an non regressive status of Cystoseira canopy habitat are needed to define and evaluate the relationship between canopy formers and fish on Mediterranean sea.
Curved mountain belts have always fascinated geologists and geophysicists because of their peculiar structural setting and geodynamic mechanisms of formation. The need of studying orogenic bends arises from the numerous questions to which geologists and geophysicists have tried to answer to during the last two decades, such as: what are the mechanisms governing orogenic bends formation? Why do they form? Do they develop in particular geological conditions? And if so, what are the most favorable conditions? What are their relationships with the deformational history of the belt? Why is the shape of arcuate orogens in many parts of the Earth so different? What are the factors controlling the shape of orogenic bends? Paleomagnetism demonstrated to be one of the most effective techniques in order to document the deformation of a curved belt through the determination of vertical axis rotations. In fact, the pattern of rotations within a curved belt can reveal the occurrence of a bending, and its timing. Nevertheless, paleomagnetic data alone are not sufficient to constrain the tectonic evolution of a curved belt. Usually, structural analysis integrates paleomagnetic data, in defining the kinematics of a belt through kinematic indicators on brittle fault planes (i.e., slickensides, mineral fibers growth, SC-structures). My research program has been focused on the study of curved mountain belts through paleomagnetism, in order to define their kinematics, timing, and mechanisms of formation. Structural analysis, performed only in some regions, supported and integrated paleomagnetic data. In particular, three arcuate orogenic systems have been investigated: the Western Alpine Arc (NW Italy), the Bolivian Orocline (Central Andes, NW Argentina), and the Patagonian Orocline (Tierra del Fuego, southern Argentina). The bending of the Western Alpine Arc has been investigated so far using different approaches, though few based on reliable paleomagnetic data. Results from our paleomagnetic study carried out in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin, located on top of Alpine nappes, indicate that the Western Alpine Arc is a primary bend that has been subsequently tightened by further ~50° during Aquitanian-Serravallian times (23-12 Ma). This mid-Miocene oroclinal bending, superimposing onto a pre-existing Eocene nonrotational arc, is the result of a composite geodynamic mechanism, where slab rollback, mantle flows, and rotating thrust emplacement are intimately linked. Relying on our paleomagnetic and structural evidence, the Bolivian Orocline can be considered as a progressive bend, whose formation has been driven by the along-strike gradient of crustal shortening. The documented clockwise rotations up to 45° are compatible with a secondary-bending type mechanism occurring after Eocene-Oligocene times (30-40 Ma), and their nature is probably related to the widespread shearing taking place between zones of differential shortening. Since ~15 Ma ago, the activity of N-S left-lateral strike-slip faults in the Eastern Cordillera at the border with the Altiplano-Puna plateau induced up to ~40° counterclockwise rotations along the fault zone, locally annulling the regional clockwise rotation. We proposed that mid-Miocene strike-slip activity developed in response of a compressive stress (related to body forces) at the plateau margins, caused by the progressive lateral (southward) growth of the Altiplano-Puna plateau, laterally spreading from the overthickened crustal region of the salient apex. The growth of plateaux by lateral spreading seems to be a mechanism common to other major plateaux in the Earth (i.e., Tibetan plateau). Results from the Patagonian Orocline represent the first reliable constraint to the timing of bending in the southern tip of South America. They indicate that the Patagonian Orocline did not undergo any significant rotation since early Eocene times (~50 Ma), implying that it may be considered either a primary bend, or an orocline formed during the late Cretaceous-early Eocene deformation phase. This result has important implications on the opening of the Drake Passage at ~32 Ma, since it is definitely not related to the formation of the Patagonian orocline, but the sole consequence of the Scotia plate spreading. Finally, relying on the results and implications from the study of the Western Alpine Arc, the Bolivian Orocline, and the Patagonian Orocline, general conclusions on curved mountain belt formation have been inferred.
Sperm cells need hexoses as a substrate for their function, for both the maintenance of membrane homeostasis and the movement of the tail. These cells have a peculiar metabolism that has not yet been fully understood, but it is clear that they obtain energy from hexoses through glycolisis and/or oxidative phosphorylation. Spermatozoa are in contact with different external environments, beginning from the testicular and epididymal fluid, passing to the seminal plasma and finally to the female genital tract fluids; in addition, with the spread of reproductive biotechnologies, sperm cells are diluted and stored in various media, containing different energetic substrates. To utilize these energetic sources, sperm cells, as other eukaryotic cells, have a well-constructed protein system, that is mainly represented by the GLUT family proteins. These transporters have a membrane-spanning α-helix structure and work as an enzymatic pump that permit a fast gradient dependent passage of sugar molecules through the lipidic bilayer of sperm membrane. Many GLUTs have been studied in man, bull and rat spermatozoa; the presence of some GLUTs has been also demonstrated in boar and dog spermatozoa. The aims of the present study were - to determine the presence of GLUTs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in boar, horse, dog and donkey spermatozoa and to describe their localization; - to study eventual changes in GLUTs location after capacitation and acrosome reaction in boar, stallion and dog spermatozoa; - to determine possible changes in GLUTs localization after capacitation induced by insulin and IGF stimulation in boar spermatozoa; - to evaluate changes in GLUTs localization after flow-cytometric sex sorting in boar sperm cells. GLUTs 1, 2, 3 and 5 presence and localization have been demonstrated in boar, stallion, dog and donkey spermatozoa by western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis; a relocation in GLUTs after capacitation has been observed only in dog sperm cells, while no changes have been observed in the other species examined. As for boar, the stimulation of the capacitation with insulin and IGF didn’t cause any change in GLUTs localization, as well as for the flow cytometric sorting procedure. In conclusion, this study confirms the presence of GLUTs 1, 2 ,3 and 5 in boar, dog, stallion and donkey spermatozoa, while GLUT 4 seems to be absent, as a confirmation of other studies. Only in dog sperm cells capacitating conditions induce a change in GLUTs distribution, even if the physiological role of these changes should be deepened.
Forecasting the time, location, nature, and scale of volcanic eruptions is one of the most urgent aspects of modern applied volcanology. The reliability of probabilistic forecasting procedures is strongly related to the reliability of the input information provided, implying objective criteria for interpreting the historical and monitoring data. For this reason both, detailed analysis of past data and more basic research into the processes of volcanism, are fundamental tasks of a continuous information-gain process; in this way the precursor events of eruptions can be better interpreted in terms of their physical meanings with correlated uncertainties. This should lead to better predictions of the nature of eruptive events. In this work we have studied different problems associated with the long- and short-term eruption forecasting assessment. First, we discuss different approaches for the analysis of the eruptive history of a volcano, most of them generally applied for long-term eruption forecasting purposes; furthermore, we present a model based on the characteristics of a Brownian passage-time process to describe recurrent eruptive activity, and apply it for long-term, time-dependent, eruption forecasting (Chapter 1). Conversely, in an effort to define further monitoring parameters as input data for short-term eruption forecasting in probabilistic models (as for example, the Bayesian Event Tree for eruption forecasting -BET_EF-), we analyze some characteristics of typical seismic activity recorded in active volcanoes; in particular, we use some methodologies that may be applied to analyze long-period (LP) events (Chapter 2) and volcano-tectonic (VT) seismic swarms (Chapter 3); our analysis in general are oriented toward the tracking of phenomena that can provide information about magmatic processes. Finally, we discuss some possible ways to integrate the results presented in Chapters 1 (for long-term EF), 2 and 3 (for short-term EF) in the BET_EF model (Chapter 4).
This thesis is about three major aspects of the identification of top quarks. First comes the understanding of their production mechanism, their decay channels and how to translate theoretical formulae into programs that can simulate such physical processes using Monte Carlo techniques. In particular, the author has been involved in the introduction of the POWHEG generator in the framework of the ATLAS experiment. POWHEG is now fully used as the benchmark program for the simulation of ttbar pairs production and decay, along with MC@NLO and AcerMC: this will be shown in chapter one. The second chapter illustrates the ATLAS detectors and its sub-units, such as calorimeters and muon chambers. It is very important to evaluate their efficiency in order to fully understand what happens during the passage of radiation through the detector and to use this knowledge in the calculation of final quantities such as the ttbar production cross section. The last part of this thesis concerns the evaluation of this quantity deploying the so-called "golden channel" of ttbar decays, yielding one energetic charged lepton, four particle jets and a relevant quantity of missing transverse energy due to the neutrino. The most important systematic errors arising from the various part of the calculation are studied in detail. Jet energy scale, trigger efficiency, Monte Carlo models, reconstruction algorithms and luminosity measurement are examples of what can contribute to the uncertainty about the cross-section.
Shellfish are filter-feeding organisms that can accumulate many bacteria and viruses. Considering that depuration procedures are not effective in removal of certain microorganisms, shellfish-borne diseases are frequent in many parts of the world, and their control must rely primarily on investigation of prevalence of human pathogens in shellfish and water environment. However, the diffusion of enteric viruses and Vibrio bacteria is not known in many geographical areas, for example in Sardinia, Italy. A survey aimed at investigating the prevalence of Norovirus (NoV), hepatitis A virus (HAV), V. parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae and V. vulnificus was carried out, analyzing both local and imported purified, non-purified and retail shellfish from North Italy and Sardinia. Shellfish from both areas were found contaminated by NoVs, HAV and Vibrio, including retail and purified animals. Molecular analysis evidenced different NoV genogroups and genotypes, including bovine NoVs, as well as pathogenic Vibrio strains, underlining the risk for shellfish consumers. However, also other approaches are needed to control the diffusion of shellfish-borne diseases. It was originally thought that enteric viruses are passively accumulated by shellfish. Recently, it was proven that NoVs bind to specific carbohydrate ligands in oysters, and various NoV strains are characterized by a different bioaccumulation pattern. To deepen the knowledge on this argument, a study was carried out, analyzing bioaccumulation of up to 8 different NoV strains in four different species of shellfish. Different bioaccumulation patterns were observed for each shellfish species and NoV strain used, potentially important in setting up effective shellfish purification protocols. Finally, a novel study of evaluation of viral contamination in shellfish from the French Atlantic coast was carried out following the passage of Xynthia tempest over Western Europe which caused massive destruction. Different enteric viruses were found over a one month period, evidencing the potential of these events of contaminating shellfish.
This research has focused on the study of the behavior and of the collapse of masonry arch bridges. The latest decades have seen an increasing interest in this structural type, that is still present and in use, despite the passage of time and the variation of the transport means. Several strategies have been developed during the time to simulate the response of this type of structures, although even today there is no generally accepted standard one for assessment of masonry arch bridges. The aim of this thesis is to compare the principal analytical and numerical methods existing in literature on case studies, trying to highlight values and weaknesses. The methods taken in exam are mainly three: i) the Thrust Line Analysis Method; ii) the Mechanism Method; iii) the Finite Element Methods. The Thrust Line Analysis Method and the Mechanism Method are analytical methods and derived from two of the fundamental theorems of the Plastic Analysis, while the Finite Element Method is a numerical method, that uses different strategies of discretization to analyze the structure. Every method is applied to the case study through computer-based representations, that allow a friendly-use application of the principles explained. A particular closed-form approach based on an elasto-plastic material model and developed by some Belgian researchers is also studied. To compare the three methods, two different case study have been analyzed: i) a generic masonry arch bridge with a single span; ii) a real masonry arch bridge, the Clemente Bridge, built on Savio River in Cesena. In the analyses performed, all the models are two-dimensional in order to have results comparable between the different methods taken in exam. The different methods have been compared with each other in terms of collapse load and of hinge positions.