3 resultados para Reproductive effects

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Habitat loss and fragmentation have a prominent role in determining the size of plant populations, and can affect plant-pollinator interactions. It is hypothesized that in small plant populations the ability to set seeds can be reduced due to limited pollination services, since individuals in small populations can receive less quantity or quality of visits. In this study, I investigated the effect of population size on plant reproductive success and insect visitation in 8 populations of two common species in the island of Lesvos, Greece (Mediterranean Sea), Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, and of a rare perennial shrub endemic to north-central Italy, Ononis masquillierii. All the three species depended on insect pollinators for sexual reproduction. For each species, pollen limitation was present in all or nearly all populations, but the relationship between pollen limitation and population size was only present in Ononis masquillierii. However, in Echium plantagineum, significant relationships between both open-pollinated and handcrossed-pollinated seed sets and population size were found, being small populations comparatively less productive than large ones. Additionally, for this species, livestock grazing intensity was greater for small populations and for sparse patches, and had a negative influence on productivity of the remnant plants. Both Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa attracted a great number of insects, representing a wide spectrum of pollinators, thereby can be considered as generalist species. For Ballota acetabulosa, the most important pollinators were megachilid female bees, and insect diversity didn’t decrease with decreasing plant population size. By contrast, Ononis masquillierii plants generally received few visits, with flowers specialized on small bees (Lasioglossum spp.), representing the most important insect guild. In Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, plants in small and large populations received the same amount of visits per flower, and no differences in the number of intraplant visited flowers were detected. On the contrary, large Ononis populations supported higher amounts of pollinators than small ones. At patch level, high Echium flower density was associated with more and higher quality pollinators. My results indicate that small populations were not subject to reduced pollination services than large ones in Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, and suggest that grazing and resource limitation could have a major impact on population fitness in Echium plantagineum. The absence of any size effects in these two species can be explained in the light of their high local abundance, wide habitat specificity, and ability to compete with other co-flowering species for pollinators. By contrast, size represents a key characteristic for both pollination and reproduction in Ononis masquillierii populations, as an increase in size could mitigate the negative effects coming from the disadvantageous reproductive traits of the species. Finally, the widespread occurrence of pollen limitation in the three species may be the result of 1) an ongoing weakening or disruption of plantpollinator interactions derived from ecological perturbations, 2) an adaptive equilibrium in response to stochastic processes, and 3) the presence of unfavourable reproductive traits (for Ononis masquillierii).


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Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) are the most globally used herbicides raising the risk of environmental exposition. Carcinogenic effects are only one component of the multiple adverse health effects of Glyphosate and GBHs that have been reported. Questions related to hazards and corresponding risks identified in relation to endocrine disrupting effects are rising. The present study investigated the possible reproductive/developmental toxicity of GBHs administered to male and female Sprague-Dawley rats under various calendar of treatment. Assessments included maternal and reproductive outcome of F0 and F1 dams exposed to GBHs throughout pregnancy and lactation and developmental landmarks and sexual characteristics of offspring. The study was designed in two stages. In the first stage Glyphosate, or its commercial formulation Roundup Bioflow, was administered to rats at the dose of 1.75 mg/kg bw/day (Glyphosate US Acceptable Daily Intake) from the prenatal period until adulthood. In the second stage, multiple toxicological parameters were simultaneously assessed, including multigeneration reproductive/developmental toxicity of Glyphosate and two GBHs (Roundup Bioflow and Ranger Pro). Man-equivalent doses, beginning from 0.5 mg/kg bw/day (ADI Europe) up to 50 mg/kg bw/day (NOAEL Glyphosate), were administered to male and female rats, covering specific windows of biological susceptibility. The results of stage 1 and preliminary data from stage 2 experiments characterize GBHs as probable endocrine disruptors as suggested by: 1) androgen-like effects of Roundup Bioflow, including a significant increase of anogenital distances in both males and females, delay of first estrous and increased testosterone in females; 2) slight puberty onset anticipation in the high dose of Ranger Pro group, observed in the F1 generation treated from in utero life until adulthood; 3) a delayed balano-preputial separation achievement in the high dose of Ranger Pro-treated males exposed only during the peri-pubertal period, indicating a direct and specific effect of GBHs depending on the timing of exposure.


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The wide use of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) has become a controversial issue due to the potential harmful effects on human health. Commercial formulations, among which Roundup is the most famous one, contain a number of adjuvants inside; most of these are patented and not publicly known, therefore, they can act differently from glyphosate alone and might strengthen its toxic effect. Our study is focused on GBHs reproductive toxicity with a special regard to glyphosate and Roundup impact on male and female mammalian gametes after exposure to concentrations ranging from the one recommended for agricultural use (0.1% Roundup, containing 360 µg/mL glyphosate) to 70-fold lower or more. Sperm quality analysis, either on boar and stallion, showed that Roundup has much more detrimental impact than glyphosate at equivalent concentrations on spermatozoa function and survival. Basing on our results, the toxic effect of these pesticides on spermatozoa may be linked to an impairment in mitochondrial activity and a subsequent decrease in ATP production and/or alterations in the redox balance, which impact cell motility and plasma membrane stability. Moreover, a different species sensitivity to GBHs may exists as high doses of glyphosate affected sperm quality only in boar and not in stallion; furthermore, Roundup had deleterious effects at lower doses in the first compared to the latter. With regard to female gametes, we found that glyphosate and Roundup exposure during IVM detrimentally affect the subsequent developmental ability of swine embryos, providing further evidence of their potential toxic effect on female reproductive system. In addition, Roundup altered steroidogenesis and increased oocyte ROS levels. Therefore, according to our results, we can conclude that GBHs exert a negative impact on both male and female gametes and that Roundup adjuvants enhance glyphosate toxic effects and/or are biologically active in their side-effect.