8 resultados para Remuneration tariffs

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Nowadays licensing practices have increased in importance and relevance driving the widespread diffusion of markets for technologies. Firms are shifting from a tactical to a strategic attitude towards licensing, addressing both business and corporate level objectives. The Open Innovation Paradigm has been embraced. Firms rely more and more on collaboration and external sourcing of knowledge. This new model of innovation requires firms to leverage on external technologies to unlock the potential of firms’ internal innovative efforts. In this context, firms’ competitive advantage depends both on their ability to recognize available opportunities inside and outside their boundaries and on their readiness to exploit them in order to fuel their innovation process dynamically. Licensing is one of the ways available to firm to ripe the advantages associated to an open attitude in technology strategy. From the licensee’s point view this implies challenging the so-called not-invented-here syndrome, affecting the more traditional firms that emphasize the myth of internal research and development supremacy. This also entails understanding the so-called cognitive constraints affecting the perfect functioning of markets for technologies that are associated to the costs for the assimilation, integration and exploitation of external knowledge by recipient firms. My thesis aimed at shedding light on new interesting issues associated to in-licensing activities that have been neglected by the literature on licensing and markets for technologies. The reason for this gap is associated to the “perspective bias” affecting the works within this stream of research. With very few notable exceptions, they have been generally concerned with the investigation of the so-called licensing dilemma of the licensor – whether to license out or to internally exploit the in-house developed technologies, while neglecting the licensee’s perspective. In my opinion, this has left rooms for improving the understanding of the determinants and conditions affecting licensing-in practices. From the licensee’s viewpoint, the licensing strategy deals with the search, integration, assimilation, exploitation of external technologies. As such it lies at the very hearth of firm’s technology strategy. Improving our understanding of this strategy is thus required to assess the full implications of in-licensing decisions as they shape firms’ innovation patterns and technological capabilities evolution. It also allow for understanding the so-called cognitive constraints associated to the not-invented-here syndrome. In recognition of that, the aim of my work is to contribute to the theoretical and empirical literature explaining the determinants of the licensee’s behavior, by providing a comprehensive theoretical framework as well as ad-hoc conceptual tools to understand and overcome frictions and to ease the achievement of satisfactory technology transfer agreements in the marketplace. Aiming at this, I investigate licensing-in in three different fashions developed in three research papers. In the first work, I investigate the links between licensing and the patterns of firms’ technological search diversification according to the framework of references of the Search literature, Resource-based Theory and the theory of general purpose technologies. In the second paper - that continues where the first one left off – I analyze the new concept of learning-bylicensing, in terms of development of new knowledge inside the licensee firms (e.g. new patents) some years after the acquisition of the license, according to the Dynamic Capabilities perspective. Finally, in the third study, Ideal with the determinants of the remuneration structure of patent licenses (form and amount), and in particular on the role of the upfront fee from the licensee’s perspective. Aiming at this, I combine the insights of two theoretical approaches: agency and real options theory.


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In 1995, the European Union (EU) Member States and 12 Mediterranean countries launched in Barcelona a liberalization process that aims at establishing a free trade area (to be realized by 2010) and at promoting a sustainable and balanced economic development by the adoption of a new generation of Agreements: the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements (EMA). For the Mediterranean partner countries, the main concern is a better access for their fruit and vegetable exports to the European market. These products represent the main exports of these countries, and the EU is their first trading partner. On the other side, for the EU the main issue is not only the promotion of its products, but also the protection of its fruit and vegetables producers. Moreover, the trade with third countries is the key element of the Common Market Organization of the sector. Fruit and vegetables represent a very sensitive sector since their high seasonality, high perishability, and especially since the production of the Mediterranean countries is often similar to the European Mediterranean’s countries one. In fact, the agreements define preferences at the entrance of the EU market providing limited concessions for each partner, for specific products, limited quantities and calendars. This research tries to analyze the bilateral trade volume for fresh fruit and vegetables in the European and Italian markets in order to assess the effects of Mediterranean liberalization on this sector. Free trade of agricultural products represents a very actual topic in international trade and the Mediterranean countries, recognised as big producers of fruit and vegetables, as big exporters of their crops and actually significantly present on the European market, could be high competitors with the inward production because the outlet could be the same. The goal of this study is to provide some considerations about the competitiveness of mediterranean fruit and vegetables productions after Barcelona Process, in a first step for the European market and then also for the Italian one. The aim is to discuss the influence of the euro-mediterranean agreements on the fruit and vegetables trade between 10 foreign Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, and Turkey) and 15 EU countries in the period 1995-2007, by means of a gravity model, which is a widespread methodology in international trade analysis. The basic idea of gravity models is that bilateral trade from one country to another (as the dependent variable) can be explained by a set of factors: - factors that capture the potential of a country to export goods and services; - factors that capture the propensity of a country to imports goods and services; - any other forces that either attract or inhibit bilateral trade. This analysis compares only imports’ flows by Europe and by Italy (in volumes) from Mediterranean countries, since the exports’ flows toward those foreign countries are not significant, especially for Italy. The market of fruit and vegetables appears as a high heterogeneous group so it is very difficult to show a synthesis of the analysis performed and the related results. In fact, this sector includes the so called “poor products” (such as potatoes and legumes), and the “rich product”, such as nuts or exotic fruit, and there are a lot of different goods that arouse a dissimilar consumer demand which directly influence the import requirements. Fruit and vegetables sector includes products with extremely different biological cycles, leading to a very unlike seasonality. Moreover, the Mediterranean area appears as a highly heterogeneous bloc, including countries which differ from the others for economic size, production potential, capability to export and for the relationships with the EU. The econometric estimation includes 68 analyses, 34 of which considering the European import and 34 the Italian import and the products are examined in their aggregated form and in their disaggregated level. The analysis obtains a very high R2 coefficient, which means that the methodology is able to assess the import effects on fruit and vegetables associated to the Association Agreements, preferential tariffs, regional integration, and others information involved in the equation. The empirical analysis suggests that fruits and vegetables trade flows are well explained by some parameters: size of the involved countries (especially GDP and population of the Mediterranean countries); distances; prices of imported products; local production for the aggregated products; preferential expressed tariffs like duty free; sub-regional agreements that enforce the export capability. The euro-mediterranean agreements are significant in some of the performed analysis, confirming the slow and gradual evolution of euro- Mediterranean liberalization. The euro-mediterranean liberalization provides opportunities from one side, and imposes a new important challenge from the other side. For the EU the chance is that fruit and vegetables imported from the mediterranean area represent a support for local supply and a possibility to increase the range of products existing on the market. The challenge regards the competition of foreign products with the local ones since the types of productions are similar and markets coincide, especially in the Italian issue. We need to apply a strategy based not on a trade antagonism, but on the realization of a common plane market with the Mediterranean countries. This goal could be achieved enhancing the industrial cooperation in addition to commercial relationships, and increasing investments’ flows in the Mediterranean countries aiming at transforming those countries from potential competitors to trade partners and creating new commercial policies to export towards extra European countries.


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Nel presente lavoro vengono esaminate le forme impiegate dalla contrattazione collettiva per rendere aleatorio il trattamento economico dei lavoratori subordinati. Dapprima ci si occupa del limite alla “flessibilizzazione” della retribuzione dei lavoratori subordinati che viene individuato nella “retribuzione sufficiente” di cui all’art. 36 Cost., qualificata come elemento essenziale del contratto. Di seguito si sofferma l’attenzione sulla retribuzione di produttività e di redditività dei lavoratori del settore privato e sul trattamento accessorio dei dipendenti pubblici privatizzati. Nonostante a queste quote della retribuzione sia astrattamente conferita una funzione incentivante, in concreto non la svolgono: nel lavoro privato a causa della politica egualitaria del sindacato e della “modalità” di determinazione degli obiettivi, nel lavoro pubblico perché questa parte della retribuzione è stata tradizionalmente erogata “a pioggia”. Nel terzo capitolo si prendono in considerazione le liti che possono sorgere se, nel periodo di tempo che va dalla fissazione degli obiettivi a quando si deve verificare il loro conseguimento, il datore di lavoro apporti modifiche organizzative in grado di ripercuotersi sulla capacità dei prestatori di raggiungere i risultati. Al fine di risolvere tale questione, in chiusura del secondo capitolo, la clausola in tema di retribuzione flessibile è stata classificata come condizione sospensiva in quanto una parte del trattamento economico, aggiuntiva alla retribuzione “base”, viene subordinata al conseguimento di obiettivi di produttività e redditività qualificabili come eventi futuri ed incerti. Tale qualificazione è volta a consentire l’applicazione dell’art. 1359 c.c. nelle controversie sopra descritte: se i lavoratori non conseguono gli obiettivi a causa di modifiche che il datore di lavoro ha apportato all’organizzazione, si può fingere che l’evento (che non si è verificato per una condotta imputabile al datore di lavoro) si sia verificato e, di conseguenza, erogare la retribuzione di risultato ai prestatori.


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This dissertation comprises four essays on the topic of environmental economics and industrial organization. In the first essay, we develop a two-country world differential game model with a polluting firm in each country to investigate the equilibrium of the game between firms when they decide to trade or not and to see under which conditions social welfare coincides with the market equilibrium. In the second essay, we built a model where firms strategically choose whether to participate in an auction/lottery to attain pollution permits, or instead invest in green R&D, to show that, somewhat counterintuitively, a desirable side effect of the auction is in fact that of fostering environmental R&D in an admissible range of the model parameters. The third essay investigates a second-best trade agreement between two countries when pollution spillovers are asymmetric to examine the strategic behavior of governments in using pollution taxes and tariffs under trade liberalization. The fouth essay studies the profitability of exogenous output constraint in a differential game model with price dynamics under the feedback strategies.


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This dissertation comprises four essays on the topic of industrial organization and environmental economics. The first essay investigates the profitability of horizontal mergers of firms with price adjustments. We take a differential game approach and both the open-loop as well as the closed-loop equlibria are considered. In the second essay, using the same approach as the first one, we study the profitability of horizontal merger of firms where the demand function is nonlinear. We take into consideration the open-loop equilibrium. The third essay studies the profitability of exogenous output constraint in a differential game model with price dynamics under the feedback strategies. The fourth essay investigates a second-best trade agreement between two countries when pollution spillovers are asymmetric to examine the strategic behavior of governments in using pollution taxes and tariffs under trade liberalization.


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Il presente elaborato si prefigge l’obiettivo di verificare la reale e concreta applicazione delle disposizioni derivanti dall’ordinamento comunitario, all’interno della realtà portuale italiana, che, consapevole del fatto che i porti costituiscono forti infrastrutture nonché fonte di ricchezza per il paese, avverte l’esigenza di modificare fermamente il regime amministrativo dei propri porti. Le profonde innovazioni introdotte nel sistema portuale italiano a seguito della riforma del 1994, attraverso l’introduzione di assetti istituzionali ed organizzativi, hanno favorito la crescita dei traffici marittimi del paese. In ragione dei significativi mutamenti che hanno segnato la realtà economica mondiale negli ultimi anni, in cui si è assistito, al fenomeno della c.d. globalizzazione economica, che spinge verso la delocalizzazione produttiva e verso l’apertura di nuovi mercati di consumo, particolare attenzione è stata posta alle esigenze nascenti all’interno del sistema portuale, di apportare delle significative modifiche alla Legge 84/1994, per affrontare le nuove sfide poste dalla competizione comunitaria ed internazionale, e migliorare l’efficienza delle attività produttive ed uniformare l’impianto normativo. Nello specifico è stato esaminato il testo unificato della recente proposta di legge di riforma del settore portuale, le cui novità maggiormente rilevanti si sviluppano essenzialmente su tre livelli: la governance dei porti, la programmazione e la pianificazione delle aree, le attività economiche ed i servizi portuali. In maniera precisa e dettagliata, si è proceduto all’analisi dei servizi portuali tecnico-nautici, prestando attenzione alle prospettive di liberalizzazione del settore ed al principio di uniformità in materia tariffaria, al fine di rendere detti servizi funzionali e trasparenti. Infine, l’attenzione è stata posta alla realtà portuale a livello comunitario, esaminando le recenti disposizioni emanate dalle istituzioni comunitarie, al fine di verificare il miglior funzionamento dei porti marittimi e lo sviluppo della rete transeuropea di trasporto.


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The CAP reform process has been a central issue for agricultural economics research in recent years, and is gaining further attention in view of the post-2013 perspectives (Viaggi et al., 2010; Bartolini et al., 2011). Today the CAP is in the middle of a new reform process. Through the debate generated by the official proposals, published in October 2011 (COM(2011)625/3), the European Union (EU) engaged in a revision of the CAP ended on 26 June 2013 when a political agreement has been reached (IP/13/613, MEMO-13-621 and IP/13/864). In particular, in Italy the switch of the payment regime from historical to regional bases will take place. The underlying assumption is that the shift to regionalized payments changes the remuneration of inputs and has an impact on farmers’ allocation of fixed resources. In this context, farmers are expected to adjust their plans to the new policy environment as the regionalization of support is meant to create a change in incentives faced by farmers. The objective of this thesis is to provide an ex-ante analysis of the potential impact of the introduction of regionalized payments, within the post-2013 CAP reform, on the land market. Regionalized payments seem to produce differentiated effects and contribute to a general (slight) increase of land exchanges. The individual reaction to the new payments introduction would be different depending on location and specialization. These effects seem to be also strongly influenced by the difference in historical payments endowment and value, i.e. by the previous historical system of distribution of payments.


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Il presente elaborato concerne le problematiche giuridiche connesse alla regolamentazione del settore dell’autotrasporto di cose per conto di terzi in Italia, con particolare attenzione alla disciplina dei profili tariffari ed alle dinamiche consolidatesi nella prassi in relazione alle pratiche di dumping sociale, outsourcing e delocalizzazione. Nella prima parte, dopo una premessa finalizzata a descrivere le caratteristiche strutturali dei fornitori di servizi di autotrasporto in ambito nazionale e comunitario nonchè le principali peculiarità del mercato di riferimento, viene descritta ed analizzata l’evoluzione normativa e giurisprudenziale verificatasi con riguardo ai profili tariffari dell’autotrasporto, esaminando in particolare le caratteristiche ed i profili di criticità propri delle discipline in materia di “tariffe a forcella” di cui alla L. n. 298/1974 e di “costi minimi di sicurezza” di cui all’art. 83-bis del D.L. n. 112/2008, fino a giungere all’analisi degli scenari conseguenti alla recente riforma del settore apportata dalla Legge di Stabilità 2015 (L. 23/12/2014, n. 190). Nella seconda parte, vengono esaminate alcune tematiche problematiche che interessano il settore, sia a livello nazionale che comunitario, e che risultano strettamente connesse ai sopra menzionati profili tariffari. In particolare, si fa riferimento alle fattispecie del cabotaggio stradale, del distacco transazionale di lavoratori e dell’abuso della libertà di stabilimento in ambito comunitario concretantesi nella fattispecie della esterovestizione. Tali problematiche sono state analizzate dapprima attraverso la ricostruzione del quadro normativo nazionale e comunitario di riferimento; in secondo luogo, attraverso l’esame dei profili critici emersi alla luce delle dinamiche di mercato invalse nel settore e, infine, in relazione all’analisi dello scenario futuro desumibile dalle iniziative legislative ed amministrative in atto, nonché dagli indirizzi interpretativi affermatisi in ambito giurisprudenziale.