18 resultados para Remote sensing -- Mathematical models
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Remote sensing (RS) techniques have evolved into an important instrument to investigate forest function. New methods based on the remote detection of leaf biochemistry and photosynthesis are being developed and applied in pilot studies from airborne and satellite platforms (PRI, solar-induced fluorescence; N and chlorophyll content). Non-destructive monitoring methods, a direct application of RS studies, are also proving increasingly attractive for the determination of stress conditions or nutrient deficiencies not only in research but also in agronomy, horticulture and urban forestry (proximal RS). In this work I will focus on some novel techniques recently developed for the estimation of photochemistry and photosynthetic rates based (i) on the proximal measurement of steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence yield, or (ii) the remote sensing of changes in hyperspectral leaf reflectance, associated to xanthophyll de-epoxydation and energy partitioning, which is closely coupled to leaf photochemistry and photosynthesis. I will also present and describe a mathematical model of leaf steady-state fluorescence and photosynthesis recently developed in our group. Two different species were used in the experiments: Arbutus unedo, a schlerophyllous Mediterranean species, and Populus euroamericana, a broad leaf deciduous tree widely used in plantation forestry. Results show that ambient fluorescence could provide a useful tool for testing photosynthetic processes from a distance. These results confirm also the photosynthetic reflectance index (PRI) as an efficient remote sensing reflectance index estimating short-term changes in photochemical efficiency as well as long-term changes in leaf biochemistry. The study also demonstrated that RS techniques could provide a fast and reliable method to estimate photosynthetic pigment content and total nitrogen, beside assessing the state of photochemical process in our plants’ leaves in the field. This could have important practical applications for the management of plant cultivation systems, for the estimation of the nutrient requirements of our plants for optimal growth.
During my Doctoral study I researched about the remote detection of canopy N concentration in forest stands, its potentials and problems, under many overlapping perspectives. The study consisted of three parts. In S. Rossore 2000 dataset analysis, I tested regressions between N concentration and NIR reflectances derived from different sources (field samples, airborne and satellite sensors). The analysis was further expanded using a larger dataset acquired in year 2009 as part of a new campaign funded by the ESA. In both cases, a good correlation was observed between Landsat NIR, using both TM (2009) and ETM+ (2000) imagery, and N concentration measured by a CHN elemental analyzer. Concerning airborne sensors I did not obtain the same good results, mainly because of the large FOV of the two instruments, and to the anisotropy of vegetation reflectance. We also tested the relation between ground based ASD measures and nitrogen concentration, obtaining really good results. Thus, I decided to expand my study to the regional level, focusing only on field and satellite measures. I analyzed a large dataset for the whole of Catalonia, Spain; MODIS imagery was used, in consideration of its spectral characteristics and despite its rather poor spatial resolution. Also in this case a regression between nitrogen concentration and reflectances was found, but not so good as in previous experiences. Moreover, vegetation type was found to play an important role in the observed relationship. We concluded that MODIS is not the most suitable satellite sensor in realities like Italy and Catalonia, which present a patchy and inhomogeneous vegetation cover; so it could be utilized for the parameterization of eco-physiological and biogeochemical models, but not for really local nitrogen estimate. Thus multispectral sensors similar to Landsat Thematic Mapper, with better spatial resolution, could be the most appropriate sensors to estimate N concentration.
The research activity carried out during the PhD course was focused on the development of mathematical models of some cognitive processes and their validation by means of data present in literature, with a double aim: i) to achieve a better interpretation and explanation of the great amount of data obtained on these processes from different methodologies (electrophysiological recordings on animals, neuropsychological, psychophysical and neuroimaging studies in humans), ii) to exploit model predictions and results to guide future research and experiments. In particular, the research activity has been focused on two different projects: 1) the first one concerns the development of neural oscillators networks, in order to investigate the mechanisms of synchronization of the neural oscillatory activity during cognitive processes, such as object recognition, memory, language, attention; 2) the second one concerns the mathematical modelling of multisensory integration processes (e.g. visual-acoustic), which occur in several cortical and subcortical regions (in particular in a subcortical structure named Superior Colliculus (SC)), and which are fundamental for orienting motor and attentive responses to external world stimuli. This activity has been realized in collaboration with the Center for Studies and Researches in Cognitive Neuroscience of the University of Bologna (in Cesena) and the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine (NC, USA). PART 1. Objects representation in a number of cognitive functions, like perception and recognition, foresees distribute processes in different cortical areas. One of the main neurophysiological question concerns how the correlation between these disparate areas is realized, in order to succeed in grouping together the characteristics of the same object (binding problem) and in maintaining segregated the properties belonging to different objects simultaneously present (segmentation problem). Different theories have been proposed to address these questions (Barlow, 1972). One of the most influential theory is the so called “assembly coding”, postulated by Singer (2003), according to which 1) an object is well described by a few fundamental properties, processing in different and distributed cortical areas; 2) the recognition of the object would be realized by means of the simultaneously activation of the cortical areas representing its different features; 3) groups of properties belonging to different objects would be kept separated in the time domain. In Chapter 1.1 and in Chapter 1.2 we present two neural network models for object recognition, based on the “assembly coding” hypothesis. These models are networks of Wilson-Cowan oscillators which exploit: i) two high-level “Gestalt Rules” (the similarity and previous knowledge rules), to realize the functional link between elements of different cortical areas representing properties of the same object (binding problem); 2) the synchronization of the neural oscillatory activity in the γ-band (30-100Hz), to segregate in time the representations of different objects simultaneously present (segmentation problem). These models are able to recognize and reconstruct multiple simultaneous external objects, even in difficult case (some wrong or lacking features, shared features, superimposed noise). In Chapter 1.3 the previous models are extended to realize a semantic memory, in which sensory-motor representations of objects are linked with words. To this aim, the network, previously developed, devoted to the representation of objects as a collection of sensory-motor features, is reciprocally linked with a second network devoted to the representation of words (lexical network) Synapses linking the two networks are trained via a time-dependent Hebbian rule, during a training period in which individual objects are presented together with the corresponding words. Simulation results demonstrate that, during the retrieval phase, the network can deal with the simultaneous presence of objects (from sensory-motor inputs) and words (from linguistic inputs), can correctly associate objects with words and segment objects even in the presence of incomplete information. Moreover, the network can realize some semantic links among words representing objects with some shared features. These results support the idea that semantic memory can be described as an integrated process, whose content is retrieved by the co-activation of different multimodal regions. In perspective, extended versions of this model may be used to test conceptual theories, and to provide a quantitative assessment of existing data (for instance concerning patients with neural deficits). PART 2. The ability of the brain to integrate information from different sensory channels is fundamental to perception of the external world (Stein et al, 1993). It is well documented that a number of extraprimary areas have neurons capable of such a task; one of the best known of these is the superior colliculus (SC). This midbrain structure receives auditory, visual and somatosensory inputs from different subcortical and cortical areas, and is involved in the control of orientation to external events (Wallace et al, 1993). SC neurons respond to each of these sensory inputs separately, but is also capable of integrating them (Stein et al, 1993) so that the response to the combined multisensory stimuli is greater than that to the individual component stimuli (enhancement). This enhancement is proportionately greater if the modality-specific paired stimuli are weaker (the principle of inverse effectiveness). Several studies have shown that the capability of SC neurons to engage in multisensory integration requires inputs from cortex; primarily the anterior ectosylvian sulcus (AES), but also the rostral lateral suprasylvian sulcus (rLS). If these cortical inputs are deactivated the response of SC neurons to cross-modal stimulation is no different from that evoked by the most effective of its individual component stimuli (Jiang et al 2001). This phenomenon can be better understood through mathematical models. The use of mathematical models and neural networks can place the mass of data that has been accumulated about this phenomenon and its underlying circuitry into a coherent theoretical structure. In Chapter 2.1 a simple neural network model of this structure is presented; this model is able to reproduce a large number of SC behaviours like multisensory enhancement, multisensory and unisensory depression, inverse effectiveness. In Chapter 2.2 this model was improved by incorporating more neurophysiological knowledge about the neural circuitry underlying SC multisensory integration, in order to suggest possible physiological mechanisms through which it is effected. This endeavour was realized in collaboration with Professor B.E. Stein and Doctor B. Rowland during the 6 months-period spent at the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine (NC, USA), within the Marco Polo Project. The model includes four distinct unisensory areas that are devoted to a topological representation of external stimuli. Two of them represent subregions of the AES (i.e., FAES, an auditory area, and AEV, a visual area) and send descending inputs to the ipsilateral SC; the other two represent subcortical areas (one auditory and one visual) projecting ascending inputs to the same SC. Different competitive mechanisms, realized by means of population of interneurons, are used in the model to reproduce the different behaviour of SC neurons in conditions of cortical activation and deactivation. The model, with a single set of parameters, is able to mimic the behaviour of SC multisensory neurons in response to very different stimulus conditions (multisensory enhancement, inverse effectiveness, within- and cross-modal suppression of spatially disparate stimuli), with cortex functional and cortex deactivated, and with a particular type of membrane receptors (NMDA receptors) active or inhibited. All these results agree with the data reported in Jiang et al. (2001) and in Binns and Salt (1996). The model suggests that non-linearities in neural responses and synaptic (excitatory and inhibitory) connections can explain the fundamental aspects of multisensory integration, and provides a biologically plausible hypothesis about the underlying circuitry.
In the last years of research, I focused my studies on different physiological problems. Together with my supervisors, I developed/improved different mathematical models in order to create valid tools useful for a better understanding of important clinical issues. The aim of all this work is to develop tools for learning and understanding cardiac and cerebrovascular physiology as well as pathology, generating research questions and developing clinical decision support systems useful for intensive care unit patients. I. ICP-model Designed for Medical Education We developed a comprehensive cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure model to simulate and study the complex interactions in cerebrovascular dynamics caused by multiple simultaneous alterations, including normal and abnormal functional states of auto-regulation of the brain. Individual published equations (derived from prior animal and human studies) were implemented into a comprehensive simulation program. Included in the normal physiological modelling was: intracranial pressure, cerebral blood flow, blood pressure, and carbon dioxide (CO2) partial pressure. We also added external and pathological perturbations, such as head up position and intracranial haemorrhage. The model performed clinically realistically given inputs of published traumatized patients, and cases encountered by clinicians. The pulsatile nature of the output graphics was easy for clinicians to interpret. The manoeuvres simulated include changes of basic physiological inputs (e.g. blood pressure, central venous pressure, CO2 tension, head up position, and respiratory effects on vascular pressures) as well as pathological inputs (e.g. acute intracranial bleeding, and obstruction of cerebrospinal outflow). Based on the results, we believe the model would be useful to teach complex relationships of brain haemodynamics and study clinical research questions such as the optimal head-up position, the effects of intracranial haemorrhage on cerebral haemodynamics, as well as the best CO2 concentration to reach the optimal compromise between intracranial pressure and perfusion. We believe this model would be useful for both beginners and advanced learners. It could be used by practicing clinicians to model individual patients (entering the effects of needed clinical manipulations, and then running the model to test for optimal combinations of therapeutic manoeuvres). II. A Heterogeneous Cerebrovascular Mathematical Model Cerebrovascular pathologies are extremely complex, due to the multitude of factors acting simultaneously on cerebral haemodynamics. In this work, the mathematical model of cerebral haemodynamics and intracranial pressure dynamics, described in the point I, is extended to account for heterogeneity in cerebral blood flow. The model includes the Circle of Willis, six regional districts independently regulated by autoregulation and CO2 reactivity, distal cortical anastomoses, venous circulation, the cerebrospinal fluid circulation, and the intracranial pressure-volume relationship. Results agree with data in the literature and highlight the existence of a monotonic relationship between transient hyperemic response and the autoregulation gain. During unilateral internal carotid artery stenosis, local blood flow regulation is progressively lost in the ipsilateral territory with the presence of a steal phenomenon, while the anterior communicating artery plays the major role to redistribute the available blood flow. Conversely, distal collateral circulation plays a major role during unilateral occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. In conclusion, the model is able to reproduce several different pathological conditions characterized by heterogeneity in cerebrovascular haemodynamics and can not only explain generalized results in terms of physiological mechanisms involved, but also, by individualizing parameters, may represent a valuable tool to help with difficult clinical decisions. III. Effect of Cushing Response on Systemic Arterial Pressure. During cerebral hypoxic conditions, the sympathetic system causes an increase in arterial pressure (Cushing response), creating a link between the cerebral and the systemic circulation. This work investigates the complex relationships among cerebrovascular dynamics, intracranial pressure, Cushing response, and short-term systemic regulation, during plateau waves, by means of an original mathematical model. The model incorporates the pulsating heart, the pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation, with an accurate description of the cerebral circulation and the intracranial pressure dynamics (same model as in the first paragraph). Various regulatory mechanisms are included: cerebral autoregulation, local blood flow control by oxygen (O2) and/or CO2 changes, sympathetic and vagal regulation of cardiovascular parameters by several reflex mechanisms (chemoreceptors, lung-stretch receptors, baroreceptors). The Cushing response has been described assuming a dramatic increase in sympathetic activity to vessels during a fall in brain O2 delivery. With this assumption, the model is able to simulate the cardiovascular effects experimentally observed when intracranial pressure is artificially elevated and maintained at constant level (arterial pressure increase and bradicardia). According to the model, these effects arise from the interaction between the Cushing response and the baroreflex response (secondary to arterial pressure increase). Then, patients with severe head injury have been simulated by reducing intracranial compliance and cerebrospinal fluid reabsorption. With these changes, oscillations with plateau waves developed. In these conditions, model results indicate that the Cushing response may have both positive effects, reducing the duration of the plateau phase via an increase in cerebral perfusion pressure, and negative effects, increasing the intracranial pressure plateau level, with a risk of greater compression of the cerebral vessels. This model may be of value to assist clinicians in finding the balance between clinical benefits of the Cushing response and its shortcomings. IV. Comprehensive Cardiopulmonary Simulation Model for the Analysis of Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure We developed a new comprehensive cardiopulmonary model that takes into account the mutual interactions between the cardiovascular and the respiratory systems along with their short-term regulatory mechanisms. The model includes the heart, systemic and pulmonary circulations, lung mechanics, gas exchange and transport equations, and cardio-ventilatory control. Results show good agreement with published patient data in case of normoxic and hyperoxic hypercapnia simulations. In particular, simulations predict a moderate increase in mean systemic arterial pressure and heart rate, with almost no change in cardiac output, paralleled by a relevant increase in minute ventilation, tidal volume and respiratory rate. The model can represent a valid tool for clinical practice and medical research, providing an alternative way to experience-based clinical decisions. In conclusion, models are not only capable of summarizing current knowledge, but also identifying missing knowledge. In the former case they can serve as training aids for teaching the operation of complex systems, especially if the model can be used to demonstrate the outcome of experiments. In the latter case they generate experiments to be performed to gather the missing data.
Il presente studio si concentra sulle diverse applicazioni del telerilevamento termico in ambito urbano. Vengono inizialmente descritti la radiazione infrarossa e le sue interazioni con l’atmosfera terrestre, le leggi principali che regolano lo scambio di calore per irraggiamento, le caratteristiche dei sensori e le diverse applicazioni di termografia. Successivamente sono trattati nel dettaglio gli aspetti caratteristici della termografia da piattaforma satellitare, finalizzata principalmente alla valutazione del fenomeno dell'Urban Heat Island; vengono descritti i sensori disponibili, le metodologie di correzione per gli effetti atmosferici, per la stima dell'emissività delle superfici e per il calcolo della temperatura superficiale dei pixels. Viene quindi illustrata la sperimentazione effettuata sull'area di Bologna mediante immagini multispettrali ASTER: i risultati mostrano come sull'area urbana sia riscontrabile la presenza dell'Isola di Calore Urbano, anche se la sua quantificazione risulta complessa. Si procede quindi alla descrizione di potenzialità e limiti della termografia aerea, dei suoi diversi utilizzi, delle modalità operative di rilievo e degli algoritmi utilizzati per il calcolo della temperatura superficiale delle coperture edilizie. Tramite l’analisi di alcune esperienze precedenti vengono trattati l’influenza dell’atmosfera, la modellazione dei suoi effetti sulla radianza rilevata, i diversi metodi per la stima dell’emissività. Viene quindi introdotto il progetto europeo Energycity, finalizzato alla creazione di un sistema GeoWeb di supporto spaziale alle decisioni per la riduzione di consumi energetici e produzione di gas serra su sette città dell'Europa Centrale. Vengono illustrate le modalità di rilievo e le attività di processing dei datasets digitali per la creazione di mappe di temperatura superficiale da implementare nel sistema SDSS. Viene infine descritta la sperimentazione effettuata sulle immagini termiche acquisite nel febbraio 2010 sulla città di Treviso, trasformate in un mosaico georiferito di temperatura radiometrica tramite correzioni geometriche e radiometriche; a seguito della correzione per l’emissività quest’ultimo verrà trasformato in un mosaico di temperatura superficiale.
The aim of this work is to present various aspects of numerical simulation of particle and radiation transport for industrial and environmental protection applications, to enable the analysis of complex physical processes in a fast, reliable, and efficient way. In the first part we deal with speed-up of numerical simulation of neutron transport for nuclear reactor core analysis. The convergence properties of the source iteration scheme of the Method of Characteristics applied to be heterogeneous structured geometries has been enhanced by means of Boundary Projection Acceleration, enabling the study of 2D and 3D geometries with transport theory without spatial homogenization. The computational performances have been verified with the C5G7 2D and 3D benchmarks, showing a sensible reduction of iterations and CPU time. The second part is devoted to the study of temperature-dependent elastic scattering of neutrons for heavy isotopes near to the thermal zone. A numerical computation of the Doppler convolution of the elastic scattering kernel based on the gas model is presented, for a general energy dependent cross section and scattering law in the center of mass system. The range of integration has been optimized employing a numerical cutoff, allowing a faster numerical evaluation of the convolution integral. Legendre moments of the transfer kernel are subsequently obtained by direct quadrature and a numerical analysis of the convergence is presented. In the third part we focus our attention to remote sensing applications of radiative transfer employed to investigate the Earth's cryosphere. The photon transport equation is applied to simulate reflectivity of glaciers varying the age of the layer of snow or ice, its thickness, the presence or not other underlying layers, the degree of dust included in the snow, creating a framework able to decipher spectral signals collected by orbiting detectors.
Over the last decades the impact of natural disasters to the global environment is becoming more and more severe. The number of disasters has dramatically increased, as well as the cost to the global economy and the number of people affected. Among the natural disaster, flood catastrophes are considered to be the most costly, devastating, broad extent and frequent, because of the tremendous fatalities, injuries, property damage, economic and social disruption they cause to the humankind. In the last thirty years, the World has suffered from severe flooding and the huge impact of floods has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, destruction of infrastructures, disruption of economic activity and the loss of property for worth billions of dollars. In this context, satellite remote sensing, along with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), has become a key tool in flood risk management analysis. Remote sensing for supporting various aspects of flood risk management was investigated in the present thesis. In particular, the research focused on the use of satellite images for flood mapping and monitoring, damage assessment and risk assessment. The contribution of satellite remote sensing for the delineation of flood prone zones, the identification of damaged areas and the development of hazard maps was explored referring to selected cases of study.
Snow plays a crucial role in the Earth's hydrological cycle and energy budget, making its monitoring necessary. In this context, ground-based radars and in situ instruments are essential thanks to their spatial coverage, resolution, and temporal sampling. Deep understanding and reliable measurements of snow properties are crucial over Antarctica to assess potential future changes of the surface mass balance (SMB) and define the contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet on sea-level rise. However, despite its key role, Antarctic precipitation is poorly investigated due to the continent's inaccessibility and extreme environment. In this framework, this Thesis aims to contribute to filling this gap by in-depth characterization of Antarctic precipitation at the Mario Zucchelli station from different points of view: microphysical features, quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE), vertical structure of precipitation, and scavenging properties. For this purpose, a K-band vertically pointing radar collocated with a laser disdrometer and an optical particle counter (OPC) were used. The radar probed the lowest atmospheric layers with high vertical resolution, allowing the first trusted measurement at only 105 m height. Disdrometer and OPC provided information on the particle size distribution and aerosol concentrations. An innovative snow classification methodology was designed by comparing the radar reflectivity (Ze) and disdrometer-derived reflectivity by means of DDA simulations. Results of classification were exploited in QPE through appropriate Ze-snow rate relationships. The accuracy of the resulting QPE was benchmarked against a collocated weighing gauge. Vertical radar profiles were also investigated to highlight hydrometeors' sublimation and growth processes. Finally, OPC and disdrometer data allowed providing the first-ever estimates of scavenging properties of Antarctic snowfall. Results presented in this Thesis give rise to advances in knowledge of the characteristics of snowfall in Antarctica, contributing to a better assessment of the SMB of the Antarctic ice sheet, the major player in the global sea-level rise.
The motivation for the work presented in this thesis is to retrieve profile information for the atmospheric trace constituents nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) in the lower troposphere from remote sensing measurements. The remote sensing technique used, referred to as Multiple AXis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS), is a recent technique that represents a significant advance on the well-established DOAS, especially for what it concerns the study of tropospheric trace consituents. NO2 is an important trace gas in the lower troposphere due to the fact that it is involved in the production of tropospheric ozone; ozone and nitrogen dioxide are key factors in determining the quality of air with consequences, for example, on human health and the growth of vegetation. To understand the NO2 and ozone chemistry in more detail not only the concentrations at ground but also the acquisition of the vertical distribution is necessary. In fact, the budget of nitrogen oxides and ozone in the atmosphere is determined both by local emissions and non-local chemical and dynamical processes (i.e. diffusion and transport at various scales) that greatly impact on their vertical and temporal distribution: thus a tool to resolve the vertical profile information is really important. Useful measurement techniques for atmospheric trace species should fulfill at least two main requirements. First, they must be sufficiently sensitive to detect the species under consideration at their ambient concentration levels. Second, they must be specific, which means that the results of the measurement of a particular species must be neither positively nor negatively influenced by any other trace species simultaneously present in the probed volume of air. Air monitoring by spectroscopic techniques has proven to be a very useful tool to fulfill these desirable requirements as well as a number of other important properties. During the last decades, many such instruments have been developed which are based on the absorption properties of the constituents in various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from the far infrared to the ultraviolet. Among them, Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) has played an important role. DOAS is an established remote sensing technique for atmospheric trace gases probing, which identifies and quantifies the trace gases in the atmosphere taking advantage of their molecular absorption structures in the near UV and visible wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum (from 0.25 μm to 0.75 μm). Passive DOAS, in particular, can detect the presence of a trace gas in terms of its integrated concentration over the atmospheric path from the sun to the receiver (the so called slant column density). The receiver can be located at ground, as well as on board an aircraft or a satellite platform. Passive DOAS has, therefore, a flexible measurement configuration that allows multiple applications. The ability to properly interpret passive DOAS measurements of atmospheric constituents depends crucially on how well the optical path of light collected by the system is understood. This is because the final product of DOAS is the concentration of a particular species integrated along the path that radiation covers in the atmosphere. This path is not known a priori and can only be evaluated by Radiative Transfer Models (RTMs). These models are used to calculate the so called vertical column density of a given trace gas, which is obtained by dividing the measured slant column density to the so called air mass factor, which is used to quantify the enhancement of the light path length within the absorber layers. In the case of the standard DOAS set-up, in which radiation is collected along the vertical direction (zenith-sky DOAS), calculations of the air mass factor have been made using “simple” single scattering radiative transfer models. This configuration has its highest sensitivity in the stratosphere, in particular during twilight. This is the result of the large enhancement in stratospheric light path at dawn and dusk combined with a relatively short tropospheric path. In order to increase the sensitivity of the instrument towards tropospheric signals, measurements with the telescope pointing the horizon (offaxis DOAS) have to be performed. In this circumstances, the light path in the lower layers can become very long and necessitate the use of radiative transfer models including multiple scattering, the full treatment of atmospheric sphericity and refraction. In this thesis, a recent development in the well-established DOAS technique is described, referred to as Multiple AXis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS). The MAX-DOAS consists in the simultaneous use of several off-axis directions near the horizon: using this configuration, not only the sensitivity to tropospheric trace gases is greatly improved, but vertical profile information can also be retrieved by combining the simultaneous off-axis measurements with sophisticated RTM calculations and inversion techniques. In particular there is a need for a RTM which is capable of dealing with all the processes intervening along the light path, supporting all DOAS geometries used, and treating multiple scattering events with varying phase functions involved. To achieve these multiple goals a statistical approach based on the Monte Carlo technique should be used. A Monte Carlo RTM generates an ensemble of random photon paths between the light source and the detector, and uses these paths to reconstruct a remote sensing measurement. Within the present study, the Monte Carlo radiative transfer model PROMSAR (PROcessing of Multi-Scattered Atmospheric Radiation) has been developed and used to correctly interpret the slant column densities obtained from MAX-DOAS measurements. In order to derive the vertical concentration profile of a trace gas from its slant column measurement, the AMF is only one part in the quantitative retrieval process. One indispensable requirement is a robust approach to invert the measurements and obtain the unknown concentrations, the air mass factors being known. For this purpose, in the present thesis, we have used the Chahine relaxation method. Ground-based Multiple AXis DOAS, combined with appropriate radiative transfer models and inversion techniques, is a promising tool for atmospheric studies in the lower troposphere and boundary layer, including the retrieval of profile information with a good degree of vertical resolution. This thesis has presented an application of this powerful comprehensive tool for the study of a preserved natural Mediterranean area (the Castel Porziano Estate, located 20 km South-West of Rome) where pollution is transported from remote sources. Application of this tool in densely populated or industrial areas is beginning to look particularly fruitful and represents an important subject for future studies.
Ion channels are protein molecules, embedded in the lipid bilayer of the cell membranes. They act as powerful sensing elements switching chemicalphysical stimuli into ion-fluxes. At a glance, ion channels are water-filled pores, which can open and close in response to different stimuli (gating), and one once open select the permeating ion species (selectivity). They play a crucial role in several physiological functions, like nerve transmission, muscular contraction, and secretion. Besides, ion channels can be used in technological applications for different purpose (sensing of organic molecules, DNA sequencing). As a result, there is remarkable interest in understanding the molecular determinants of the channel functioning. Nowadays, both the functional and the structural characteristics of ion channels can be experimentally solved. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the structure-function relation in ion channels, by computational techniques. Most of the analyses focused on the mechanisms of ion conduction, and the numerical methodologies to compute the channel conductance. The standard techniques for atomistic simulation of complex molecular systems (Molecular Dynamics) cannot be routinely used to calculate ion fluxes in membrane channels, because of the high computational resources needed. The main step forward of the PhD research activity was the development of a computational algorithm for the calculation of ion fluxes in protein channels. The algorithm - based on the electrodiffusion theory - is computational inexpensive, and was used for an extensive analysis on the molecular determinants of the channel conductance. The first record of ion-fluxes through a single protein channel dates back to 1976, and since then measuring the single channel conductance has become a standard experimental procedure. Chapter 1 introduces ion channels, and the experimental techniques used to measure the channel currents. The abundance of functional data (channel currents) does not match with an equal abundance of structural data. The bacterial potassium channel KcsA was the first selective ion channels to be experimentally solved (1998), and after KcsA the structures of four different potassium channels were revealed. These experimental data inspired a new era in ion channel modeling. Once the atomic structures of channels are known, it is possible to define mathematical models based on physical descriptions of the molecular systems. These physically based models can provide an atomic description of ion channel functioning, and predict the effect of structural changes. Chapter 2 introduces the computation methods used throughout the thesis to model ion channels functioning at the atomic level. In Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 the ion conduction through potassium channels is analyzed, by an approach based on the Poisson-Nernst-Planck electrodiffusion theory. In the electrodiffusion theory ion conduction is modeled by the drift-diffusion equations, thus describing the ion distributions by continuum functions. The numerical solver of the Poisson- Nernst-Planck equations was tested in the KcsA potassium channel (Chapter 3), and then used to analyze how the atomic structure of the intracellular vestibule of potassium channels affects the conductance (Chapter 4). As a major result, a correlation between the channel conductance and the potassium concentration in the intracellular vestibule emerged. The atomic structure of the channel modulates the potassium concentration in the vestibule, thus its conductance. This mechanism explains the phenotype of the BK potassium channels, a sub-family of potassium channels with high single channel conductance. The functional role of the intracellular vestibule is also the subject of Chapter 5, where the affinity of the potassium channels hEag1 (involved in tumour-cell proliferation) and hErg (important in the cardiac cycle) for several pharmaceutical drugs was compared. Both experimental measurements and molecular modeling were used in order to identify differences in the blocking mechanism of the two channels, which could be exploited in the synthesis of selective blockers. The experimental data pointed out the different role of residue mutations in the blockage of hEag1 and hErg, and the molecular modeling provided a possible explanation based on different binding sites in the intracellular vestibule. Modeling ion channels at the molecular levels relates the functioning of a channel to its atomic structure (Chapters 3-5), and can also be useful to predict the structure of ion channels (Chapter 6-7). In Chapter 6 the structure of the KcsA potassium channel depleted from potassium ions is analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations. Recently, a surprisingly high osmotic permeability of the KcsA channel was experimentally measured. All the available crystallographic structure of KcsA refers to a channel occupied by potassium ions. To conduct water molecules potassium ions must be expelled from KcsA. The structure of the potassium-depleted KcsA channel and the mechanism of water permeation are still unknown, and have been investigated by numerical simulations. Molecular dynamics of KcsA identified a possible atomic structure of the potassium-depleted KcsA channel, and a mechanism for water permeation. The depletion from potassium ions is an extreme situation for potassium channels, unlikely in physiological conditions. However, the simulation of such an extreme condition could help to identify the structural conformations, so the functional states, accessible to potassium ion channels. The last chapter of the thesis deals with the atomic structure of the !- Hemolysin channel. !-Hemolysin is the major determinant of the Staphylococcus Aureus toxicity, and is also the prototype channel for a possible usage in technological applications. The atomic structure of !- Hemolysin was revealed by X-Ray crystallography, but several experimental evidences suggest the presence of an alternative atomic structure. This alternative structure was predicted, combining experimental measurements of single channel currents and numerical simulations. This thesis is organized in two parts, in the first part an overview on ion channels and on the numerical methods adopted throughout the thesis is provided, while the second part describes the research projects tackled in the course of the PhD programme. The aim of the research activity was to relate the functional characteristics of ion channels to their atomic structure. In presenting the different research projects, the role of numerical simulations to analyze the structure-function relation in ion channels is highlighted.
Natural hazard related to the volcanic activity represents a potential risk factor, particularly in the vicinity of human settlements. Besides to the risk related to the explosive and effusive activity, the instability of volcanic edifices may develop into large landslides often catastrophically destructive, as shown by the collapse of the northern flank of Mount St. Helens in 1980. A combined approach was applied to analyse slope failures that occurred at Stromboli volcano. SdF slope stability was evaluated by using high-resolution multi-temporal DTMMs and performing limit equilibrium stability analyses. High-resolution topographical data collected with remote sensing techniques and three-dimensional slope stability analysis play a key role in understanding instability mechanism and the related risks. Analyses carried out on the 2002–2003 and 2007 Stromboli eruptions, starting from high-resolution data acquired through airborne remote sensing surveys, permitted the estimation of the lava volumes emplaced on the SdF slope and contributed to the investigation of the link between magma emission and slope instabilities. Limit Equilibrium analyses were performed on the 2001 and 2007 3D models, in order to simulate the slope behavior before 2002-2003 landslide event and after the 2007 eruption. Stability analyses were conducted to understand the mechanisms that controlled the slope deformations which occurred shortly after the 2007 eruption onset, involving the upper part of slope. Limit equilibrium analyses applied to both cases yielded results which are congruent with observations and monitoring data. The results presented in this work undoubtedly indicate that hazard assessment for the island of Stromboli should take into account the fact that a new magma intrusion could lead to further destabilisation of the slope, which may be more significant than the one recently observed because it will affect an already disarranged deposit and fractured and loosened crater area. The two-pronged approach based on the analysis of 3D multi-temporal mapping datasets and on the application of LE methods contributed to better understanding volcano flank behaviour and to be prepared to undertake actions aimed at risk mitigation.
This thesis is mainly devoted to show how EEG data and related phenomena can be reproduced and analyzed using mathematical models of neural masses (NMM). The aim is to describe some of these phenomena, to show in which ways the design of the models architecture is influenced by such phenomena, point out the difficulties of tuning the dozens of parameters of the models in order to reproduce the activity recorded with EEG systems during different kinds of experiments, and suggest some strategies to cope with these problems. In particular the chapters are organized as follows: chapter I gives a brief overview of the aims and issues addressed in the thesis; in chapter II the main characteristics of the cortical column, of the EEG signal and of the neural mass models will be presented, in order to show the relationships that hold between these entities; chapter III describes a study in which a NMM from the literature has been used to assess brain connectivity changes in tetraplegic patients; in chapter IV a modified version of the NMM is presented, which has been developed to overcomes some of the previous version’s intrinsic limitations; chapter V describes a study in which the new NMM has been used to reproduce the electrical activity evoked in the cortex by the transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS); chapter VI presents some preliminary results obtained in the simulation of the neural rhythms associated with memory recall; finally, some general conclusions are drawn in chapter VII.
In this work I tried to explore many aspects of cognitive visual science, each one based on different academic fields, proposing mathematical models capable to reproduce both neuro-physiological and phenomenological results that were described in the recent literature. The structure of my thesis is mainly composed of three chapters, corresponding to the three main areas of research on which I focused my work. The results of each work put the basis for the following, and their ensemble form an homogeneous and large-scale survey on the spatio-temporal properties of the architecture of the visual cortex of mammals.
This Thesis aims at building and discussing mathematical models applications focused on Energy problems, both on the thermal and electrical side. The objective is to show how mathematical programming techniques developed within Operational Research can give useful answers in the Energy Sector, how they can provide tools to support decision making processes of Companies operating in the Energy production and distribution and how they can be successfully used to make simulations and sensitivity analyses to better understand the state of the art and convenience of a particular technology by comparing it with the available alternatives. The first part discusses the fundamental mathematical background followed by a comprehensive literature review about mathematical modelling in the Energy Sector. The second part presents mathematical models for the District Heating strategic network design and incremental network design. The objective is the selection of an optimal set of new users to be connected to an existing thermal network, maximizing revenues, minimizing infrastructure and operational costs and taking into account the main technical requirements of the real world application. Results on real and randomly generated benchmark networks are discussed with particular attention to instances characterized by big networks dimensions. The third part is devoted to the development of linear programming models for optimal battery operation in off-grid solar power schemes, with consideration of battery degradation. The key contribution of this work is the inclusion of battery degradation costs in the optimisation models. As available data on relating degradation costs to the nature of charge/discharge cycles are limited, we concentrate on investigating the sensitivity of operational patterns to the degradation cost structure. The objective is to investigate the combination of battery costs and performance at which such systems become economic. We also investigate how the system design should change when battery degradation is taken into account.