2 resultados para Reaction Time

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This thesis was aimed at verifying the role of the superior colliculus (SC) in human spatial orienting. To do so, subjects performed two experimental tasks that have been shown to involve SC’s activation in animals, that is a multisensory integration task (Experiment 1 and 2) and a visual target selection task (Experiment 3). To investigate this topic in humans, we took advantage of neurophysiological finding revealing that retinal S-cones do not send projections to the collicular and magnocellular pathway. In the Experiment 1, subjects performed a simple reaction-time task in which they were required to respond as quickly as possible to any sensory stimulus (visual, auditory or bimodal audio-visual). The visual stimulus could be an S-cone stimulus (invisible to the collicular and magnocellular pathway) or a long wavelength stimulus (visible to the SC). Results showed that when using S-cone stimuli, RTs distribution was simply explained by probability summation, indicating that the redundant auditory and visual channels are independent. Conversely, with red long-wavelength stimuli, visible to the SC, the RTs distribution was related to nonlinear neural summation, which constitutes evidence of integration of different sensory information. We also demonstrate that when AV stimuli were presented at fixation, so that the spatial orienting component of the task was reduced, neural summation was possible regardless of stimulus color. Together, these findings provide support for a pivotal role of the SC in mediating multisensory spatial integration in humans, when behavior involves spatial orienting responses. Since previous studies have shown an anatomical asymmetry of fibres projecting to the SC from the hemiretinas, the Experiment 2 was aimed at investigating temporo-nasal asymmetry in multisensory integration. To do so, subjects performed monocularly the same task shown in the Experiment 1. When spatially coincident audio-visual stimuli were visible to the SC (i.e. red stimuli), the RTE depended on a neural coactivation mechanism, suggesting an integration of multisensory information. When using stimuli invisible to the SC (i.e. purple stimuli), the RTE depended only on a simple statistical facilitation effect, in which the two sensory stimuli were processed by independent channels. Finally, we demonstrate that the multisensory integration effect was stronger for stimuli presented to the temporal hemifield than to the nasal hemifield. Taken together, these findings suggested that multisensory stimulation can be differentially effective depending on specific stimulus parameters. The Experiment 3 was aimed at verifying the role of the SC in target selection by using a color-oddity search task, comprising stimuli either visible or invisible to the collicular and magnocellular pathways. Subjects were required to make a saccade toward a target that could be presented alone or with three distractors of another color (either S-cone or long-wavelength). When using S-cone distractors, invisible to the SC, localization errors were similar to those observed in the distractor-free condition. Conversely, with long-wavelength distractors, visible to the SC, saccadic localization error and variability were significantly greater than in either the distractor-free condition or the S-cone distractors condition. Our results clearly indicate that the SC plays a direct role in visual target selection in humans. Overall, our results indicate that the SC plays an important role in mediating spatial orienting responses both when required covert (Experiments 1 and 2) and overt orienting (Experiment 3).


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Alcune patologie dell’occhio come la retinopatia diabetica, il pucker maculare, il distacco della retina possono essere curate con un intervento di vitrectomia. I rischi associati all’intervento potrebbero essere superati ricorrendo alla vitrectomia enzimatica con plasmina in associazione o in sostituzione della vitrectomia convenzionale. Inoltre, l’uso di plasmina autologa eviterebbe problemi di rigetto. La plasmina si ottiene attivando il plasminogeno con enzimi quali l’attivatore tissutale (tPA) e l’urochinasi ( uPA ) . La purificazione del plasminogeno dal sangue avviene normalmente attraverso cromatografia di affinità con resina. Tuttavia, le membrane di affinità costituiscono un supporto ideale per questa applicazione poiché possono essere facilmente impaccate prima dell’intervento, permettendo la realizzazione di un dispositivo monouso che fornisce un processo rapido ed economico. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è la preparazione di membrane di affinità per la purificazione del plasminogeno utilizzando L-lisina come ligando di affinità. Per questo scopo sono state usate membrane in cellulosa rigenerata ad attivazione epossidica, modificate con due diversi protocolli per l’immobilizzazione di L-lisina. La densità ligando è stata misurata mediante un saggio colorimetrico che usa l’acido arancio 7 come indicatore. La resa di immobilizzazione è stata studiata in funzione del tempo di reazione e della concentrazione di L-lisina. Le membrane ottimizzate sono state caratterizzate con esperimenti dinamici usando siero bovino e umano, i risultati sono stati confrontati con quelli ottenuti in esperimenti paralleli condotti con una resina commerciale di affinità con L-lisina. Durante gli esperimenti con siero, le frazioni provenienti da ogni fase cromatografica sono state raccolte e analizzate con HPLC ed elettroforesi SDS-PAGE. In particolare, l’elettroforesi dei campioni eluiti presenta una banda del plasminogeno ben definita indicando che le membrane di affinità con L-lisina sono adatte alla purificazione del plasminogeno. Inoltre, è emerso che le membrane hanno maggiore produttività della resina commerciale di riferimento.