7 resultados para RFID

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The recent widespread diffusion of radio-frequency identification (RFID) applications operating in the UHF band has been supported by both the request for greater interrogation ranges and greater and faster data exchange. UHF-RFID systems, exploiting a physical interaction based on Electromagnetic propagation, introduce many problems that have not been fully explored for the previous generations of RFID systems (e.g. HF). Therefore, the availability of reliable tools for modeling and evaluating the radio-communication between Reader and Tag within an RFID radio-link are needed. The first part of the thesis discuss the impact of real environment on system performance. In particular an analytical closed form formulation for the back-scattered field from the Tag antenna and the formulation for the lower bound of the BER achievable at the Reader side will be presented, considering different possible electromagnetic impairments. By means of the previous formulations, of the analysis of the RFID link operating in near filed conditions and of some electromagnetic/system-level co-simulations, an in-depth study of the dimensioning parameters and the actual performance of the systems will be discussed and analyzed, showing some relevant properties and trade-offs in transponder and reader design. Moreover a new low cost approach to extend the read range of the RFID UHF passive systems will be discussed. Within the scope to check the reliability of the analysis approaches and of innovative proposals, some reference transponder antennas have been designed and extensive measurement campaign has been carried out with satisfactory results. Finally, some commercial ad-hoc transponder for industrial application have been designed within the cooperation with Datalogic s.p.a., some guidelines and results will be briefly presented.


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This thesis deals with Context Aware Services, Smart Environments, Context Management and solutions for Devices and Service Interoperability. Multi-vendor devices offer an increasing number of services and end-user applications that base their value on the ability to exploit the information originating from the surrounding environment by means of an increasing number of embedded sensors, e.g. GPS, compass, RFID readers, cameras and so on. However, usually such devices are not able to exchange information because of the lack of a shared data storage and common information exchange methods. A large number of standards and domain specific building blocks are available and are heavily used in today's products. However, the use of these solutions based on ready-to-use modules is not without problems. The integration and cooperation of different kinds of modules can be daunting because of growing complexity and dependency. In this scenarios it might be interesting to have an infrastructure that makes the coexistence of multi-vendor devices easy, while enabling low cost development and smooth access to services. This sort of technologies glue should reduce both software and hardware integration costs by removing the trouble of interoperability. The result should also lead to faster and simplified design, development and, deployment of cross-domain applications. This thesis is mainly focused on SW architectures supporting context aware service providers especially on the following subjects: - user preferences service adaptation - context management - content management - information interoperability - multivendor device interoperability - communication and connectivity interoperability Experimental activities were carried out in several domains including Cultural Heritage, indoor and personal smart spaces all of which are considered significant test-beds in Context Aware Computing. The work evolved within european and national projects: on the europen side, I carried out my research activity within EPOCH, the FP6 Network of Excellence on Processing Open Cultural Heritage and within SOFIA, a project of the ARTEMIS JU on embedded systems. I worked in cooperation with several international establishments, including the University of Kent, VTT (the Technical Reserarch Center of Finland) and Eurotech. On the national side I contributed to a one-to-one research contract between ARCES and Telecom Italia. The first part of the thesis is focused on problem statement and related work and addresses interoperability issues and related architecture components. The second part is focused on specific architectures and frameworks: - MobiComp: a context management framework that I used in cultural heritage applications - CAB: a context, preference and profile based application broker which I designed within EPOCH Network of Excellence - M3: "Semantic Web based" information sharing infrastructure for smart spaces designed by Nokia within the European project SOFIA - NoTa: a service and transport independent connectivity framework - OSGi: the well known Java based service support framework The final section is dedicated to the middleware, the tools and, the SW agents developed during my Doctorate time to support context-aware services in smart environments.


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Lattivit di ricerca contenuta in questa tesi si concentrata nello sviluppo e nellimplementazione di tecniche per la co-simulazione e il co-progetto non lineare/elettromagnetico di sistemi wireless non convenzionali. Questo lavoro presenta un metodo rigoroso per considerare le interazioni tra due sistemi posti sia in condizioni di campo vicino che in condizioni di campo lontano. In sostanza, gli effetti del sistema trasmittente sono rappresentati da un generatore equivalente di Norton posto in parallelo allantenna del sistema ricevente, calcolato per mezzo del teorema di reciprocit e del teorema di equivalenza. La correttezza del metodo stata verificata per mezzo di simulazioni e misure, concordi tra loro. La stessa teoria, ampliata con lintroduzione degli effetti di scattering, stata usata per valutare una condizione analoga, dove lelemento trasmittente coincide con quello ricevente (DIE) contenuto allinterno di una struttura metallica (package). I risultati sono stati confrontati con i medesimi ottenibili tramite tecniche FEM e FDTD/FIT, che richiedono tempi di simulazione maggiori di un ordine di grandezza. Grazie ai metodi di co-simulazione non lineari/EM sopra esposti, stato progettato e verificato un sistema di localizzazione e identificazione di oggetti taggati posti in ambiente indoor. Questo stato ottenuto dotando il sistema di lettura, denominato RID (Remotely Identify and Detect), di funzioni di scansione angolare e della tecnica di RADAR mono-pulse. Il sistema sperimentale, creato con dispositivi low cost, opera a 2.5 GHz ed ha le dimensioni paragonabili ad un normale PDA. E stato sperimentata la capacit del RID di localizzare, in scenari indoor, oggetti statici e in movimento.


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Nellattuale contesto, caratterizzato da unelevata attenzione alla qualit e alla sicurezza degli alimenti e alle soluzioni tese a garantirli, limplementazione di sistemi microelettronici per il controllo del prodotto attraverso supporti miniaturizzati e a basso costo pu risultare unopportunit strategica. Oggetto della ricerca di dottorato sono stati lo studio dellutilizzo di sensori e strumentazione innovativi per la misurazione ed il controllo di parametri ambientali di conservazione di prodotti alimentari e per la loro identificazione mediante la tecnologia della radiofrequenza. Allo scopo stato studiato il contesto in cui operano gli attori principali della filiera agroalimentare ed stata sviluppata unidea di etichetta progettata per essere in grado di emettere attivamente segnale di allarme in caso di necessit (etichetta RFID intelligente semi-passiva). Il prototipo di chip, realizzato in via sperimentale, stato validato positivamente, sia come strumento di misura, sia in termini di prestazione nel caso studio del monitoraggio della conservazione di un prodotto alimentare in condizioni controllate di temperatura e radiazione luminosa. Le significative evidenze analitiche di reazioni di degradazione dello stato qualitativo del prodotto, quali analisi di pH e colore, raccolte durante il periodo di osservazione di 64 giorni, hanno trovato riscontro con le misure rilevate dal chip prototipo. I risultati invitano ad individuare un partner industriale, con il quale sperimentare lapplicazione della tecnologia proposta.


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This thesis investigates context-aware wireless networks, capable to adapt their behavior to the context and the application, thanks to the ability of combining communication, sensing and localization. Problems of signals demodulation, parameters estimation and localization are addressed exploiting analytical methods, simulations and experimentation, for the derivation of the fundamental limits, the performance characterization of the proposed schemes and the experimental validation. Ultrawide-bandwidth (UWB) signals are in certain cases considered and non-coherent receivers, allowing the exploitation of the multipath channel diversity without adopting complex architectures, investigated. Closed-form expressions for the achievable bit error probability of novel proposed architectures are derived. The problem of time delay estimation (TDE), enabling network localization thanks to ranging measurement, is addressed from a theoretical point of view. New fundamental bounds on TDE are derived in the case the received signal is partially known or unknown at receiver side, as often occurs due to propagation or due to the adoption of low-complexity estimators. Practical estimators, such as energy-based estimators, are revised and their performance compared with the new bounds. The localization issue is addressed with experimentation for the characterization of cooperative networks. Practical algorithms able to improve the accuracy in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) channel conditions are evaluated on measured data. With the purpose of enhancing the localization coverage in NLOS conditions, non-regenerative relaying techniques for localization are introduced and ad hoc position estimators are devised. An example of context-aware network is given with the study of the UWB-RFID system for detecting and locating semi-passive tags. In particular a deep investigation involving low-complexity receivers capable to deal with problems of multi-tag interference, synchronization mismatches and clock drift is presented. Finally, theoretical bounds on the localization accuracy of this and others passive localization networks (e.g., radar) are derived, also accounting for different configurations such as in monostatic and multistatic networks.


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Questo lavoro di tesi finalizzato allo studio delle morfodinamiche fluviali in ambiente montano, in risposta a forzanti antropiche e naturali. In particolare, si prendono in considerazione sistemi Appenninici (i.e., Fiume Santerno) e Alpini (i.e., Rii Grigno, Tolv e Ussaia), integrando due approcci che si sviluppano su scale spazio-temporali differenti. Nel caso Appenninico vengono esaminati i cambiamenti planimetrici dellalveo attivo del Fiume Santerno in risposta ad impatti antropici, quali lestrazione di inerti in alveo, la costruzione di opere idrauliche e lalterazione di uso del suolo a scala di bacino. Nei tre casi Alpini, che si differenziano in termini di forzante idro-meteorologica ed apporto di sedimento da monte, si valutato il trasporto solido di fondo (bedload transport) mediante tecnologia RFID.


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This research proposes a solution for integrating RFID - Radio Frequency Identification technology within a structure based on CFRPs - Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers. Therefore, the main objective is to use technology to monitor and track composite components during manufacturing and service life. The study can be divided into two macro-areas. The first portion of the research evaluates the impact of the composite materials used on transmitting the electromagnetic signal to and from the tag. RFID technology communicates through radio frequencies to to track and trace items associated with the tags. In the first instance, a feasibility study was carried out to assess using commercially available tags. Then, after evaluating different solutions, it was decided to incorporate the tags into coupons during production. The second portion of the research is focused on evaluating the impact on the composite material's resistance to tag embedding. It starts with designing tensile test specimens through the FEM model with different housing configurations. Subsequently, the best configuration was tested in the facilities of the In the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft, particularly in the Structure & Materials Laboratory, two tests were conducted: the first one based on ASTM D3039/D3039 - 14 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials, the second one dividing the path to failure into failure intervals in a load-unload-reload. Both tests were accompanied by instruments such as DIC, AE, C-Scan and Optical Microscopes. The expected result of the inclusion of RFID tags in composite components is that it brings added value to the parts with which it is associated without affecting too much its mechanical properties. This comes first from the automatic identification of RFID during the production cycle and its useful life. As a result, improvements were made in the design of production facilities.