em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Cellular response to γ-rays is mediated by ATM-p53 axis. When p53 is phosphorylated, it can transactivate several genes to induce permanent cell cycle arrest (senescence) or apoptosis. Epithelial and mesenchymal cells are more resistant to radiation-induced apoptosis and respond mainly by activating senescence. Hence, tumor cells in a senescent state might remain as “dormant” malignant in fact through disruption of p53 function, cells may overcome growth arrest. Oncocytic features were acquired in the recurring neoplasia after radiation therapy in patient with colonrectal cancer. Oncocytic tumors are characterized by aberrant biogenesis and are mainly non-aggressive neoplasms. Their low proliferation degree can be explained by chronic destabilization of HIF1α, which presides to adaptation to hypoxia and also plays a pivotal role in hypoxia-related radio-resistance. The aim of the present thesis was to verify whether mitochondrial biogenesis can be induced following radiation treatment, in relation of HIF1α status and whether is predictive of a senescence response. In this study was demonstrate that mitochondrial biogenesis parameters like mitochondrial DNA copy number could be used for the prediction of hypoxic status of tissue after radiation treatment. γ-rays induce an increase of mitochondrial mass and function, in response to a genotoxic stress that pushes cells into senescence. Mitochondrial biogenesis is only indirectly regulated by p53, whose activation triggers a MDM2-mediated HIF1α degradation, leading to the release of PGC-1β inhibition by HIF1α. On the other hand, this protein blunts the mitochondrial response to γ-rays as well as the induction of p21-mediated cell senescence, indicating prevalence of the hypoxic over the genotoxic response. Finally in vivo, post-radiotherapy mtDNA copy number increase well correlates with lack of HIF1α increase in the tissue, concluding this may be a useful molecular tool to infer the trigger of a hypoxic response during radiotherapy, which may lead to failure of activation of senescence.


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This thesis work is focused on the use of selected core-level x-ray spectroscopies to study semiconductor materials of great technological interest and on the development of a new implementation of appearance potential spectroscopy. Core-level spectroscopies can be exploited to study these materials with a local approach since they are sensitive to the electronic structure localized on a chemical species present in the sample examined. This approach, in fact, provides important micro-structural information that is difficult to obtain with techniques sensitive to the average properties of materials. In this thesis work we present a novel approach to the study of semiconductors with core-level spectroscopies based on an original analysis procedure that leads to an insightful understanding of the correlation between the local micro-structure and the spectral features observed. In particular, we studied the micro-structure of Hydrogen induced defects in nitride semiconductors, since the analysed materials show substantial variations of optical and electronic properties as a consequence of H incorporation. Finally, we present a novel implementation of soft x-ray appearance potential spectroscopy, a core-level spectroscopy that uses electrons as a source of excitation and has the great advantage of being an in-house technique. The original set-up illustrated was designed to reach a high signal-to-noise ratio for the acquisition of good quality spectra that can then be analyzed in the framework of the real space full multiple scattering theory. This technique has never been coupled with this analysis approach and therefore our work unite a novel implementation with an original data analysis method, enlarging the field of application of this technique.


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During the last decade advances in the field of sensor design and improved base materials have pushed the radiation hardness of the current silicon detector technology to impressive performance. It should allow operation of the tracking systems of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at nominal luminosity (1034 cm-2s-1) for about 10 years. The current silicon detectors are unable to cope with such an environment. Silicon carbide (SiC), which has recently been recognized as potentially radiation hard, is now studied. In this work it was analyzed the effect of high energy neutron irradiation on 4H-SiC particle detectors. Schottky and junction particle detectors were irradiated with 1 MeV neutrons up to fluence of 1016 cm-2. It is well known that the degradation of the detectors with irradiation, independently of the structure used for their realization, is caused by lattice defects, like creation of point-like defect, dopant deactivation and dead layer formation and that a crucial aspect for the understanding of the defect kinetics at a microscopic level is the correct identification of the crystal defects in terms of their electrical activity. In order to clarify the defect kinetic it were carried out a thermal transient spectroscopy (DLTS and PICTS) analysis of different samples irradiated at increasing fluences. The defect evolution was correlated with the transport properties of the irradiated detector, always comparing with the un-irradiated one. The charge collection efficiency degradation of Schottky detectors induced by neutron irradiation was related to the increasing concentration of defects as function of the neutron fluence.


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It was observed in the ‘80s that the radiation damage on biological systems strongly depends on processes occurring at the microscopic level, involving the elementary constituents of biological cells. Since then, lot of attention has been paid to study elementary processes of photo- and ion-chemistry of isolated organic molecule of biological interest. This work fits in this framework and aims to study the radiation damage mechanisms induced by different types of radiations on simple halogenated biomolecules used as radiosensitizers in radiotherapy. The research is focused on the photofragmentation of halogenated pyrimidine molecules (5Br-pyrimidine, 2Br-pyrimidine and 2Cl-pyrimidine) in the VUV range and on the 12C4+ ion-impact fragmentation of the 5Br-uracil and its homogeneous and hydrated clusters. Although halogen substituted pyrimidines have similar structure to the pyrimidine molecule, their photodissociation dynamics is quite different. These targets have been chosen with the purpose of investigating the effect of the specific halogen atom and site of halogenation on the fragmentation dynamics. Theoretical and experimental studies have highlighted that the site of halogenation and the type of halogen atom, lead either to the preferential breaking of the pyrimidinic ring or to the release of halogen/hydrogen radicals. The two processes can subsequently trigger different mechanisms of biological damage. To understand the effect of the environment on the fragmentation dynamic of the single molecule, the ion-induced fragmentation of homogenous and hydrated clusters of 5Br-uracil have been studied and compared to similar studies on the isolated molecule. The results show that the “protective effect” of the environment on the single molecule hold in the homogeneous clusters, but not in the hydrated clusters, where several hydrated fragments have been observed. This indicates that the presence of water molecules can inhibit some fragmentation channels and promote the keto-enol tautomerization, which is very important in the mutagenesis of the DNA.