7 resultados para Protein Efficiency Ratio

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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La sindrome nefrosica (SN) è definita come la presenza concomitante di una proteinuria maggiore di 3.5g/24 h, ipoalbuminemia, ipercolesterolemia e presenza di edemi. I pazienti con SN sono più a rischio di quelli che presentano una nefropatia glomerulare non nefrosica (NNGD) per lo sviluppo di ipertensione, ipernatremia, complicazioni tromboemboliche e comparsa di insufficienza renale. In Medicina Veterinaria, la Letteratura riguardante l’argomento è molto limitata e non è ben nota la correlazione tra SN e gravità della proteinuria, ipoalbuminemia e sviluppo di tromboembolismo. L’obiettivo del presente studio retrospettivo è stato quello di descrivere e caratterizzare le alterazioni cliniche e clinicopatologiche che si verificano nei pazienti con rapporto proteine urinarie:creatinina urinaria (UPC) >2 con lo scopo di inquadrare con maggiore precisione lo stato clinico di questi pazienti e individuare le maggiori complicazioni a cui possono andare incontro. In un periodo di nove anni sono stati selezionati 338 cani e suddivisi in base ad un valore cut-off di UPC≥3.5. Valori mediani di creatinina, urea, fosforo, albumina urinaria, proteina C reattiva (CRP) e fibrinogeno sono risultati al di sopra del limite superiore dell’intervallo di riferimento, valori mediani di albumina sierica, ematocrito, antitrombina al disotto del limite inferiore di riferimento. Pazienti con UPC≥3.5 hanno mostrato concentrazioni di albumine, ematocrito, calcio, Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC), significativamente minori rispetto a quelli con UPC<3.5, concentrazioni di CRP, di urea e di fosforo significativamente maggiori. Nessuna differenza tra i gruppi nelle concentrazioni di creatinina colesterolo, trigliceridi, sodio, potassio, cloro, ferro totale e pressione sistolica. I pazienti con UPC≥3.5 si trovano verosimilmente in uno “stato infiammatorio” maggiore rispetto a quelli con UPC<3.5, questa ipotesi avvalorata dalle concentrazioni minori di albumina, di transferrina e da una concentrazione di CRP maggiore. I pazienti con UPC≥3.5 non presentano concentrazioni di creatinina più elevate ma sono maggiormente a rischio di anemia.


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The cathepsin enzymes represent an important family of lysosomal proteinases with a broad spectrum of functions in many, if not in all, tissues and cell types. In addition to their primary role during the normal protein turnover, they possess highly specific proteolytic activities, including antigen processing in the immune response and a direct role in the development of obesity and tumours. In pigs, the involvement of cathepsin enzymes in proteolytic processes have important effects during the conversion of muscle to meat, due to their influence on meat texture and sensory characteristics, mainly in seasoned products. Their contribution is fundamental in flavour development of dry-curing hams. However, several authors have demonstrated that high cathepsin activity, in particular of cathepsin B, is correlated to defects of these products, such as an excessive meat softness together with abnormal free tyrosine content, astringent or metallic aftertastes and formation of a white film on the cut surface. Thus, investigation of their genetic variability could be useful to identify DNA markers associated with these dry cured hams parameters, but also with meat quality, production and carcass traits in Italian heavy pigs. Unfortunately, no association has been found between cathepsin markers and meat quality traits so far, in particular with cathepsin B activity, suggesting that other genes, besides these, affect meat quality parameters. Nevertheless, significant associations were observed with several carcass and production traits in pigs. A recent study has demonstrated that different single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) localized in cathepsin D (CTSD), F (CTSF), H and Z genes were highly associated with growth, fat deposition and production traits in an Italian Large White pig population. The aim of this thesis was to confirm some of these results in other pig populations and identify new cathepsin markers in order to evaluate their effects on cathepsin activity and other production traits. Furthermore, starting from the data obtained in previous studies on CTSD gene, we also analyzed the known polymorphism located in the insulin-like growth factor 2 gene (IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A). This marker is considered the causative mutation for the quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting muscle mass and fat deposition in pigs. Since IGF2 maps very close to CTSD on porcine chromosome (SSC) 2, we wanted to clarify if the effects of the CTSD marker were due to linkage disequilibrium with the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A mutation or not. In the first chapter, we reported the results from these two SSC2 gene markers. First of all, we evaluated the effects of the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A polymorphism in the Italian Large White breed, for which no previous studies have analysed this marker. Highly significant associations were identified with all estimated breeding values for production and carcass traits (P<0.00001), while no effects were observed for meat quality traits. Instead, the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A mutation did not show any associations with the analyzed traits in the Italian Duroc pigs, probably due to the low level of variability at this polymorphic site for this breed. In the same Duroc pig population, significant associations were obtained for the CTSD marker for all production and carcass traits (P < 0.001), after excluding possible confounding effects of the IGF2 mutation. The effects of the CTSD g.70G>A polymorphism were also confirmed in a group of Italian Large White pigs homozygous for the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G allele G (IGF2 intron3-g.3072GG) and by haplotype analysis between the markers of the two considered genes. Taken together, all these data indicated that the IGF2 intron3-g.3072G>A mutation is not the only polymorphism affecting fatness and muscle deposition in pigs. In the second chapter, we reported the analysis of two new SNPs identified in cathepsin L (CTSL) and cathepsin S (CTSS) genes and the association results with meat quality parameters (including cathepsin B activity) and several production traits in an Italian Large White pig population. Allele frequencies of these two markers were evaluated in 7 different pig breeds. Furthermore, we mapped using a radiation hybrid panel the CTSS gene on SSC4. Association studies with several production traits, carried out in 268 Italian Large White pigs, indicated positive effects of the CTSL polymorphism on average daily gain, weight of lean cuts and backfat thickness (P<0.05). The results for these latter traits were also confirmed using a selective genotype approach in other Italian Large White pigs (P<0.01). In the 268 pig group, the CTSS polymorphism was associated with feed:gain ratio and average daily gain (P<0.05). Instead, no association was observed between the analysed markers and meat quality parameters. Finally, we wanted to verify if the positive results obtained for the cathepsin L and S markers and for other previous identified SNPs (cathepsin F, cathepsin Z and their inhibitor cystatin B) were confirmed in the Italian Duroc pig breed (third chapter). We analysed them in two groups of Duroc pigs: the first group was made of 218 performance-tested pigs not selected by any phenotypic criteria, the second group was made of 100 Italian Duroc pigs extreme and divergent for visible intermuscular fat trait. In the first group, the CTSL polymorphism was associated with weight of lean cuts (P<0.05), while suggestive associations were obtained for average daily gain and backfat thickness (P<0.10). Allele frequencies of the CTSL gene marker also differed positively among the visible intermuscular extreme tails. Instead, no positive effects were observed for the other DNA markers on the analysed traits. In conclusion, in agreement with the present data and for the biological role of these enzymes, the porcine CTSD and CTSL markers: a) may have a direct effect in the biological mechanisms involved in determining fat and lean meat content in pigs, or b) these markers could be very close to the putative functional mutation(s) present in other genes. These findings have important practical applications, in particular the CTSD and CTSL mutations could be applied in a marker assisted selection (MAS) both in the Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds. Marker assisted selection could also increase in efficiency by adding information from the cathepsin S genotype, but only in the Italian Large White breed.


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The mitochondrion is an essential cytoplasmic organelle that provides most of the energy necessary for eukaryotic cell physiology. Mitochondrial structure and functions are maintained by proteins of both mitochondrial and nuclear origin. These organelles are organized in an extended network that dynamically fuses and divides. Mitochondrial morphology results from the equilibrium between fusion and fission processes, controlled by a family of “mitochondria-shaping” proteins. It is becoming clear that defects in mitochondrial dynamics can impair mitochondrial respiration, morphology and motility, leading to apoptotic cell death in vitro and more or less severe neurodegenerative disorders in vivo in humans. Mutations in OPA1, a nuclear encoded mitochondrial protein, cause autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy (DOA), a heterogeneous blinding disease characterized by retinal ganglion cell degeneration leading to optic neuropathy (Delettre et al., 2000; Alexander et al., 2000). OPA1 is a mitochondrial dynamin-related guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) protein involved in mitochondrial network dynamics, cytochrome c storage and apoptosis. This protein is anchored or associated on the inner mitochondrial membrane facing the intermembrane space. Eight OPA1 isoforms resulting from alternative splicing combinations of exon 4, 4b and 5b have been described (Delettre et al., 2001). These variants greatly vary among diverse organs and the presence of specific isoforms has been associated with various mitochondrial functions. The different spliced exons encode domains included in the amino-terminal region and contribute to determine OPA1 functions (Olichon et al., 2006). It has been shown that exon 4, that is conserved throughout evolution, confers functions to OPA1 involved in maintenance of the mitochondrial membrane potential and in the fusion of the network. Conversely, exon 4b and exon 5b, which are vertebrate specific, are involved in regulation of cytochrome c release from mitochondria, and activation of apoptosis, a process restricted to vertebrates (Olichon et al., 2007). While Mgm1p has been identified thanks to its role in mtDNA maintenance, it is only recently that OPA1 has been linked to mtDNA stability. Missense mutations in OPA1 cause accumulation of multiple deletions in skeletal muscle. The syndrome associated to these mutations (DOA-1 plus) is complex, consisting of a combination of dominant optic atrophy, progressive external ophtalmoplegia, peripheral neuropathy, ataxia and deafness (Amati- Bonneau et al., 2008; Hudson et al., 2008). OPA1 is the fifth gene associated with mtDNA “breakage syndrome” together with ANT1, PolG1-2 and TYMP (Spinazzola et al., 2009). In this thesis we show for the first time that specific OPA1 isoforms associated to exon 4b are important for mtDNA stability, by anchoring the nucleoids to the inner mitochondrial membrane. Our results clearly demonstrate that OPA1 isoforms including exon 4b are intimately associated to the maintenance of the mitochondrial genome, as their silencing leads to mtDNA depletion. The mechanism leading to mtDNA loss is associated with replication inhibition in cells where exon 4b containing isoforms were down-regulated. Furthermore silencing of exon 4b associated isoforms is responsible for alteration in mtDNA-nucleoids distribution in the mitochondrial network. In this study it was evidenced that OPA1 exon 4b isoform is cleaved to provide a 10kd peptide embedded in the inner membrane by a second transmembrane domain, that seems to be crucial for mitochondrial genome maintenance and does correspond to the second transmembrane domain of the yeasts orthologue encoded by MGM1 or Msp1, which is also mandatory for this process (Diot et al., 2009; Herlan et al., 2003). Furthermore in this thesis we show that the NT-OPA1-exon 4b peptide co-immuno-precipitates with mtDNA and specifically interacts with two major components of the mitochondrial nucleoids: the polymerase gamma and Tfam. Thus, from these experiments the conclusion is that NT-OPA1- exon 4b peptide contributes to the nucleoid anchoring in the inner mitochondrial membrane, a process that is required for the initiation of mtDNA replication and for the distribution of nucleoids along the network. These data provide new crucial insights in understanding the mechanism involved in maintenance of mtDNA integrity, because they clearly demonstrate that, besides genes implicated in mtDNA replications (i.e. polymerase gamma, Tfam, twinkle and genes involved in the nucleotide pool metabolism), OPA1 and mitochondrial membrane dynamics play also an important role. Noticeably, the effect on mtDNA is different depending on the specific OPA1 isoforms down-regulated, suggesting the involvement of two different combined mechanisms. Over two hundred OPA1 mutations, spread throughout the coding region of the gene, have been described to date, including substitutions, deletions or insertions. Some mutations are predicted to generate a truncated protein inducing haploinsufficiency, whereas the missense nucleotide substitutions result in aminoacidic changes which affect conserved positions of the OPA1 protein. So far, the functional consequences of OPA1 mutations in cells from DOA patients are poorly understood. Phosphorus MR spectroscopy in patients with the c.2708delTTAG deletion revealed a defect in oxidative phosphorylation in muscles (Lodi et al., 2004). An energetic impairment has been also show in fibroblasts with the severe OPA1 R445H mutation (Amati-Bonneau et al., 2005). It has been previously reported by our group that OPA1 mutations leading to haploinsufficiency are associated in fibroblasts to an oxidative phosphorylation dysfunction, mainly involving the respiratory complex I (Zanna et al., 2008). In this study we have evaluated the energetic efficiency of a panel of skin fibroblasts derived from DOA patients, five fibroblast cell lines with OPA1 mutations causing haploinsufficiency (DOA-H) and two cell lines bearing mis-sense aminoacidic substitutions (DOA-AA), and compared with control fibroblasts. Although both types of DOA fibroblasts maintained a similar ATP content when incubated in a glucose-free medium, i.e. when forced to utilize the oxidative phosphorylation only to produce ATP, the mitochondrial ATP synthesis through complex I, measured in digitonin-permeabilized cells, was significantly reduced in cells with OPA1 haploinsufficiency only, whereas it was similar to controls in cells with the missense substitutions. Furthermore, evaluation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (DYm) in the two fibroblast lines DOA-AA and in two DOA-H fibroblasts, namely those bearing the c.2819-2A>C mutation and the c.2708delTTAG microdeletion, revealed an anomalous depolarizing response to oligomycin in DOA-H cell lines only. This finding clearly supports the hypothesis that these mutations cause a significant alteration in the respiratory chain function, which can be unmasked only when the operation of the ATP synthase is prevented. Noticeably, oligomycin-induced depolarization in these cells was almost completely prevented by preincubation with cyclosporin A, a well known inhibitor of the permeability transition pore (PTP). This results is very important because it suggests for the first time that the voltage threshold for PTP opening is altered in DOA-H fibroblasts. Although this issue has not yet been addressed in the present study, several are the mechanisms that have been proposed to lead to PTP deregulation, including in particular increased reactive oxygen species production and alteration of Ca2+ homeostasis, whose role in DOA fibroblasts PTP opening is currently under investigation. Identification of the mechanisms leading to altered threshold for PTP regulation will help our understanding of the pathophysiology of DOA, but also provide a strategy for therapeutic intervention.


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CD33 is a myeloid cell surface marker absent on normal hematopoietic stem cells and normal tissues but present on leukemic blasts in 90% of adult and paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cases. By virtue of its expression pattern and its ability to be rapidly internalized after antibody binding, CD33 has become an attractive target for new immunotherapeutic approaches to treat AML. In this study two immunoconjugates were constructed to contain a humanised single-chain fragment variable antibody (scFv) against CD33 in order to create new antibody-derived therapeutics for AML. The first immunoconjugate was developed to provide targeted delivery of siRNAs as death effectors into leukemic cells. To this purpose, a CD33-specific scFv, modified to include a Cys residue at its C-terminal end (scFvCD33-Cys), was coupled through a disulphide bridge to a nona-d-arginine (9R) peptide carrying a free Cys to the N-terminal. The scFvCD33-9R was able to completely bind siRNAs at a protein to nucleic acid ratio of about 10:1, as confirmed by electrophoretic gel mobility-shift assay. The conjugate was unable to efficiently transduce cytotoxic siRNA (siTox) into the human myeloid cell line U937. We observed slight reductions in cell viability, with a reduction of 25% in comparison to the control group only at high concentration of siTox (300 nM). The second immunoconjugate was constructed by coupling the scFvCD33-Cys to the type 1 ribosome inactivating protein Dianthin 30 (DIA30) through a chemical linking The resulting immunotoxin scFvCD33-DIA30 caused the rapid arrest of protein synthesis, inducing apoptosis and leading ultimately to cell death. In vitro dose-dependent cytotoxicity assays demonstrated that scFvCD33-DIA30 was specifically toxic to CD33-positive cell U937. The concentration needed to reach 50 % of maximum killing efficiency (EC50) was approximately 0.3 nM. The pronounced antigen-restricted cytotoxicity of this novel agent makes it a candidate for further evaluation of its therapeutic potential.


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Microalgae are sun - light cell factories that convert carbon dioxide to biofuels, foods, feeds, and other bioproducts. The concept of microalgae cultivation as an integrated system in wastewater treatment has optimized the potential of the microalgae - based biofuel production. These microorganisms contains lipids, polysaccharides, proteins, pigments and other cell compounds, and their biomass can provide different kinds of biofuels such as biodiesel, biomethane and ethanol. The algal biomass application strongly depends on the cell composition and the production of biofuels appears to be economically convenient only in conjunction with wastewater treatment. The aim of this research thesis was to investigate a biological wastewater system on a laboratory scale growing a newly isolated freshwater microalgae, Desmodesmus communis, in effluents generated by a local wastewater reclamation facility in Cesena (Emilia Romagna, Italy) in batch and semi - continuous cultures. This work showed the potential utilization of this microorganism in an algae - based wastewater treatment; Desmodesmus communis had a great capacity to grow in the wastewater, competing with other microorganisms naturally present and adapting to various environmental conditions such as different irradiance levels and nutrient concentrations. The nutrient removal efficiency was characterized at different hydraulic retention times as well as the algal growth rate and biomass composition in terms of proteins, polysaccharides, total lipids and total fatty acids (TFAs) which are considered the substrate for biodiesel production. The biochemical analyses were coupled with the biomass elemental analysis which specified the amount of carbon and nitrogen in the algal biomass. Furthermore photosynthetic investigations were carried out to better correlate the environmental conditions with the physiology responses of the cells and consequently get more information to optimize the growth rate and the increase of TFAs and C/N ratio, cellular compounds and biomass parameter which are fundamental in the biomass energy recovery.


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Crop water requirements are important elements for food production, especially in arid and semiarid regions. These regions are experience increasing population growth and less water for agriculture, which amplifies the need for more efficient irrigation. Improved water use efficiency is needed to produce more food while conserving water as a limited natural resource. Evaporation (E) from bare soil and Transpiration (T) from plants is considered a critical part of the global water cycle and, in recent decades, climate change could lead to increased E and T. Because energy is required to break hydrogen bonds and vaporize water, water and energy balances are closely connected. The soil water balance is also linked with water vapour losses to evapotranspiration (ET) that are dependent mainly on energy balance at the Earth’s surface. This work addresses the role of evapotranspiration for water use efficiency by developing a mathematical model that improves the accuracy of crop evapotranspiration calculation; accounting for the effects of weather conditions, e.g., wind speed and humidity, on crop coefficients, which relates crop evapotranspiration to reference evapotranspiration. The ability to partition ET into Evaporation and Transpiration components will help irrigation managers to find ways to improve water use efficiency by decreasing the ratio of evaporation to transpiration. The developed crop coefficient model will improve both irrigation scheduling and water resources planning in response to future climate change, which can improve world food production and water use efficiency in agriculture.


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Mutations in OPA1 gene have been identified in the majority of patients with Dominant Optic Atrophy (DOA), a blinding disease, and the syndromic form DOA-plus. OPA1 protein is a mitochondrial GTPase involved in various mitochondrial functions, present in humans in eight isoforms, resulting from alternative splicing and proteolytic processing. In this study we have investigated the specific role of each isoform through expression in OPA-/- MEFs, by evaluating their ability to improve the defective mitochondrial phenotypes. All isoforms were able to rescue the energetic efficiency, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content and cristae integrity, but only the presence of both long and short forms could recover the mitochondrial morphology. In order to identify the OPA1 protein domains crucial for its functions, we selected and modified the isoform 1, shown to be one of the most efficient in preserving mitochondrial phenotype, to express three specific OPA1 variants, namely: one with a different N-terminus portion, one unable to generate short form owing to deletion of S1 cleavage site and one with a defective GTPase domain. We demonstrated that the simultaneous presence of the N- and C-terminus of OPA1 was essential for the mtDNA maintenance; a cleavable isoform generating s-forms was necessary to completely rescue the energetic competence and the presence of the C-terminus was sufficient to partially recover the cristae ultrastructure. Lastly, several pathogenic OPA1 mutations were inserted in MEF clones and the biochemical features investigated, to correlate the defective phenotypes with the clinical severity of patients. Our results clearly indicate that this cell model reflects very well the clinical characteristics of the patients, and therefore can be proposed as an useful tool to shed light on the pathomechanism underlying DOA.