5 resultados para Practical Atlas of Ruminant and Camelid Reproductive Ultrasonography

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the so-called “new pets”, including the domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) and the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), two closely related Caviid rodents native to South America. Both historically bred for food purposes, they have more recently become increasingly popular as pets in the European and American continents, respectively. This led to an increasing veterinary interest in deepening the knowledge regarding their normal anatomy, as a basic contribution to other fields of veterinary medicine, including diagnostic imaging, surgery, and pathological anatomy. Being part of a bilateral framework co-tutelage agreement leading to a joint Doctoral Degree between the Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, Italy and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral of Santa Fe, Argentina, this research project was partly carried out in Italy (study of guinea pigs) and partly in Argentina (study of capybaras). It consisted in the macroscopic study, through anatomical dissections of carcasses of both species as well as the use of anatomical casts, and in the histological study of the various systems in the two species, and was aimed at creating a gross and microscopic comparative anatomical atlas. From the gross and microscopic morphological and morphometrical anatomical study of the different system of the guinea pig and capybara, several analogies and differences emerged. The creation of a comparative anatomical atlas of gross and microscopic anatomy of the capybara and the guinea pig might prove useful for clinical, zootechnical and research purposes.


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Habitat loss and fragmentation have a prominent role in determining the size of plant populations, and can affect plant-pollinator interactions. It is hypothesized that in small plant populations the ability to set seeds can be reduced due to limited pollination services, since individuals in small populations can receive less quantity or quality of visits. In this study, I investigated the effect of population size on plant reproductive success and insect visitation in 8 populations of two common species in the island of Lesvos, Greece (Mediterranean Sea), Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, and of a rare perennial shrub endemic to north-central Italy, Ononis masquillierii. All the three species depended on insect pollinators for sexual reproduction. For each species, pollen limitation was present in all or nearly all populations, but the relationship between pollen limitation and population size was only present in Ononis masquillierii. However, in Echium plantagineum, significant relationships between both open-pollinated and handcrossed-pollinated seed sets and population size were found, being small populations comparatively less productive than large ones. Additionally, for this species, livestock grazing intensity was greater for small populations and for sparse patches, and had a negative influence on productivity of the remnant plants. Both Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa attracted a great number of insects, representing a wide spectrum of pollinators, thereby can be considered as generalist species. For Ballota acetabulosa, the most important pollinators were megachilid female bees, and insect diversity didn’t decrease with decreasing plant population size. By contrast, Ononis masquillierii plants generally received few visits, with flowers specialized on small bees (Lasioglossum spp.), representing the most important insect guild. In Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, plants in small and large populations received the same amount of visits per flower, and no differences in the number of intraplant visited flowers were detected. On the contrary, large Ononis populations supported higher amounts of pollinators than small ones. At patch level, high Echium flower density was associated with more and higher quality pollinators. My results indicate that small populations were not subject to reduced pollination services than large ones in Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, and suggest that grazing and resource limitation could have a major impact on population fitness in Echium plantagineum. The absence of any size effects in these two species can be explained in the light of their high local abundance, wide habitat specificity, and ability to compete with other co-flowering species for pollinators. By contrast, size represents a key characteristic for both pollination and reproduction in Ononis masquillierii populations, as an increase in size could mitigate the negative effects coming from the disadvantageous reproductive traits of the species. Finally, the widespread occurrence of pollen limitation in the three species may be the result of 1) an ongoing weakening or disruption of plantpollinator interactions derived from ecological perturbations, 2) an adaptive equilibrium in response to stochastic processes, and 3) the presence of unfavourable reproductive traits (for Ononis masquillierii).


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The porpoise of this study was to implement research methodologies and assess the effectiveness and impact of management tools to promote best practices for the long term conservation of the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Different methods were included in the project framework to investigate and expand the applicability of these methodologies to free-ranging African wild dogs in the southern African region: ethology, behavioural endocrinology and ecology field methodologies were tested and implemented. Additionally, research was performed to test the effectiveness and implication of a contraceptive implant (Suprenolin) as a management tool for the species of a subpopulation hosted in fenced areas. Attention was especially given to social structure and survival of treated packs. This research provides useful tools and advances the applicability of these methods for field studies, standardizing and improving research instruments in the field of conservation biology and behavioural endocrinology. Results reported here provide effective methodologies to expand the applicability of non-invasive endocrine assessment to previously prohibited fields, and validation of sampling methods for faecal hormone analysis. The final aim was to fill a knowledge gap on behaviours of the species and provide a common ground for future researchers to apply non-invasive methods to this species research and to test the effectiveness of the contraception on a managed metapopulation.


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Ancient pavements are composed of a variety of preparatory or foundation layers constituting the substrate, and of a layer of tesserae, pebbles or marble slabs forming the surface of the floor. In other cases, the surface consists of a mortar layer beaten and polished. The term mosaic is associated with the presence of tesserae or pebbles, while the more general term pavement is used in all the cases. As past and modern excavations of ancient pavements demonstrated, all pavements do not necessarily display the stratigraphy of the substrate described in the ancient literary sources. In fact, the number and thickness of the preparatory layers, as well as the nature and the properties of their constituent materials, are often varying in pavements which are placed either in different sites or in different buildings within a same site or even in a same building. For such a reason, an investigation that takes account of the whole structure of the pavement is important when studying the archaeological context of the site where it is placed, when designing materials to be used for its maintenance and restoration, when documenting it and when presenting it to public. Five case studies represented by archaeological sites containing floor mosaics and other kind of pavements, dated to the Hellenistic and the Roman period, have been investigated by means of in situ and laboratory analyses. The results indicated that the characteristics of the studied pavements, namely the number and the thickness of the preparatory layers, and the properties of the mortars constituting them, vary according to the ancient use of the room where the pavements are placed and to the type of surface upon which they were built. The study contributed to the understanding of the function and the technology of the pavements’ substrate and to the characterization of its constituent materials. Furthermore, the research underlined the importance of the investigation of the whole structure of the pavement, included the foundation surface, in the interpretation of the archaeological context where it is located. A series of practical applications of the results of the research, in the designing of repair mortars for pavements, in the documentation of ancient pavements in the conservation practice, and in the presentation to public in situ and in museums of ancient pavements, have been suggested.


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Aflatoxin (AFL) contamination of corn is a serious economic and food security issue. Although a variety of technical solutions for reducing AFL contamination of corn have been proposed, only a few have produced satisfactory results. A successful approach is a biocontrol strategy consisting of using non-flatoxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavus to replace indigenous AFL-producing isolates. The main objective of the present thesis was to investigate the dynamic and contamination of AFL/A. flavus in corn in Northern Italy. The study also investigated the role of the key-pest of corn, the European Corn Borer (ECB), on AFL contamination and dispersal of A. flavus propagules in corn. Finally, the study evaluated the feasibility of bioplastic-based granules entrapping a non-aflatoxigenic A. flavus strain for the biocontrol of this fungus in corn. The 2-year field study demonstrated the efficacy of the bioplastic formulation to reduce AFL contamination in corn. More precisely, although AFL contamination varied among the two years, application of 15 and 30 kg ha-1 of granules reduced AFL contamination to up 60 and 85% in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Microbiological analysis showed that the relative abundance of non-aflatoxigenic soil isolates significantly increased after 1 month from granules application (mid-May) and throughout the corn-growing season. These findings were consistent with data obtained using a bioplastic-based bait specifically developed to selectively isolate Aspergilli from soil and other environmental samples. In addition, field and laboratory evaluations showed that the level of damages produced by ECB larvae were not significantly correlated to A. flavus infestation and AFL contamination. Taking together, these findings demonstrated that AFL contamination of corn in Northern Italy was variable, but above the EU limit for human consumption. First proposed in the USA, this study showed the practical possibility of this formulation to be use for reducing AFL contamination in corn in the EU.