7 resultados para Plasma-Renin Activity
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Le cellule mesenchimali stromali (MSC) sono cellule multipotenti e numerosi studi hanno mostrato i loro effetti benefici nel danno renale acuto ma non sono ancora stati dimostrati potenziali effetti nella malattia renale cronica. L'ostruzione ureterale unilaterale (UUO) è un modello di fibrosi interstiziale nel quale l'attivazione di molecole vasoattive, citochine profibrotiche e infiammatorie gioca un ruolo patogenetico nello sviluppo dell'apoptosi e atrofia tubulare. Il sistema renina-angiotensina (RAS) gioca un ruolo chiave nello sviluppo della fibrosi renale e i farmaci che hanno come target l'angiotensina II, principale mediatore del RAS, sono attualmente la terapia più efficace nel ridurre la progressione della malattia renale cronica. E' noto che gli ACE-inibitori (ACEi) inducono un aumento compensatorio della renina plasmatica per la mancaza del feedback negativo sulla sua produzione. Tuttavia, la renina (R) promuove il danno renale non solo stimolando la produzione di ANGII, ma anche up-regolando geni profibrotici attraverso l'attivazione del recettore renina/prorenina. Lo scopo dello studio è stato indagare se l'infusione di MSC riduceva il danno renalein un modello animale di UUO e comparare gli eventuali effetti protettivi di ACEi e MSC in UUO. Abbiamo studiato 5 gruppi di ratti. A: sham operati. B: ratti sottoposti a UUO che ricevevano soluzione salina. C: ratti sottoposti a UUO che ricevavano MSC 3X106 nella vena della coda al giorno 0. D:ratti sottoposti a UUO che ricevevano lisinopril dal g 1 al g 21. E: ratti sottoposti a UUO che ricevevano MSC 3X106 nella vena della coda al giorno 0 e lisinopril dal g 1 al g 21. I ratti sono stati sacrificati al giorno 7 e 21. I risultati dello studio mostrano che MSC in UUO prevengono l'aumento della renina, riducono la generazione di ANGII e che in terapia combinata con ACEi riducono ulteriormente l'ANGII, determinando una sinergia nel miglioramento della fibrosi renale.
Cancer research and development of targeting agents in this field is based on robust studies using preclinical models. The failure rate of standardized treatment approaches for several solid tumors has led to the urgent need to fine-tune more sophisticated and faithful preclinical models able to recapitulate the features of in vivo human tumors, with the final aim to shed light on new potential therapeutic targets. Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (EOC) serous histotype (HGSOC) is one of the most lethal diseases in women due to its high aggressiveness (75% of patients diagnosed at FIGO III-IV state) and poor prognosis (less of 50% in 5 years), whose therapy often fails as chemoresistance sets in. This thesis aimed at using the novel perfusion-based bioreactor U-CUP that provides direct perfusion throughout the tumor tissue seeking to obtain an EOC 3D ex vivo model able to recapitulate the features of the original tumor including the tumor microenvironment and maintaining its cellular heterogeneity. Moreover, we optimized this approach so that it can be successfully applied to slow-frozen tumoral tissues, further extending the usefulness of this tool. We also investigated the effectiveness of Plasma Activated Ringer’s Lactate solution (PA-RL) against Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (EOC) serous histotype in both 2D and 3D cultures using ex-vivo specimens from HGSOC patients. We propose PA-RL as a novel therapy with local intraperitoneal administration, which could act on primary or metastatic ovarian tumors inducing a specific cancer cell death with reduced damage on the surrounding healthy tissues.
The research activities described in the present thesis have been oriented to the design and development of components and technological processes aimed at optimizing the performance of plasma sources in advanced in material treatments. Consumables components for high definition plasma arc cutting (PAC) torches were studied and developed. Experimental activities have in particular focussed on the modifications of the emissive insert with respect to the standard electrode configuration, which comprises a press fit hafnium insert in a copper body holder, to improve its durability. Based on a deep analysis of both the scientific and patent literature, different solutions were proposed and tested. First, the behaviour of Hf cathodes when operating at high current levels (250A) in oxidizing atmosphere has been experimentally investigated optimizing, with respect to expected service life, the initial shape of the electrode emissive surface. Moreover, the microstructural modifications of the Hf insert in PAC electrodes were experimentally investigated during first cycles, in order to understand those phenomena occurring on and under the Hf emissive surface and involved in the electrode erosion process. Thereafter, the research activity focussed on producing, characterizing and testing prototypes of composite inserts, combining powders of a high thermal conductibility (Cu, Ag) and high thermionic emissivity (Hf, Zr) materials The complexity of the thermal plasma torch environment required and integrated approach also involving physical modelling. Accordingly, a detailed line-by-line method was developed to compute the net emission coefficient of Ar plasmas at temperatures ranging from 3000 K to 25000 K and pressure ranging from 50 kPa to 200 kPa, for optically thin and partially autoabsorbed plasmas. Finally, prototypal electrodes were studied and realized for a newly developed plasma source, based on the plasma needle concept and devoted to the generation of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasmas for biomedical applications.
This dissertation presents the theory and the conducted activity that lead to the construction of a high voltage high frequency arbitrary waveform voltage generator. The generator has been specifically designed to supply power to a wide range of plasma actuators. The system has been completely designed, manufactured and tested at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering of the University of Bologna. The generator structure is based on the single phase cascaded H-bridge multilevel topology and is comprised of 24 elementary units that are series connected in order to form the typical staircase output voltage waveform of a multilevel converter. The total number of voltage levels that can be produced by the generator is 49. Each level is 600 V making the output peak-to-peak voltage equal to 28.8 kV. The large number of levels provides high resolution with respect to the output voltage having thus the possibility to generate arbitrary waveforms. Maximum frequency of operation is 20 kHz. A study of the relevant literature shows that this is the first time that a cascaded multilevel converter of such dimensions has been constructed. Isolation and control challenges had to be solved for the realization of the system. The biggest problem of the current technology in power supplies for plasma actuators is load matching. Resonant converters are the most used power supplies and are seriously affected by this problem. The manufactured generator completely solves this issue providing consistent voltage output independently of the connected load. This fact is very important when executing tests and during the comparison of the results because all measures should be comparable and not dependent from matching issues. The use of the multilevel converter for power supplying a plasma actuator is a real technological breakthrough that has provided and will continue to provide very significant experimental results.
Hair cortisol is a novel marker to measure long-term secretion cortisol free from many methodological caveats associated with other matrices such as plasma, saliva, urine, milk and faeces. For decades hair analysis has been successfully used in forensic science and toxicology to evaluate the exposure to exogenous substances and assess endogenous steroid hormones. Evaluation of cortisol in hair matrix began about a decade ago and have over the past five years had a remarkable development by advancing knowledge and affirming this method as a new and efficient way to study the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity over a long time period. In farm animals, certain environmental or management conditions can potentially activate the HPA axis. Given the importance of cortisol in monitoring the HPA axis activity, a first approach has involved the study on the distribution of hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) in healthy dairy cows showing a physiological range of variation of this hormone. Moreover, HCC have been significantly influenced also by changes in environmental conditions and a significant positive correlation was detected between HCC and cows clinically or physiologically compromised suggesting that these cows were subjected to repeated HPA axis activation. Additionally, Crossbreed F1 heifers showed significantly lower HCC compared to pure animals and a breed influence has been seen also on the HPA axis activity stimulated by an environmental change showing thus a higher level of resilience and a better adaptability to the environment of certain genotypes. Hair proved to be an excellent matrix also in the study of the activation of the HPA axis during the perinatal period. The use of hair analysis in research holds great promise to significantly enhance current understanding on the role of HPA axis over a long period of time.
This PhD thesis is focused on cold atmospheric plasma treatments (GP) for microbial inactivation in food applications. In fact GP represents a promising emerging technology alternative to the traditional methods for the decontamination of foods. The objectives of this work were to evaluate: - the effects of GP treatments on microbial inactivation in model systems and in real foods; - the stress response in L. monocytogenes following exposure to different GP treatments. As far as the first aspect, inactivation curves were obtained for some target pathogens, i.e. Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli, by exposing microbial cells to GP generated with two different DBD equipments and processing conditions (exposure time, material of the electrodes). Concerning food applications, the effects of different GP treatments on the inactivation of natural microflora and Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Enteritidis and Escherichia coli on the surface of Fuji apples, soya sprouts and black pepper were evaluated. In particular the efficacy of the exposure to gas plasma was assessed immediately after treatments and during storage. Moreover, also possible changes in quality parameters such as colour, pH, Aw, moisture content, oxidation, polyphenol-oxidase activity, antioxidant activity were investigated. Since the lack of knowledge of cell targets of GP may limit its application, the possible mechanism of action of GP was studied against 2 strains of Listeria monocytogenes by evaluating modifications in the fatty acids of the cytoplasmic membrane (through GC/MS analysis) and metabolites detected by SPME-GC/MS and 1H-NMR analyses. Moreover, changes induced by different treatments on the expression of selected genes related to general stress response, virulence or to the metabolism were detected with Reverse Transcription-qPCR. In collaboration with the Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA, USA) also proteomic profiles following gas plasma exposure were analysed through Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) to evaluate possible changes in metabolic processes.
Plasma medicine is a branch of plasma-promising biomedical applications that uses cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) as a therapeutic agent in treating a wide range of medical conditions including cancer. Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is a highly malignant and aggressive form of ovarian cancer, and most patients are diagnosed at advanced stages which significantly reduces the chances of successful treatment. Treatment resistance is also common, highlighting the need for novel therapies to be developed to treat EOC. Research in Plasma Medicine has revealed that plasma has unique properties suitable for biomedical applications and medical therapies, including responses to hormetic stimuli. However, the exact mechanisms by which CAP works at the molecular level are not yet fully understood. In this regard, the main goal of this thesis is to identify a possible adjuvant therapy for cancer, which could exert a cytotoxic effect, without damaging the surrounding healthy cells. An examination of different plasma-activated liquids (PALs) revealed their potential as effective tools for significantly inhibiting the growth of EOC. The dose-response profile between PALs and their targeted cytotoxic effects on EOC cells without affecting healthy cells was established. Additionally, it was validated that PALs exert distinct effects on different subtypes of EOC, possibly linked to the cells' metabolism. This suggests the potential for developing new, personalized anticancer strategies. Furthermore, it was observed that CAP treatment can alter the chemistry of a biomolecule present in PAL, impacting its cytotoxic activity. The effectiveness of the treatment was also preliminarily evaluated in 3D cultures, opening the door for further investigation of a possible correlation between the tumor microenvironment and PALs' resistance. These findings shed light on the intricate interplay between CAP and the liquid substrate and cell behaviour, providing valuable insights for the development of a novel and promising CAP-based cancer treatment for clinical application.