10 resultados para Photosynthesis

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Photosynthetic organisms have sought out the delicate balance between efficient light harvesting under limited irradiance and regulated energy dissipation under excess irradiance. One of the protective mechanisms is the thermal energy dissipation through the xanthophyll cycle that may transform harmlessly the excitation energy into heat and thereby prevent the formation of damaging active oxygen species (AOS). Violaxanthin deepoxidase (VDE) converts violaxanthin (V) to antheraxanthin (A) and zeaxanthin (Z) defending the photosynthetic apparatus from excess of light. Another important biological pathway is the chloroplast water-water cycle, which is referred to the electrons from water generated in PSII reducing atmospheric O2 to water in PSI. This mechanism is active in the scavenging of AOS, when electron transport is slowed down by the over-reduction of NADPH pool. The control of the VDE gene and the variations of a set of physiological parameters, such as chlorophyll florescence and AOS content, have been investigated in response to excess of light and drought condition using Arabidopsis thaliana and Arbutus unedo.. Pigment analysis showed an unambiguous relationship between xanthophyll de-epoxidation state ((A+Z)/(V+A+Z)) and VDE mRNA amount in not-irrigated plants. Unexpectedly, gene expression is higher during the night when xanthophylls are mostly epoxidated and VDE activity is supposed to be very low than during the day. The importance of the water-water cycle in protecting the chloroplasts from light stress has been examined through Arabidopsis plant with a suppressed expression of the key enzyme of the cycle: the thylakoid-attached copper/zinc superoxide dismutase. The analysis revealed changes in transcript expression during leaf development consistent with a signalling role of AOS in plant defence responses but no difference was found any in photosynthesis efficiency or in AOS concentration after short-term exposure to excess of light. Environmental stresses such as drought may render previously optimal light levels excessive. In these circumstances the intrinsic regulations of photosynthetic electron transport like xanthophyll and water-water cycles might modify metabolism and gene expression in order to deal with increasing AOS.


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The relation between the intercepted light and orchard productivity was considered linear, although this dependence seems to be more subordinate to planting system rather than light intensity. At whole plant level not always the increase of irradiance determines productivity improvement. One of the reasons can be the plant intrinsic un-efficiency in using energy. Generally in full light only the 5 – 10% of the total incoming energy is allocated to net photosynthesis. Therefore preserving or improving this efficiency becomes pivotal for scientist and fruit growers. Even tough a conspicuous energy amount is reflected or transmitted, plants can not avoid to absorb photons in excess. The chlorophyll over-excitation promotes the reactive species production increasing the photoinhibition risks. The dangerous consequences of photoinhibition forced plants to evolve a complex and multilevel machine able to dissipate the energy excess quenching heat (Non Photochemical Quenching), moving electrons (water-water cycle , cyclic transport around PSI, glutathione-ascorbate cycle and photorespiration) and scavenging the generated reactive species. The price plants must pay for this equipment is the use of CO2 and reducing power with a consequent decrease of the photosynthetic efficiency, both because some photons are not used for carboxylation and an effective CO2 and reducing power loss occurs. Net photosynthesis increases with light until the saturation point, additional PPFD doesn’t improve carboxylation but it rises the efficiency of the alternative pathways in energy dissipation but also ROS production and photoinhibition risks. The wide photo-protective apparatus, although is not able to cope with the excessive incoming energy, therefore photodamage occurs. Each event increasing the photon pressure and/or decreasing the efficiency of the described photo-protective mechanisms (i.e. thermal stress, water and nutritional deficiency) can emphasize the photoinhibition. Likely in nature a small amount of not damaged photosystems is found because of the effective, efficient and energy consuming recovery system. Since the damaged PSII is quickly repaired with energy expense, it would be interesting to investigate how much PSII recovery costs to plant productivity. This PhD. dissertation purposes to improve the knowledge about the several strategies accomplished for managing the incoming energy and the light excess implication on photo-damage in peach. The thesis is organized in three scientific units. In the first section a new rapid, non-intrusive, whole tissue and universal technique for functional PSII determination was implemented and validated on different kinds of plants as C3 and C4 species, woody and herbaceous plants, wild type and Chlorophyll b-less mutant and monocot and dicot plants. In the second unit, using a “singular” experimental orchard named “Asymmetric orchard”, the relation between light environment and photosynthetic performance, water use and photoinhibition was investigated in peach at whole plant level, furthermore the effect of photon pressure variation on energy management was considered on single leaf. In the third section the quenching analysis method suggested by Kornyeyev and Hendrickson (2007) was validate on peach. Afterwards it was applied in the field where the influence of moderate light and water reduction on peach photosynthetic performances, water requirements, energy management and photoinhibition was studied. Using solar energy as fuel for life plant is intrinsically suicidal since the high constant photodamage risk. This dissertation would try to highlight the complex relation existing between plant, in particular peach, and light analysing the principal strategies plants developed to manage the incoming light for deriving the maximal benefits as possible minimizing the risks. In the first instance the new method proposed for functional PSII determination based on P700 redox kinetics seems to be a valid, non intrusive, universal and field-applicable technique, even because it is able to measure in deep the whole leaf tissue rather than the first leaf layers as fluorescence. Fluorescence Fv/Fm parameter gives a good estimate of functional PSII but only when data obtained by ad-axial and ab-axial leaf surface are averaged. In addition to this method the energy quenching analysis proposed by Kornyeyev and Hendrickson (2007), combined with the photosynthesis model proposed by von Caemmerer (2000) is a forceful tool to analyse and study, even in the field, the relation between plant and environmental factors such as water, temperature but first of all light. “Asymmetric” training system is a good way to study light energy, photosynthetic performance and water use relations in the field. At whole plant level net carboxylation increases with PPFD reaching a saturating point. Light excess rather than improve photosynthesis may emphasize water and thermal stress leading to stomatal limitation. Furthermore too much light does not promote net carboxylation improvement but PSII damage, in fact in the most light exposed plants about 50-60% of the total PSII is inactivated. At single leaf level, net carboxylation increases till saturation point (1000 – 1200 μmolm-2s-1) and light excess is dissipated by non photochemical quenching and non net carboxylative transports. The latter follows a quite similar pattern of Pn/PPFD curve reaching the saturation point at almost the same photon flux density. At middle-low irradiance NPQ seems to be lumen pH limited because the incoming photon pressure is not enough to generate the optimum lumen pH for violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) full activation. Peach leaves try to cope with the light excess increasing the non net carboxylative transports. While PPFD rises the xanthophyll cycle is more and more activated and the rate of non net carboxylative transports is reduced. Some of these alternative transports, such as the water-water cycle, the cyclic transport around the PSI and the glutathione-ascorbate cycle are able to generate additional H+ in lumen in order to support the VDE activation when light can be limiting. Moreover the alternative transports seems to be involved as an important dissipative way when high temperature and sub-optimal conductance emphasize the photoinhibition risks. In peach, a moderate water and light reduction does not determine net carboxylation decrease but, diminishing the incoming light and the environmental evapo-transpiration request, stomatal conductance decreases, improving water use efficiency. Therefore lowering light intensity till not limiting levels, water could be saved not compromising net photosynthesis. The quenching analysis is able to partition absorbed energy in the several utilization, photoprotection and photo-oxidation pathways. When recovery is permitted only few PSII remained un-repaired, although more net PSII damage is recorded in plants placed in full light. Even in this experiment, in over saturating light the main dissipation pathway is the non photochemical quenching; at middle-low irradiance it seems to be pH limited and other transports, such as photorespiration and alternative transports, are used to support photoprotection and to contribute for creating the optimal trans-thylakoidal ΔpH for violaxanthin de-epoxidase. These alternative pathways become the main quenching mechanisms at very low light environment. Another aspect pointed out by this study is the role of NPQ as dissipative pathway when conductance becomes severely limiting. The evidence that in nature a small amount of damaged PSII is seen indicates the presence of an effective and efficient recovery mechanism that masks the real photodamage occurring during the day. At single leaf level, when repair is not allowed leaves in full light are two fold more photoinhibited than the shaded ones. Therefore light in excess of the photosynthetic optima does not promote net carboxylation but increases water loss and PSII damage. The more is photoinhibition the more must be the photosystems to be repaired and consequently the energy and dry matter to allocate in this essential activity. Since above the saturation point net photosynthesis is constant while photoinhibition increases it would be interesting to investigate how photodamage costs in terms of tree productivity. An other aspect of pivotal importance to be further widened is the combined influence of light and other environmental parameters, like water status, temperature and nutrition on peach light, water and phtosyntate management.


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The productivity of agricultural crops is seriously limited by salinity. This problem is rapidly increasing, particularly in irrigated lands. Like almost all the fruit tree species, Pyrus communis is generally considered a salt sensitive species, but only little information is available on its behavior under saline conditions. Previous studies, carried out in the Department of Fruit Tree and Woody Plant Science (University of Bologna), focused their attention on pear and quince salt stress responses to understand which rootstock would be the most suitable for pear in order to tolerate a salt stress condition. It has been reported that pear and quince have different ability in the uptake, translocation and accumulation of chloride (Cl-) and sodium (Na+) ions, when plants were irrigated for one season with saline water (5 dS/m). The aim of the present work was to deepen these aspects and investigate salt stress responses in pear and quince. Two different experiments have been performed: a “short-term” trial in a growth chamber and a “long-term” experiment in the open field. In the short-term experiment, three different genotypes usually adopted as pear rootstocks (MC, BA29 and Farold®40) and the pear variety Abbé Fétel own rooted have been compared under salt stress conditions. The trial was performed in a hydroponic culture system, applying a 90 mM NaCl stress to half of the plants, after five weeks of normal growth in Hoagland’s solution. During the three-weeks of salt stress treatment, physiological, mineral and molecular analyses were performed in order to monitor, for each genotype, the development of the salt stress responses in comparison with the corresponding “unstressed” plants. Farold®40 and Abbé Fétel own rooted showed the onset of leaf necrosis, due to salt toxicity, one week before quinces. Moreover, quinces displayed a significant delay in premature senescence of old leaves, while pears emerged for their ability to regenerate new leaves from apparently dead foliage with the salt stress still running. Physiological measurements, such as shoots length, chlorophyll (Chl) content, and photosynthesis, have been carried out and revealed that pears exhibited a significant reduction in water content and a wilting aspect, while for quinces a decrease in Chl content and a growth slowdown were observed. At the end of the trial, all plants were collected and organs separated for dry weight estimation and mineral analyses (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn Mg, Ca, K, Na and Cl). Mineral contents have been affected by salinity; same macro/micro nutrients were altered in some organs or relocated within the plant. This plant response could have partially contributed to face the salt stress. Leaves and roots have been harvested for molecular analyses at four different times during stress conditions. Molecular analyses consisted of the gene expression study of three main ion transporters, well known in Arabidopsis thaliana as salt-tolerance determinants in the “SOS” pathway: NHX1 (tonoplast Na+/H+ antiporter), SOS1 (plasmalemma Na+/H+ antiporter) and HKT1 (K+ high-affinity and Na+ low-affinity transporter). These studies showed that two quince rootstocks adopted different responsive mechanisms to NaCl stress. BA29 increased its Na+ sequestration activity into leaf vacuoles, while MC enhanced temporarily the same ability, but in roots. Farold®40, instead, exhibited increases in SOS1 and HKT1 expression mainly at leaf level in the attempt to retrieve Na+ from xylem, while Abbé Fétel differently altered the expression of these genes in roots. Finally, each genotype showed a peculiar response to salt stress that was the sum of its ability in Na+ exclusion, osmotic tolerance and tissue tolerance. In the long-term experiment, potted trees of the pear variety Abbé Fétel grafted on different rootstocks (MC, BA29 and Farold®40), or own rooted and also rootstocks only were subjected to a salt stress through saline water irrigation with an electrical conductivity of 5 dS/m for two years. The purposes of this study were to evaluate salinity effects on physiological (shoot length, number of buds, photosynthesis, etc.) and yield parameters of cultivar Abbé Fétel in the different combinations and to determine the salt amount that pear is able to tolerate over the years. With this work, we confirmed the previous hypothesis that pear, despite being classified as a salt-sensitive fruit tree, can be cultivated for two years under saline water irrigation, without showing any salt toxicity symptoms or severe drawbacks on plant development and production. Among different combinations, Abbé Fétel grafted on MC resulted interesting for its peculiar behaviors under salt stress conditions. In the near future, further investigations on physiological and molecular aspects will be necessary to enrich and broaden the knowledge of salt stress responses in pear.


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The main aims of my PhD research work have been the investigation of the redox, photophysical and electronic properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and their possible uses as functional substrates for the (electro)catalytic production of oxygen and as molecular connectors for Quantum-dot Molecular Automata. While for CNT many and diverse applications in electronics, in sensors and biosensors field, as a structural reinforcing in composite materials have long been proposed, the study of their properties as individual species has been for long a challenging task. CNT are in fact virtually insoluble in any solvent and, for years, most of the studies has been carried out on bulk samples (bundles). In Chapter 2 an appropriate description of carbon nanotubes is reported, about their production methods and the functionalization strategies for their solubilization. In Chapter 3 an extensive voltammetric and vis-NIR spectroelectrochemical investigation of true solutions of unfunctionalized individual single wall CNT (SWNT) is reported that permitted to determine for the first time the standard electrochemical potentials of reduction and oxidation as a function of the tube diameter of a large number of semiconducting SWNTs. We also established the Fermi energy and the exciton binding energy for individual tubes in solution and, from the linear correlation found between the potentials and the optical transition energies, one to calculate the redox potentials of SWNTs that are insufficiently abundant or absent in the samples. In Chapter 4 we report on very efficient and stable nano-structured, oxygen-evolving anodes (OEA) that were obtained by the assembly of an oxygen evolving polyoxometalate cluster, (a totally inorganic ruthenium catalyst) with a conducting bed of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). Here, MWCNT were effectively used as carrier of the polyoxometallate for the electrocatalytic production of oxygen and turned out to greatly increase both the efficiency and stability of the device avoiding the release of the catalysts. Our bioinspired electrode addresses the major challenge of artificial photosynthesis, i.e. efficient water oxidation, taking us closer to when we might power the planet with carbon-free fuels. In Chapter 5 a study on surface-active chiral bis-ferrocenes conveniently designed in order to act as prototypical units for molecular computing devices is reported. Preliminary electrochemical studies in liquid environment demonstrated the capability of such molecules to enter three indistinguishable oxidation states. Side chains introduction allowed to organize them in the form of self-assembled monolayers (SAM) onto a surface and to study the molecular and redox properties on solid substrates. Electrochemical studies on SAMs of these molecules confirmed their attitude to undergo fast (Nernstian) electron transfer processes generating, in the positive potential region, either the full oxidized Fc+-Fc+ or the partly oxidized Fc+-Fc species. Finally, in Chapter 6 we report on a preliminary electrochemical study of graphene solutions prepared according to an original procedure recently described in the literature. Graphene is the newly-born of carbon nanomaterials and is certainly bound to be among the most promising materials for the next nanoelectronic generation.


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The aim of the present thesis was to better understand the physiological role of the phytohormones jasmonates (JAs) and abscisic acid (ABA) during fruit ripening in prospect of a possible field application of JAs and ABA to improve fruit yield and quality. In particular, the effects of exogenous application of these substances at different fruit developmental stages and under different experimental conditions were evaluated. Some aspects of the water relations upon ABA treatment were also analysed. Three fruit species, peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch), golden (Actinidia chinensis) and green kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa), and several of their cvs, were used for the trials. Different experimental models were adopted: fruits in planta, detached fruit, detached branches with fruit, girdled branches and micropropagated plants. The work was structured into four sets of experiments as follows: (i) Pre-harvest methyl jasmonate (MJ) application was performed at S3/S4 transition under field conditions in Redhaven peach; ethylene production, ripening index, fruit quality and shelf-life were assessed showing that MJ-treated fruit were firmer and thus less ripe than controls as confirmed by the Index of Absorbance Difference (IAD), but exhibited a shorter shelf-life due to an increase in ethylene production. Moreover, the time course of the expression of ethylene-, auxin- and other ripening-related genes was determined. Ripening-related ACO1 and ACS1 transcript accumulation was inhibited though transiently by MJ, and gene expression of the ethylene receptor ETR2 and of the ethylene-related transcription factor ERF2 was also altered. The time course of the expression of several auxin-related genes was strongly affected by MJ suggesting an increase in auxin biosynthesis, altered auxin conjugation and release as well as perception and transport; the need for a correct ethylene/auxin balance during ripening was confirmed. (ii) Pre- and post-harvest ABA applications were carried out under field conditions in Flaminia and O’Henry peach and Stark Red Gold nectarine fruit; ethylene production, ripening index, fruit quality and shelf-life were assessed. Results show that pre-harvest ABA applications increase fruit size and skin color intensity. Also post-harvest ABA treatments alter ripening-related parameters; in particular, while ethylene production is impaired in ABA-treated fruit soluble solids concentration (SSC) is enhanced. Following field ABA applications stem water potential was modified since ABA-treated peach trees retain more water. (iii) Pre- and post-harvest ABA and PDJ treatments were carried out in both kiwifruit species under field conditions at different fruit developmental stages and in post-harvest. Ripening index, fruit quality, plant transpiration, photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were assessed. Pre-harvest treatments enhance SSC in the two cvs and flesh color development in golden kiwifruit. Post-harvest applications of either ABA or ABA plus PDJ lead to increased SSC. In addition, ABA reduces gas exchanges in A. deliciosa. (iv) Spray, drench and dipping ABA treatments were performed in micropropagated peach plants and in peach and nectarine detached branches; plant water use and transpiration, biomass production and fruit dehydration were determined. In both plants and branches ABA significantly reduces water use and fruit dehydration. No negative effects on biomass production were detected. The present information, mainly arising from plant growth regulator application in a field environment, where plants have to cope with multiple biotic and abiotic stresses, may implement the perspectives for the use of these substances in the control of fruit ripening.


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Remote sensing (RS) techniques have evolved into an important instrument to investigate forest function. New methods based on the remote detection of leaf biochemistry and photosynthesis are being developed and applied in pilot studies from airborne and satellite platforms (PRI, solar-induced fluorescence; N and chlorophyll content). Non-destructive monitoring methods, a direct application of RS studies, are also proving increasingly attractive for the determination of stress conditions or nutrient deficiencies not only in research but also in agronomy, horticulture and urban forestry (proximal RS). In this work I will focus on some novel techniques recently developed for the estimation of photochemistry and photosynthetic rates based (i) on the proximal measurement of steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence yield, or (ii) the remote sensing of changes in hyperspectral leaf reflectance, associated to xanthophyll de-epoxydation and energy partitioning, which is closely coupled to leaf photochemistry and photosynthesis. I will also present and describe a mathematical model of leaf steady-state fluorescence and photosynthesis recently developed in our group. Two different species were used in the experiments: Arbutus unedo, a schlerophyllous Mediterranean species, and Populus euroamericana, a broad leaf deciduous tree widely used in plantation forestry. Results show that ambient fluorescence could provide a useful tool for testing photosynthetic processes from a distance. These results confirm also the photosynthetic reflectance index (PRI) as an efficient remote sensing reflectance index estimating short-term changes in photochemical efficiency as well as long-term changes in leaf biochemistry. The study also demonstrated that RS techniques could provide a fast and reliable method to estimate photosynthetic pigment content and total nitrogen, beside assessing the state of photochemical process in our plants’ leaves in the field. This could have important practical applications for the management of plant cultivation systems, for the estimation of the nutrient requirements of our plants for optimal growth.


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The objective of this thesis was to study the response mechanisms of grapevine to Fe-deficiency and to potential Fe chlorosis prevention strategies. The results show that the presence of bicarbonate in the nutrient solution shifted the activity of PEPC and TCA cycle enzymes and the accumulation/translocation of organic acids in roots of Fe-deprived plants. The rootstock 140 Ruggeri displayed a typical behavior of calcicole plants under bicarbonate stress. The Fe chlorosis susceptible rootstock 101-14 reacted to a prolonged Fe-deficiency reducing the root activity of PEPC and MDH. Noteworthy, it accumulates high levels of citric acid in roots, indicating a low capacity to utilizing, transporting and/or exudating organic acids into the rhizosfere. In contrast, 110 Richter rootstock is capable to maintain an active metabolism of organic acids in roots, accumulating them to a lesser extent than 101-14. Similarly to 101-14, SO4 genotype displays a strong decrease of mechanisms associated to Fe chlorosis tolerance (PEPC and MDH enzymes). Nevertheless it is able to avoid excessive accumulation of citric acid in roots, similar as 110 Richter rootstock. Intercropping with Festuca rubra increased leaf chlorophyll content and net photosynthesis. In addition, intercropping reduces the activity of PEPC in roots, similary to Fe-chelate supply. Applications of NH4+ with nitrification inhibitor prevents efficiently Fe-deficiency, increases chlorophyll content, and induces similar root biochemical responses as Fe-EDDHA. Without the addition of nitrification inhibitors, the effectiveness of NH4+ supply on Fe chlorosis prevention resulted significantly lower. The aspects intertwined in this investigation highlight the complexity of Fe physiology and the fine metabolic tuning of grapevine genotypes to Fe availability and soil-related environmental factors. The experimental evidences reveal the need to carry out future researches on Fe nutrition maintaining a continous flow of knowledge between theoretical and agronomical perspectives for fully supporting the efforts devoted to convert science into practice.


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The research was carried out to investigate of main elements of salt stress response in two strawberry cultivars, Elsanta and Elsinore. Plants were grown under 0, 10, 20 and 40 mM NaCl for 80 days. Salinity dramatically affected growth in both cultivars, although Elsinore appeared to be more impaired than Elsanta. Moreover a significant reduction of leaf photosynthesis, evaporation, and stomatal conductance was recorded 24 hrs after the stress was applied in both cultivars, whereas physiological functions were differentially restored after acclimation. However, cv. Elsanta had more efficient leaf gas exchange and water status than cv. Elsinore. In general, Fruit yield reduced upon salinization, wheares fruit quality concerning fruit taste, aroma, appearance, total soluble solids and titratable acidity, did not change but rather was enhanced under moderate salinity. On the other hand fruit quality was impaired at severe salt stress. Fruit antioxidant content and antioxidant capacity were enhanced significantly by increasing salt concentration in both cultivars. The oxidative effects of the stress were defined by the measures of some enzymatic activities and lipid peroxidation. Consistently, an increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxide dismutase (POD) enzymes and higher content of proline and soluble proteins were observed in cv. Elsinore than in cv. Elsanta. The increase coincided with a decrease in lipid peroxidation. The research confirmed that although strawberry cultivars were sensitive to salinity, difference between cultivars exist; The experiment revealed that cv. Elsanta could stand severe salt stress, which was lethal to cv. Elsinore. The parameters measured in the previous experiment were proposed as early screening tools for the salt stress response in nine strawberry genotypes. The results showed that, wheares Elsanta and Elsinore cultivars had a lower dry weight reduction at 40 mM NaCl among cultivars, Naiad, Kamila, and Camarosa were the least salt-sensitive cultivars among the screened.


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Over the past years fruit and vegetable industry has become interested in the application of both osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation as mild technologies because of their low temperature and energy requirements. Osmotic dehydration is a partial dewatering process by immersion of cellular tissue in hypertonic solution. The diffusion of water from the vegetable tissue to the solution is usually accompanied by the simultaneous solutes counter-diffusion into the tissue. Vacuum impregnation is a unit operation in which porous products are immersed in a solution and subjected to a two-steps pressure change. The first step (vacuum increase) consists of the reduction of the pressure in a solid-liquid system and the gas in the product pores is expanded, partially flowing out. When the atmospheric pressure is restored (second step), the residual gas in the pores compresses and the external liquid flows into the pores. This unit operation allows introducing specific solutes in the tissue, e.g. antioxidants, pH regulators, preservatives, cryoprotectancts. Fruit and vegetable interact dynamically with the environment and the present study attempts to enhance our understanding on the structural, physico-chemical and metabolic changes of plant tissues upon the application of technological processes (osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation), by following a multianalytical approach. Macro (low-frequency nuclear magnetic resonance), micro (light microscopy) and ultrastructural (transmission electron microscopy) measurements combined with textural and differential scanning calorimetry analysis allowed evaluating the effects of individual osmotic dehydration or vacuum impregnation processes on (i) the interaction between air and liquid in real plant tissues, (ii) the plant tissue water state and (iii) the cell compartments. Isothermal calorimetry, respiration and photosynthesis determinations led to investigate the metabolic changes upon the application of osmotic dehydration or vacuum impregnation. The proposed multianalytical approach should enable both better designs of processing technologies and estimations of their effects on tissue.


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A model is developed to represent the activity of a farm using the method of linear programming. Two are the main components of the model, the balance of soil fertility and the livestock nutrition. According to the first, the farm is supposed to have a total requirement of nitrogen, which is to be accomplished either through internal sources (manure) or through external sources (fertilisers). The second component describes the animal husbandry as having a nutritional requirement which must be satisfied through the internal production of arable crops or the acquisition of feed from the market. The farmer is supposed to maximise total net income from the agricultural and the zoo-technical activities by choosing one rotation among those available for climate and acclivity. The perspective of the analysis is one of a short period: the structure of the farm is supposed to be fixed without possibility to change the allocation of permanent crops and the amount of animal husbandry. The model is integrated with an environmental module that describes the role of the farm within the carbon-nitrogen cycle. On the one hand the farm allows storing carbon through the photosynthesis of the plants and the accumulation of carbon in the soil; on the other some activities of the farm emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The model is tested for some representative farms of the Emilia-Romagna region, showing to be capable to give different results for conventional and organic farming and providing first results concerning the different atmospheric impact. Relevant data about the representative farms and the feasible rotations are extracted from the FADN database, with an integration of the coefficients from the literature.