5 resultados para Philosophy of nature
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) concept and approach were developed to simultaneously face challenges such as risk mitigation and biodiversity conservation and restoration. NBSs have been endorsed by major International Organizations such as the EU, the FAO and World Bank that are pushing to enable a mainstreaming process. However, a shift from traditional engineering “grey” solutions to wider and standard adoption of NBS encounters technical, social, cultural, and normative barriers that have been identified with a qualitative content analysis of policy documents, reports and expert interviews. The case of the region Emilia-Romagna was studied by developing an analytical framework that brought together the social-ecological context, the governance system and the characteristics of specific NBSs.
Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, die grundlegenden philosophisch-theoretischen Implikationen von Schellings letzter systematischer Darlegung seiner Naturphilosophie nach dem Berliner Textfragment von 1843/44, der “Darstellung des Naturprocesses”, zu untersuchen. Angesichts der sich zwischen den 1830 und den 1860 Jahren in Berlin abzeichnenden neuen intellektuellen Tendenzen und der Entwicklungen in den Naturwissenschaften legt Schelling hier die Grundlagen für eine allgemeine Ontologie des Wirklichen in kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit Kants transzendentalem Idealismus. Innerhalb des systematischen Horizonts der "apriorischen Vernunftwissenschaft" oder "negativen Philosophie" stellt er im ersten Teil seines Werkes die Prinzipien fest, die die „Idee des Existierenden“ ausmachen, und beschreibt die rationale Operation, die durchgeführt werden muss, um zum Gedanken einer „Welt außer der Idee“ zu gelangen. Die philosophisch-systematischen Annahmen, die mit dem Übergang von der bloßen Idee des Existierenden zum Gedanken der außeridealen Welt verbunden sind, werden im ersten Kapitel dieser Dissertation untersucht. Im zweiten Teil seines Werkes definiert Schelling durch eine detaillierte Analyse von Kants Transzendentalen Ästhetik den Raum als diejenige Form, in der uns die Existenzen als voneinander getrennt vorstellen lassen. Obwohl der Zeitbegriff von Schelling nur am Rande behandelt wird, trägt er zusammen mit dem Raum dazu bei, die erste ontologische Grundstruktur der außeridealen Welt zu definieren. Die Analyse von Schellings Konzeption der raumzeitlichen Grundstruktur der außeridealen Welt stellt das Thema des zweiten Kapitels dieser Dissertation dar. Schließlich bestimmt Schelling im dritten Teil seines Werkes die Finalität als diejenige Kausalitätsform, die es ermöglicht, die außerideale Welt als einen werdenden Kontext zu verstehen, dessen Entwicklungsstufen die siderische Welt, die unorganische Welt und die organische Welt sind. Die Schelling‘sche Definition der Teleologie der Natur als zweite ontologische Grundstruktur der außeridealen Welt ist das Thema des dritten Kapitels dieser Dissertation.
The Ǧābirian corpus was a receiver of ancient Greek ideas and, at the same time, a source of knowledge for the later Greek-speaking world, in particular for medieval Byzantine alchemy. Both aspects are explored in the dissertation with respect to the notion of nature. After a general introduction to the Corpus and the sciences described in it, particular attention is devoted to a Byzantine anonymous text, The Work of Four Elements, which was probably influenced by the Ǧābirian Books of Seventy. These texts exemplify how, in the theory of the Ǧābirian science, things are constructed from four natures (hot, cold, moist and dry), the balance of which defines what a thing is. By changing the balance of natures, one can transmute any metals into gold that is perfectly proportioned in terms of natures. Ǧābir presents the art of dyeing metals gold in the Books of Seven Metals which, along with chrysopoetic recipes, also include medical recipes and theoretical contents such as the theories of four humours, properties, and talismans. Moreover, Ǧābir postulated a substrate that does not change in itself and continues to exist when natures move in and out of things. Such primary existence is called the fifth nature as an additional principle to the four natures. This key concept for the Ǧābirian theory, which has been underexplored so far, is discussed through the textual and critical analysis of various unedited sources: the Books of Seven Metals and the Book of the Fifth Nature. This study confirms that the fifth nature was probably derived from ancient Greek philosophical concepts such as the Empedoclean particles, the Aristotelian fifth element and the Stoic pneuma. Thus, this research indicates the importance of the Ǧābirian corpus both in the history of alchemy and the history of philosophy.
Il nostro lavoro è incentrato su Filosofia dell’ineguaglianza, acceso libello di filosofia sociale in forma epistolare, composto da Nikolaj Berdjaev all’inizio del 1918. Nelle quattordici veementi lettere che costituiscono l’opera, egli critica aspramente l’idea di eguaglianza sociale e metafisica propagandata dai rivoluzionari, schierandosi a favore dell’ineguaglianza gerarchica, da lui considerata l’unica garanzia della libertà e della statura teantropica dell’uomo. Abbiamo suddiviso la nostra indagine in tre parti: il primo capitolo è un’introduzione storico-filosofica al testo, in cui sono evidenziati i concetti fondamentali del pensiero del Nostro; nel secondo capitolo abbiamo messo in luce il legame tra lo “stile filosofico” di Berdjaev e la cultura religiosa a cui egli appartiene, riflettendo poi sui problemi traduttivi che ne derivano; in particolare ci siamo soffermati sull’aforisticità del suo pensiero e sullo spiccato afflato emotivo che pervade la sua esposizione. Infine, abbiamo incluso nel terzo capitolo la traduzione di quattro lettere (Sulla rivoluzione, Sui fondamenti ontologico-religiosi della socialità, Sullo Stato, Sul regno di Dio) e della postfazione aggiunta da Berdjaev a Berlino nel 1923, in occasione della pubblicazione del libro.
In this work, we have considered the theme of landscape in the poetry of Andrea Zanzotto, Philippe Jaccottet and Seamus Heaney within the perspective of a fragmentation of the aesthetics of nature. To that end, the most advanced theories of aesthetics applied to nature, such as environmental Aesthetics and Aesthetik der Natur (also known as ökologische Aesthetik) have been taken into account. The philosophical perspective of Paolo D’Angelo, insights from geography (in particular from the works of Franco Farinelli) and from ecology (considering the contributions of Gilles Clément to this discipline) have also been useful. We have argued that the poetic experiences of Zanzotto, Jaccottet and Heaney follow a similar path, each starting from the fusion between the poetic subject and landscape to reach a two-way relationship between them. In this interpretation, the concept of landscape has been considered, according to Michel Collot’s theory of pensée-paysage, as a phenomenon. The poetic texts have been analysed under the lenses of linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical approaches, consistent with the idea that every text must be studied within its context, as every poetic experience is constituted of three elements: the poetic subject, his language and his world, the latest being shaped by and shaping the subject’s position and the perspectives related to it: that is his discourse to the world and in this world.