3 resultados para Peer Group
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Starting from the contexts on which the researches about migrant minors and adolescents have been concentrated so far, school, free time, friends, family, society integration, this work puts attention on gender dimension, supporting the ideas that socialization is a life-long process, that gender and gender roles are a cultural construction and the subject has multiple identities. The research aim to understand if being male or female, related with ethnic and cultural origin, influences the identity construction, the gender belonging and roles, the behaviours, in a different way, in interaction with the different everyday contexts. The research points out how being male or female affects: - daily choices, expectations and behaviours inside peer group, family and school; - future expectations as adult inside family, work and society; - idea about the adolescence and the self-decription as adolescent, female, male and immigrant. The analysis highlights that the gender belonging, as the ethnic and cultural belonging, doesn’t drive behaviours, attitudes, expectations totally to tradition or totally to “western way”, in the different everyday contexts. There is rather a combination of these ways, choosing the one or the other way in the different contexts according to be in a position in which there are more or less contacts with the society they live in. Differently, the self perception as adolescent and as individual is relatively independent from gender and ethniccultural belonging, over which prevail the idea of “ peer normality”. Above all, it is important to put in evidence that they are experiencing a very high level of complexity and change as adolescent and migrant or migrant’ son. Personal, cultural and social transitions can explain a large part of variability and our difficulty to construct high defined classifications.
Being able to positively interact and build relationships with playmates in preschool years is crucial to achieve positive adjustment. An update review and two studies on such topics were provided. Study 1 is observational; it investigates the type of social experience in groups (N = 443) of children (N = 120) at preschool age in child-led vs. teacher-led contexts. The results revealed that in child-led contexts children were more likely to be alone, in dyads, and in small peer groups; groups were mostly characterized by same-gender playmates who engaged in joint interactions, with few social interactions with teachers. In teacher-led contexts, on the other hand, children were more likely to be involved in small, medium and large groups; groups were mostly characterized by other-gender playmates, involved in parallel interactions, with teachers playing a more active role. The purpose of Study 2 was to describe the development of socio-emotional competence, temperamental traits and linguistic skill. It examined the role of children’s reciprocated nominations (=RNs) with peers, assessed via sociometric interview, in relation to socio-emotional competence, temperamental traits and linguistic skill. Finally, the similarity-homophily tendency was investigated. Socio-emotional competence and temperamental traits were assessed via teacher ratings, linguistic skill via test administration. Eighty-four preschool children (M age = 62.53) were recruited within 4 preschool settings. Those children were quite representative of preschool population. The results revealed that children with higher RNs showed higher social competence (tendency), social orientation, positive emotionality, motor activity and linguistic skill. They exhibited lower anxiety-withdrawal. The results also showed that children prefer playmates with similar features: social competence, anger-aggression (tendency), social orientation, positive emotionality, inhibition to innovation, attention, motor activity (tendency) and linguistic skill. Implications for future research were suggested.
Obbiettivo: Valutazione delle eventuali differenze nel trattamento ortodontico di un gruppo di bambini con particolari necessità sanitarie (SHCN) rispetto ad un gruppo di bambini non diagnosticati con SHCN. Materiali e Metodi: Il gruppo campione (SHCN) è costituito da 50 bambini con SHCN. Il gruppo di controllo (NO SHCN) è costituito da 50 bambini non diagnosticati con SHCN pienamente corrispondenti per età, genere e tipo di apparecchio ortodontico utilizzato con i pazienti del gruppo di studio. I dati riguardanti i gruppi SHCN e NO SHCN sono stati analizzati in modo retrospettivo, valutando: - il punteggio pre- e post-trattamento e la riduzione finale dei valori dell'indice PAR (Peer Assessment Rating), della componente DHC (Dental Health Component) e della componente AC (Aesthetic Component) dell'indice IOTN (Orthodontic Treatment Need Index), - il numero di appuntamenti, - il numero di sedute semplici e complesse, - la durata complessiva del trattamento, - l'età all’inizio ed alla fine della terapia. Risultati: Non sono state rilevate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi per quanto concerne il numero di appuntamenti, la durata complessiva del trattamento, l'età all’inizio ed alla fine della terapia ortodontica (valori del p-value:0.682, 0.458, 0.535, 0.675). Sono state rilevate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi per quanto riguarda i punteggi dell’indice PAR, delle componenti DHC e AC dello IOTN pre- e post-trattamento, il numero di sedute semplici e complesse (valori del p-value:0.030, 0.000, 0.020, 0.023, 0.000, 0.000, 0.043, 0.037). Per quanto concerne la riduzione finale del valore dell’indice PAR, della componente DHC e di quella AC dello IOTN non sono state riscontrate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi (valori del p-value:0.060, 0.765, 0.825). Conclusioni: Lo studio incoraggia gli ortodontisti a trattare i bambini con SHCN nell'obiettivo di migliorarne la qualità di vita, pur evidenziando la necessità di un maggior numero di sedute complesse.