10 resultados para PURM. Glass powder. Composites. Thermal insulation. Environment
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Il presente studio si colloca nell’ambito di una ricerca il cui obiettivo è la formulazione di criteri progettuali finalizzati alla ottimizzazione delle prestazioni energetiche delle cantine di aziende vitivinicole con dimensioni produttive medio-piccole. Nello specifico la ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di individuare degli indicatori che possano valutare l’influenza che le principali variabili progettuali hanno sul fabbisogno energetico dell’edificio e sull’andamento delle temperature all’interno dei locali di conservazione ed invecchiamento del vino. Tali indicatori forniscono informazioni sulla prestazione energetica dell’edificio e sull’idoneità dei locali non climatizzati finalizzata alla conservazione del vino Essendo la progettazione una complessa attività multidisciplinare, la ricerca ha previsto l’ideazione di un programma di calcolo in grado di gestire ed elaborare dati provenienti da diversi ambiti (ingegneristici, architettonici, delle produzioni agroindustriali, ecc.), e di restituire risultati sintetici attraverso indicatori allo scopo individuati. Il programma è stato applicato su un caso-studio aziendale rappresentativo del settore produttivo. Sono stati vagliati gli effetti di due modalità di vendemmia e di quattro soluzioni architettoniche differenti. Le soluzioni edilizie derivano dalla combinazione di diversi isolamenti termici e dalla presenza o meno di locali interrati. Per le analisi sul caso-studio ci si è avvalsi di simulazioni energetiche in regime dinamico, supportate e validate da campagne di monitoraggio termico e meteorologico all’interno dell’azienda oggetto di studio. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato come il programma di calcolo concepito nell’ambito di questo studio individui le criticità dell’edificio in termini energetici e di “benessere termico” del vino e consenta una iterativa revisione delle variabili progettuale indagate. Esso quindi risulta essere uno strumento informatizzato di valutazione a supporto della progettazione, finalizzato ad una ottimizzazione del processo progettuale in grado di coniugare, in maniera integrata, gli obiettivi della qualità del prodotto, della efficienza produttiva e della sostenibilità economica ed ambientale.
La ricerca è volta a presentare un nuovo approccio integrato, a supporto di operatori e progettisti, per la gestione dell’intero processo progettuale di interventi di riqualificazione energetica e architettonica del patrimonio edilizio recente, mediante l’impiego di soluzioni tecnologiche innovative di involucro edilizio. Lo studio richiede necessariamente l’acquisizione di un repertorio selezionato di sistemi costruttivi di involucro, come base di partenza per l’elaborazione di soluzioni progettuali di recupero delle scuole appartenenti al secondo dopoguerra, in conglomerato cementizio armato, prevalentemente prefabbricate. Il progetto individua procedimenti costruttivi ecocompatibili per la progettazione di componenti prefabbricati di involucro “attivo”, adattabile ed efficiente, da assemblare a secco, nel rispetto dei requisiti prestazionali richiesti dalle attuali normative. La ricerca è finalizzata alla gestione dell’intero processo, supportato da sistemi di rilevazione geometrica, collegati a software di programmazione parametrica per la modellazione di superfici adattabili alla morfologia dei fabbricati oggetto di intervento. Tali strumenti informatizzati CAD-CAM sono connessi a macchine a controllo numerico CNC per la produzione industrializzata degli elementi costruttivi “su misura”. A titolo esemplificativo dell’approccio innovativo proposto, si formulano due possibili soluzioni di involucro in linea con i paradigmi della ricerca, nel rispetto dei principi di sostenibilità, intesa come modularità, rapidità di posa, reversibilità, recupero e riciclo di materiali. In particolare, le soluzioni innovative sono accomunate dall’applicazione di una tecnica basata sull’assemblaggio di elementi prefabbricati, dall’adozione di una trama esagonale per la tassellazione della nuova superficie di facciata, e dall’utilizzo del medesimo materiale termico isolante, plastico e inorganico, riciclato ed ecosostenibile, a basso impatto ambientale (AAM - Alkali Activated Materials). Le soluzioni progettuali proposte, sviluppate presso le due sedi coinvolte nella cotutela (Università di Bologna, Université Paris-Est) sono affrontate secondo un protocollo scientifico che prevede: progettazione del sistema costruttivo, analisi meccanica e termica, sperimentazione costruttiva, verifica delle tecniche di messa in opera e dei requisiti prestazionali.
Il presente studio si colloca all’interno di una ricerca più ampia volta alla definizione di criteri progettuali finalizzati all’ottimizzazione delle prestazioni energetiche delle cantine di aziende vitivinicole, di dimensioni produttive medio - piccole. Nello specifico la ricerca riguarda la riqualificazione di fabbricati rurali esistenti di modeste dimensioni, da convertire a magazzini per la conservazione del vino in bottiglia. Lo studio si pone come obiettivo la definizione di criteri di analisi per la valutazione di interventi di retrofit di tali fabbricati, volto sia al miglioramento delle prestazioni energetiche dell’involucro edilizio, sia alla riduzione del fabbisogno energetico legato al funzionamento di eventuali impianti di controllo termico. La ricerca è stata condotta mediante l’utilizzo del software di simulazione termica Energy Plus, per ottenere i valori simulati di temperatura interna relativi ai diversi scenari migliorativi ipotizzati, e mediante la successiva definizione di indicatori che esplicitino l’influenza delle principali variabili progettuali sull’andamento delle temperature interne dei locali di conservazione e sul fabbisogno energetico del fabbricato necessario a garantire l’intervallo di temperatura di comfort del vino. Tra tutti gli interventi possibili per il miglioramento della prestazione energetica degli edifici, quelli analizzati in questo studio prevedono l’aggiunta di un isolamento a cappotto delle pareti esterne, l’isolamento della copertura e l’aggiunta di una struttura ombreggiante vegetale esterna. I risultati ottenuti danno una prima indicazione sugli interventi più efficaci in termini di miglioramento energetico e mettono in luce l’utilità del criterio proposto nell’evidenziare le criticità degli interventi migliorativi ipotizzati. Il metodo definito nella presente ricerca risulta quindi un valido strumento di valutazione a supporto della progettazione degli interventi di retrofit dei fabbricati rurali da convertire a magazzini per la conservazione del vino.
This dissertation concerns active fibre-reinforced composites with embedded shape memory alloy wires. The structural application of active materials allows to develop adaptive structures which actively respond to changes in the environment, such as morphing structures, self-healing structures and power harvesting devices. In particular, shape memory alloy actuators integrated within a composite actively control the structural shape or stiffness, thus influencing the composite static and dynamic properties. Envisaged applications include, among others, the prevention of thermal buckling of the outer skin of air vehicles, shape changes in panels for improved aerodynamic characteristics and the deployment of large space structures. The study and design of active composites is a complex and multidisciplinary topic, requiring in-depth understanding of both the coupled behaviour of active materials and the interaction between the different composite constituents. Both fibre-reinforced composites and shape memory alloys are extremely active research topics, whose modelling and experimental characterisation still present a number of open problems. Thus, while this dissertation focuses on active composites, some of the research results presented here can be usefully applied to traditional fibre-reinforced composites or other shape memory alloy applications. The dissertation is composed of four chapters. In the first chapter, active fibre-reinforced composites are introduced by giving an overview of the most common choices available for the reinforcement, matrix and production process, together with a brief introduction and classification of active materials. The second chapter presents a number of original contributions regarding the modelling of fibre-reinforced composites. Different two-dimensional laminate theories are derived from a parent three-dimensional theory, introducing a procedure for the a posteriori reconstruction of transverse stresses along the laminate thickness. Accurate through the thickness stresses are crucial for the composite modelling as they are responsible for some common failure mechanisms. A new finite element based on the First-order Shear Deformation Theory and a hybrid stress approach is proposed for the numerical solution of the two-dimensional laminate problem. The element is simple and computationally efficient. The transverse stresses through the laminate thickness are reconstructed starting from a general finite element solution. A two stages procedure is devised, based on Recovery by Compatibility in Patches and three-dimensional equilibrium. Finally, the determination of the elastic parameters of laminated structures via numerical-experimental Bayesian techniques is investigated. Two different estimators are analysed and compared, leading to the definition of an alternative procedure to improve convergence of the estimation process. The third chapter focuses on shape memory alloys, describing their properties and applications. A number of constitutive models proposed in the literature, both one-dimensional and three-dimensional, are critically discussed and compared, underlining their potential and limitations, which are mainly related to the definition of the phase diagram and the choice of internal variables. Some new experimental results on shape memory alloy material characterisation are also presented. These experimental observations display some features of the shape memory alloy behaviour which are generally not included in the current models, thus some ideas are proposed for the development of a new constitutive model. The fourth chapter, finally, focuses on active composite plates with embedded shape memory alloy wires. A number of di®erent approaches can be used to predict the behaviour of such structures, each model presenting different advantages and drawbacks related to complexity and versatility. A simple model able to describe both shape and stiffness control configurations within the same context is proposed and implemented. The model is then validated considering the shape control configuration, which is the most sensitive to model parameters. The experimental work is divided in two parts. In the first part, an active composite is built by gluing prestrained shape memory alloy wires on a carbon fibre laminate strip. This structure is relatively simple to build, however it is useful in order to experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of the concept proposed in the first part of the chapter. In the second part, the making of a fibre-reinforced composite with embedded shape memory alloy wires is investigated, considering different possible choices of materials and manufacturing processes. Although a number of technological issues still need to be faced, the experimental results allow to demonstrate the mechanism of shape control via embedded shape memory alloy wires, while showing a good agreement with the proposed model predictions.
Development of glass-ceramics from combination of industrial wastes together with boron mining waste
The utilization of borate mineral wastes with glass-ceramic technology was first time studied and primarily not investigated combinations of wastes were incorporated into the research. These wastes consist of; soda lime silica glass, meat bone and meal ash and fly ash. In order to investigate possible and relevant application areas in ceramics, kaolin clay, an essential raw material for ceramic industry was also employed in some studied compositions. As a result, three different glass-ceramic articles obtained by using powder sintering method via individual sintering processes. Light weight micro porous glass-ceramic from borate mining waste, meat bone and meal ash and kaolin clay was developed. In some compositions in related study, soda lime silica glass waste was used as an additive providing lightweight structure with a density below 0.45 g/cm3 and a crushing strength of 1.8±0.1 MPa. In another study within the research, compositions respecting the B2O3–P2O5–SiO2 glass-ceramic ternary system were prepared from; borate wastes, meat bone and meal ash and soda lime silica glass waste and sintered up to 950ºC. Low porous, highly crystallized glass-ceramic structures with density ranging between 1.8 ± 0,7 to 2.0 ± 0,3 g/cm3 and tensile strength ranging between 8,0 ± 2 to 15,0 ± 0,5 MPa were achieved. Lastly, diopside - wollastonite (SiO2-Al2O3-CaO )glass-ceramics from borate wastes, fly ash and soda lime silica glass waste were successfully obtained with controlled rapid sintering between 950 and 1050ºC. The wollastonite and diopside crystal sizes were improved by adopting varied combinations of formulations and heating rates. The properties of the obtained materials show; the articles with a uniform pore structure could be useful for thermal and acoustic insulations and can be embedded in lightweight concrete where low porous glass-ceramics can be employed as building blocks or additive in cement and ceramic industries.
Over the last decade, graphene and related materials (GRM) have drawn significant interest and resources for their development into the next generation of composite materials. This is because these nanoparticles have the ability to operate as reinforcing additives capable of imparting considerable mechanical property increases while also embedding multi-functional advantages on the host matrix. Because graphene and 2D materials are still in their early stages, the relative maturity of different types of composite systems varies. As a result, certain nanocomposite systems are currently commercially accessible, while others are not yet sufficiently developed to enter the market. A substantial emphasis has been placed on developing thermoplastic and thermosetting materials that combine a variety of mechanical and functional qualities. These include higher strength and stiffness, increased thermal and electrical conductivity, improved barrier properties, fire retardancy, and others, with the ultimate goal of providing multifunctionality to already employed composites. The work presented in this thesis investigates the use and benefits that GRM could bring to composites for a variety of applications, with the goal of realizing multifunctional components with improved properties that leads to lightweight and, as a result, energy and cost savings and pollution reduction in the environment. In particular, we worked on the following topics: • Benchmarking of commercial GRM-based master batches; • GRM-coatings for water uptake reduction; • GRM as thermo-electrical anti-icing /de-icing system; • GRM for Out of Oven curing of composites.
Composite porcelain enamels are inorganic coatings for metallic components based on a special ceramic-vitreous matrix in which specific additives are randomly dispersed. The ceramic-vitreous matrix is made by a mixture of various raw materials and elements and in particular it is based on boron-silicate glass added with metal oxides(1) of titanium, zinc, tin, zirconia, alumina, ecc. These additions are often used to improve and enhance some important performances such as corrosion(2) and wear resistance, mechanical strength, fracture toughness and also aesthetic functions. The coating process, called enamelling, depends on the nature of the surface, but also on the kind of the used porcelain enamel. For metal sheets coatings two industrial processes are actually used: one based on a wet porcelain enamel and another based on a dry-silicone porcelain enamel. During the firing process, that is performed at about 870°C in the case of a steel substrate, the enamel raw material melts and interacts with the metal substrate so enabling the formation of a continuous varying structure. The interface domain between the substrate and the external layer is made of a complex material system where the ceramic vitreous and the metal constituents are mixed. In particular four main regions can be identified, (i) the pure metal region, (ii) the region where the metal constituents are dominant compared with the ceramic vitreous components, (iii) the region where the ceramic vitreous constituents are dominant compared with the metal ones, and the fourth region (iv) composed by the pure ceramic vitreous material. It has also to be noticed the presence of metallic dendrites that hinder the substrate and the external layer passing through the interphase region. Each region of the final composite structure plays a specific role: the metal substrate has mainly the structural function, the interphase region and the embedded dendrites guarantee the adhesion of the external vitreous layer to the substrate and the external vitreous layer is characterized by an high tribological, corrosion and thermal shock resistance. Such material, due to its internal composition, functionalization and architecture can be considered as a functionally graded composite material. The knowledge of the mechanical, tribological and chemical behavior of such composites is not well established and the research is still in progress. In particular the mechanical performances data about the composite coating are not jet established. In the present work the Residual Stresses, the Young modulus and the First Crack Failure of the composite porcelain enamel coating are studied. Due to the differences of the porcelain composite enamel and steel thermal properties the enamelled steel sheets have residual stresses: compressive residual stress acts on the coating and tensile residual stress acts on the steel sheet. The residual stresses estimation has been performed by measuring the curvature of rectangular one-side coated specimens. The Young modulus and the First Crack Failure (FCF) of the coating have been estimated by four point bending tests (3-7) monitored by means of the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique(5,6). In particular the AE information has been used to identify, during the bending tests, the displacement domain over which no coating failure occurs (Free Failure Zone, FFZ). In the FFZ domain, the Young modulus has been estimated according to ASTM D6272-02. The FCF has been calculated as the ratio between the displacement at the first crack of the coating and the coating thickness on the cracked side. The mechanical performances of the tested coated specimens have also been related and discussed to respective microstructure and surface characteristics by double entry charts.
The main reasons for the attention focused on ceramics as possible structural materials are their wear resistance and the ability to operate with limited oxidation and ablation at temperatures above 2000°C. Hence, this work is devoted to the study of two classes of materials which can satisfy these requirements: silicon carbide -based ceramics (SiC) for wear applications and borides and carbides of transition metals for ultra-high temperatures applications (UHTCs). SiC-based materials: Silicon carbide is a hard ceramic, which finds applications in many industrial sectors, from heat production, to automotive engineering and metals processing. In view of new fields of uses, SiC-based ceramics were produced with addition of 10-30 vol% of MoSi2, in order to obtain electro conductive ceramics. MoSi2, indeed, is an intermetallic compound which possesses high temperature oxidation resistance, high electrical conductivity (21·10-6 Ω·cm), relatively low density (6.31 g/cm3), high melting point (2030°C) and high stiffness (440 GPa). The SiC-based ceramics were hot pressed at 1900°C with addition of Al2O3-Y2O3 or Y2O3-AlN as sintering additives. The microstructure of the composites and of the reference materials, SiC and MoSi2, were studied by means of conventional analytical techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The composites showed a homogeneous microstructure, with good dispersion of the secondary phases and low residual porosity. The following thermo-mechanical properties of the SiC-based materials were measured: Vickers hardness (HV), Young’s modulus (E), fracture toughness (KIc) and room to high temperature flexural strength (σ). The mechanical properties of the composites were compared to those of two monolithic SiC and MoSi2 materials and resulted in a higher stiffness, fracture toughness and slightly higher flexural resistance. Tribological tests were also performed in two configurations disco-on-pin and slideron cylinder, aiming at studying the wear behaviour of SiC-MoSi2 composites with Al2O3 as counterfacing materials. The tests pointed out that the addition of MoSi2 was detrimental owing to a lower hardness in comparison with the pure SiC matrix. On the contrary, electrical measurements revealed that the addition of 30 vol% of MoSi2, rendered the composite electroconductive, lowering the electrical resistance of three orders of magnitude. Ultra High Temperature Ceramics: Carbides, borides and nitrides of transition metals (Ti, Zr, Hf, Ta, Nb, Mo) possess very high melting points and interesting engineering properties, such as high hardness (20-25 GPa), high stiffness (400-500 GPa), flexural strengths which remain unaltered from room temperature to 1500°C and excellent corrosion resistance in aggressive environment. All these properties place the UHTCs as potential candidates for the development of manoeuvrable hypersonic flight vehicles with sharp leading edges. To this scope Zr- and Hf- carbide and boride materials were produced with addition of 5-20 vol% of MoSi2. This secondary phase enabled the achievement of full dense composites at temperature lower than 2000°C and without the application of pressure. Besides the conventional microstructure analyses XRD and SEM-EDS, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was employed to explore the microstructure on a small length scale to disclose the effective densification mechanisms. A thorough literature analysis revealed that neither detailed TEM work nor reports on densification mechanisms are available for this class of materials, which however are essential to optimize the sintering aids utilized and the processing parameters applied. Microstructural analyses, along with thermodynamics and crystallographic considerations, led to disclose of the effective role of MoSi2 during sintering of Zrand Hf- carbides and borides. Among the investigated mechanical properties (HV, E, KIc, σ from room temperature to 1500°C), the high temperature flexural strength was improved due to the protective and sealing effect of a silica-based glassy phase, especially for the borides. Nanoindentation tests were also performed on HfC-MoSi2 composites in order to extract hardness and elastic modulus of the single phases. Finally, arc jet tests on HfC- and HfB2-based composites confirmed the excellent oxidation behaviour of these materials under temperature exceeding 2000°C; no cracking or spallation occurred and the modified layer was only 80-90 μm thick.
This PhD work was aimed to design, develop, and characterize gelatin-based scaffolds, for the repair of defects in the muscle-skeletal system. Gelatin is a biopolymer widely used for pharmaceutical and medical applications, thanks to its biodegradability and biocompatibility. It is obtained from collagen via thermal denaturation or chemical-physical degradation. Despite its high potential as biomaterial, gelatin exhibits poor mechanical properties and a low resistance in aqueous environment. Crosslinking treatment and enrichment with reinforcement materials are thus required for biomedical applications. In this work, gelatin based scaffolds were prepared following three different strategies: films were prepared through the solvent casting method, electrospinning technique was applied for the preparation of porous mats, and 3D porous scaffolds were prepared through freeze-drying. The results obtained on films put into evidence the influence of pH, crosslinking and reinforcement with montmorillonite (MMT), on the structure, stability and mechanical properties of gelatin and MMT/gelatin composites. The information acquired on the effect of crosslinking in different conditions was utilized to optimize the preparation procedure of electrospun and freeze-dried scaffolds. A successful method was developed to prepare gelatin nanofibrous scaffolds electrospun from acetic acid/water solution and stabilized with a non-toxic crosslinking agent, genipin, able to preserve their original morphology after exposure to water. Moreover, the co-electrospinning technique was used to prepare nanofibrous scaffolds at variable content of gelatin and polylactic acid. Preliminary in vitro tests indicated that the scaffolds are suitable for cartilage tissue engineering, and that their potential applications can be extended to cartilage-bone interface tissue engineering. Finally, 3D porous gelatin scaffolds, enriched with calcium phosphate, were prepared with the freeze-drying method. The results indicated that the crystallinity of the inorganic phase influences porosity, interconnectivity and mechanical properties. Preliminary in vitro tests show good osteoblast response in terms of proliferation and adhesion on all the scaffolds.
Several CFCC (Continuous Fiber Composite Ceramics) production processes were tested, concluding that PIP (Polymer Impregnation, or Infiltration, Pyrolysis) and CBC (Chemically Bonded Ceramics) based procedures have interesting potential applications in the construction and transportation fields, thanks to low costs to get potentially useful thermomechanical performances. Among the different processes considered during the Doctorate (from the synthesis of new preceramic polymers, to the PIP production of SiC / SiC composites) the more promising results came from the PIP process with poly-siloxanes on basalt fabrics preforms. Low processing time and costs, together with fairly good thermomechanical properties were demonstrated, even after only one or two PIP steps in nitrogen flow. In alternative, pyrolysis in vacuum was also tested, a procedure still not discussed in literature, but which could originate an interesting reduction of production costs, with only a moderate detrimental effect on the mechanical properties. The resulting CFCC is a basalt / SiCO composite that can be applied for continuous operation up to 600°C, also in oxidant environment, as TG and XRD demonstrated. The failure upon loading is generally pseudo-plastic, being interlaminar delamination the most probable rupture mechanism. . The strength depends on several different factors (microstructure, polymer curing and subsequent ceramic phase evolution, fiber pull-out, fiber strength, fiber percentage) and can only be optimized empirically. In order to be open minded in selecting the best technology, also CBC (Chemically Bonded Ceramics) matrixes were considered during this Doctorate, making some preliminary investigations on fire-resistant phosphate cements. Our results on a commercial product evidenced some interesting thermomechanical capabilities, even after thermal treatments. However the experiments showed also phase change and possible cracking and deformations even on slow drying (at 130°C) and easy rehydration upon exposure to environmental humidity.