3 resultados para P values
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In this work we aim to propose a new approach for preliminary epidemiological studies on Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMR) collected in many spatial regions. A preliminary study on SMRs aims to formulate hypotheses to be investigated via individual epidemiological studies that avoid bias carried on by aggregated analyses. Starting from collecting disease counts and calculating expected disease counts by means of reference population disease rates, in each area an SMR is derived as the MLE under the Poisson assumption on each observation. Such estimators have high standard errors in small areas, i.e. where the expected count is low either because of the low population underlying the area or the rarity of the disease under study. Disease mapping models and other techniques for screening disease rates among the map aiming to detect anomalies and possible high-risk areas have been proposed in literature according to the classic and the Bayesian paradigm. Our proposal is approaching this issue by a decision-oriented method, which focus on multiple testing control, without however leaving the preliminary study perspective that an analysis on SMR indicators is asked to. We implement the control of the FDR, a quantity largely used to address multiple comparisons problems in the eld of microarray data analysis but which is not usually employed in disease mapping. Controlling the FDR means providing an estimate of the FDR for a set of rejected null hypotheses. The small areas issue arises diculties in applying traditional methods for FDR estimation, that are usually based only on the p-values knowledge (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995; Storey, 2003). Tests evaluated by a traditional p-value provide weak power in small areas, where the expected number of disease cases is small. Moreover tests cannot be assumed as independent when spatial correlation between SMRs is expected, neither they are identical distributed when population underlying the map is heterogeneous. The Bayesian paradigm oers a way to overcome the inappropriateness of p-values based methods. Another peculiarity of the present work is to propose a hierarchical full Bayesian model for FDR estimation in testing many null hypothesis of absence of risk.We will use concepts of Bayesian models for disease mapping, referring in particular to the Besag York and Mollié model (1991) often used in practice for its exible prior assumption on the risks distribution across regions. The borrowing of strength between prior and likelihood typical of a hierarchical Bayesian model takes the advantage of evaluating a singular test (i.e. a test in a singular area) by means of all observations in the map under study, rather than just by means of the singular observation. This allows to improve the power test in small areas and addressing more appropriately the spatial correlation issue that suggests that relative risks are closer in spatially contiguous regions. The proposed model aims to estimate the FDR by means of the MCMC estimated posterior probabilities b i's of the null hypothesis (absence of risk) for each area. An estimate of the expected FDR conditional on data (\FDR) can be calculated in any set of b i's relative to areas declared at high-risk (where thenull hypothesis is rejected) by averaging the b i's themselves. The\FDR can be used to provide an easy decision rule for selecting high-risk areas, i.e. selecting as many as possible areas such that the\FDR is non-lower than a prexed value; we call them\FDR based decision (or selection) rules. The sensitivity and specicity of such rule depend on the accuracy of the FDR estimate, the over-estimation of FDR causing a loss of power and the under-estimation of FDR producing a loss of specicity. Moreover, our model has the interesting feature of still being able to provide an estimate of relative risk values as in the Besag York and Mollié model (1991). A simulation study to evaluate the model performance in FDR estimation accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the decision rule, and goodness of estimation of relative risks, was set up. We chose a real map from which we generated several spatial scenarios whose counts of disease vary according to the spatial correlation degree, the size areas, the number of areas where the null hypothesis is true and the risk level in the latter areas. In summarizing simulation results we will always consider the FDR estimation in sets constituted by all b i's selected lower than a threshold t. We will show graphs of the\FDR and the true FDR (known by simulation) plotted against a threshold t to assess the FDR estimation. Varying the threshold we can learn which FDR values can be accurately estimated by the practitioner willing to apply the model (by the closeness between\FDR and true FDR). By plotting the calculated sensitivity and specicity (both known by simulation) vs the\FDR we can check the sensitivity and specicity of the corresponding\FDR based decision rules. For investigating the over-smoothing level of relative risk estimates we will compare box-plots of such estimates in high-risk areas (known by simulation), obtained by both our model and the classic Besag York Mollié model. All the summary tools are worked out for all simulated scenarios (in total 54 scenarios). Results show that FDR is well estimated (in the worst case we get an overestimation, hence a conservative FDR control) in small areas, low risk levels and spatially correlated risks scenarios, that are our primary aims. In such scenarios we have good estimates of the FDR for all values less or equal than 0.10. The sensitivity of\FDR based decision rules is generally low but specicity is high. In such scenario the use of\FDR = 0:05 or\FDR = 0:10 based selection rule can be suggested. In cases where the number of true alternative hypotheses (number of true high-risk areas) is small, also FDR = 0:15 values are well estimated, and \FDR = 0:15 based decision rules gains power maintaining an high specicity. On the other hand, in non-small areas and non-small risk level scenarios the FDR is under-estimated unless for very small values of it (much lower than 0.05); this resulting in a loss of specicity of a\FDR = 0:05 based decision rule. In such scenario\FDR = 0:05 or, even worse,\FDR = 0:1 based decision rules cannot be suggested because the true FDR is actually much higher. As regards the relative risk estimation, our model achieves almost the same results of the classic Besag York Molliè model. For this reason, our model is interesting for its ability to perform both the estimation of relative risk values and the FDR control, except for non-small areas and large risk level scenarios. A case of study is nally presented to show how the method can be used in epidemiology.
Obbiettivo: Valutazione delle eventuali differenze nel trattamento ortodontico di un gruppo di bambini con particolari necessità sanitarie (SHCN) rispetto ad un gruppo di bambini non diagnosticati con SHCN. Materiali e Metodi: Il gruppo campione (SHCN) è costituito da 50 bambini con SHCN. Il gruppo di controllo (NO SHCN) è costituito da 50 bambini non diagnosticati con SHCN pienamente corrispondenti per età, genere e tipo di apparecchio ortodontico utilizzato con i pazienti del gruppo di studio. I dati riguardanti i gruppi SHCN e NO SHCN sono stati analizzati in modo retrospettivo, valutando: - il punteggio pre- e post-trattamento e la riduzione finale dei valori dell'indice PAR (Peer Assessment Rating), della componente DHC (Dental Health Component) e della componente AC (Aesthetic Component) dell'indice IOTN (Orthodontic Treatment Need Index), - il numero di appuntamenti, - il numero di sedute semplici e complesse, - la durata complessiva del trattamento, - l'età all’inizio ed alla fine della terapia. Risultati: Non sono state rilevate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi per quanto concerne il numero di appuntamenti, la durata complessiva del trattamento, l'età all’inizio ed alla fine della terapia ortodontica (valori del p-value:0.682, 0.458, 0.535, 0.675). Sono state rilevate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi per quanto riguarda i punteggi dell’indice PAR, delle componenti DHC e AC dello IOTN pre- e post-trattamento, il numero di sedute semplici e complesse (valori del p-value:0.030, 0.000, 0.020, 0.023, 0.000, 0.000, 0.043, 0.037). Per quanto concerne la riduzione finale del valore dell’indice PAR, della componente DHC e di quella AC dello IOTN non sono state riscontrate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi (valori del p-value:0.060, 0.765, 0.825). Conclusioni: Lo studio incoraggia gli ortodontisti a trattare i bambini con SHCN nell'obiettivo di migliorarne la qualità di vita, pur evidenziando la necessità di un maggior numero di sedute complesse.
The principle aim of this study was to investigate biological predictors of response and resistance to multiple myeloma treatment. Two hypothesis had been proposed as responsible of responsiveness: SNPs in DNA repair and Folate pathway, and P-gp dependent efflux. As a first objective, panel of SNPs in DNA repair and Folate pathway genes, were analyzed. It was a retrospective study in a group of 454, previously untreated, MM patients enrolled in a randomized phase III open-label study. Results show that some SNPs in Folate pathway are correlated with response to MM treatment. MTR genotype was associated with favorable response in the overall population of MM patients. However, this relation, disappear after adjustment for treatment response. When poor responder includes very good partial response, partial response and stable/progressive disease MTFHR rs1801131 genotype was associated with poor response to therapy. This relation - unlike in MTR – was still significant after adjustment for treatment response. Identification of this genetic variant in MM patients could be used as an independent prognostic factor for therapeutic outcome in the clinical practice. In the second objective, basic disposition characteristics of bortezomib was investigated. We demonstrated that bortezomib is a P-gp substrate in a bi-directional transport study. We obtain apparent permeability rate values that together with solubility values can have a crucial implication in better understanding of bortezomib pharmacokinetics with respect to the importance of membrane transporters. Subsequently, in view of the importance of P-gp for bortezomib responsiveness a panel of SNPs in ABCB1 gene - coding for P-gp - were analyzed. In particular we analyzed five SNPs, none of them however correlated with treatment responsiveness. However, we found a significant association between ABCB1 variants and cytogenetic abnormalities. In particular, deletion of chromosome 17 and t(4;14) translocation were present in patients harboring rs60023214 and rs2038502 variants respectively.