4 resultados para Optic nerve diseases

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION IN HEREDITARY OPTIC NEUROPATHIES Mitochondrial pathologies are a heterogeneous group of clinical manifestations characterized by oxidative phosphorylation impairment. At the beginning of their recognition mitochondrial pathologies were regarded as rare disorders but indeed they are more frequent than originally thought. Due to the unique mitochondria peculiarities mitochondrial pathologies can be caused by mutations in both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The poor knowledge of pathologic mechanism of these disorders has not allowed a real development of the “mitochondrial medicine”, that is currently limited to symptoms mitigation. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) was the first pathology to be linked to a point mutation in the mtDNA. The mechanism by which point mutations in mitochondrial gene encoding Complex I subunits leads to optic nerve degeneration is still unknown, although is well accepted that other genetic or environmental factors are involved in the modulation of pathology, where a pivotal role is certainly played by oxidative stress. We studied the relationship between the Ala16Val dimorphism in the mitochondrial targeting sequence of nuclear gene SOD2 and the 3460/ND1 LHON mutation. Our results show that, in control population, the heterozygous SOD2 genotype is associated to a higher activity and quantity of MnSOD, particularly with respect to Val homozygotes. Furthermore, we demonstrated that LHON patients harboring at least one Ala allele are characterized by an increased MnSOD activity with respect to relative control population. Since the ATP synthesis rate – severely reduced in LHON patients lymphocytes - is not affected by the SOD2 genotype, we concluded that SOD2 gene could modulate the pathogenicity of LHON mutations through a mechanism associated to an increase of reactive oxygen species production. Autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA) is a pathology linked to mutations in nuclear gene encoding Opa1, a dynamin-related protein localized in the mitochondrial matrix. Although the clinical course is slightly different, the endpoint of ADOA is exactly the same of LHON: optic nerve degeneration with specific involvement of retinal ganglion cells. Opa1 is a relatively new protein, whose major role is the regulation of mitochondrial fusion. Mitochondrial morphology is the results of the equilibrium between two opposite force: fusion and fission, two processes that have to be finely regulated in order to preserve mitochondrial and cellular physiology. We studied fibroblasts deriving from ADOA patients characterized by a new deletion in the GTPase domain of the OPA1 gene. The biochemical characterization of ADOA and control fibroblasts has concerned the evaluation of ATP synthesis rate, mitochondrial membrane potential in different metabolic conditions and the morphological status of mitochondria. Regarding ATP synthesis rate we did not find significant differences between ADOA and control fibroblasts even though a trend toward increased reduction in ADOA samples is observed when fibroblasts are grown in absence of glucose or in the medium containing gramicidin. Furthermore, we found that also in ADOA fibroblasts membrane potential is actively maintained by proton pumping of fully functional respiratory chain complexes. Our results indicate that the mutation found in the pedigree analyzed acts primary impairing the mitochondrial fusion without affecting the energy production, supporting the notion that cell function is tightly linked to mitochondrial morphology. Mitochondrial dysfunctions are acquiring great attention because of their recognized relevance not only in aging but also in age-related pathologies including cancer, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders. The involvement of mitochondria in such detrimental pathologies that, currently, have become so common enhances the necessity of standardization of therapeutic strategies capable of rescuing the normal mitochondrial function. In order to propose an alternative treatment for energy deficiency-disorders we tested the effect of substrates capable to stimulate the substrate-level phosphorylation on viability and energy availability in different experimental models grown under different metabolic conditions. In fibroblasts, the energy defect was achieved by culturing cells in presence of oligomycin, an inhibitor of ATP synthase complex. NARP cybrids have been used as model of mitochondrial pathology. Cell viability and ATP content have been considered as parameters to assay the capability of exogenous substrate to rescue energy failure. Our results suggest that patients suffering for some forms of ATP synthase deficiency, or characterized by a deficiency in energy production, might benefit from dietary or pharmacological treatment based on supplementation of α-ketoglutarate and aspartate.


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Sono stati studiati gli effetti tossici dell’esposizione cronica a cobalto e cromo. In passato, questa tossicità, che colpiva lavoratori esposti per ragioni occupazionali, è stata un problema molto sentito. Tuttavia, recenti pubblicazioni hanno descritto una specifica tossicità mediata da elevati livelli di cobalto e cromo, anche in pazienti portatori di protesi metalliche, quali gli impianti d’anca. Anche se sintomi clinici tra cui, cecità, sordità e neuropatia periferica, suggeriscono uno specifico neurotropismo, ancora poco è conosciuto delle basi neuropatologiche di questo processo ed oltretutto non ne è ancora stata apportata un’evidenza sperimentale. In questo progetto di ricerca, quindi, si è voluto approfondire il meccanismo patogenetico da cui scaturiscono tali sintomi neurologici, utilizzando come modello sperimentale il coniglio. Conigli New Zealand White sono stati trattati con dosi endovenose ripetute di cobalto e cromo, inoculati singolarmente od in associazione tra loro. Nessuna evidente alterazione clinica o patologica è stata associata alla somministrazione di solo cromo, nonostante gli elevati livelli in sangue e tessuti, mentre i trattati con cobalto-cromo o solo cobalto hanno mostrato segni clinici gravanti sul sistema vestibolo-cocleare; il cobalto, quindi, è stato identificato come il maggiore elemento scatenante neurotossicità. Inoltre all’esame istopatologico gli animali hanno mostrato severa deplezione delle cellule gangliari retiniche e cocleari, assieme a danno al nervo ottico e perdita di cellule sensitive capellute dell’orecchio. È risultato infine evidente che la gravità delle alterazioni è stata correlata al dosaggio ed al tempo di esposizione; dati questi che confermano, quindi, le precedenti osservazioni fatte su pazienti umani esposti a rilascio abnorme di cobalto e cromo da usura di protesi d’anca. È stato ipotizzato che il cobalto agisca sui mitocondri provocando l’incremento di produzione di specie reattive dell’ossigeno e il rilascio di fattori proapoptotici, causando sulle cellule neuronali un danno proporzionale al loro fabbisogno energetico e grado di mielinizzazione.


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In this PhD thesis 3 projects were addressed focusing on the melanopsin retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs) system and its relevance for circadian rhythms and sleep in neurodegeneration. The first project was aimed at completing the characterization of mRGCs system in hereditary optic neuropathies (LHON and DOA). We confirmed that mRGCs are relatively spared also in post-mortem retinal specimens of a DOA case and pupillometric evaluation of LHON patients showed preservation of the pupillary light reflex, with attenuated responses compared to controls. Cell studies failed to indicate a protective role exerted by melanopsin itself. The second project was aimed at characterizing the possible occurrence of optic neuropathy and rest-activity circadian rhythm dysfunction in Alzheimer (AD) and Parkinson disease (PD), as well as, at histological level, the possible involvement of mRGCs in AD. OCT studies demonstrated a subclinical optic neuropathy in both AD and PD patients, with a different pattern involving the superior and nasal quadrants in AD and the temporal quadrant in PD. Actigraphic studies demonstrated a tendency towards an increased intradaily variability (IV) and reduced relative amplitude (RA) of rest-activity circadian rhythm in AD and a significant increased IV a reduced RA in PD. Immunohistochemical analysis of post-mortem retinal specimens and optic nerve cross-sections of neuropathologically confirmed AD cases demonstrated a significant loss of mRGCs and a nearly significant loss of axons in AD compared to controls. The mRGCs were affected in AD independently from age and magnitude of axonal loss. Overall these results suggest a role of the mRGCs system in the pathogenesis of circadian dysfunction in AD. The third project was aimed at evaluating the possible association between a single nucleotide polymorphism of the OPN4 gene and chronotype or SAD, failing to find any significant association with chronotype, but showing a non-significant increment of TT genotype in SAD.


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Protein aggregation and formation of insoluble aggregates in central nervous system is the main cause of neurodegenerative disease. Parkinson’s disease is associated with the appearance of spherical masses of aggregated proteins inside nerve cells called Lewy bodies. α-Synuclein is the main component of Lewy bodies. In addition to α-synuclein, there are more than a hundred of other proteins co-localized in Lewy bodies: 14-3-3η protein is one of them. In order to increase our understanding on the aggregation mechanism of α-synuclein and to study the effect of 14-3-3η on it, I addressed the following questions. (i) How α-synuclein monomers pack each other during aggregation? (ii) Which is the role of 14-3-3η on α-synuclein packing during its aggregation? (iii) Which is the role of 14-3-3η on an aggregation of α-synuclein “seeded” by fragments of its fibrils? In order to answer these questions, I used different biophysical techniques (e.g., Atomic force microscope (AFM), Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and Fluorescence spectroscopy (FS)).