4 resultados para Odour

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Lipolysis and oxidation of lipids in foods are the major biochemical and chemical processes that cause food quality deterioration, leading to the characteristic, unpalatable odour and flavour called rancidity. In addition to unpalatability, rancidity may give rise to toxic levels of certain compounds like aldehydes, hydroperoxides, epoxides and cholesterol oxidation products. In this PhD study chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques were employed to determine the degree of rancidity in different animal products and its relationship with technological parameters like feeding fat sources, packaging, processing and storage conditions. To achieve this goal capillary gas chromatography (CGC) was employed not only to determine the fatty acids profile but also, after solid phase extraction, the amount of free fatty acids (FFA), diglycerides (DG), sterols (cholesterol and phytosterols) and cholesterol oxidation products (COPs). To determine hydroperoxides, primary products of oxidation and quantify secondary products UV/VIS absorbance spectroscopy was applied. Most of the foods analysed in this study were meat products. In actual fact, lipid oxidation is a major deterioration reaction in meat and meat products and results in adverse changes in the colour, flavour and texture of meat. The development of rancidity has long recognized as a serious problem during meat handling, storage and processing. On a dairy product, a vegetal cream, a study of lipid fraction and development of rancidity during storage was carried out to evaluate its shelf-life and some nutritional features life saturated/unsaturated fatty acids ratio and phytosterols content. Then, according to the interest that has been growing around functional food in the last years, a new electrophoretic method was optimized and compared with HPLC to check the quality of a beehive product like royal jelly. This manuscript reports the main results obtained in the five activities briefly summarized as follows: 1) comparison between HPLC and a new electrophoretic method in the evaluation of authenticity of royal jelly; 2) study of the lipid fraction of a vegetal cream under different storage conditions; 3) study of lipid oxidation in minced beef during storage under a modified atmosphere packaging, before and after cooking; 4) evaluation of the influence of dietary fat and processing on the lipid fraction of chicken patties; 5) study of the lipid fraction of typical Italian and Spanish pork dry sausages and cured hams.


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CHEMICAL COMMUNICATION IN BLATTARIA: CONTRIBUTION TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE CONTROL TECNIQUES The management of cockroach infestations in urban environment has undergone some changes in recent years by moving to the predominant use of baits, thanks to the awareness of the risks connected with the use of spray insecticides. The effectiveness of a bait is determined by the collective performance of its components, including active and inert ingredients, the food attractant and any other attractive odour. This research has focused on the behavioral responses of Italian sinanthropic cockroaches to semiochemicals and food attractants, for the purpose of evaluating a possible practical application and of contributing to the improvement of control techniques. Behavioral and morphological studies have been carried out on Supella longipalpa (F.), a small cockroach that is spreading in Italy. Behavioral assays showed that the fourth and fifth tergites of females are significantly more attractive than other region of the body. Cuticular pores and ducts ending in glandular structures (observed with a S.E.M. = Scanning Electron Microscope) are present in large number on these tergites, suggesting that they could be involved in the production and the release of sexual pheromone. Cockroaches produce an aggregation pheromone that is excreted along with their frass and that consists of volatile and non-volatile compounds, mainly amines and steroidal glycosides. The effectiveness of faecal extracts obtained from excrements of Blattella germanica (L.), Blatta orientalis L., Periplaneta americana (L.) and S. longipalpa was evaluated, both at intraspecific and interspecific level, using a "Y" tube olfactometer. Bioassays showed that faecal extracts obtained with methanol have a good intraspecific attractiveness and, in some cases, they showed also interspecific behavioral responses. A gel was prepared, having physical characteristics that could give a good resistance to dehydration, as a potential basis for a new bait; the gel was then added faecal extracts, obtained with methanol from B. germanica and S. longipalpa frass. Arena-tests showed that the new gel containing faecal extracts is more attractive than some commercial gel formulations used as comparison: it was the only product that could attract 100% of insects placed in the arenas in 4-5 days. In conclusion, the substances involved in chemical communication of Blattaria may be able to effectively increase the attractiveness of products for monitoring and controlling cockroaches.


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Lipolysis and oxidation of lipids in foods are the major biochemical and chemical processes that cause food quality deterioration, leading to the characteristic, unpalatable odour and flavour called rancidity. In addition to unpalatability, rancidity may give rise to toxic levels of certain compounds like aldehydes, hydroperoxides, epoxides and cholesterol oxidation products. In this PhD study chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques were employed to determine the degree of lipid oxidation in different animal products and its relationship with technological parameters like feeding fat sources, packaging, processing and storage conditions. To achieve this goal capillary gas chromatography (CGC) was employed not only to determine the fatty acids profile but also, after solid phase extraction, the amount of sterols (cholesterol and phytosterols) and cholesterol oxidation products (COPs). To determine hydroperoxides, primary products of oxidation and quantify secondary products UV/VIS absorbance spectroscopy was applied. Beef and pork meat in this study were analysed. In actual fact, lipid oxidation is a major deterioration reaction in meat, meat products and results in adverse changes in the colour, flavour, texture of meat and develops different compounds which should be a risk to human health as oxysterols. On beef and pork meat, a study of lipid fraction during storage was carried out to evaluate its shelf-life and some nutritional features life saturated/unsaturated fatty acids ratio and sterols content, in according to the interest that has been growing around functional food in the last years. The last part of this research was focused on the study of lipid oxidation in emulsions. In oil-in-water emulsions antioxidant activity of 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) was evaluated. The rates of lipid oxidation of 1.0% stripped soybean oil-in-water emulsions with DOPC were followed by monitoring lipid hydroperoxide and hexanal as indicators of primary and secondary oxidation products and the droplet surface charge or zeta potential (ζ) of the emulsions with varying concentrations of DOPC were tested. This manuscript reports the main results obtained in the three activities briefly summarized as follows: 1. study on effects of feeding composition on the photoxidative stability of lipids from beef meat, evaluated during storage under commercial retail conditions; 2. evaluation of effects of diets and storage conditions on the oxidative stability of pork meat lipids; 3. study on oxidative behavior of DOPC in stripped soybean oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by nonionic surfactant.


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Il microbiota intestinale riveste un ruolo importantissimo nell’influenzare la salute dell’ospite. È stato dimostrato come la composizione della dieta possa condizionare lo stato di benessere dell’animale, inducendo importanti cambiamenti tra le popolazioni batteriche che coabitano l’intestino; l’uso di prebiotici rappresenta una delle strategie maggiormente impiegate per modulare positivamente la composizione ed il metabolismo dell’ecosistema gastroenterico. Il presente progetto di dottorato si è proposto di indagare gli effetti sul microbiota intestinale del cane e del gatto di diete a diverso tenore proteico e contenenti proteine di diversa digeribilità in presenza o meno di sostanze prebiotiche. Inoltre, sono stati valutati gli effetti della presenza di un estratto di Yucca schidigera e di tannini sulla microflora intestinale del gatto. In ultima istanza, sono state valutate le conseguenze di dosi crescenti di lattosio sul benessere intestinale del cane. I risultati del presente studio hanno rilevato come le sostanze prebiotiche influiscono sulla composizione e sul metabolismo della microflora del cane e del gatto, e come l’impiego di diete ricche di proteine possa avere conseguenze negative sull’ambiente intestinale. Tuttavia, la presenza di oligosaccaridi non sembra contrastare gli effetti negativi che diete ad alto tenore proteico potrebbero avere sull’ecosistema intestinale dell’animale. Nella successiva prova è stato evidenziato come l’inclusione nella dieta di estratti di Yucca e tannini possa contribuire a mitigare l’emanazione di sostanze maleodoranti dalle deiezioni degli animali da compagnia. Nel corso dell’ultima prova, nonostante non siano state osservate differenze tra le popolazioni microbiche intestinali, la somministrazione di dosi crescenti di lattosio ha indotto una certa riduzione delle fermentazioni proteolitiche microbiche. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per stabilire in che misura la dieta e gli alimenti “funzionali” possano influire sul microbiota intestinale del cane e del gatto e come queste informazioni possono essere utilizzate per migliorare miratamente l’alimentazione e lo stato di salute degli animali da compagnia.