em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Evidence accumulated in the last ten years has demonstrated that a large proportion of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes in a variety of organisms is arranged in supramolecular assemblies called supercomplexes or respirasomes. Besides conferring a kinetic advantage (substrate channeling) and being required for the assembly and stability of Complex I, indirect considerations support the view that supercomplexes may also prevent excessive formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the respiratory chain. Following this line of thought we have decided to directly investigate ROS production by Complex I under conditions in which the complex is arranged as a component of the supercomplex I1III2 or it is dissociated as an individual enzyme. The study has been addressed both in bovine heart mitochondrial membranes and in reconstituted proteoliposomes composed of complexes I and III in which the supramolecular organization of the respiratory assemblies is impaired by: (i) treatment either of bovine heart mitochondria or liposome-reconstituted supercomplex I-III with dodecyl maltoside; (ii) reconstitution of Complexes I and III at high phospholipids to protein ratio. The results of this investigation provide experimental evidence that the production of ROS is strongly increased in either model; supporting the view that disruption or prevention of the association between Complex I and Complex III by different means enhances the generation of superoxide from Complex I . This is the first demonstration that dissociation of the supercomplex I1III2 in the mitochondrial membrane is a cause of oxidative stress from Complex I. Previous work in our laboratory demonstrated that lipid peroxidation can dissociate the supramolecular assemblies; thus, here we confirm that preliminary conclusion that primary causes of oxidative stress may perpetuate reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation by a vicious circle involving supercomplex dissociation as a major determinant.


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Results reported in this Thesis contribute to the comprehension of the complicated world of “redox biology”. ROS regulate signalling pathways both in physiological responses and in pathogenesis and progression of diseases. In cancer cells, the increase in ROS generation from metabolic abnormalities and oncogenic signalling may trigger a redox adaptation response, leading to an up-regulation of antioxidant capacity in order to maintain the ROS level below the toxic threshold. Thus, cancer cells would be more dependent on the antioxidant system and more vulnerable to further oxidative stress induced by exogenous ROS-generating agents or compounds that inhibit the antioxidant system. Results here reported indicate that the development of new drugs targeting specific Nox isoforms, responsible for intracellular ROS generation, or AQP isoforms, involved in the transport of extracellular H2O2 toward intracellular targets, might be an interesting novel anti-leukaemia strategy. Furthermore, also the use of CSD peptide, which simulate the VEGFR-2 segregation into caveolae in the inactive form, might be a strategy to stop the cellular response to VEGF signalling. As above stated, in the understanding of the redox biology, it is also important to identify and distinguish the molecular effectors that maintain normal biological and physiological responses, such as agents that stimulate our adaptation systems and elevate our endogenous antioxidant defences or other protective systems. Data here reported indicate that the nutraceutical compound sulforaphane and the Klotho protein are able to stimulate the HO-1 and Prx-1 expression, as well as the GSH levels, confirming their antioxidant and protective role. Finally, results here reported demonstrated that Stevia extracts are involved in insulin regulated glucose metabolism, suggesting that the use of these compounds goes beyond their sweetening power and may also offer therapeutic benefits hence improving the quality of life.


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Oxidative stress is considered to be of major relevance for a variety of pathological processes. Thus, it is valuable to identify compounds, which might act as antioxidants, i.e. compounds that antagonize the deleterious action of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on biomolecules. The mode of action of these compounds could be either to scavenge ROS directly or to trigger protective mechanisms inside the cell, thereby resulting in improved defense against ROS. Sulforaphane (SF) (1-isothiocyanato-(4R)-(methylsulfinyl)butane) is a naturally occurring cancer chemopreventive agent found as a precursor glucosinolate in Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. Although SF is not a direct-acting antioxidant, there is substantial evidence that SF acts indirectly to increase the antioxidant capacity of animal cells and their abilities to cope with oxidative stress. Induction of phase 2 enzymes is one means by which SF enhances the cellular antioxidant capacity. Enzymes induced by SF include Glutathione S-transferases (GST) and NAD[P]H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) which can function as protectors against oxidative stress. To protect themselves from oxidative stress, cells are equipped with reducing buffer systems including the GSH and thioredoxin (Trx) reductase. GSH is an important tripeptide thiol which in addition to being the substrate for GSTs maintains the cellular oxidation– reduction balance and protects cells against free radical species. Aim of the first part of this thesis was to investigate the ability of SF to induce the expression and the activity of different phase 2 and antioxidant enzymes (such as GST, GR, GPx, NQO1, TR, SOD, CAT) in an in vitro model of rat cardiomyocytes, and also to define if SF treatment supprts cells in counteracting oxidative stress induced by H2O2 It is well known that acute exhaustive exercise causes significant reactive oxygen species generation that results in oxidative stress, which can induce negative effects on health and well being. In fact, increased oxidative stress and biomarkers (e.g., protein carbonyls, MDA, and 8- hydroxyguanosine) as well as muscle damage biomarkers (e.g. plasmatic Creatine cinase and Lactate dehydrogenase) have been observed after supramaximal sprint exercises, exhaustive longdistance cycling or running as well as resistance-type exercises, both in trained and untrained humans. Markers of oxidative stress also increase in rodents following exhaustive exercise. Moreover, antioxidant enzyme activities and expressions of antioxidant enzymes are known to increase in response to exhaustive exercise in both animal and human tissues. Aim of this project was to evaluate the effect of SF supplementation in counteracting oxidative stress induced by physical activity through its ability to induce phase 2, and antioxidant enzymes in rat muscle. The results show that SF is a nutraceutical compound able to induce the activity of different phase 2 and antioxidant enzymes in both cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. Thanks to its actions SF is becoming a promising molecule able to prevent cardiovascular damages induced by oxidative stress and muscle damages induced by acute exhaustive exercise.


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Uric acid is a major inducer of inflammation in renal interstitium and may play a role in the progression of renal damage in hyperuricemic subjects with primary nephropathies, renal vascular disease, and essential hypertension. At the same time, UA also acts as a water-soluble scavenger of reactive oxygen species. We evaluated the cellular effects of UA on cultured HMC as a potential interstitial target for abnormally elevated levels in acute and chronic renal disease. Intracellular free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) was monitored by microfluorometry of fura 2-loaded cells, while oxidation of intracellularly trapped non-fluorescent 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFHDA, 20 uM) was employed to assess the generation of reactive oxygen species during 12-hr incubations with various concentrations of UA or monosodium urate. Fluorescent metabolites of DCFH-DA in the culture media of HMC were detected at 485/530 nm excitation/emission wavelengths, respectively. UA dose-dependently lowered resting [Ca2+]i (from 102±9 nM to 95±3, 57±2, 48±6 nM at 1-100 uM UA, respectively, p <0.05), leaving responses to vasoconstrictors such as angiotensin II unaffected. The effect was not due to Ca2+/H+ exchange upon acidification of the bathing media, as acetate, glutamate, lactate and other organic acids rather increased [Ca2+]i (to max. levels of 497±42 nM with 0.1 mM acetate). The decrease of [Ca2+]i was abolished by raising extracellular Ca2+ and not due to effects on Ca2+ channels or activation of Ca2+-ATPases, since unaffected by thapsigargin. The process rather appeared sensitive to removal of extracellular Na+ in combination with blockers of Na+/Ca2+ exchange, such as 2’,4’-dichlorobenzamil, pointing to a countertransport mechanism. UA dose-dependently prompted the extracellular release of oxidised DCFH (control 37±2 relative fluorescence units (RFU)/ml, 0.1uM 47±2, 1 uM 48±2, 10 uM 51±4, 0.1 mM 53±4; positive control, 10 uM sodium nitroprusside 92±5 RFU/ml, p<0.01). In summary, UA interferes with Ca2+ transport in cultured HMC, triggering oxidative stress which may initiate a sequence of events leading to interstitial injury and possibly amplifying renal vascular damage and/or the progression of chronic disease.


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The aspartic protease BACE1 (β-amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme, β-secretase) is recognized as one of the most promising targets in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The accumulation of β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) in the brain is a major factor in the pathogenesis of AD. Aβ is formed by initial cleavage of β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) by β-secretase, therefore BACE1 inhibition represents one of the therapeutic approaches to control progression of AD, by preventing the abnormal generation of Aβ. For this reason, in the last decade, many research efforts have focused at the identification of new BACE1 inhibitors as drug candidates. Generally, BACE1 inhibitors are grouped into two families: substrate-based inhibitors, designed as peptidomimetic inhibitors, and non-peptidomimetic ones. The research on non-peptidomimetic small molecules BACE1 inhibitors remains the most interesting approach, since these compounds hold an improved bioavailability after systemic administration, due to a good blood-brain barrier permeability in comparison to peptidomimetic inhibitors. Very recently, our research group discovered a new promising lead compound for the treatment of AD, named lipocrine, a hybrid derivative between lipoic acid and the AChE inhibitor (AChEI) tacrine, characterized by a tetrahydroacridinic moiety. Lipocrine is one of the first compounds able to inhibit the catalytic activity of AChE and AChE-induced amyloid-β aggregation and to protect against reactive oxygen species. Due to this interesting profile, lipocrine was also evaluated for BACE1 inhibitory activity, resulting in a potent lead compound for BACE1 inhibition. Starting from this interesting profile, a series of tetrahydroacridine analogues were synthesised varying the chain length between the two fragments. Moreover, following the approach of combining in a single molecule two different pharmacophores, we designed and synthesised different compounds bearing the moieties of known AChEIs (rivastigmine and caproctamine) coupled with lipoic acid, since it was shown that dithiolane group is an important structural feature of lipocrine for the optimal inhibition of BACE1. All the tetrahydroacridines, rivastigmine and caproctamine-based compounds, were evaluated for BACE1 inhibitory activity in a FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) enzymatic assay (test A). With the aim to enhancing the biological activity of the lead compound, we applied the molecular simplification approach to design and synthesize novel heterocyclic compounds related to lipocrine, in which the tetrahydroacridine moiety was replaced by 4-amino-quinoline or 4-amino-quinazoline rings. All the synthesized compounds were also evaluated in a modified FRET enzymatic assay (test B), changing the fluorescent substrate for enzymatic BACE1 cleavage. This test method guided deep structure-activity relationships for BACE1 inhibition on the most promising quinazoline-based derivatives. By varying the substituent on the 2-position of the quinazoline ring and by replacing the lipoic acid residue in lateral chain with different moieties (i.e. trans-ferulic acid, a known antioxidant molecule), a series of quinazoline derivatives were obtained. In order to confirm inhibitory activity of the most active compounds, they were evaluated with a third FRET assay (test C) which, surprisingly, did not confirm the previous good activity profiles. An evaluation study of kinetic parameters of the three assays revealed that method C is endowed with the best specificity and enzymatic efficiency. Biological evaluation of the modified 2,4-diamino-quinazoline derivatives measured through the method C, allow to obtain a new lead compound bearing the trans-ferulic acid residue coupled to 2,4-diamino-quinazoline core endowed with a good BACE1 inhibitory activity (IC50 = 0.8 mM). We reported on the variability of the results in the three different FRET assays that are known to have some disadvantages in term of interference rates that are strongly dependent on compound properties. The observed results variability could be also ascribed to different enzyme origin, varied substrate and different fluorescent groups. The inhibitors should be tested on a parallel screening in order to have a more reliable data prior to be tested into cellular assay. With this aim, preliminary cellular BACE1 inhibition assay carried out on lipocrine confirmed a good cellular activity profile (EC50 = 3.7 mM) strengthening the idea to find a small molecule non-peptidomimetic compound as BACE1 inhibitor. In conclusion, the present study allowed to identify a new lead compound endowed with BACE1 inhibitory activity in submicromolar range. Further lead optimization to the obtained derivative is needed in order to obtain a more potent and a selective BACE1 inhibitor based on 2,4-diamino-quinazoline scaffold. A side project related to the synthesis of novel enzymatic inhibitors of BACE1 in order to explore the pseudopeptidic transition-state isosteres chemistry was carried out during research stage at Università de Montrèal (Canada) in Hanessian's group. The aim of this work has been the synthesis of the δ-aminocyclohexane carboxylic acid motif with stereochemically defined substitution to incorporating such a constrained core in potential BACE1 inhibitors. This fragment, endowed with reduced peptidic character, is not known in the context of peptidomimetic design. In particular, we envisioned an alternative route based on an organocatalytic asymmetric conjugate addition of nitroalkanes to cyclohexenone in presence of D-proline and trans-2,5-dimethylpiperazine. The enantioenriched obtained 3-(α-nitroalkyl)-cyclohexanones were further functionalized to give the corresponding δ-nitroalkyl cyclohexane carboxylic acids. These intermediates were elaborated to the target structures 3-(α-aminoalkyl)-1-cyclohexane carboxylic acids in a new readily accessible way.