12 resultados para Non-competitive labor markets

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In the thesis I exploit an empirical analysis on firm'’s productivity. I relate the efficiency at plant level with the input market features and I suggest an estimation technique for production function that takes into account firm'’s liquidity constraints. The main results are three. When I consider services as inputs for manufacturing firm’'s production process, I find that more competition in service sector affects positively plant’s productivity and export decision. Secondly liquidity constraints are important for the calculation of firm'’s productivity because they are a second source of firm's heterogeneity. Third liquidity constraints are important for firm'’s internationalization


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The research is focused on the relationship between some Mg2+-dependent ATPase activities of plasma- and mitochondrial membranes from tissues of cultured marine bivalve molluscs and potentially stressful environmental conditions, such as the exposure to contaminants both of natural origin (ammonia nitrogen, the main contaminant of aquaculture plants) and of anthropic source (alkyltins). The two filter-feeding bivalve species selected colonize different habitats: the common mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis binds to hard substrates and the Philippine clam Tapes philippinarum burrows into sea bottom sandy beds. The choice of typical species of coastal waters, extremely suitable for environmental studies due to their features of poor motility, resistance to transport and great filtering efficiency, may constitute a model to evaluate responses to contaminants of membrane-bound enzyme activities involved in key biochemical mechanisms, namely cell ionic regulation and mitochondrial energy production. In vitro and in vitro approaches have been pursued. In vitro assays were carried out by adding the contaminants (NH4Cl and alkyltins) directly to the ATPase reaction media. In vivo experiments were carried out by exposing mussels to various tributyl tin (TBT) concentrations under controlled conditions in aquaria. ATPase activities were determined spectrophotometrically according to the principles of the method of Fiske and Subbarow (1925). The main results obtained are detailed below. In Tapes philippinarum the interaction of NH4 +, the main form of ammonia nitrogen at physiological and seawater pHs, with the Na,K-ATPase and the ouabaininsensitive Na-ATPase was investigated in vitro on gill and mantle microsomal membranes. The proven replacement by NH4 +of K+ in the activation of the Na,KATPase and of Na+ in the activation of the ouabain-insensitive ATPase displayed similar enzyme affinity for the substituted cation. on the one hand this finding may represent one of the possible mechanisms of ammonia toxicity and, on the other, it supports the hypothesis that NH4 + can be transported across the plasma membrane through the two ATPases. In this case both microsomal ATPases may be involved and co-operate, at least under peculiar circumstances, to nitrogen excretion and ammonia detoxification mechanisms in bivalve molluscs. The two ATPase activities stimulated by NH4 + maintained their typical response to the glycoside ouabain, specific inhibitor of the Na,K-ATPase, being the Na++ NH4 +-activated ATPase even more susceptive to the inhibitor and the ouabain-insensitive ATPase activity activated indifferently by Na+ or NH4 + unaffected by up to 10-2 M ouabain. In vitro assays were carried out to evaluate the response of the two Na-dependent ATPases to organotins in clams and mussels and to investigate the interaction of TBT with mussel mitochondrial oligomycin-sensitive Mg-ATPase. Since no literature data were available, the optimal assay conditions and oligomycin sensitivity of mussel mitochondrial MgATPase were determined. In T. philippinarum the ouabain-insensitive Na-ATPase was found to be refractory to TBT both in the gills and in the mantle, whereas the Na,K-ATPase was progressively inhibited by increasing TBT doses; the enzyme inhibition was more pronounced in the gills than in the mantle. In both tissues of M. galloprovincialis the Na,K-ATPase inhibition by alkyltins decreased in the order TBT>DBT(dibutyltin)>>MBT(monobutyltin)=TeET(tetraethyltin) (no effect). Mussel Na-ATPase confirmed its refractorimess to TBT and derivatives both in the gills and in the mantle. These results indicate that the Na,K-ATPase inhibition decreases as the number of alkyl chains bound to tin decreases; however a certain polarity of the organotin molecule is required to yield Na,K-ATPase inhibition, since no enzyme inhibition occurred in the presence of tetraalkyl-substituted derivatives such as TeET . Assays carried out in the presence of the dithioerythritol (DTE) pointed out that the sulphhydrylic agent is capable to prevent the Na,K-ATPase inhibition by TBT, thus suggesting that the inhibitor may link to -SH groups of the enzyme complex.. Finally, the different effect of alkyltins on the two Na-dependent ATPases may constitute a further tool to differentiate between the two enzyme activities. These results add to the wealth of literature data describing different responses of the two enzyme activities to endogenous and exogenous modulators . Mussel mitochondrial Mg-ATPase was also found to be in vitro inhibited by TBT both in the gills and in the mantle: the enzyme inhibition followed non competitive kinetics. The failed effect of DTE pointed out that in this case the interaction of TBT with the enzyme complex is probably different from that with the Na,K-ATPase. The results are consistent with literature data showing that alkyltin may interact with enzyme structures with different mechanisms. Mussel exposure to different TBT sublethal doses in aquaria was carried out for 120 hours. Two samplings (after 24 and 120 hrs) were performed in order to evaluate a short-term response of gill and mantle Na,K-ATPase, ouabain-insensitive Na-ATPase and Mg-ATPase activities. The in vivo response to the contaminants of the enzyme activities under study was shown to be partially different from that pointed out in the in vitro assays. Mitochondrial Mg-ATPase activity appeared to be activated in TBTexposed mussels with respect to control ones, thus confirming the complexity of evaluating in vivo responses of the enzyme activities to contaminants, due to possible interactions of toxicants with molluscan metabolism. Concluding, the whole of data point out that microsomal and mitochondrial ATPase activities of bivalve molluscs are generally responsive to environmental contaminants and suggest that in some cases membrane-bound enzyme activities may represent the molecular target of their toxicity. Since the Na,K-ATPase, the Na-ATPase and the Mg-ATPase activities are poorly studied in marine bivalves, this research may contribute to enlarge knowledge in this quite unexplored field.


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Organotin compounds are worldwide diffused environmental contaminants, mainly as consequence of their extensive past use as biocides in antifouling paints. In spite of law restrictions, due to unwanted effects, organotin still persist in waters, being poorly degraded, easily resuspended from sediments and bioaccumulated in exposed organisms. The widespread toxicity and the possible threat to humans, likely to be organotin-exposed through contaminated seafood, make organotin interactions with biomolecules an intriguing biochemical topic, apart from a matter of ecotoxicological concern. Among organotins, tributyltin (TBT) is long known as the most dangerous and abundant chemical species in the Mediterranean Sea. Due to its amphiphilic nature, provided by three lipophilic arms and an electrophilic tin core, TBT can be easily incorporated in biomembranes and affect their functionality. Accordingly, it is known as a membrane-active toxicant and a mitochondrial poison. Up to now the molecular action modes of TBT are still partially unclear and poorly explored in bivalve mollusks, even if the latter play a not neglectable role in the marine trophic chain and efficiently accumulate organotins. The bivalve mollusk Mytilus galloprovincialis, selected for all experiments, is widely cultivated in the Mediterranean and currently used in ecotoxicological studies. Most work of this thesis was devoted to TBT effects on mussel mitochondria, but other possible targets of TBT were also considered. A great deal of literature points out TBT as endocrine disrupter and the masculinization of female marine gastropods, the so-called imposex, currently signals environmental organotin contamination. The hormonal status of TBT-exposed mussels and the possible interaction between hormones and contaminants in modulating microsomal hydroxilases, involved in steroid hormone and organotin detoxification, were the research topics in the period spent in Barcelona (Marco Polo fellowship). The variegated experimental approach, which consisted of two exposure experiments and in vitro tests, and the choice of selected tissues of M. galloprovincialis, the midgut gland for mitochondrial and microsomal preparations for subsequent laboratory assays and the gonads for the endocrine evaluations, aimed at drawing a clarifying pattern on the molecular mechanisms involved in organotin toxicity. TBT was promptly incorporated in midgut gland mitochondria of adult mussels exposed to 0.5 and 1.0 μg/L TBT, and partially degraded to DBT. TBT incorporation was accompanied by a decrease in the mitochondrial oligomycin-sensitive Mg-ATPase activity, while the coexistent oligomycin-insensitive fraction was unaffected. Mitochondrial fatty acids showed a clear rise in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids after 120 hr of TBT exposure, mainly referable to an increase in 22:6 level. TBT was also shown to inhibit the ATP hydrolytic activity of the mitochondrial F1FO complex in vitro and to promote an apparent loss of oligomycin sensitivity at higher than 1.0 μM concentration. The complex dose-dependent profile of the inhibition curve lead to the hypothesis of multiple TBT binding sites. At lower than 1.0 μM TBT concentrations the non competitive enzyme inhibition by TBT was ascribed to the non covalent binding of TBT to FO subunit. On the other hand the observed drop in oligomycin sensitivity at higher than 1.0 μM TBT could be related to the onset of covalent bonds involving thiolic groups on the enzyme structure, apparently reached only at high TBT levels. The mitochondrial respiratory complexes were in vitro affected by TBT, apart from the cytocrome c oxidase which was apparently refractory to the contaminant. The most striking inhibitory effect was shown on complex I, and ascribed to possible covalent bonds of TBT with –SH groups on the enzyme complexes. This mechanism, shouldered by the progressive decrease of free cystein residues in the presence of increasing TBT concentrations, suggests that the onset of covalent tin-sulphur bonds in distinct protein structures may constitute the molecular basis of widespread TBT effects on mitochondrial complexes. Energy production disturbances, in turn affecting energy consuming mechanisms, could be involved in other cellular changes. Mussels exposed to a wide range of TBT concentrations (20 - 200 and 2000 ng/L respectively) did not show any change in testosterone and estrogen levels in mature gonads. Most hormones were in the non-biologically active esterified form both in control and in TBT-treated mussels. Probably the endocrine status of sexually mature mussels could be refractory even to high TBT doses. In mussel digestive gland the high biological variability of microsomal 7-benzyloxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin-O-Debenzyloxylase (BFCOD) activity, taken as a measure of CYP3A-like efficiency, probably concealed any enzyme response to TBT exposure. On the other hand the TBT-driven enhancement of BFCOD activity in vitro was once again ascribed to covalent binding to thiol groups which, in this case, would stimulate the enzyme activity. In mussels from Barcelona harbour, a highly contaminated site, the enzyme showed a decreased affinity for the 7-benzyloxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin (BCF) substrate with respect to mussel sampled from Ebro Delta, a non-polluted marine site. Contaminant exposure may thus alter the kinetic features of enzymes involved in detoxification mechanisms. Contaminants and steroid hormones were clearly shown to mutually interact in the modulation of detoxification mechanisms. The xenoestrogen 17α-ethylenyl estradiol (EE2) displayed a non-competitive mixed inhibition of CYP3A-like activity by a preferential bond to the free enzyme both in Barcelona harbour and Ebro Delta mussels. The possible interaction with co-present contaminants in Barcelona harbour mussels apparently lessened the formation of the ternary complex enzyme-EE2-BCF. The whole of data confirms TBT as membrane toxicant in mussels as in other species and stresses TBT covalent binding to protein thiols as a widespread mechanism of membrane-bound-enzyme activity modulation by the contaminant.


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My Doctorate Research has been focused on the evaluation of the pharmacological activity of a natural extract of chestnut wood (ENC) towards the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system and on the identification of the active compounds. The ENC has been shown to contain more than 10% (w/w) of phenolic compounds, of which tannins as Vescalgin and Castalgin are the more representative. ENC cardiovascular effects have been investigated in guinea pig cardiac preparations; furthermore its activity has been evalueted in guinea pig aorta strips. ENC induced transient negative chronotropic effect in isolated spontaneously beating right atria and simultaneously positive inotropic effect in left atria driven at 1 Hz. Cardiac cholinergic receptors are not involved in the negative chronotropic effect and positive inotropic effects are not related to adrenergic receptors. In vascular smooth muscle, natural extract of chestnut did not significantly change the contraction induced by potassium (80 mM) or that induced by noradrenaline (1μM). In guinea pig ileum, ENC reduced the maximum response to carbachol in a concentrationdependent manner and behaved as a reversible non competitive antagonist. In guinea pig ileum, the antispasmodic activity of ENC showed a significant antispasmodic activity against a variety of different spasmogenic agents including histamine, KCl, BaCl2. In guinea pig proximal colon, stomach and jejunum, ENC reduced the maximum response to carbachol in a concentrationdependent manner and behaved as a reversible non competitive antagonist. ENC contracted gallbladder guinea pig in a reversible and concentration-dependent manner. This effect does not involve cholinergic and cholecystokinin receptors and it is reduced by nifedipine. ENC relaxed Oddi sphincter smooth muscle. The cholecystokinetic and Oddi sphincter relaxing activities occurred also in guinea pigs fed a lithogenic diet. The cholecystokinetic occurred also in human gallbladder. The Fractionation of the extract led to the identification of the active fraction.


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Neoplastic overgrowth depends on the cooperation of several mutations ultimately leading to major rearrangements in cellular behaviour. The molecular crosstalk occurring between precancerous and normal cells strongly influences the early steps of the tumourigenic process as well as later stages of the disease. Precancerous cells are often removed by cell death from normal tissues but the mechanisms responsible for such fundamental safeguard processes remain in part elusive. To gain insight into these phenomena I took advantage of the clonal analysis methods available in Drosophila for studying the phenotypes due to loss of function of the neoplastic tumour suppressor lethal giant larvae (lgl). I found that lgl mutant cells growing in wild-type imaginal wing discs are subject to the phenomenon of cell competition and are eliminated by JNK-dependent cell death because they express very low levels of dMyc oncoprotein compared to those in the surrounding tissue. Indeed, in non-competitive backgrounds lgl mutant clones are able to overgrow and upregulate dMyc, overwhelming the neighbouring tissue and forming tumourous masses that display several cancer hallmarks. These phenotypes are completely abolished by reducing dMyc abundance within mutant cells while increasing it in lgl clones growing in a competitive context re-establishes their tumourigenic potential. Similarly, the neoplastic growth observed upon the oncogenic cooperation between lgl mutation and activated Ras/Raf/MAPK signalling was found to be characterised by and dependent on the ability of cancerous cells to upregulate dMyc with respect to the adjacent normal tissue, through both transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms, thereby confirming its key role in lgl-induced tumourigenesis. These results provide first evidence that the dMyc oncoprotein is required in lgl mutant tissue to promote invasive overgrowth in developing and adult epithelial tissues and that dMyc abundance inside versus outside lgl mutant clones plays a key role in driving neoplastic overgrowth.


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This thesis is dedicated to the analysis of non-linear pricing in oligopoly. Non-linear pricing is a fairly predominant practice in most real markets, mostly characterized by some amount of competition. The sophistication of pricing practices has increased in the latest decades due to the technological advances that have allowed companies to gather more and more data on consumers preferences. The first essay of the thesis highlights the main characteristics of oligopolistic non-linear pricing. Non-linear pricing is a special case of price discrimination. The theory of price discrimination has to be modified in presence of oligopoly: in particular, a crucial role is played by the competitive externality that implies that product differentiation is closely related to the possibility of discriminating. The essay reviews the theory of competitive non-linear pricing by starting from its foundations, mechanism design under common agency. The different approaches to model non-linear pricing are then reviewed. In particular, the difference between price and quantity competition is highlighted. Finally, the close link between non-linear pricing and the recent developments in the theory of vertical differentiation is explored. The second essay shows how the effects of non-linear pricing are determined by the relationship between the demand and the technological structure of the market. The chapter focuses on a model in which firms supply a homogeneous product in two different sizes. Information about consumers' reservation prices is incomplete and the production technology is characterized by size economies. The model provides insights on the size of the products that one finds in the market. Four equilibrium regions are identified depending on the relative intensity of size economies with respect to consumers' evaluation of the good. Regions for which the product is supplied in a single unit or in several different sizes or in only a very large one. Both the private and social desirability of non-linear pricing varies across different equilibrium regions. The third essay considers the broadband internet market. Non discriminatory issues seem the core of the recent debate on the opportunity or not of regulating the internet. One of the main questions posed is whether the telecom companies, owning the networks constituting the internet, should be allowed to offer quality-contingent contracts to content providers. The aim of this essay is to analyze the issue through a stylized two-sided market model of the web that highlights the effects of such a discrimination over quality, prices and participation to the internet of providers and final users. An overall welfare comparison is proposed, concluding that the final effects of regulation crucially depend on both the technology and preferences of agents.


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In Italia, il contesto legislativo e l’ambiente competitivo dei Confidi è profondamente mutato negli ultimi anni a seguito dell’emanazione di due nuove normative: la “Legge Quadro” sui Confidi e la nuova regolamentazione del capitale di vigilanza nelle banche (c.d. "Basilea 2"). la Legge Quadro impone ai Confidi di adottare uno dei seguenti status societari: i) ente iscritto all’albo di cui all’art. 106 del Testo Unico Bancario (TUB); ii) ente iscritto all’albo di cui all’art. 107 del Testo Unico Bancario; iii) banca cooperativa di garanzia collettiva dei fidi. Fermi restando i requisiti soggettivi sui garanti ammessi da Basilea 2, la modalità tecnica finora utilizzata dai Confidi non risponde ai requisiti oggettivi. Il pensiero strategico si enuclea nelle seguenti domande: A) qual è la missione del Confidi (perché esistono i Confidi)? B) Quali prodotti e servizi dovrebbero offrire per raggiungere la loro missione? C) Quale modello organizzativo e di governance si conforma meglio per l'offerta dei prodotti e servizi individuati come necessari per il raggiungimento della missione? Le riflessioni condotte nell’ambito di un quadro di riferimento delineato dal ruolo delle garanzie nel mercato del credito bancario, dalle “Nuove disposizioni di vigilanza prudenziale per le banche”, dalla “Legge Quadro” sui e, infine, dall’assetto istituzionale ed operativo dei Confidi si riassumono nelle seguenti deduzioni: Proposizione I: segmentare la domanda prima di adeguare l’offerta; Proposizione II: le operazioni tranched cover sono un'alternativa relativamente efficiente per l'operatività dei Confidi, anche per quelli non vigilati; Proposizione III: solo i Confidi‐banca hanno la necessità di dotarsi di un rating esterno; Proposizione IV: le banche sono nuovi Clienti dei Confidi: offrire servizi di outsourcing (remunerati), ma non impieghi di capitale; Proposizione V: le aggregazioni inter settoriali nel medesimo territorio sono da preferirsi alle aggregazioni inter territoriali fra Confidi del medesimo settore. Alle future ricerche è affidato il compito di verificare: quali opzioni strategiche nel concreato siano state applicate; quali siano state le determinati di tali scelte; il grado di soddisfacimento dei bisogni degli stakeholder dei Confidi; misurare i benefici conseguiti nell'efficienza allocativa del credito.


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The thesis contemplates 4 papers and its main goal is to provide evidence on the prominent impact that behavioral analysis can play into the personnel economics domain.The research tool prevalently used in the thesis is the experimental analysis.The first paper provide laboratory evidence on how the standard screening model–based on the assumption that the pecuniary dimension represents the main workers’choice variable–fails when intrinsic motivation is introduced into the analysis.The second paper explores workers’ behavioral reactions when dealing with supervisors that may incur in errors in the assessment of their job performance.In particular,deserving agents that have exerted high effort may not be rewarded(Type-I errors)and undeserving agents that have exerted low effort may be rewarded(Type-II errors).Although a standard neoclassical model predicts both errors to be equally detrimental for effort provision,this prediction fails when tested through a laboratory experiment.Findings from this study suggest how failing to reward deserving agents is significantly more detrimental than rewarding undeserving agents.The third paper investigates the performance of two antithetic non-monetary incentive schemes on schooling achievement.The study is conducted through a field experiment.Students randomized to the main treatments have been incentivized to cooperate or to compete in order to earn additional exam points.Consistently with the theoretical model proposed in the paper,the level of effort in the competitive scheme proved to be higher than in the cooperative setting.Interestingly however,this result is characterized by a strong gender effect.The fourth paper exploits a natural experiment setting generated by the credit crunch occurred in the UK in the2007.The economic turmoil has negatively influenced the private sector,while public sector employees have not been directly hit by the crisis.This shock–through the rise of the unemployment rate and the increasing labor market uncertainty–has generated an exogenous variation in the opportunity cost of maternity leave in private sector labor force.This paper identifies the different responses.


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This dissertation comprises three essays on the Turkish labor market. The first essay characterizes the distinctive characteristics of the Turkish labor market with the aim of understanding the factors lying behind its long-standing poor performance relative to its European counterparts. The analysis is based on a cross-country comparison among selected European Union countries. Among all the indicators of labor market flexibility, non-wage cost rigidities are regarded as one of the most important factors in slowing down employment creation in Turkey. The second essay focuses on an employment subsidy policy which introduces a reduction in non-wage costs through social security premium incentives granted to women and young men. Exploiting a difference-in-difference-in differences strategy, I evaluate the effectiveness of this policy in creating employment for the target group. The results, net of the recent crisis effect, suggest that the policy accounts for a 1.4% to 1.6% increase in the probability of being hired for women aged 30 to 34 above men of the same age group in the periods shortly after the announcement of the policy. In the third essay of the dissertation, I analyze the labor supply response of married women to their husbands' job losses (AWE). I empirically test the hypothesis of added worker effect for the global economic crisis of 2008 by relying on the Turkey context. Identification is achieved by exploiting the exogenous variation in the output of male-dominated sectors hard-hit by the crisis and the gender-segmentation that characterizes the Turkish labor market. Findings based on the instrumental variable approach suggest that the added worker effect explains up to 64% of the observed increase in female labor force participation in Turkey. The size of the effect depends on how long it takes for wives to adjust their labor supply to their husbands' job losses.


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La ricerca sulla comunicazione e gestione multilingue della conoscenza in azienda si è sinora concentrata sulle multinazionali o PMI in fase di globalizzazione. La presente ricerca riguarda invece le PMI in zone storicamente multilingui al fine di studiare se l’abitudine all’uso di lingue diverse sul mercato locale possa rappresentare un vantaggio competitivo. La tesi illustra una ricerca multimetodo condotta nel 2012-2013 in Alto Adige/Südtirol. Il dataset consiste in 443 risposte valide a un questionario online e 23 interviste con manager e imprenditori locali. Le domande miravano a capire come le aziende altoatesine affrontino la sfida del multilinguismo, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti ambiti: comunicazione multilingue, documentazione, traduzione e terminologia. I risultati delineano un quadro generale delle strategie di multilinguismo applicate in Alto Adige, sottolineandone punti di forza e punti deboli. Nonostante la presenza di personale multilingue infatti il potenziale vantaggio competitivo che ne deriva non è sfruttato appieno: le aziende si rivolgono ai mercati in cui si parla la loro stessa lingua (le imprese a conduzione italiana al mercato nazionale, quelle di lingua tedesca ad Austria e Germania). La comunicazione interna è multilingue solo nei casi in sia imprescindibile. Le “traduzioni fai-da-te” offrono l’illusione di gestire lingue diverse, ma il livello qualitativo rimane limitato. I testi sono sovente tradotti da personale interno privo di competenze specifiche. Anche nella cooperazione con i traduttori esterni si evidenza la mancata capacità di ottenere il massimo profitto dagli investimenti. La tesi propone delle raccomandazioni pratiche volte a ottimizzare i processi attuali e massimizzare la resa delle risorse disponibili per superare la sfida della gestione e comunicazione multilingue. Le raccomandazioni non richiedono investimenti economici di rilievo e sono facilmente trasferibili anche ad altre regioni multilingui/di confine, come ad altre PMI che impiegano personale plurilingue. Possono dunque risultare utili per un elevato numero di imprese.


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Il presente lavoro si compone di tre capitoli, tra loro autonomi e allo stesso tempo intrinsecamente collegati. Nel primo capitolo si è voluto offrire una panoramica dello scenario agroalimentare italiano e della sua rilevanza nel sistema economico nazionale. Per fare ciò si è partiti da una disamina del contesto economico mondiale per poi centrare il discorso sull’andamento congiunturale dell’agroalimentare nazionale, analizzato secondo i principali indicatori macroeconomici. Successivamente vengono presentati gli attori del sistema agroalimentare, rilevando per ciascuno di essi le proprie specificità e tendenze. L’ultima parte del primo capitolo è un focus specifico sul ruolo giocato dall’agroalimentare italiano nel commercio e nei mercati internazionali. Nel secondo capitolo si è approntata una mappatura territoriale e per comparti delle principali specializzazioni commerciali del settore agroalimentare delle regioni italiane. Tramite l'utilizzo di appositi indici di specializzazione si è analizzata la realtà agroalimentare delle regioni italiane, mettendone in evidenza la struttura competitiva e approssimandola tramite l’analisi dei vantaggi comparati di cui gode. Infine, nel terzo capitolo, si è ampliato il campo d'analisi tentando di misurare il livello di internazionalizzazione delle regioni italiane, non solo in ambito agroalimentare, ma considerando l'intero sistema territoriale regionale. Si è tentato di fare ciò tramite tre strumenti: l’analisi delle componenti principali (PCA o ACP), il Mazziotta-Pareto Index e il Wroclaw taxonomic method. I risultati ottenuti tramite le tre modalità di elaborazione hanno permesso di approfondire la conoscenza del livello di internazionalizzazione registrato dalle regioni italiane, mettendo in luce ulteriori filoni di ricerca della tematica osservata.