10 resultados para Non-Indigenous Patients

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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MicroRNAs act as oncogene or tumor suppressor gene regulators and are actively released from tumor cells in the circulation. Specific microRNAs can be isolated and quantified in the blood, usually in serum or plasma fractions, where they are uncommonly stable. Cell-free microRNAs serve many, and possibly yet unexplored, functional roles and microRNA levels reflect underlying conditions and have been associated with skin cancer presence, stage and evolution. However, the clinical potential of circulating miRNAs in metastatic melanoma remains largely undefined. From May 2020 to September 2022, we conducted a spontaneous, monocentric, exploratory study on human tissues in vitro, which aimed to evaluate the prognostic and predictive role of circulating miRNAs in metastatic melanoma patients. At the Medical Oncology Unit of Policlinico Sant’Orsola-Malpighi of Bologna, peripheral venous blood samples from patients with metastatic melanoma treated with checkpoint inhibitors (CPI) were collected before the start of CPI (baseline, T0) and longitudinally, approximately every 3 months (T1, T2, etc). Circulating miRNA quantification was performed by droplet digital PCR (Biorad) using an EvaGreen and LNA primer-based assays. QuantaSoft Program (Biorad) calculated the absolute quantifications of each miRNA, indicated as copies/µL. After analysis of the literature, we chose to analyze miR-155-5p, miR-320a and miR-424-5p level. All miRNAs except miR-424-5p show a significantly higher level in plasma of patients who are alive after 1 year of follow-up. High/low levels of baseline miR-155-5p, miR-320a and miR-424-5p are significantly associated with overall survival and progression-free survival. Furthermore, a preliminary analysis on the group of patients who received first-line with anti-PD-1 (N=7), baseline miR-155-5p shows higher levels in responder vs. non responder patients (p 0.06). These data, though promising, are preliminary and need to be further investigated in a larger cohort of patients.


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In the recent years it is emerged that peripheral arterial disease (PAD) has become a growing health problem in Western countries. This is a progressive manifestation of atherothrombotic vascular disease, which results into the narrowing of the blood vessels of the lower limbs and, as final consequence, in critical leg ischemia. PAD often occurs along with other cardiovascular risk factors, including diabetes mellitus (DM), low-grade inflammation, hypertension, and lipid disorders. Patients with DM have an increased risk of developing PAD, and that risk increases with the duration of DM. Moreover, there is a growing population of patients identified with insulin resistance (IR), impaired glucose tolerance, and obesity, a pathological condition known as “metabolic syndrome”, which presents increased cardiovascular risk. Atherosclerosis is the earliest symptom of PAD and is a dynamic and progressive disease arising from the combination of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation. Endothelial dysfunction is a broad term that implies diminished production or availability of nitric oxide (NO) and/or an imbalance in the relative contribution of endothelium-derived relaxing factors. The secretion of these agents is considerably reduced in association with the major risks of atherosclerosis, especially hyperglycaemia and diabetes, and a reduced vascular repair has been observed in response to wound healing and to ischemia. Neovascularization does not only rely on the proliferation of local endothelial cells, but also involves bone marrow-derived stem cells, referred to as endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), since they exhibit endothelial surface markers and properties. They can promote postnatal vasculogenesis by homing to, differentiating into an endothelial phenotype, proliferating and incorporating into new vessels. Consequently, EPCs are critical to endothelium maintenance and repair and their dysfunction contributes to vascular disease. The aim of this study has been the characterization of EPCs from healthy peripheral blood, in terms of proliferation, differentiation and function. Given the importance of NO in neovascularization and homing process, it has been investigated the expression of NO synthase (NOS) isoforms, eNOS, nNOS and iNOS, and the effects of their inhibition on EPC function. Moreover, it has been examined the expression of NADPH oxidase (Nox) isoforms which are the principal source of ROS in the cell. In fact, a number of evidences showed the correlation between ROS and NO metabolism, since oxidative stress causes NOS inactivation via enzyme uncoupling. In particular, it has been studied the expression of Nox2 and Nox4, constitutively expressed in endothelium, and Nox1. The second part of this research was focused on the study of EPCs under pathological conditions. Firstly, EPCs isolated from healthy subject were cultured in a hyperglycaemic medium, in order to evaluate the effects of high glucose concentration on EPCs. Secondly, EPCs were isolated from the peripheral blood of patients affected with PAD, both diabetic or not, and it was assessed their capacity to proliferate, differentiate, and to participate to neovasculogenesis. Furthermore, it was investigated the expression of NOS and Nox in these cells. Mononuclear cells isolated from peripheral blood of healthy patients, if cultured under differentiating conditions, differentiate into EPCs. These cells are not able to form capillary-like structures ex novo, but participate to vasculogenesis by incorporation into the new vessels formed by mature endothelial cells, such as HUVECs. With respect to NOS expression, these cells have high levels of iNOS, the inducible isoform of NOS, 3-4 fold higher than in HUVECs. While the endothelial isoform, eNOS, is poorly expressed in EPCs. The higher iNOS expression could be a form of compensation of lower eNOS levels. Under hyperglycaemic conditions, both iNOS and eNOS expression are enhanced compared to control EPCs, as resulted from experimental studies in animal models. In patients affected with PAD, the EPCs may act in different ways. Non-diabetic patients and diabetic patients with a higher vascular damage, evidenced by a higher number of circulating endothelial cells (CECs), show a reduced proliferation and ability to participate to vasculogenesis. On the other hand, diabetic patients with lower CEC number have proliferative and vasculogenic capacity more similar to healthy EPCs. eNOS levels in both patient types are equivalent to those of control, while iNOS expression is enhanced. Interestingly, nNOS is not detected in diabetic patients, analogously to other cell types in diabetics, which show a reduced or no nNOS expression. Concerning Nox expression, EPCs present higher levels of both Nox1 and Nox2, in comparison with HUVECs, while Nox4 is poorly expressed, probably because of uncompleted differentiation into an endothelial phenotype. Nox1 is more expressed in PAD patients, diabetic or not, than in controls, suggesting an increased ROS production. Nox2, instead, is lower in patients than in controls. Being Nox2 involved in cellular response to VEGF, its reduced expression can be referable to impaired vasculogenic potential of PAD patients.


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Objectives In diabetic and non diabetic patients with peripheral artery obstructive disease (PAOD), we sought to establish whether the vascular wall damage, the mature circulating endothelium and the "in situ" neoangiogenesis are related with each other. Design In the peripheral blood of diabetic patients suffering critical ischaemia associated with peripheral artery disease, low levels and poor function of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) were observed. Moreover, circulating endothelial cells (CECs) have been described in different conditions of vascular injury. In this type of disorders, which are all characterized by endothelial damage, neoangiogenesis plays a key role. Materials In the study we recruited 22 diabetic and 16 non diabetic patients, all of them suffering PAOD and critical ischaemia; healthy subjects and multiorgan donors have also been considered like controls. Methods Histopathologic characterization was performed on arterial tissue samples under a light microscope. Flow cytofluorimetric analysis was used to quantify CECs in peripheral blood samples. "In situ" expression of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) transcripts was quantified in a Real Time-PCR analysis. Circulating VEGF concentration was determined by an ELISA assay. Results Arterial wall from diabetic patients, compared with non diabetic subjects, revealed a higher incidence of serious lesions (60% vs 47%) and a lower number of capillaries (65% vs 87%). Mean number of CECs/ml was significantly increased in all patients, compared to healthy controls (p=0.001). Compared to healthy subjects, VEGF transcripts expression resulted significantly higher in diabetic patients and in all patients (p<0.05) and a similar result was obtained in the MMP-9 transcripts expression. Serum VEGF concentration was significantly increased in PAOD patients correlated with controls (p=0.0431). Conclusions Our study demonstrates that in all patients considered, probably, regressive phenomenons prevail on reparative ones, causing an inesorable and progressive degeneration of the vascular wall, worse by diabetes. The vascular damage can be monitored by determining CECs number and its severity and development are emphasized by the MMP-9 transcripts expression. The "in situ" VEGF increased expression seems to be the evidence of a parietal cells bid to induce local angiogenesis. This reparing mechanism could induce the EPCs mobilitation by means the release of VEGF from the arterial wall. The mechanism, however, is ineffective like demonstrated by the EPCs reduced number and activities observed in patients suffering PAOD and critical ischaemia.


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Background: Mastocytosis is a rare disease involving mast cells (MC) and their CD34+ progenitors. According to the WHO consensus classification, cutaneous mastocytosis (CM) is considered a benign disease confined to the skin, preferentially seen in young children with a marked tendency to regress spontaneously. Aim of our study was the long-term assessment of the outcome of solitary (SM) and multiple (MM) mastocytomas in a pediatric population. Materials and methods: From January 1996 to December 2010, 241 pediatric patients with a diagnosis of CM were followed-up at the outpatient division of pediatric dermatology of the University of Bologna. We focused our retrospective evaluation on patients affected by SM or MM. We collected, through the analysis of medical records and with a telephone questionnaire for patients and their families, information on clinical aspects of the disease evolution and on the efficacy of topical steroid therapy. Results: Over the 241 considered patients we recorded: SM or MM in 176 (73%) pts., urticaria pigmentosa in 53 (22%) pts., telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans in 9 (4%) pts., diffuse CM in 2 (0,9%) pts. and polymorph CM in 1 (0,4%) pt. On 176 children affected by SM or MM (97 M vs. 79 F), 130 (74%) patients were followed-up with a mean of 56,3 (r. 4-142) months. A satisfactory outcome was recorded in 99 (76%) cases of whom 52 (53%) treated with topic steroids. Mean time to complete regression was 16.4 m. on treated patients vs. 34.7 m. on non treated patients (p=0,001). Conclusions: From our study emerged that resolution of the disease is independent from therapy, but the time to regression and to complete recovery of the coetaneous lesions is faster and favored by the application of topic steroid with an improvement of the quality of life for children and their families.


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OBIETTIVO : Quantificare le CECs/ml nei pazienti affetti da ischemia critica (IC) degli arti inferiori, eventuali correlazioni tra i fattori di rischio, lo stadio clinico con l’ aumento delle CECs. Valutare i cambiamenti strutturali (calcificazione ed infiltratto infiammatorio) e l’ angiogenesi (numero di capillari /sezione) della parete arteriosa. MATERIALI E METODI: Da Maggio 2006 ad Aprile 2008 in modo prospettico abbiamo arruolato paziente affetti da IC da sottoporre ad intervento chirurgico. In un data base abbiamo raccolto : caratteristiche demografiche, fattori di rischio, stadiazione dell'IC secondo Leriche-Fontaine (L-F), il tipo di intervento chirurgico. Per ogni paziente abbiamo effettuato un prelievo ematico di 2 ml per la quantificazione immunomagnetica delle CECs e prelievo di parete arteriosa. RISULTATI: In modo consecutivo abbiamo arruolato 33 pazienti (75.8% maschi) con età media di 71 aa (range 34-91aa), affetti da arteriopatia ostruttiva cronica periferica al IV stadio di L-F nel 84.8%, da cardiopatia ischemica cronica nel 60.6%, da ipertensione arteriosa nel 72.7% e da diabete mellito di II tipo nel 66.6%. Il valore medio di CECs/ml è risultato significativamente più elevato (p= 0.001) nei soggetti affetti da IC (CECs/ml =531.24 range 107- 3330) rispetto ai casi controllo (CECs/ml = 125.8 range 19-346 ). Le CECs/ml nei pazienti diabetici sono maggiori rispetto alle CECs/ml nei pazienti non diabetici ( 726.7 /ml vs 325.5/ml ), p< 0.05 I pazienti diabetici hanno presentato maggior incidenza di lesioni arteriose complesse rispetto ai non diabetici (66% vs 47%) e minor densità capillare (65% vs 87%). Conclusioni : Le CECs sono un marker sierologico attendibile di danno vascolare parietale, la loro quantità è maggiore nei pazienti diabetici e ipertesi. La minor capacità angiogenetica della parete arteriosa in presenza di maggior calcificazioni ed infiltrato infiammatorio nei diabetici, dimostra un danno istopatologico di parete maggiore .


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I sistemi sanitari sono messi sotto stress da fattori diversi che possono essere sintetizzati schematizzando il problema in pressioni sistemiche e pressioni pandemiche leggendole secondo due vettori paralleli: fattori modificabili e fattori non modificabili. I fattori non modificabili sono legati alla condizione socio-demografica di una popolazione (reddito pro-capite, livello di istruzione) e alle caratteristiche individuali dei pazienti che accedono ai servizi (condizioni di moltimorbidità, fragilità, età, sesso) mentre i fattori modificabili sono legati al modello organizzativo del servizio regionale e Aziendale. I fattori modificabili sono quelli che leggendo i fattori non modificabili possono adattarsi al contesto specifico e con gradi di flessibilità variabile rispondere alle domande emergenti. Il tradizionale approccio ospedaliero, ancora in gran parte basato su modelli organizzativi funzionalmente e strutturalmente chiusi, costruiti attorno alle singole discipline, non si è rivelato in grado di rispondere adeguatamente da solo a questi bisogni di salute complessi che necessitano di una presa in carico multidisciplinare e coordinata tra diversi setting assistenziali. La pandemia che ha portato in Italia ad avere più di 8 milioni di contagiati ha esacerbato problemi storici dei sistemi sanitari. Le Regioni e le Aziende hanno fronteggiato un doppio binario di attività vedendo ridursi l’erogazione di servizi per i pazienti non Covid per far fronte all’incremento di ricoveri di pazienti Covid. Il Policlinico S. Orsola ha in questa congiuntura storica sviluppato un progetto di miglioramento del percorso del paziente urgente coinvolgendo i professionisti e dando loro strumenti operativi di analisi del problema e metodi per identificare risposte efficaci. Riprendendo infine la distinzione tra pressioni modificabili e non modificabili il lavoro mostra che dall’analisi delle cause profonde dei nodi critici del percorso del paziente si possono identificare soluzioni che impattino sugli aspetti organizzativi (modificabili) personalizzando l’approccio per il singolo paziente (non modificabile) in un’ottica patient centred.


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The aim of this work was to investigate novel diagnostic and prognostic tools, postoperative treatments and epidemiologic factors impacting the outcome of surgical cases of colic. To make a more accurate diagnosis and establish a prognosis, several biomarkers have been investigated in colic patients. In this study we evaluated peritoneal PCT and blood ADMA and SDMA in SIRS positive and negative colic patients to be used as prognostic biomarkers. Our results highlighted the limits of these biomarkers in detection and the lack of specificity. In fact PCT was not detectable and even if ADMA and SDMA significantly increased in colic horses, they are not diagnostic nor prognostic markers for SIRS. Fluid therapy has been described to be crucial for the outcome of colic patients, nevertheless no guidelines have been established. Overhydration was the common practice in post surgical management. We compared cases with an extended fluid therapy protocol and cases with a restricted protocol. Results showed that survival rate and postoperative complications were similar between the groups, despite costs being significantly lower in the restricted group. The possible correlation between intestinal microbiota and colics has gained interest. In this study, cecal and colonic content from horses undergoing laparotomy were collected, and the microbiota analized. Results showed some differences in microbiota between discharged and non discharged patients, and between strangulating and non strangulating types of colic, that might suggest some influence of hind gut microbiota on the disease. A multicentric study involving three veterinary teaching hospitals on the italian territory was conducted investigating factors affecting postoperative survival and complications in colics. Results showed that the influence of age, PCV, TPP, blood lactate, reflux, type of disease, type of lesion, presence of anastomosis, duration of surgery and surgeons, were in line with literature. Amount of crystalloids used could affected the outcome.


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Objective: To investigate the prognostic significance of ST-segment elevation (STE) in aVR associated with ST-segment depression (STD) in other leads in patients with non-STE acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). Background: In NSTE-ACS patients, STD has been extensively associated with severe coronary lesions and poor outcomes. The prognostic role of STE in aVR is uncertain. Methods: We enrolled 888 consecutive patients with NSTE-ACS. They were divided into two groups according to the presence or not on admission ECG of aVR STE≥ 1mm and STD (defined as high risk ECG pattern). The primary and secondary endpoints were: in-hospital cardiovascular (CV) death and the rate of culprit left main disease (LMD). Results: Patients with high risk ECG pattern (n=121) disclosed a worse clinical profile compared to patients (n=575) without [median GRACE (Global-Registry-of-Acute-Coronary-Events) risk score =142 vs. 182, respectively]. A total of 75% of patients underwent coronary angiography. The rate of in-hospital CV death was 3.9%. On multivariable analysis patients who had the high risk ECG pattern showed an increased risk of CV death (OR=2.88, 95%CI 1.05-7.88) and culprit LMD (OR=4.67,95%CI 1.86-11.74) compared to patients who had not. The prognostic significance of the high risk ECG pattern was maintained even after adjustment for the GRACE risk score (OR = 2.28, 95%CI:1.06-4.93 and OR = 4.13, 95%CI:2.13-8.01, for primary and secondary endpoint, respectively). Conclusions: STE in aVR associated with STD in other leads predicts in-hospital CV death and culprit LMD. This pattern may add prognostic information in patients with NSTE-ACS on top of recommended scoring system.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate right ventricular function in patients with right ventricular volume overload in patients with (tetralogy of Fallot, and pulmonary atresia + VSD ) underwent corrective surgery; with echocardiography measure that can be easily applied; and to study the relationship between ProBNP and the contractile function of the right ventricle, dilated right atrium, and the consequences of pulmonary insufficiency . Methods: The study included 50 patients (50% males, mean age 30.64 ± 13.30 years) with prior cardiac surgical intervention of TDF (90%) or pulmonary atresia + VSD (10%). (49 pz) have performed a cardiac MRI and clinical evaluation, (47 pz) echocardiogram, (48 pz) ECG, (34 pz) a cardiopulmonary exercise testing, (29 pz) a dosage of ProBNP. Results: The S-wave velocity (p <0.0001), the TAPSE (p <0.0001) correlated significantly with RVEF estimated by cardiac MRI. The VO2 max was 27.93 ± 12.91 ml / kg / min, 15% of patients had VE/VCO2 The peak> 35. ProBNP correlated positively and significantly with the area of the right atrium (p = 0.0001), and negative and significant with VO2 max (p = 0.04). Those who have increased pulmonary insufficiency (PVR fraction> 30%) have a significantly increased RVED volume (p = 0.01), reduced VO2 max (p = 0.04), and lower ejection fraction of LV (p = 0.02) than the group of patients with PVR ≤ 30. Conclusion: The TAPSE and S-wave velocity are fundamental and may become the technique of choice for routine assessment of RV systolic function in adult patients with TOF. The monitoring of the Pro BNP is probably a choice, given the simplicity and their information that correlate with the test cardiopulmonary. In view of the ventricular-ventricular interaction, so measures to maintain or restore the functioning of the pulmonary valve could preserve biventricular function.


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Background There is a wide variation of recurrence risk of Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) within the same Tumor Node Metastasis (TNM) stage, suggesting that other parameters are involved in determining this probability. Radiomics allows extraction of quantitative information from images that can be used for clinical purposes. The primary objective of this study is to develop a radiomic prognostic model that predicts a 3 year disease free-survival (DFS) of resected Early Stage (ES) NSCLC patients. Material and Methods 56 pre-surgery non contrast Computed Tomography (CT) scans were retrieved from the PACS of our institution and anonymized. Then they were automatically segmented with an open access deep learning pipeline and reviewed by an experienced radiologist to obtain 3D masks of the NSCLC. Images and masks underwent to resampling normalization and discretization. From the masks hundreds Radiomic Features (RF) were extracted using Py-Radiomics. Hence, RF were reduced to select the most representative features. The remaining RF were used in combination with Clinical parameters to build a DFS prediction model using Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) with Random Forest. Results and Conclusion A poor agreement between the radiologist and the automatic segmentation algorithm (DICE score of 0.37) was found. Therefore, another experienced radiologist manually segmented the lesions and only stable and reproducible RF were kept. 50 RF demonstrated a high correlation with the DFS but only one was confirmed when clinicopathological covariates were added: Busyness a Neighbouring Gray Tone Difference Matrix (HR 9.610). 16 clinical variables (which comprised TNM) were used to build the LOOCV model demonstrating a higher Area Under the Curve (AUC) when RF were included in the analysis (0.67 vs 0.60) but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0,5147).