11 resultados para Natural-Gas Production

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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La valutazione dei rischi associati all’operatività dei sistemi di stoccaggio, quali la sismicità indotta e la subsidenza, è requisito basilare per una loro corretta gestione e progettazione, e passa attraverso la definizione dell’influenza sullo stato tensionale delle variazioni di pressione di poro nel sottosuolo. Principale scopo di questo progetto è lo sviluppo di una metodologia in grado di quantificare le deformazioni dei reservoir in funzione della pressione di poro, di tarare i modelli utilizzati con casi studio che presentino dati di monitoraggio reali, tali da consentire un confronto con le previsioni di modello. In questa tesi, la teoria delle inomogeneità è stata utilizzata, tramite un approccio semianalitico, per definire le variazioni dei campi elastici derivanti dalle operazioni di prelievo e immissione di fluidi in serbatoi geologici. Estensione, forma e magnitudo delle variazioni di stress indotte sono state valutate tramite il concetto di variazione dello sforzo critico secondo il criterio di rottura di Coulomb, tramite un’analisi numerica agli elementi finiti. La metodologia sviluppata è stata applicata e tarata su due reservoir sfruttati e riconvertiti a sistemi di stoccaggio che presentano dataset, geologia, petrofisica, e condizioni operative differenti. Sono state calcolate le variazioni dei campi elastici e la subsidenza; è stata mappata la variazione di sforzo critico di Coulomb per entrambi i casi. I risultati ottenuti mostrano buon accordo con le osservazioni dei monitoraggi, suggerendo la bontà della metodologia e indicando la scarsa probabilità di sismicità indotta. Questo progetto ha consentito la creazione di una piattaforma metodologica di rapido ed efficace utilizzo, per stimare l’influenza dei sistemi di stoccaggio di gas sullo stato tensionale della crosta terrestre; in fase di stoccaggio, permette di monitorare le deformazioni e gli sforzi indotti; in fase di progettazione, consente di valutare le strategie operative per monitorare e mitigare i rischi geologici associati a questi sistemi.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di analizzare dapprima l’impatto ambientale di tali impianti e poi analizzare il contributo effettivo che oggi la tecnologia innovativa dei cicli Rankine organici può dare nella valorizzazione elettrica del calore di scarto di processi industriali, focalizzando l’obiettivo principalmente sulle turbine a gas ed eseguendo un caso di studio in un settore ancora poco esplorato da questa tecnologia, quello Oil&Gas. Dopo aver effettuato il censimento degli impianti a fonti fossili e rinnovabili, cogenerativi e non, presenti in Emilia-Romagna, è stato sviluppato un software chiamato MiniBref che permette di simulare il funzionamento di una qualsiasi centrale termoelettrica grazie alla possibilità di combinare la tecnologia dell’impianto con il tipo di combustibile consentendo la valutazione delle emissioni inquinanti ed i potenziali di inquinamento. Successivamente verranno illustrati gli ORC, partendo dalle caratteristiche impiantistiche e termodinamiche fino ad arrivare alla scelta del fluido organico, fondamentale per le performance del ciclo. Dopo aver effettuato una ricognizione dello stato dell’arte delle applicazioni industriali degli ORC nel recupero termico, verranno eseguite simulazioni numeriche per ricostruire gli ORC ed avere una panoramica il più completa ed attendibile delle prestazioni effettive di questi sistemi. In ultimo verranno illustrati i risultati di un caso di studio che vede l’adozione di recupero mediante ciclo organico in un’installazione esistente del settore Oil&Gas. Si effettuerà uno studio delle prestazione dell’impianto al variare delle pressioni massime e minime del ciclo ed al variare del fluido impiegato al fine di mostrare come questi parametri influenzino non solo le performance ma anche le caratteristiche impiantistiche da adottare. A conclusione del lavoro si riporteranno i risultati relativi all’analisi condotte considerando l’impianto ai carichi parziali ed in assetto cogenerativo.


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Today’s pet food industry is growing rapidly, with pet owners demanding high-quality diets for their pets. The primary role of diet is to provide enough nutrients to meet metabolic requirements, while giving the consumer a feeling of well-being. Diet nutrient composition and digestibility are of crucial importance for health and well being of animals. A recent strategy to improve the quality of food is the use of “nutraceuticals” or “Functional foods”. At the moment, probiotics and prebiotics are among the most studied and frequently used functional food compounds in pet foods. The present thesis reported results from three different studies. The first study aimed to develop a simple laboratory method to predict pet foods digestibility. The developed method was based on the two-step multi-enzymatic incubation assay described by Vervaeke et al. (1989), with some modification in order to better represent the digestive physiology of dogs. A trial was then conducted to compare in vivo digestibility of pet-foods and in vitro digestibility using the newly developed method. Correlation coefficients showed a close correlation between digestibility data of total dry matter and crude protein obtained with in vivo and in vitro methods (0.9976 and 0.9957, respectively). Ether extract presented a lower correlation coefficient, although close to 1 (0.9098). Based on the present results, the new method could be considered as an alternative system of evaluation of dog foods digestibility, reducing the need for using experimental animals in digestibility trials. The second parte of the study aimed to isolate from dog faeces a Lactobacillus strain capable of exert a probiotic effect on dog intestinal microflora. A L. animalis strain was isolated from the faeces of 17 adult healthy dogs..The isolated strain was first studied in vitro when it was added to a canine faecal inoculum (at a final concentration of 6 Log CFU/mL) that was incubated in anaerobic serum bottles and syringes which simulated the large intestine of dogs. Samples of fermentation fluid were collected at 0, 4, 8, and 24 hours for analysis (ammonia, SCFA, pH, lactobacilli, enterococci, coliforms, clostridia). Consequently, the L. animalis strain was fed to nine dogs having lactobacilli counts lower than 4.5 Log CFU per g of faeces. The study indicated that the L animalis strain was able to survive gastrointestinal passage and transitorily colonize the dog intestine. Both in vitro and in vivo results showed that the L. animalis strain positively influenced composition and metabolism of the intestinal microflora of dogs. The third trail investigated in vitro the effects of several non-digestible oligosaccharides (NDO) on dog intestinal microflora composition and metabolism. Substrates were fermented using a canine faecal inoculum that was incubated in anaerobic serum bottles and syringes. Substrates were added at the final concentration of 1g/L (inulin, FOS, pectin, lactitol, gluconic acid) or 4g/L (chicory). Samples of fermentation fluid were collected at 0, 6, and 24 hours for analysis (ammonia, SCFA, pH, lactobacilli, enterococci, coliforms). Gas production was measured throughout the 24 h of the study. Among the tested NDO lactitol showed the best prebiotic properties. In fact, it reduced coliforms and increased lactobacilli counts, enhanced microbial fermentation and promoted the production of SCFA while decreasing BCFA. All the substrates that were investigated showed one or more positive effects on dog faecal microflora metabolism or composition. Further studies (in particular in vivo studies with dogs) will be needed to confirm the prebiotic properties of lactitol and evaluate its optimal level of inclusion in the diet.


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Proper hazard identification has become progressively more difficult to achieve, as witnessed by several major accidents that took place in Europe, such as the Ammonium Nitrate explosion at Toulouse (2001) and the vapour cloud explosion at Buncefield (2005), whose accident scenarios were not considered by their site safety case. Furthermore, the rapid renewal in the industrial technology has brought about the need to upgrade hazard identification methodologies. Accident scenarios of emerging technologies, which are not still properly identified, may remain unidentified until they take place for the first time. The consideration of atypical scenarios deviating from normal expectations of unwanted events or worst case reference scenarios is thus extremely challenging. A specific method named Dynamic Procedure for Atypical Scenarios Identification (DyPASI) was developed as a complementary tool to bow-tie identification techniques. The main aim of the methodology is to provide an easier but comprehensive hazard identification of the industrial process analysed, by systematizing information from early signals of risk related to past events, near misses and inherent studies. DyPASI was validated on the two examples of new and emerging technologies: Liquefied Natural Gas regasification and Carbon Capture and Storage. The study broadened the knowledge on the related emerging risks and, at the same time, demonstrated that DyPASI is a valuable tool to obtain a complete and updated overview of potential hazards. Moreover, in order to tackle underlying accident causes of atypical events, three methods for the development of early warning indicators were assessed: the Resilience-based Early Warning Indicator (REWI) method, the Dual Assurance method and the Emerging Risk Key Performance Indicator method. REWI was found to be the most complementary and effective of the three, demonstrating that its synergy with DyPASI would be an adequate strategy to improve hazard identification methodologies towards the capture of atypical accident scenarios.


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Il presente studio si concentra sulle diverse applicazioni del telerilevamento termico in ambito urbano. Vengono inizialmente descritti la radiazione infrarossa e le sue interazioni con l’atmosfera terrestre, le leggi principali che regolano lo scambio di calore per irraggiamento, le caratteristiche dei sensori e le diverse applicazioni di termografia. Successivamente sono trattati nel dettaglio gli aspetti caratteristici della termografia da piattaforma satellitare, finalizzata principalmente alla valutazione del fenomeno dell'Urban Heat Island; vengono descritti i sensori disponibili, le metodologie di correzione per gli effetti atmosferici, per la stima dell'emissività delle superfici e per il calcolo della temperatura superficiale dei pixels. Viene quindi illustrata la sperimentazione effettuata sull'area di Bologna mediante immagini multispettrali ASTER: i risultati mostrano come sull'area urbana sia riscontrabile la presenza dell'Isola di Calore Urbano, anche se la sua quantificazione risulta complessa. Si procede quindi alla descrizione di potenzialità e limiti della termografia aerea, dei suoi diversi utilizzi, delle modalità operative di rilievo e degli algoritmi utilizzati per il calcolo della temperatura superficiale delle coperture edilizie. Tramite l’analisi di alcune esperienze precedenti vengono trattati l’influenza dell’atmosfera, la modellazione dei suoi effetti sulla radianza rilevata, i diversi metodi per la stima dell’emissività. Viene quindi introdotto il progetto europeo Energycity, finalizzato alla creazione di un sistema GeoWeb di supporto spaziale alle decisioni per la riduzione di consumi energetici e produzione di gas serra su sette città dell'Europa Centrale. Vengono illustrate le modalità di rilievo e le attività di processing dei datasets digitali per la creazione di mappe di temperatura superficiale da implementare nel sistema SDSS. Viene infine descritta la sperimentazione effettuata sulle immagini termiche acquisite nel febbraio 2010 sulla città di Treviso, trasformate in un mosaico georiferito di temperatura radiometrica tramite correzioni geometriche e radiometriche; a seguito della correzione per l’emissività quest’ultimo verrà trasformato in un mosaico di temperatura superficiale.


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Gas separation membranes of high CO2 permeability and selectivity have great potential in both natural gas sweetening and carbon dioxide capture. Many modified PIM membranes results permselectivity above Robinson upper bound. The big problem that should be solved for these polymers to be commercialized is their aging through time. In high glassy polymeric membrane such as PIM-1 and its modifications, solubility selectivity has more contribution towards permselectivity than diffusivity selectivity. So in this thesis work pure and mixed gas sorption behavior of carbon dioxide and methane in three PIM-based membranes (PIM-1, TZPIM-1 and AO-PIM-1) and Polynonene membrane is rigorously studied. Sorption experiment is performed at different temperatures and molar fraction. Sorption isotherms found from the experiment shows that there is a decrease of solubility as the temperature of the experiment increases for both gases in all polymers. There is also a decrease of solubility due to the presence of the other gas in the system in the mixed gas experiments due to competitive sorption effect. Variation of solubility is more visible in methane sorption than carbon dioxide, which will make the mixed gas solubility selectivity higher than that of pure gas solubility selectivity. Modeling of the system using NELF and Dual mode sorption model estimates the experimental results correctly Sorption of gases in heat treated and untreated membranes show that the sorption isotherms don’t vary due to the application of heat treatment for both carbon dioxide and methane. But there is decrease in the diffusivity coefficient and permeability of pure gases due to heat treatment. Both diffusivity coefficient and permeability decreases with increasing of heat treatment temperature. Diffusivity coefficient calculated from transient sorption experiment and steady state permeability experiment is also compared in this thesis work. The results reveal that transient diffusivity coefficient is higher than steady state diffusivity selectivity.


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This doctorate focused on the development of dense polymeric membranes for carbon capture, mostly in post combustion applications, and for natural gas sweetening. The work was supported by the European Project NANOMEMC2 funded under H2020 program. Different materials have been investigated, that rely on two main transport mechanisms: the solution-diffusion and the facilitated transport. In both cases, proper nano-fillers have been added to the matrix, in order to boost the mechanical and permselective properties of the membranes. Facilitated transport membranes were based on the use of was polyvinylamine (PVAm), as main matrix with fixed-site carriers, and L-Arginine as mobile carrier; the filler, used mostly as reinforcer, was carboxymethylated nanocellulose (cNFC). Humid test showed interesting results, and especially the blend made of PVAm/cNFC/Arg in weight ratio 27,5/27,5/45 crossed the Robeson CO2/N2 upper bound, representing current state of the art membranes, with a CO2 permeability of 271 Barrer and CO2/N2 selectivity of 70. Solution diffusion membranes were based on Pebax®2533 matrix which was added with three different graphene oxide (GO)-based materials, namely pristine GO, Porous Graphene Oxide (PGO) and a GO functionalized with polyetheramine (PEAGO). All of them provided a modest but clear increment of permeability of the Pebax matrix, from plus 2% (GO) to plus 8% (PGO), with no change in selectivity. The gas tested with this type of composites were CO2 and N2, for Post combustion capture applications. Pebax®2533 was also chemically modified, obtaining the product called “Benzoyl-P2533”, that was fully characterized, and tested in term of permeation using five gas: CO2, N2, CH4, O2, and He. Modified material showed an increment of the overall permeability of the material of a fair 10% for all gases tested, apart from helium, that increased of almost 50%.


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The innovation in several industrial sectors has been recently characterized by the need for reducing the operative temperature either for economic or environmental related aspects. Promising technological solutions require the acquisition of fundamental-based knowledge to produce safe and robust systems. In this sense, reactive systems often represent the bottleneck. For these reasons, this work was focused on the integration of chemical (i.e., detailed kinetic mechanism) and physical (i.e., computational fluid dynamics) models. A theoretical-based kinetic mechanism mimicking the behaviour of oxygenated fuels and their intermediates under oxidative conditions in a wide range of temperature and pressure was developed. Its validity was tested against experimental data collected in this work by using the heat flux burner, as well as measurements retrieved from the current literature. Besides, estimations deriving from existing models considered as the benchmark in the combustion field were compared with the newly generated mechanism. The latter was found to be the most accurate for the investigated conditions and fuels. Most influential species and reactions on the combustion of butyl acetate were identified. The corresponding thermodynamic parameter and rate coefficients were quantified through ab initio calculations. A reduced detailed kinetic mechanism was produced and implemented in an open-source computational fluid dynamics model to characterize pool fires caused by the accidental release of aviation fuel and liquefied natural gas, at first. Eventually, partial oxidation processes involving light alkenes were optimized following the quick, fair, and smoot (QFS) paradigm. The proposed procedure represents a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach for the construction and validation of accurate models, allowing for the characterization of developing industrial sectors and techniques.


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Although its great potential as low to medium temperature waste heat recovery (WHR) solution, the ORC technology presents open challenges that still prevent its diffusion in the market, which are different depending on the application and the size at stake. Focusing on the micro range power size and low temperature heat sources, the ORC technology is still not mature due to the lack of appropriate machines and working fluids. Considering instead the medium to large size, the technology is already available but the investment is still risky. The intention of this thesis is to address some of the topical themes in the ORC field, paying special attention in the development of reliable models based on realistic data and accounting for the off-design performance of the ORC system and of each of its components. Concerning the “Micro-generation” application, this work: i) explores the modelling methodology, the performance and the optimal parameters of reciprocating piston expanders; ii) investigates the performance of such expander and of the whole micro-ORC system when using Hydrofluorocarbons as working fluid or their new low GWP alternatives and mixtures; iii) analyzes the innovative ORC reversible architecture (conceived for the energy storage), its optimal regulation strategy and its potential when inserted in typical small industrial frameworks. Regarding the “Industrial WHR” sector, this thesis examines the WHR opportunity of ORCs, with a focus on the natural gas compressor stations application. This work provides information about all the possible parameters that can influence the optimal sizing, the performance and thus the feasibility of installing an ORC system. New WHR configurations are explored: i) a first one, relying on the replacement of a compressor prime mover with an ORC; ii) a second one, which consists in the use of a supercritical CO2 cycle as heat recovery system.


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The aim of the Ph.D. research project was to explore Dual Fuel combustion and hybridization. Natural gas-diesel Dual Fuel combustion was experimentally investigated on a 4-Stroke, 2.8 L, turbocharged, light-duty Diesel engine, considering four operating points in the range between low to medium-high loads at 3000 rpm. Then, a numerical analysis was carried out using a customized version of the KIVA-3V code, in order to optimize the diesel injection strategy of the highest investigated load. A second KIVA-3V model was used to analyse the interchangeability between natural gas and biogas on an intermediate operating point. Since natural gas-diesel Dual Fuel combustion suffers from poor combustion efficiency at low loads, the effects of hydrogen enriched natural gas on Dual Fuel combustion were investigated using a validated Ansys Forte model, followed by an optimization of the diesel injection strategy and a sensitivity analysis to the swirl ratio, on the lowest investigated load. Since one of the main issues of Low Temperature Combustion engines is the low power density, 2-Stroke engines, thanks to the double frequency compared to 4-Stroke engines, may be more suitable to operate in Dual Fuel mode. Therefore, the application of gasoline-diesel Dual Fuel combustion to a modern 2-Stroke Diesel engine was analysed, starting from the investigation of gasoline injection and mixture formation. As far as hybridization is concerned, a MATLAB-Simulink model was built to compare a conventional (combustion) and a parallel-hybrid powertrain applied to a Formula SAE race car.


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The pursuit of decarbonization and increased efficiency in internal combustion engines (ICE) is crucial for reducing pollution in the mobility sector. While electrification is a long-term goal, ICE still has a role to play if coupled with innovative technologies. This research project explores various solutions to enhance ICE efficiency and reduce emissions, including Low Temperature Combustion (LTC), Dual fuel combustion with diesel and natural gas, and hydrogen integration. LTC methods like Dual fuel and Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) show promise in lowering emissions such as NOx, soot, and CO2. Dual fuel Diesel-Natural Gas with hydrogen addition demonstrates improved efficiency, especially at low loads. RCCI Diesel-Gasoline engines offer increased Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) compared to standard diesel engines while reducing specific NOx emissions. The study compares 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke engine layouts, optimizing scavenging systems for both aircraft and vehicle applications. CFD analysis enhances specific power output while addressing injection challenges to prevent exhaust short circuits. Additionally, piston bowl shape optimization in Diesel engines running on Dual fuel (Diesel-Biogas) aims to reduce NOx emissions and enhance thermal efficiency. Unconventional 2-Stroke architectures, such as reverse loop scavenged with valves for high-performance cars, opposed piston engines for electricity generation, and small loop scavenged engines for scooters, are also explored. These innovations, alongside ultra-lean hydrogen combustion, offer diverse pathways toward achieving climate neutrality in the transport sector.