em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Admission blood lactate concentration has been shown to be a useful indicator of disease severity in human medicine and numerous studies have associated hyperlactatemia with patients at high risk of death who should be treated aggressively regardless of the cause of the lactate generation. The degree and duration of hyperlactacidaemia also have been correlated with the subsequent development of organ failure. Similarly, in a small number of studies about equine colic, blood lactate concentration has been investigated as a useful prognostic variable . In neonatal foals blood lactate was studied first by Magdesian (2003) who described venous blood lactate concentration in 14 normal foals during the initial 48 hours post-partum. A preliminary study about lactate concentration in foals presenting to a neonatal intensive care unit reported that surviving foals had earlier lactate clearance. The measurement of blood lactate concentration is traditionally available with a wet chemistry laboratory method or with blood-gas analyzers, for clinicians working at university or large private hospital. But this methods may not be easily accessible to many practitioners in field conditions. Several relatively inexpensive, easy to use and rapid pocket size monitors to measure lactate concentration have been validated in human patients and athletes. None of these portable lactate analyzer have been evaluated in clinically normal neonatal foals or in foals referred to a neonatal intensive care unit. The aims of this study were to validate the Lactate Scout analyzer in neonatal foals, investigating the correlation between lactate concentration in whole blood measured with the portable monitor and measured in plasma with the reference laboratory analyzer. The effect of hematocrit (Hct) on the accuracy of Lactate Scout was also evaluated. Further, we determined the utility of venous lactate measurement in critically-ill foals, describing lactate values in the most frequent neonatal pathologies, evaluating serial blood lactate measurements during hospitalization and investigating its prognostic value. The study also describes normal range for lactate in healthy neonatal foals during the first 72 hours of life.


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Introduction Postnatal human cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is usually asymptomatic in term babies, while preterm infants are more susceptible to symptomatic CMV infection. Breastfeeding plays a dominant role in the epidemiology of transmission of postnatal CMV infection, but the risk factors of symptomatic CMV infection in preterm infants are unknown. Patients and Methods Between December 2003 and August 2006, eighty Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) preterm infants (gestational age ≤ 32 weeks and birth weight < 1500 g), admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of St Orsola-Malpighi General Hospital, Bologna were recruited. All of them were breastfed for at least one month. During the first week of life, serological test for CMV was performed on maternal blood. Furthermore, urinary CMV culture was performed in all the infants in order to exclude a congenital CMV infection. Urine samples from each infant were collected and processed for CMV culture once a week. Once every 15 days a blood sample was taken from each infant to evaluate the complete blood count, the hepatic function and the C reactive protein. In addition, samples of fresh breast milk were processed weekly for CMV culture. A genetic analysis of virus variant was performed in the urine of the infected infants and in their mother’s milk to confirm the origin of infection. Results We evaluated 80 VLBW infants and their 68 mothers. Fifty-three mothers (78%) were positive for CMV IgG antibodies, and 15 (22%) were seronegative. In the seronegative group, CMV was never isolated in breast milk, and none of the 18 infants developed viruria; in the seropositive group, CMV was isolated in 21 out of 53 (40%) mother’s milk. CMV was detected in the urine samples of 9 out of 26 (35%) preterm infants, who were born from 21 virolactia positive mothers. Six of these infants had clinically asymptomatic CMV infection, while 3 showed a sepsis-like illness with bradycardia, tachypnea and repeated desaturations. Eight out of nine infants showed abnormal hematologic values. The detection of neutropenia was strictly related to CMV infection (8/9 infected infants vs 17/53 non infected infants, P<.005), such as the detection of an increase in conjugated bilirubin (3/9 infected infants vs 2/53 non infected infants, P<.05). The degree of neutropenia was not different between the two groups (infected/non infected). The use of hemoderivatives (plasma and/or IgM–enriched immunoglobulin) in order to treat a suspected/certain infection in newborn with GE< 28 ws was seen as protective against CMV infection (1/4 infected infants vs 18/20 non infected infants [GE<28 ws]; P<.05). Furthermore, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (defined both as oxygen-dependency at 30 days of life and 36 ws of postmenstrual age) correlated with symptomatic infection (3/3 symptomatic vs 0/6 asymptomatic: P<.05). Conclusion Our data suggest that CMV infection transmitted to preterm newborn through human milk is always asymptomatic when newborns are clinically stable. Otherwise, the infection can worsen a preexisting disease such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Human milk offers many nutritional and psychological advantages to preterm newborns: according to our data, there’s no reason to contraindicate it neither to pasteurize the milk of all the mothers of preterm infants who are CMV seropositive.


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Objective: To document the existence of a relationship between apnea of prematurity (AOP) and gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in preterm infants. Setting: One Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Patients: Twenty-six preterm infants (gestational age<32 weeks) with recurrent apneas. Intervention: Simultaneous and synchronized recording of polysomnography and pH-impedance monitoring (pH-MII). Polysomnography detects and characterizes apneas, by recording of breathing movement, nasal airflow, electrocardiogram, pulse oximeter saturation. pH-MII is the state-of-theart methodology for GER detection in preterm newborns. Main outcome measures: Relationship between AOP and GER, which were considered temporally related if both started within 30 seconds of each other. Results: One-hundred-fifty-four apneas out of 1136 were temporally related to GER. The frequency of apnea during the one-minute time around the onset of GER was significantly higher than the one detected in the GER-free period (p=0.03). Furthermore, the frequency of apnea in the 30 seconds after GER (GER-triggered apneas) was greater than that detected in the 30 seconds before (p=0.01). A great inter-individual variability was documented in the proportion of GERtriggered apneas. A strong correlation between total number of apneas and the difference between apneas detected 30 seconds after and before GER was found (p=0.034). Conclusions: Our data show that a variable rate of apneas can be triggered by GER in very preterm infant. Further studies are needed to recognise clinical features which identify those patients who are more susceptible to GER-triggered apneas.


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Background: Le early-onset sepsis (EOS) sono infezioni batteriche invasive definite dalla presenza di batteri nel sangue e/o nel liquor cefalorachidiano che esordiscono nelle prime 72 ore di vita e causano in epoca neonatale mortalità e morbilità importanti. Scopo: Determinare l’eccesso di trattamento antibiotico (Overtreatment index=OI) nei neonati di EG ≥34 settimane con sospetta sepsi ad esordio precoce. Metodi: Tutti i nati dal 1.01.2014 al 31.12.2018 di EG ≥34 settimane presso IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria e l’Ospedale Maggiore di Bologna che hanno ricevuto terapia antibiotica endovenosa nelle prime 168 ore di vita nel sospetto di EOS. Sono stati identificati 2 gruppi: EOS provata (N=7) ed EOS sospetta (N=465). Risultati: L’incidenza di EOS è stata 0.22 su 1000 nati vivi, rispettivamente 0.12/1000 per Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) e 0.06/1000 per Escherichia coli (E.coli). L’1.75% dei neonati ha ricevuto terapia antimicrobica empirica a largo spettro. L’OI è risultato 68. L’esposizione al trattamento antibiotico nella popolazione è stata di 85 giorni/1000 nati vivi. Tra i fattori di rischio materni, il tampone vagino-rettale (TVR) e l’urinocoltura positiva sono risultati associati al rischio di EOS provata (p=.017, p =.000). I valori di proteina C reattiva (PCR) al T0, T1 e T2 tra i due gruppi sono risultati significativi (p=.000). All’analisi multivariata è stata confermata la significatività delle variabili descritte. (TVR non noto OR=15.1, 95%CI 1.98-115.50, p =.009, urinocoltura positiva OR=30.1, 95%CI 3.6-252.1, p = .002, PCR T0 OR=1.6, 95% CI 1.29-2.07, p = .000.) Conclusioni: L’individuazione precoce di fattori di rischio e la valutazione degli indici di flogosi in neonati sintomatici può ridurre l’OI e la durata della terapia antibiotica in casi di sepsi non confermata. L’uso appropriato degli antibiotici in questa popolazione è particolarmente importante poichè riduce lo sviluppo di germi multiresistenti. Nelle Terapie Intensive Neonatali, i programmi di stewardship antimicrobica dovrebbero guidare la gestione delle sepsi.