6 resultados para Musical intervals and scales.

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This thesis evaluated in vivo and in vitro enamel permeability in different physiological and clinical conditions by means of SEM inspection of replicas of enamel surface obtained from polyvinyl siloxane impressions subsequently later cast in polyether impression ma-terial. This technique, not invasive and risk-free, allows the evaluation of fluid outflow from enamel surface and is able to detect the presence of small quantities of fluid, visu-alized as droplets. Fluid outflow on enamel surface represents enamel permeability. This property has a paramount importance in enamel physiolgy and pathology although its ef-fective role in adhesion, caries pathogenesis and prevention today is still not fully under-stood. The aim of the studies proposed was to evaluate enamel permeability changes in differ-ent conditions and to correlate the findings with the actual knowledge about enamel physiology, caries pathogenesis, fluoride and etchinhg treatments. To obtain confirmed data the replica technique has been supported by others specific techniques such as Ra-man and IR spectroscopy and EDX analysis. The first study carried out visualized fluid movement through dental enamel in vivo con-firmed that enamel is a permeable substrate and demonstrated that age and enamel per-meability are closely related. Examined samples from subjects of different ages showed a decreasing number and size of droplets with increasing age: freshly erupted permanent teeth showed many droplets covering the entire enamel surface. Droplets in permanent teeth were prominent along enamel perikymata. These results obtained through SEM inspection of replicas allowed innovative remarks in enamel physiology. An analogous testing has been developed for evaluation of enamel permeability in primary enamel. The results of this second study showed that primary enamel revealed a substantive permeability with droplets covering the entire enamel sur-face without any specific localization accordingly with histological features, without changes during aging signs of post-eruptive maturation. These results confirmed clinical data that showed a higher caries susceptibility for primary enamel and suggested a strong relationship between this one and enamel permeability. Topical fluoride application represents the gold standard for caries prevention although the mechanism of cariostatic effect of fluoride still needs to be clarified. The effects of topical fluoride application on enamel permeability were evaluated. Particularly two dif-ferent treatments (NaF and APF), with different pH, were examined. The major product of topical fluoride application was the deposition of CaF2-like globules. Replicas inspec-tion before and after both treatments at different times intervals and after specific addi-tional clinical interventions showed that such globule formed in vivo could be removed by professional toothbrushing, sonically and chemically by KOH. The results obtained in relation to enamel permeability showed that fluoride treatments temporarily reduced enamel water permeability when CaF2-like globules were removed. The in vivo perma-nence of decreased enamel permeability after CaF2 globules removal has been demon-strated for 1 h for NaF treated teeth and for at least 7 days for APF treated teeth. Important clinical consideration moved from these results. In fact the caries-preventing action of fluoride application may be due, in part, to its ability to decrease enamel water permeability and CaF2 like-globules seem to be indirectly involved in enamel protection over time maintaining low permeability. Others results obtained by metallographic microscope and SEM/EDX analyses of or-thodontic resins fluoride releasing and not demonstrated the relevance of topical fluo-ride application in decreasing the demineralization marks and modifying the chemical composition of the enamel in the treated area. These data obtained in both the experiments confirmed the efficacy of fluoride in caries prevention and contribute to clarify its mechanism of action. Adhesive dentistry is the gold standard for caries treatment and tooth rehabilitation and is founded on important chemical and physical principles involving both enamel and dentine substrates. Particularly acid etching of dental enamel enamel has usually employed in bonding pro-cedures increasing microscopic roughness. Different acids have been tested in the litera-ture suggesting several etching procedures. The acid-induced structural transformations in enamel after different etching treatments by means of Raman and IR spectroscopy analysis were evaluated and these findings were correlated with enamel permeability. Conventional etching with 37% phosphoric acid gel (H3PO4) for 30 s and etching with 15 % HCl for 120 s were investigated. Raman and IR spectroscopy showed that the treatment with both hydrochloric and phosphoric acids induced a decrease in the carbonate content of the enamel apatite. At the same time, both acids induced the formation of HPO42- ions. After H3PO4 treatment the bands due to the organic component of enamel decreased in intensity, while in-creased after HCl treatment. Replicas of H3PO4 treated enamel showed a strongly reduced permeability while replicas of HCl 15% treated samples showed a maintained permeability. A decrease of the enamel organic component, as resulted after H3PO4 treatment, involves a decrease in enamel permeability, while the increase of the organic matter (achieved by HCl treat-ment) still maintains enamel permeability. These results suggested a correlation between the amount of the organic matter, enamel permeability and caries. The results of the different studies carried out in this thesis contributed to clarify and improve the knowledge about enamel properties with important rebounds in theoretical and clinical aspects of Dentistry.


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Monitoring foetal health is a very important task in clinical practice to appropriately plan pregnancy management and delivery. In the third trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound cardiotocography is the most employed diagnostic technique: foetal heart rate and uterine contractions signals are simultaneously recorded and analysed in order to ascertain foetal health. Because ultrasound cardiotocography interpretation still lacks of complete reliability, new parameters and methods of interpretation, or alternative methodologies, are necessary to further support physicians’ decisions. To this aim, in this thesis, foetal phonocardiography and electrocardiography are considered as different techniques. Further, variability of foetal heart rate is thoroughly studied. Frequency components and their modifications can be analysed by applying a time-frequency approach, for a distinct understanding of the spectral components and their change over time related to foetal reactions to internal and external stimuli (such as uterine contractions). Such modifications of the power spectrum can be a sign of autonomic nervous system reactions and therefore represent additional, objective information about foetal reactivity and health. However, some limits of ultrasonic cardiotocography still remain, such as in long-term foetal surveillance, which is often recommendable mainly in risky pregnancies. In these cases, the fully non-invasive acoustic recording, foetal phonocardiography, through maternal abdomen, represents a valuable alternative to the ultrasonic cardiotocography. Unfortunately, the so recorded foetal heart sound signal is heavily loaded by noise, thus the determination of the foetal heart rate raises serious signal processing issues. A new algorithm for foetal heart rate estimation from foetal phonocardiographic recordings is presented in this thesis. Different filtering and enhancement techniques, to enhance the first foetal heart sounds, were applied, so that different signal processing techniques were implemented, evaluated and compared, by identifying the strategy characterized on average by the best results. In particular, phonocardiographic signals were recorded simultaneously to ultrasonic cardiotocographic signals in order to compare the two foetal heart rate series (the one estimated by the developed algorithm and the other provided by cardiotocographic device). The algorithm performances were tested on phonocardiographic signals recorded on pregnant women, showing reliable foetal heart rate signals, very close to the ultrasound cardiotocographic recordings, considered as reference. The algorithm was also tested by using a foetal phonocardiographic recording simulator developed and presented in this research thesis. The target was to provide a software for simulating recordings relative to different foetal conditions and recordings situations and to use it as a test tool for comparing and assessing different foetal heart rate extraction algorithms. Since there are few studies about foetal heart sounds time characteristics and frequency content and the available literature is poor and not rigorous in this area, a data collection pilot study was also conducted with the purpose of specifically characterising both foetal and maternal heart sounds. Finally, in this thesis, the use of foetal phonocardiographic and electrocardiographic methodology and their combination, are presented in order to detect foetal heart rate and other functioning anomalies. The developed methodologies, suitable for longer-term assessment, were able to detect heart beat events correctly, such as first and second heart sounds and QRS waves. The detection of such events provides reliable measures of foetal heart rate, potentially information about measurement of the systolic time intervals and foetus circulatory impedance.


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The departure point of the present work is the idea that in order to understand what music meant to British society in the Eighteenth-Century an interdisciplinary approach is necessary. Natural philosophy, moral philosophy, musical treatises and histories of music: all these sources concur both to the creation of a new idea about what music and its ‘science’ are, and to question the place which music ought to have in the realm of the Science of Man. The dissertation is divided into two sections. In the first one we will take into account philosophical sources (from John Locke, Joseph Addison and Lord Shaftesbury, to Lord Kames and Adam Smith), and we will examine their thoughts on music. In the second one we will deal with musical sources (from the Treatise of Musick of Alexander Malcom, to the Histories of Music of Charles Burney and John Hawkins) in order to show their connection with the philosophical literature before mentioned. The main aim of the work it to show that the development of specific philosophies of the human mind, such as the ones of John Locke and David Hume, did influence the way in which music was thought. Particularly we will point out the case of Adam Smith’s interpretation of instrumental music, which is heavily indebted to the humeian model of the human mind.


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The aim of the present work is a historical survey on Gestalt trends in psychological research between late 19th and the first half of 20th century with privileged reference to sound and musical perception by means of a reconsideration of experimental and theoretical literature. Ernst Mach and Christian von Ehrenfels gave rise to the debate about Gestaltqualität which notably grew thanks to the ‘Graz School’ (Alexius Meinong, Stephan Witasek, Anton Faist, Vittorio Benussi), where the object theory and the production theory of perception were worked out. Stumpf’s research on Tonpsychologie and Franz Brentano’s tradition of ‘act psychology’ were directly involved in this debate, opposing to Wilhelm Wundt’s conception of the discipline; this clearly came to light in Stumpf’s controversy with Carl Lorenz and Wundt on Tondistanzen. Stumpf’s concept of Verschmelzung and his views about consonance and concordance led him to some disputes with Theodor Lipps and Felix Krueger, lasting more than two decades. Carl Stumpf was responsible for education of a new generation of scholars during his teaching at the Berlin University: his pupils Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Koffka and Max Wertheimer established the so-called ‘Berlin School’ and promoted the official Gestalt theory since the 1910s. After 1922 until 1938 they gave life and led together with other distinguished scientists the «Psychologische Forschung», a scientific journal in which ‘Gestalt laws’ and many other acoustical studies on different themes (such as sound localization, successive comparison, phonetic phenomena) were exposed. During the 1920s Erich Moritz von Hornbostel gave important contributions towards the definition of an organic Tonsystem in which sound phenomena could find adequate arrangement. Last section of the work contains descriptions of Albert Wellek’s studies, Kurt Huber’s vowel researches and aspects of melody perception, apparent movement and phi-phenomenon in acoustical field. The work contains also some considerations on the relationships among tone psychology, musical psychology, Gestalt psychology, musical aesthetics and musical theory. Finally, the way Gestalt psychology changed earlier interpretations is exemplified by the decisive renewal of perception theory, the abandon of Konstanzannahme, some repercussions on theory of meaning as organization and on feelings in musical experience.


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La dissertazione è uno studio monografico delle cantate dialogiche e delle serenate a più voci e strumenti composte da Händel in Italia negli anni 1706-1710. Insieme ai drammi per musica e agli oratori coevi, le quattro cantate "Aminta e Fillide" HWV 83, "Clori, Tirsi e Fileno" HWV 96, "Il duello amoroso" HWV 82, "Apollo e Dafne" HWV 122 e le due serenate "Aci, Galatea e Polifemo" HWV 72 e "Olinto pastore arcade alle glorie del Tebro" HWV 143 costituiscono le prime importanti affermazioni di Händel come compositore di musica vocale. Le sei composizioni sono state studiate sotto l’aspetto storico-letterario, drammaturgico-musicale e della committenza, con l’obiettivo di individuare intersecazioni fra questi piani. I testi poetici, di cui si è curata l’edizione, sono stati analizzati da un punto di vista storico e stilistico e collocati nel particolare contesto romano del primo Settecento, in cui la proibizione di ogni spettacolo teatrale determinò, sotto la spinta di una raffinata committenza, un ‘drammatizzazione’ dei generi della cantata e della serenata. L’analisi musicale di ciascuna composizione è stata dunque finalizzata a una lettura ‘drammaturgica’, che ha portato alla individuazione dei dispositivi di ascendenza teatrale nella scelte compositive di Händel. Lo studio si conclude con un selettivo confronto con le cantate e le serenate scritte negli stessi anni a Roma da Alessandro Scarlatti.


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La biochimica clinica dei rettili e dei cheloni in particolare, non ha ottenuto al momento lo stesso livello di attenzione rivolto ai mammiferi. Con il presente lavoro viene proposta la valutazione dei più importanti parametri ematologici e biochimici in campioni di sangue di Testudo hermanni al fine di facilitare l'interpretazione dei dati di laboratorio e la diagnosi di eventuali patologie. A questo scopo, sono stati calcolati gli intervalli di riferimento di questi parametri in individui clinicamente sani e sono state analizzate le influenze di fattori ambientali e fisiologici. Sono state inoltre determinate le concentrazioni di alcuni importanti elementi chimici sia essenziali che non essenziali. Su campioni di chirottero del genere Tadarida teniotis sono state determinate le concentrazioni di PCB DL, PCB NDL, PCDD/F, PFAS e di elementi chimici essenziali e non, al fine di valutare: il possibile livello di contaminazione in relazione alla specie e all’habitat, la prevalenza e/o il rapporto delle classi di composti nel caso di una possibile contaminazione, la eventuale fonte di contaminazione. A quanto ci risulta, il nostro lavoro rappresenta il primo tentativo di analizzare su vasta scala le concentrazioni di questi inquinanti in una popolazione di pipistrelli residenti in un’area urbana. Tra i vari contaminanti esaminanti in questo studio, il Pb e le diossine possono costituire un serio problema per Tadarida teniotis.