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em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The present work explores the psychosocial issues emerging from a large cross-sectional study aimed to assess the prevalence, clinical manifestations, and psychosocial correlates of hyperandrogenism in a population of Italian high school students. Participants were 1804 adolescents, aged between 15 and 19 years, who volunteered to fill in a package of self-report questionnaires (including the Psychosocial Index, the Symptom Questionnaire and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being scales for the assessment of psychological aspects) and undergo a comprehensive physical examination. Significant gender differences were found with regard to psychological distress, with females reporting higher scores compared with males, but not on well-being dimensions. The relationships of well-being to distress were found to be complex. Although inversely associated, well-being and ill-being appeared to be distinct domains of mental functioning. The evaluation of the moderating effects of well-being in the association between stress and psychological distress indicated that well-being may act as a protective factor, contributing to less pronounced psychological distress as stress levels increased. Higher rates of somatic complaints were found among current smokers. However, substance use (i.e., smoking and drug use) was also found to be positively associated with some well-being dimensions. A considerable number of participants were found to present with disordered eating symptoms, particularly females, and associated higher stress levels and lower quality of life. Sport activities were found to favourably affect psychological health. As to clinical signs of hyperandrogenism, a significant impairment in psychosocial functioning was found among females, whereas no effects on psychological measures could be detected among males. Subgroups of adolescents with distinct clinical and psychological characteristics could be identified by means of cluster analysis. The present study provides new insights into better understanding of the complex relationships between well-being, distress and health status in the adolescent population, with important clinical implications.
Abstract Background: Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal abnormality (total or partial absence of one of the sexual chromosomes in some or all cells of the body), which affects approximately 1:2000 female. Principal characteristics are short stature and gonadal disgenesis. Clinical management consist of Growth Hormone (GH) treatment and oestrogen replacement therapy (HRT), to induce development of secondary characteristics and to avoid the sequelae of oestrogen deficiency. Aim of the study: To assess clinical management, quality of life (QoL) and general psychosocial adjustment of women with TS. Population: 70 adult Caucasian females with TS (mean age: 27.8, ± 7.6; range 18-48 y.). Setting: Specialist service for Rare Disease care, University Hospital. Methods: Subjects were required to fill in questionnaires collecting ASR, WHOQOL, and 8 open questions. Data were compared with those of the Italian population or to those collected in a comparison group (70 healthy females, mean age: 27.9, ±7.3, range 21-48 y.). Results: Women with TS are educated as well as the Italian Population, but they have a less successful professional life. They show good QoL in general, but they appeared less satisfied in social area. They had statistically higher scores than the comparison group for depression, anxiety and withdrawal. Are less involved in a love relationship. Diagnosis communication was mostly performed by doctors or parents, satisfaction was higher when information was given by parents. Main preoccupation about TS are infertility, feeling of being different and future health problem. Conclusions: Italian people with TS were generally well adapted and have a good QoL, but lived more often with parents and show impaired sentimental and sexual life. They have higher degree of psychological distress compared to a comparison group. Psychological intervention should firstly address parents in order to encourage an open communication on diagnosis issues and on sexual education.
In the thesis we present the implementation of the quadratic maximum likelihood (QML) method, ideal to estimate the angular power spectrum of the cross-correlation between cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large scale structure (LSS) maps as well as their individual auto-spectra. Such a tool is an optimal method (unbiased and with minimum variance) in pixel space and goes beyond all the previous harmonic analysis present in the literature. We describe the implementation of the QML method in the {\it BolISW} code and demonstrate its accuracy on simulated maps throughout a Monte Carlo. We apply this optimal estimator to WMAP 7-year and NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) data and explore the robustness of the angular power spectrum estimates obtained by the QML method. Taking into account the shot noise and one of the systematics (declination correction) in NVSS, we can safely use most of the information contained in this survey. On the contrary we neglect the noise in temperature since WMAP is already cosmic variance dominated on the large scales. Because of a discrepancy in the galaxy auto spectrum between the estimates and the theoretical model, we use two different galaxy distributions: the first one with a constant bias $b$ and the second one with a redshift dependent bias $b(z)$. Finally, we make use of the angular power spectrum estimates obtained by the QML method to derive constraints on the dark energy critical density in a flat $\Lambda$CDM model by different likelihood prescriptions. When using just the cross-correlation between WMAP7 and NVSS maps with 1.8° resolution, we show that $\Omega_\Lambda$ is about the 70\% of the total energy density, disfavouring an Einstein-de Sitter Universe at more than 2 $\sigma$ CL (confidence level).
INTRODUZIONE Pochi studi in Letteratura hanno indagato la correlazione tra la sintomatologia dolorosa associata all’interruzione farmacologica di gravidanza (IVG) e i livelli d’ansia pre-trattamento. L’obiettivo primario del nostro studio è stato di valutare la correlazione tra la sintomatologia dolorosa in corso di IVG farmacologica e i livelli d’ansia pre-trattamento. Inoltre, sono stati indagati i fattori predittivi di dolore e la correlazione con l’epoca gestazionale. MATERIALI E METODI È stato condotto uno studio osservazionale, prospettico, multicentrico presso l’Unità Operativa di Ostetricia e Ginecologia dell’Azienda USL e presso l’Unità Operativa di Ginecologia dell’IRCCS Sant’Orsola Malpighi di Bologna. Sono state incluse le pazienti sottoposte a IVG farmacologica tra giugno 2021 e novembre 2021, che rispettassero i criteri di inclusione ed esclusione. Sono stati somministrati 5 questionari (GHQ-12, GAD-7, STAI-6, VAS) e raccolti i dati anamnestici ed ecografici. I potenziali fattori di rischio sono stati, quindi, selezionati per l’inclusione nell'analisi di regressione multivariata. RISULTATI Delle 242 pazienti incluse, il 38,0% ha riferito una sintomatologia dolorosa severa (VAS >70). Dall’analisi di regressione multivariata, la dismenorrea intensa è risultata essere il fattore di rischio più forte per il dolore (OR = 6,30, IC 95% 2,66 – 14,91), seguita da alti livelli di ansia valutati mediante il punteggio del GHQ-12 > 9 (OR = 3,33, IC 95% 1,43 – 7,76). Al contrario, la nostra analisi ha confermato che un precedente parto vaginale rappresentava una caratteristica protettiva contro il dolore (OR 0,26, IC 95% 0,14 – 0,50). CONCLUSIONI Nel nostro studio alti livelli d’ansia pre-trattamento e la dismenorrea sono associati ad intensa sintomatologia dolorosa, mentre il parto vaginale è risultato protettivo. L’IVG farmacologica è una metodica efficace e sicura, ma spesso associata a sintomatologia dolorosa. È quindi fondamentale delineare fattori di predittivi di dolore ed individuare le pazienti a maggior rischio a cui somministrare un’idonea terapia antalgica.