19 resultados para Methods for Multi-criteria Evaluation

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Benessere delle popolazioni, gestione sostenibile delle risorse, povert e degrado ambientale sono dei concetti fortemente connessi in un mondo in cui il 20% della popolazione mondiale consuma pi del 75% delle risorse naturali. Sin dal 1992 al Summit della Terra a Rio de Janeiro si affermato il forte legame tra tutela dellambiente e riduzione della povert, ed anche stata riconosciuta limportanza di un ecosistema sano per condurre una vita dignitosa, specialmente nelle zone rurali povere dellAfrica, dellAsia e dellAmerica Latina. La natura infatti, soprattutto per le popolazioni rurali, rappresenta un bene quotidiano e prezioso, una forma essenziale per la sussistenza ed una fonte primaria di reddito. Accanto a questa constatazione vi anche la consapevolezza che negli ultimi decenni gli ecosistemi naturali si stanno degradando ad un ritmo impressionate, senza precedenti nella storia della specie umana: consumiamo le risorse pi velocemente di quanto la Terra sia capace di rigenerarle e di metabolizzare i nostri scarti. Allo stesso modo aumenta la povert: attualmente ci sono 1,2 miliardi di persone che vivono con meno di un dollaro al giorno, mentre circa met della popolazione mondiale sopravvive con meno di due dollari al giorno (UN). La connessione tra povert ed ambiente non dipende solamente dalla scarsit di risorse che rende pi difficili le condizioni di vita, ma anche dalla gestione delle stesse risorse naturali. Infatti in molti paesi o luoghi dove le risorse non sono carenti la popolazione pi povera non vi ha accesso per motivi politici, economici e sociali. Inoltre se si paragona limpronta ecologica con una misura riconosciuta dello sviluppo umano, lIndice dello Sviluppo Umano (HDI) delle Nazioni Unite (Cfr. Cap 2), il rapporto dimostra chiaramente che ci che noi accettiamo generalmente come alto sviluppo molto lontano dal concetto di sviluppo sostenibile accettato universalmente, in quanto i paesi cosiddetti sviluppati sono quelli con una maggior impronta ecologica. Se allora lo sviluppo mette sotto pressione gli ecosistemi, dal cui benessere dipende direttamente il benessere delluomo, allora vuol dire che il concetto di sviluppo deve essere rivisitato, perch ha come conseguenza non il benessere del pianeta e delle popolazioni, ma il degrado ambientale e laccrescimento delle disuguaglianze sociali. Quindi da una parte vi la societ occidentale, che promuove lavanzamento della tecnologia e dellindustrializzazione per la crescita economica, spremendo un ecosistema sempre pi stanco ed esausto al fine di ottenere dei benefici solo per una ristretta fetta della popolazione mondiale che segue un modello di vita consumistico degradando lambiente e sommergendolo di rifiuti; dallaltra parte ci sono le famiglie di contadini rurali, i moradores delle favelas o delle periferie delle grandi metropoli del Sud del Mondo, i senza terra, gli immigrati delle baraccopoli, i waste pickers delle periferie di Bombay che sopravvivono raccattando rifiuti, i profughi di guerre fatte per il controllo delle risorse, gli sfollati ambientali, gli eco-rifugiati, che vivono sotto la soglia di povert, senza accesso alle risorse primarie per la sopravvivenza. La gestione sostenibile dellambiente, il produrre reddito dalla valorizzazione diretta dellecosistema e laccesso alle risorse naturali sono tra gli strumenti pi efficaci per migliorare le condizioni di vita degli individui, strumenti che possono anche garantire la distribuzione della ricchezza costruendo una societ pi equa, in quanto le merci ed i servizi dellecosistema fungono da beni per le comunit. La corretta gestione dellambiente e delle risorse quindi di estrema importanza per la lotta alla povert ed in questo caso il ruolo e la responsabilit dei tecnici ambientali cruciale. Il lavoro di ricerca qui presentato, partendo dallanalisi del problema della gestione delle risorse naturali e dal suo stretto legame con la povert, rivisitando il concetto tradizionale di sviluppo secondo i nuovi filoni di pensiero, vuole suggerire soluzioni e tecnologie per la gestione sostenibile delle risorse naturali che abbiano come obiettivo il benessere delle popolazioni pi povere e degli ecosistemi, proponendo inoltre un metodo valutativo per la scelta delle alternative, soluzioni o tecnologie pi adeguate al contesto di intervento. Dopo lanalisi dello stato del Pianeta (Capitolo 1) e delle risorse, sia a livello globale che a livello regionale, il secondo Capitolo prende in esame il concetto di povert, di Paese in Via di Sviluppo (PVS), il concetto di sviluppo sostenibile e i nuovi filoni di pensiero: dalla teoria della Decrescita, al concetto di Sviluppo Umano. Dalla presa di coscienza dei reali fabbisogni umani, dallanalisi dello stato dellambiente, della povert e delle sue diverse facce nei vari paesi, e dalla presa di coscienza del fallimento delleconomia della crescita (oggi visibile pi che mai) si pu comprendere che la soluzione per sconfiggere la povert, il degrado dellambiente, e raggiungere lo sviluppo umano, non il consumismo, la produzione, e nemmeno il trasferimento della tecnologia e lindustrializzazione; ma il piccolo e bello (F. Schumacher, 1982), ovvero gli stili di vita semplici, la tutela degli ecosistemi, e a livello tecnologico le tecnologie appropriate. Ed proprio alle Tecnologie Appropriate a cui sono dedicati i Capitoli successivi (Capitolo 4 e Capitolo 5). Queste sono tecnologie semplici, a basso impatto ambientale, a basso costo, facilmente gestibili dalle comunit, tecnologie che permettono alle popolazioni pi povere di avere accesso alle risorse naturali. Sono le tecnologie che meglio permettono, grazie alle loro caratteristiche, la tutela dei beni comuni naturali, quindi delle risorse e dellambiente, favorendo ed incentivando la partecipazione delle comunit locali e valorizzando i saperi tradizionali, grazie al coinvolgimento di tutti gli attori, al basso costo, alla sostenibilit ambientale, contribuendo allaffermazione dei diritti umani e alla salvaguardia dellambiente. Le Tecnologie Appropriate prese in esame sono quelle relative allapprovvigionamento idrico e alla depurazione dellacqua tra cui: - la raccolta della nebbia, - metodi semplici per la perforazione di pozzi, - pompe a pedali e pompe manuali per lapprovvigionamento idrico, - la raccolta dellacqua piovana, - il recupero delle sorgenti, - semplici metodi per la depurazione dellacqua al punto duso (filtro in ceramica, filtro a sabbia, filtro in tessuto, disinfezione e distillazione solare). Il quinto Capitolo espone invece le Tecnolocie Appropriate per la gestione dei rifiuti nei PVS, in cui sono descritte: - soluzioni per la raccolta dei rifiuti nei PVS, - soluzioni per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti nei PVS, - semplici tecnologie per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti solidi. Il sesto Capitolo tratta tematiche riguardanti la Cooperazione Internazionale, la Cooperazione Decentrata e i progetti di Sviluppo Umano. Per progetti di sviluppo si intende, nellambito della Cooperazione, quei progetti che hanno come obiettivi la lotta alla povert e il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle comunit beneficiarie dei PVS coinvolte nel progetto. Allinterno dei progetti di cooperazione e di sviluppo umano gli interventi di tipo ambientale giocano un ruolo importante, visto che, come gi detto, la povert e il benessere delle popolazioni dipende dal benessere degli ecosistemi in cui vivono: favorire la tutela dellambiente, garantire laccesso allacqua potabile, la corretta gestione dei rifiuti e dei reflui nonch lapprovvigionamento energetico pulito sono aspetti necessari per permettere ad ogni individuo, soprattutto se vive in condizioni di sviluppo, di condurre una vita sana e produttiva. importante quindi, negli interventi di sviluppo umano di carattere tecnico ed ambientale, scegliere soluzioni decentrate che prevedano ladozione di Tecnologie Appropriate per contribuire a valorizzare lambiente e a tutelare la salute della comunit. I Capitoli 7 ed 8 prendono in esame i metodi per la valutazione degli interventi di sviluppo umano. Un altro aspetto fondamentale che rientra nel ruolo dei tecnici infatti lutilizzo di un corretto metodo valutativo per la scelta dei progetti possibili che tenga presente tutti gli aspetti, ovvero gli impatti sociali, ambientali, economici e che si cali bene alle realt svantaggiate come quelle prese in considerazione in questo lavoro; un metodo cio che consenta una valutazione specifica per i progetti di sviluppo umano e che possa permettere lindividuazione del progetto/intervento tecnologico e ambientale pi appropriato ad ogni contesto specifico. Dallanalisi dei vari strumenti valutativi si scelto di sviluppare un modello per la valutazione degli interventi di carattere ambientale nei progetti di Cooperazione Decentrata basato sullAnalisi Multi Criteria e sulla Analisi Gerarchica. Loggetto di questa ricerca stato quindi lo sviluppo di una metodologia, che tramite il supporto matematico e metodologico dellAnalisi Multi Criteria, permetta di valutare lappropriatezza, la sostenibilit degli interventi di Sviluppo Umano di carattere ambientale, sviluppati allinterno di progetti di Cooperazione Internazionale e di Cooperazione Decentrata attraverso lutilizzo di Tecnologie Appropriate. Nel Capitolo 9 viene proposta la metodologia, il modello di calcolo e i criteri su cui si basa la valutazione. I successivi capitoli (Capitolo 10 e Capitolo 11) sono invece dedicati alla sperimentazione della metodologia ai diversi casi studio: - Progetto ambientale sulla gestione dei rifiuti presso i campi Profughi Saharawi, Algeria, - Programa 1 milho de Cisternas, P1MC e - Programa Uma Terra e Duas guas, P1+2, Semi Arido brasiliano.


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In medicine, innovation depends on a better knowledge of the human body mechanism, which represents a complex system of multi-scale constituents. Unraveling the complexity underneath diseases proves to be challenging. A deep understanding of the inner workings comes with dealing with many heterogeneous information. Exploring the molecular status and the organization of genes, proteins, metabolites provides insights on what is driving a disease, from aggressiveness to curability. Molecular constituents, however, are only the building blocks of the human body and cannot currently tell the whole story of diseases. This is why nowadays attention is growing towards the contemporary exploitation of multi-scale information. Holistic methods are then drawing interest to address the problem of integrating heterogeneous data. The heterogeneity may derive from the diversity across data types and from the diversity within diseases. Here, four studies conducted data integration using customly designed workflows that implement novel methods and views to tackle the heterogeneous characterization of diseases. The first study devoted to determine shared gene regulatory signatures for onco-hematology and it showed partial co-regulation across blood-related diseases. The second study focused on Acute Myeloid Leukemia and refined the unsupervised integration of genomic alterations, which turned out to better resemble clinical practice. In the third study, network integration for artherosclerosis demonstrated, as a proof of concept, the impact of network intelligibility when it comes to model heterogeneous data, which showed to accelerate the identification of new potential pharmaceutical targets. Lastly, the fourth study introduced a new method to integrate multiple data types in a unique latent heterogeneous-representation that facilitated the selection of important data types to predict the tumour stage of invasive ductal carcinoma. The results of these four studies laid the groundwork to ease the detection of new biomarkers ultimately beneficial to medical practice and to the ever-growing field of Personalized Medicine.


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Coastal flooding poses serious threats to coastal areas around the world, billions of dollars in damage to property and infrastructure, and threatens the lives of millions of people. Therefore, disaster management and risk assessment aims at detecting vulnerability and capacities in order to reduce coastal flood disaster risk. In particular, non-specialized researchers, emergency management personnel, and land use planners require an accurate, inexpensive method to determine and map risk associated with storm surge events and long-term sea level rise associated with climate change. This study contributes to the spatially evaluation and mapping of social-economic-environmental vulnerability and risk at sub-national scale through the development of appropriate tools and methods successfully embedded in a Web-GIS Decision Support System. A new set of raster-based models were studied and developed in order to be easily implemented in the Web-GIS framework with the purpose to quickly assess and map flood hazards characteristics, damage and vulnerability in a Multi-criteria approach. The Web-GIS DSS is developed recurring to open source software and programming language and its main peculiarity is to be available and usable by coastal managers and land use planners without requiring high scientific background in hydraulic engineering. The effectiveness of the system in the coastal risk assessment is evaluated trough its application to a real case study.


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Against a backdrop of rapidly increasing worldwide population and growing energy demand, the development of renewable energy technologies has become of primary importance in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, it is often technically and economically infeasible to transport discontinuous renewable electricity for long distances to the shore. Another shortcoming of non-programmable renewable power is its integration into the onshore grid without affecting the dispatching process. On the other hand, the offshore oil & gas industry is striving to reduce overall carbon footprint from onsite power generators and limiting large expenses associated to carrying electricity from remote offshore facilities. Furthermore, the increased complexity and expansion towards challenging areas of offshore hydrocarbons operations call for higher attention to safety and environmental protection issues from major accident hazards. Innovative hybrid energy systems, as Power-to-Gas (P2G), Power-to-Liquid (P2L) and Gas-to-Power (G2P) options, implemented at offshore locations, would offer the opportunity to overcome challenges of both renewable and oil & gas sectors. This study aims at the development of systematic methodologies based on proper sustainability and safety performance indicators supporting the choice of P2G, P2L and G2P hybrid energy options for offshore green projects in early design phases. An in-depth analysis of the different offshore hybrid strategies was performed. The literature reviews on existing methods proposing metrics to assess sustainability of hybrid energy systems, inherent safety of process routes in conceptual design stage and environmental protection of installations from oil and chemical accidental spills were carried out. To fill the gaps, a suite of specific decision-making methodologies was developed, based on representative multi-criteria indicators addressing technical, economic, environmental and societal aspects of alternative options. A set of five case-studies was defined, covering different offshore scenarios of concern, to provide an assessment of the effectiveness and value of the developed tools.


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La ricerca proposta si pone lobiettivo di definire e sperimentare un metodo per unarticolata e sistematica lettura del territorio rurale, che, oltre ad ampliare la conoscenza del territorio, sia di supporto ai processi di pianificazione paesaggistici ed urbanistici e allattuazione delle politiche agricole e di sviluppo rurale. Unapprofondita disamina dello stato dellarte riguardante levoluzione del processo di urbanizzazione e le conseguenze dello stesso in Italia e in Europa, oltre che del quadro delle politiche territoriali locali nellambito del tema specifico dello spazio rurale e periurbano, hanno reso possibile, insieme a una dettagliata analisi delle principali metodologie di analisi territoriale presenti in letteratura, la determinazione del concept alla base della ricerca condotta. E stata sviluppata e testata una metodologia multicriteriale e multilivello per la lettura del territorio rurale sviluppata in ambiente GIS, che si avvale di algoritmi di clustering (quale lalgoritmo IsoCluster) e classificazione a massima verosimiglianza, focalizzando lattenzione sugli spazi agricoli periurbani. Tale metodo si incentra sulla descrizione del territorio attraverso la lettura di diverse componenti dello stesso, quali quelle agro-ambientali e socio-economiche, ed opera una sintesi avvalendosi di una chiave interpretativa messa a punto allo scopo, lImpronta Agroambientale (Agro-environmental Footprint - AEF), che si propone di quantificare il potenziale impatto degli spazi rurali sul sistema urbano. In particolare obiettivo di tale strumento lidentificazione nel territorio extra-urbano di ambiti omogenei per caratteristiche attraverso una lettura del territorio a differenti scale (da quella territoriale a quella aziendale) al fine di giungere ad una sua classificazione e quindi alla definizione delle aree classificabili come agricole periurbane. La tesi propone la presentazione dellarchitettura complessiva della metodologia e la descrizione dei livelli di analisi che la compongono oltre che la successiva sperimentazione e validazione della stessa attraverso un caso studio rappresentativo posto nella Pianura Padana (Italia).


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The exploitation of hydrocarbon reservoirs by the oil and gas industries represents one of the most relevant and concerning anthropic stressor in various marine areas worldwide and the presence of extractive structures can have severe consequences on the marine environment. Environmental monitoring surveys are carried out to monitor the effects and impacts of offshore energy facilities. Macrobenthic communities, inhabiting the soft-bottom, represent a key component of these surveys given their great responsiveness to natural and anthropic changes. A comprehensive collection of monitoring data from four Italian seas was used to investigate distributional pattern of macrozoobenthos assemblages confirming a high spatial variability in relation to the environmental variables analyzed. Since these datasets could represent a powerful tool for the industrial and scientific research, the steps and standardized procedures needed to obtain robust and comparable high-quality data were investigated and outlined. Over recent years, decommissioning of old platforms is a growing topic in this sector, involving many actors in the various decision-making processes. A Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, specific for the Adriatic Sea, was developed to investigate the impacts of decommissioning of a gas platform on environmental and socio-economic aspects, to select the best decommissioning scenario. From the scenarios studied, the most impacting one has resulted to be total removal, affecting all the faunal component considered in the study. Currently, the European nations are increasing the production of energy from offshore wind farms with an exponential expansion. A comparative study of methodologies used five countries of the North Sea countries was carried out to investigate the best approaches to monitor the effects of wind farms on the benthic communities. In the foreseeable future, collaboration between industry, scientific communities, national and international policies are needed to gain knowledge concerning the effects of these industrial activities on the ecological status of the ecosystems.


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This thesis proposes an integrated holistic approach to the study of neuromuscular fatigue in order to encompass all the causes and all the consequences underlying the phenomenon. Starting from the metabolic processes occurring at the cellular level, the reader is guided toward the physiological changes at the motorneuron and motor unit level and from this to the more general biomechanical alterations. In Chapter 1 a list of the various definitions for fatigue spanning several contexts has been reported. In Chapter 2, the electrophysiological changes in terms of motor unit behavior and descending neural drive to the muscle have been studied extensively as well as the biomechanical adaptations induced. In Chapter 3 a study based on the observation of temporal features extracted from sEMG signals has been reported leading to the need of a more robust and reliable indicator during fatiguing tasks. Therefore, in Chapter 4, a novel bi-dimensional parameter is proposed. The study on sEMG-based indicators opened a scenario also on neurophysiological mechanisms underlying fatigue. For this purpose, in Chapter 5, a protocol designed for the analysis of motor unit-related parameters during prolonged fatiguing contractions is presented. In particular, two methodologies have been applied to multichannel sEMG recordings of isometric contractions of the Tibialis Anterior muscle: the state-of-the-art technique for sEMG decomposition and a coherence analysis on MU spike trains. The importance of a multi-scale approach has been finally highlighted in the context of the evaluation of cycling performance, where fatigue is one of the limiting factors. In particular, the last chapter of this thesis can be considered as a paradigm: physiological, metabolic, environmental, psychological and biomechanical factors influence the performance of a cyclist and only when all of these are kept together in a novel integrative way it is possible to derive a clear model and make correct assessments.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical and MRI outcomes after the implantation of a nanostructured cell free aragonite-based scaffold in patients affected by knee chondral and osteochondral lesions. METHODS: 126 patients (94 men, 32 women; age 32.78.8 years) were included according to the following criteria: grade III or IV chondra/osteochondral lesions in the femoral condyles or throclea; 2) no limb axial deviation (i.e. varus or valgus knee > 5); 3) no signs of knee instability; 4) no concurrent tibial or patellar chondral/osteochondral defects. All patients were treated by arthrotomic implantation of an aragonite based-scaffold by a press-fit technique. Patients were prospectively evaluated by IKDC, Tegner, Lysholm and KOOS scores preoperatively and then at 6, 12, 18 and 24-months follow-up. MRI was also performed to evaluate the amount of defect filling by regenerated cartilage. Failures were defined as the need for re-intervention in the index knee within the follow-up period. RESULTS: Average defect size was 21.3 cm2 and in most cases a single scaffold was used. A signicant improvement in each clinical score was recorded from basal level to 24 months follow-up. In particular, the IKDC subjective score increased from 42.1416 to 70.9424.69 and the Tegner score improved from 2.951.90 to 4.821.85 (p<0.0005). Lysholm score and all the subscales of KOOS showed a similar trend over time. Age of the patient at implantation, size of the defect and BMI were correlated with lower clinical outcome. The presence of OA didnt influence the clinical results. MRI evaluation showed a significant increase in defect filling over time, with the highest value reached at 24 months. Failures occurred in eleven patients (8.7%). CONCLUSION: The aragonite-based biomimetic osteochondral scaffold proved to be safe, and encouraging clinical and radiographic outcomes were documented up to 2 years follow-up.


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In the present study we are using multi variate analysis techniques to discriminate signal from background in the fully hadronic decay channel of ttbar events. We give a brief introduction to the role of the Top quark in the standard model and a general description of the CMS Experiment at LHC. We have used the CMS experiment computing and software infrastructure to generate and prepare the data samples used in this analysis. We tested the performance of three different classifiers applied to our data samples and used the selection obtained with the Multi Layer Perceptron classifier to give an estimation of the statistical and systematical uncertainty on the cross section measurement.


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The increasing aversion to technological risks of the society requires the development of inherently safer and environmentally friendlier processes, besides assuring the economic competitiveness of the industrial activities. The different forms of impact (e.g. environmental, economic and societal) are frequently characterized by conflicting reduction strategies and must be holistically taken into account in order to identify the optimal solutions in process design. Though the literature reports an extensive discussion of strategies and specific principles, quantitative assessment tools are required to identify the marginal improvements in alternative design options, to allow the trade-off among contradictory aspects and to prevent the risk shift. In the present work a set of integrated quantitative tools for design assessment (i.e. design support system) was developed. The tools were specifically dedicated to the implementation of sustainability and inherent safety in process and plant design activities, with respect to chemical and industrial processes in which substances dangerous for humans and environment are used or stored. The tools were mainly devoted to the application in the stages of conceptual and basic design, when the project is still open to changes (due to the large number of degrees of freedom) which may comprise of strategies to improve sustainability and inherent safety. The set of developed tools includes different phases of the design activities, all through the lifecycle of a project (inventories, process flow diagrams, preliminary plant lay-out plans). The development of such tools gives a substantial contribution to fill the present gap in the availability of sound supports for implementing safety and sustainability in early phases of process design. The proposed decision support system was based on the development of a set of leading key performance indicators (KPIs), which ensure the assessment of economic, societal and environmental impacts of a process (i.e. sustainability profile). The KPIs were based on impact models (also complex), but are easy and swift in the practical application. Their full evaluation is possible also starting from the limited data available during early process design. Innovative reference criteria were developed to compare and aggregate the KPIs on the basis of the actual sitespecific impact burden and the sustainability policy. Particular attention was devoted to the development of reliable criteria and tools for the assessment of inherent safety in different stages of the project lifecycle. The assessment follows an innovative approach in the analysis of inherent safety, based on both the calculation of the expected consequences of potential accidents and the evaluation of the hazards related to equipment. The methodology overrides several problems present in the previous methods proposed for quantitative inherent safety assessment (use of arbitrary indexes, subjective judgement, build-in assumptions, etc.). A specific procedure was defined for the assessment of the hazards related to the formations of undesired substances in chemical systems undergoing out of control conditions. In the assessment of layout plans, ad hoc tools were developed to account for the hazard of domino escalations and the safety economics. The effectiveness and value of the tools were demonstrated by the application to a large number of case studies concerning different kinds of design activities (choice of materials, design of the process, of the plant, of the layout) and different types of processes/plants (chemical industry, storage facilities, waste disposal). An experimental survey (analysis of the thermal stability of isomers of nitrobenzaldehyde) provided the input data necessary to demonstrate the method for inherent safety assessment of materials.


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Which event study methods are best in non-U.S. multi-country samples? Nonparametric tests, especially the rank and generalized sign, are better specified and more powerful than common parametric tests, especially in multi-day windows. The generalized sign test is the best statistic but must be applied to buy-and-hold abnormal returns for correct specification. Market-adjusted and market-model methods with local market indexes, without conversion to a common currency, work well. The results are robust to limiting the samples to situations expected to be problematic for test specification or power. Applying the tests that perform best in simulation to merger announcements produces reasonable results.


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Research in art conservation has been developed from the early 1950s, giving a significant contribution to the conservation-restoration of cultural heritage artefacts. In fact, only through a profound knowledge about the nature and conditions of constituent materials, suitable decisions on the conservation and restoration measures can thus be adopted and preservation practices enhanced. The study of ancient artworks is particularly challenging as they can be considered as heterogeneous and multilayered systems where numerous interactions between the different components as well as degradation and ageing phenomena take place. However, difficulties to physically separate the different layers due to their thickness (1-200 m) can result in the inaccurate attribution of the identified compounds to a specific layer. Therefore, details can only be analysed when the sample preparation method leaves the layer structure intact, as for example the preparation of embedding cross sections in synthetic resins. Hence, spatially resolved analytical techniques are required not only to exactly characterize the nature of the compounds but also to obtain precise chemical and physical information about ongoing changes. This thesis focuses on the application of FTIR microspectroscopic techniques for cultural heritage materials. The first section is aimed at introducing the use of FTIR microscopy in conservation science with a particular attention to the sampling criteria and sample preparation methods. The second section is aimed at evaluating and validating the use of different FTIR microscopic analytical methods applied to the study of different art conservation issues which may be encountered dealing with cultural heritage artefacts: the characterisation of the artistic execution technique (chapter II-1), the studies on degradation phenomena (chapter II-2) and finally the evaluation of protective treatments (chapter II-3). The third and last section is divided into three chapters which underline recent developments in FTIR spectroscopy for the characterisation of paint cross sections and in particular thin organic layers: a newly developed preparation method with embedding systems in infrared transparent salts (chapter III-1), the new opportunities offered by macro-ATR imaging spectroscopy (chapter III-2) and the possibilities achieved with the different FTIR microspectroscopic techniques nowadays available (chapter III-3). In chapter II-1, FTIR microspectroscopy as molecular analysis, is presented in an integrated approach with other analytical techniques. The proposed sequence is optimized in function of the limited quantity of sample available and this methodology permits to identify the painting materials and characterise the adopted execution technique and state of conservation. Chapter II-2 describes the characterisation of the degradation products with FTIR microscopy since the investigation on the ageing processes encountered in old artefacts represents one of the most important issues in conservation research. Metal carboxylates resulting from the interaction between pigments and binding media are characterized using synthesised metal palmitates and their production is detected on copper-, zinc-, manganese- and lead- (associated with lead carbonate) based pigments dispersed either in oil or egg tempera. Moreover, significant effects seem to be obtained with iron and cobalt (acceleration of the triglycerides hydrolysis). For the first time on sienna and umber paints, manganese carboxylates are also observed. Finally in chapter II-3, FTIR microscopy is combined with further elemental analyses to characterise and estimate the performances and stability of newly developed treatments, which should better fit conservation-restoration problems. In the second part, in chapter III-1, an innovative embedding system in potassium bromide is reported focusing on the characterisation and localisation of organic substances in cross sections. Not only the identification but also the distribution of proteinaceous, lipidic or resinaceous materials, are evidenced directly on different paint cross sections, especially in thin layers of the order of 10 m. Chapter III-2 describes the use of a conventional diamond ATR accessory coupled with a focal plane array to obtain chemical images of multi-layered paint cross sections. A rapid and simple identification of the different compounds is achieved without the use of any infrared microscope objectives. Finally, the latest FTIR techniques available are highlighted in chapter III-3 in a comparative study for the characterisation of paint cross sections. Results in terms of spatial resolution, data quality and chemical information obtained are presented and in particular, a new FTIR microscope equipped with a linear array detector, which permits reducing the spatial resolution limit to approximately 5 m, provides very promising results and may represent a good alternative to either mapping or imaging systems.


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This thesis evaluated in vivo and in vitro enamel permeability in different physiological and clinical conditions by means of SEM inspection of replicas of enamel surface obtained from polyvinyl siloxane impressions subsequently later cast in polyether impression ma-terial. This technique, not invasive and risk-free, allows the evaluation of fluid outflow from enamel surface and is able to detect the presence of small quantities of fluid, visu-alized as droplets. Fluid outflow on enamel surface represents enamel permeability. This property has a paramount importance in enamel physiolgy and pathology although its ef-fective role in adhesion, caries pathogenesis and prevention today is still not fully under-stood. The aim of the studies proposed was to evaluate enamel permeability changes in differ-ent conditions and to correlate the findings with the actual knowledge about enamel physiology, caries pathogenesis, fluoride and etchinhg treatments. To obtain confirmed data the replica technique has been supported by others specific techniques such as Ra-man and IR spectroscopy and EDX analysis. The first study carried out visualized fluid movement through dental enamel in vivo con-firmed that enamel is a permeable substrate and demonstrated that age and enamel per-meability are closely related. Examined samples from subjects of different ages showed a decreasing number and size of droplets with increasing age: freshly erupted permanent teeth showed many droplets covering the entire enamel surface. Droplets in permanent teeth were prominent along enamel perikymata. These results obtained through SEM inspection of replicas allowed innovative remarks in enamel physiology. An analogous testing has been developed for evaluation of enamel permeability in primary enamel. The results of this second study showed that primary enamel revealed a substantive permeability with droplets covering the entire enamel sur-face without any specific localization accordingly with histological features, without changes during aging signs of post-eruptive maturation. These results confirmed clinical data that showed a higher caries susceptibility for primary enamel and suggested a strong relationship between this one and enamel permeability. Topical fluoride application represents the gold standard for caries prevention although the mechanism of cariostatic effect of fluoride still needs to be clarified. The effects of topical fluoride application on enamel permeability were evaluated. Particularly two dif-ferent treatments (NaF and APF), with different pH, were examined. The major product of topical fluoride application was the deposition of CaF2-like globules. Replicas inspec-tion before and after both treatments at different times intervals and after specific addi-tional clinical interventions showed that such globule formed in vivo could be removed by professional toothbrushing, sonically and chemically by KOH. The results obtained in relation to enamel permeability showed that fluoride treatments temporarily reduced enamel water permeability when CaF2-like globules were removed. The in vivo perma-nence of decreased enamel permeability after CaF2 globules removal has been demon-strated for 1 h for NaF treated teeth and for at least 7 days for APF treated teeth. Important clinical consideration moved from these results. In fact the caries-preventing action of fluoride application may be due, in part, to its ability to decrease enamel water permeability and CaF2 like-globules seem to be indirectly involved in enamel protection over time maintaining low permeability. Others results obtained by metallographic microscope and SEM/EDX analyses of or-thodontic resins fluoride releasing and not demonstrated the relevance of topical fluo-ride application in decreasing the demineralization marks and modifying the chemical composition of the enamel in the treated area. These data obtained in both the experiments confirmed the efficacy of fluoride in caries prevention and contribute to clarify its mechanism of action. Adhesive dentistry is the gold standard for caries treatment and tooth rehabilitation and is founded on important chemical and physical principles involving both enamel and dentine substrates. Particularly acid etching of dental enamel enamel has usually employed in bonding pro-cedures increasing microscopic roughness. Different acids have been tested in the litera-ture suggesting several etching procedures. The acid-induced structural transformations in enamel after different etching treatments by means of Raman and IR spectroscopy analysis were evaluated and these findings were correlated with enamel permeability. Conventional etching with 37% phosphoric acid gel (H3PO4) for 30 s and etching with 15 % HCl for 120 s were investigated. Raman and IR spectroscopy showed that the treatment with both hydrochloric and phosphoric acids induced a decrease in the carbonate content of the enamel apatite. At the same time, both acids induced the formation of HPO42- ions. After H3PO4 treatment the bands due to the organic component of enamel decreased in intensity, while in-creased after HCl treatment. Replicas of H3PO4 treated enamel showed a strongly reduced permeability while replicas of HCl 15% treated samples showed a maintained permeability. A decrease of the enamel organic component, as resulted after H3PO4 treatment, involves a decrease in enamel permeability, while the increase of the organic matter (achieved by HCl treat-ment) still maintains enamel permeability. These results suggested a correlation between the amount of the organic matter, enamel permeability and caries. The results of the different studies carried out in this thesis contributed to clarify and improve the knowledge about enamel properties with important rebounds in theoretical and clinical aspects of Dentistry.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cancer represent two of the main causes of death worldwide. They are complex multifactorial diseases and several biochemical targets have been recognized to play a fundamental role in their development. Basing on their complex nature, a promising therapeutical approach could be represented by the so-called "Multi-Target-Directed Ligand" approach. This new strategy is based on the assumption that a single molecule could hit several targets responsible for the onset and/or progression of the pathology. In particular in AD, most currently prescribed drugs aim to increase the level of acetylcholine in the brain by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). However, clinical experience shows that AChE inhibition is a palliative treatment, and the simple modulation of a single target does not address AD aetiology. Research into newer and more potent anti-AD agents is thus focused on compounds whose properties go beyond AChE inhibition (such as inhibition of the enzyme -secretase and inhibition of the aggregation of beta-amyloid). Therefore, the MTDL strategy seems a more appropriate approach for addressing the complexity of AD and may provide new drugs for tackling its multifactorial nature. In this thesis, it is described the design of new MTDLs able to tackle the multifactorial nature of AD. Such new MTDLs designed are less flexible analogues of Caproctamine, one of the first MTDL owing biological properties useful for the AD treatment. These new compounds are able to inhibit the enzymes AChE, beta-secretase and to inhibit both AChE-induced and self-induced beta-amyloid aggregation. In particular, the most potent compound of the series is able to inhibit AChE in subnanomolar range, to inhibit -secretase in micromolar concentration and to inhibit both AChE-induced and self-induced beta-amyloid aggregation in micromolar concentration. Cancer, as AD, is a very complex pathology and many different therapeutical approaches are currently use for the treatment of such pathology. However, due to its multifactorial nature the MTDL approach could be, in principle, apply also to this pathology. Aim of this thesis has been the development of new molecules owing different structural motifs able to simultaneously interact with some of the multitude of targets responsible for the pathology. The designed compounds displayed cytotoxic activity in different cancer cell lines. In particular, the most potent compounds of the series have been further evaluated and they were able to bind DNA resulting 100-fold more potent than the reference compound Mitonafide. Furthermore, these compounds were able to trigger apoptosis through caspases activation and to inhibit PIN1 (preliminary result). This last protein is a very promising target because it is overexpressed in many human cancers, it functions as critical catalyst for multiple oncogenic pathways and in several cancer cell lines depletion of PIN1 determines arrest of mitosis followed by apoptosis induction. In conclusion, this study may represent a promising starting pint for the development of new MTDLs hopefully useful for cancer and AD treatment.


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Different tools have been used to set up and adopt the model for the fulfillment of the objective of this research. 1. The Model The base model that has been used is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) adapted with the aim to perform a Benefit Cost Analysis. The AHP developed by Thomas Saaty is a multicriteria decision - making technique which decomposes a complex problem into a hierarchy. It is used to derive ratio scales from both discreet and continuous paired comparisons in multilevel hierarchic structures. These comparisons may be taken from actual measurements or from a fundamental scale that reflects the relative strength of preferences and feelings. 2. Tools and methods 2.1. The Expert Choice Software The software Expert Choice is a tool that allows each operator to easily implement the AHP model in every stage of the problem. 2.2. Personal Interviews to the farms For this research, the farms of the region Emilia Romagna certified EMAS have been detected. Information has been given by EMAS center in Wien. Personal interviews have been carried out to each farm in order to have a complete and realistic judgment of each criteria of the hierarchy. 2.3. Questionnaire A supporting questionnaire has also been delivered and used for the interviews . 3. Elaboration of the data After data collection, the data elaboration has taken place. The software support Expert Choice has been used . 4. Results of the Analysis The result of the figures above (vedere altro documento) gives a series of numbers which are fractions of the unit. This has to be interpreted as the relative contribution of each element to the fulfillment of the relative objective. So calculating the Benefits/costs ratio for each alternative the following will be obtained: Alternative One: Implement EMAS Benefits ratio: 0, 877 Costs ratio: 0, 815 Benfit/Cost ratio: 0,877/0,815=1,08 Alternative Two: Not Implement EMAS Benefits ratio: 0,123 Costs ration: 0,185 Benefit/Cost ratio: 0,123/0,185=0,66 As stated above, the alternative with the highest ratio will be the best solution for the organization. This means that the research carried out and the model implemented suggests that EMAS adoption in the agricultural sector is the best alternative. It has to be noted that the ratio is 1,08 which is a relatively low positive value. This shows the fragility of this conclusion and suggests a careful exam of the benefits and costs for each farm before adopting the scheme. On the other part, the result needs to be taken in consideration by the policy makers in order to enhance their intervention regarding the scheme adoption on the agricultural sector. According to the AHP elaboration of judgments we have the following main considerations on Benefits: - Legal compliance seems to be the most important benefit for the agricultural sector since its rank is 0,471 - The next two most important benefits are Improved internal organization (ranking 0,230) followed by Competitive advantage (ranking 0, 221) mostly due to the sub-element Improved image (ranking 0,743) Finally, even though Incentives are not ranked among the most important elements, the financial ones seem to have been decisive on the decision making process. According to the AHP elaboration of judgments we have the following main considerations on Costs: - External costs seem to be largely more important than the internal ones (ranking 0, 857 over 0,143) suggesting that Emas costs over consultancy and verification remain the biggest obstacle. - The implementation of the EMS is the most challenging element regarding the internal costs (ranking 0,750).