11 resultados para Membrane Transport Proteins

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The DOMON domain is a domain widespread in nature, predicted to fold in a β-sandwich structure. In plants, AIR12 is constituted by a single DOMON domain located in the apoplastic space and is GPI-modified for anchoring to the plasma membrane. Arabidopsis thaliana AIR12 has been heterologously expressed as a recombinant protein (recAtAIR12) in Pichia pastoris. Spectrophotometrical analysis of the purified protein showed that recAtAir12 is a cytochrome b. RecAtAIR12 is highly glycosylated, it is reduced by ascorbate, superoxide and naftoquinones, oxidised by monodehydroascorbate and oxygen and insensitive to hydrogen peroxide. The addition of recAtAIR12 to permeabilized plasma membranes containing NADH, FeEDTA and menadione, caused a statistically significant increase in hydroxyl radicals as detected by electron paramagnetic resonance. In these conditions, recAtAIR12 has thus a pro-oxidant role. Interestingly, AIR12 is related to the cytochrome domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase which is involved in lignin degradation, possibly via reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. In Arabidopsis the Air12 promoter is specifically activated at sites where cell separations occur and ROS, including •OH, are involved in cell wall modifications. air12 knock-out plants infected with Botrytis cinerea are more resistant than wild-type and air12 complemented plants. Also during B. cinerea infection, cell wall modifications and ROS are involved. Our results thus suggest that AIR12 could be involved in cell wall modifying reactions by interacting with ROS and ascorbate. CyDOMs are plasma membrane redox proteins of plants that are predicted to contain an apoplastic DOMON fused with a transmembrane cytochrome b561 domain. CyDOMs have never been purified nor characterised. The trans-membrane portion of a soybean CyDOM was expressed in E. coli but purification could not be achieved. The DOMON domain was expressed in P. pastoris and shown to be itself a cytochrome b that could be reduced by ascorbate.


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Different types of proteins exist with diverse functions that are essential for living organisms. An important class of proteins is represented by transmembrane proteins which are specifically designed to be inserted into biological membranes and devised to perform very important functions in the cell such as cell communication and active transport across the membrane. Transmembrane β-barrels (TMBBs) are a sub-class of membrane proteins largely under-represented in structure databases because of the extreme difficulty in experimental structure determination. For this reason, computational tools that are able to predict the structure of TMBBs are needed. In this thesis, two computational problems related to TMBBs were addressed: the detection of TMBBs in large datasets of proteins and the prediction of the topology of TMBB proteins. Firstly, a method for TMBB detection was presented based on a novel neural network framework for variable-length sequence classification. The proposed approach was validated on a non-redundant dataset of proteins. Furthermore, we carried-out genome-wide detection using the entire Escherichia coli proteome. In both experiments, the method significantly outperformed other existing state-of-the-art approaches, reaching very high PPV (92%) and MCC (0.82). Secondly, a method was also introduced for TMBB topology prediction. The proposed approach is based on grammatical modelling and probabilistic discriminative models for sequence data labeling. The method was evaluated using a newly generated dataset of 38 TMBB proteins obtained from high-resolution data in the PDB. Results have shown that the model is able to correctly predict topologies of 25 out of 38 protein chains in the dataset. When tested on previously released datasets, the performances of the proposed approach were measured as comparable or superior to the current state-of-the-art of TMBB topology prediction.


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The aim of the present study is understanding the properties of a new group of redox proteins having in common a DOMON-type domain with characteristics of cytochromes b. The superfamily of proteins containing a DOMON of this type includes a few protein families. With the aim of better characterizing this new protein family, the present work addresses both a CyDOM protein (a cytochrome b561) and a protein only comprised of DOMON(AIR12), both of plant origin. Apoplastic ascorbate can be regenerated from monodehydroascorbate by a trans-plasma membrane redox system which uses cytosolic ascorbate as a reductant and comprises a high potential cytochrome b. We identified the major plasma membrane (PM) ascorbate-reducible b-type cytochrome of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max) hypocotyls as orthologs of Arabidopsis auxin-responsive gene air12. The protein, which is glycosylated and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored to the external side of the PM in vivo, was expressed in Pichia pastoris in a recombinant form, lacking the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-modification signal, and purified from the culture medium. Recombinant AIR12 is a soluble protein predicted to fold into a β-sandwich domain and belonging to the DOMON superfamily. It is shown to be a b-type cytochrome with a symmetrical α-band at 561 nm, to be fully reduced by ascorbate and fully oxidized by monodehydroascorbate. Redox potentiometry suggests that AIR12 binds two high-potential hemes (Em,7 +135 and +236 mV). Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the auxin-responsive genes AIR12 constitute a new family of plasma membrane b-type cytochromes specific to flowering plants. Although AIR12 is one of the few redox proteins of the PM characterized to date, the role of AIR12 in trans-PM electron transfer would imply interaction with other partners which are still to be identified. Another part of the present project was aimed at understanding of a soybean protein comprised of a DOMON fused with a well-defined b561 cytochrome domain (CyDOM). Various bioinformatic approaches show this protein to be composed of an N-terminal DOMON followed by b561 domain. The latter contains five transmembrane helices featuring highly conserved histidines, which might bind haem groups. The CyDOM has been cloned and expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris, and spectroscopic analyses have been accomplished on solubilized yeast membranes. CyDOM clearly reveal the properties of b-type cytochrome. The results highlight the fact that CyDOM is clearly able to lead an electron flux through the plasmamembrane. Voltage clamp experiments demonstrate that Xenopus laevis oocytes transformed with CyDOM of soybean exhibit negative electrical currents in presence of an external electron acceptor. Analogous investigations were carried out with SDR2, a CyDOM of Drosophila melanogaster which shows an electron transport capacity even higher than plant CyDOM. As quoted above, these data reinforce those obtained in plant CyDOM on the one hand, and on the other hand allow to attribute to SDR2-like proteins the properties assigned to CyDOM. Was expressed in Regenerated tobacco roots, transiently transformed with infected a with chimeral construct GFP: CyDOM (by A. rhizogenes infection) reveals a plasmamembrane localization of CyDOM both in epidermal cells of the elongation zone of roots and in root hairs. In conclusion. Although the data presented here await to be expanded and in part clarified, it is safe to say they open a new perspective about the role of this group of proteins. The biological relevance of the functional and physiological implications of DOMON redox domains seems noteworthy, and it can but increase with future advances in research. Beyond the very finding, however interesting in itself, of DOMON domains as extracellular cytochromes, the present study testifies to the fact that cytochrome proteins containing DOMON domains of the type of “CyDOM” can transfer electrons through membranes and may represent the most important redox component of the plasmamembrane as yet discovered.


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Ion channels are pore-forming proteins that regulate the flow of ions across biological cell membranes. Ion channels are fundamental in generating and regulating the electrical activity of cells in the nervous system and the contraction of muscolar cells. Solid-state nanopores are nanometer-scale pores located in electrically insulating membranes. They can be adopted as detectors of specific molecules in electrolytic solutions. Permeation of ions from one electrolytic solution to another, through a protein channel or a synthetic pore is a process of considerable importance and realistic analysis of the main dependencies of ion current on the geometrical and compositional characteristics of these structures are highly required. The project described by this thesis is an effort to improve the understanding of ion channels by devising methods for computer simulation that can predict channel conductance from channel structure. This project describes theory, algorithms and implementation techniques used to develop a novel 3-D numerical simulator of ion channels and synthetic nanopores based on the Brownian Dynamics technique. This numerical simulator could represent a valid tool for the study of protein ion channel and synthetic nanopores, allowing to investigate at the atomic-level the complex electrostatic interactions that determine channel conductance and ion selectivity. Moreover it will provide insights on how parameters like temperature, applied voltage, and pore shape could influence ion translocation dynamics. Furthermore it will help making predictions of conductance of given channel structures and it will add information like electrostatic potential or ionic concentrations throughout the simulation domain helping the understanding of ion flow through membrane pores.


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The work of this thesis has been focused on the characterisation of inorganic membranes for the hydrogen purification from steam reforming gas. Composite membranes based on porous inorganic supports coated with palladium silver alloys and ceramic membranes have been analysed. A brief resume of theoretical laws governing transport of gases through dense and porous inorganic membranes and an overview on different methods to prepare inorganic membranes has been also reported. A description of the experimental apparatus used for the characterisation of gas permeability properties has been reported. The device used permits to evaluate transport properties in a wide range of temperatures (till 500°C) and pressures (till 15 bar). Data obtained from experimental campaigns reveal a good agreement with Sievert law for hydrogen transport through dense palladium based membranes while different transport mechanisms, such as Knudsen diffusion and Hagen-Poiseuille flow, have been observed for porous membranes and for palladium silver alloy ones with pinholes in the metal layer. Mixtures permeation experiments reveal also concentration polarisation phenomena and hydrogen permeability reduction due to carbon monoxide adsorption on metal surface.


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Akt (also called PKB) is a 63 kDa serine/threonine kinase involved in promotion of cell survival, proliferation a nd metabolic responses downstream the phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) signaling pathway. In resting cells, Akt is a predominantly cytosolic enzyme; however generation of PI 3-kinase lipid products recruits Akt to the plasma membrane, resulting in a conformational change which confers full enzymatic activity through the phosphorylation of the membrane-bound protein at two residues, Thr308, and Ser473. Activated Akt redistributes to cytoplasm and nucleus, where phosphorylation of specific substrates occurs. Both the presence and the activity of Akt in the nucleus have been described. An interesting mechanism that mediates nuclear translocation of Akt has been described in human mature T-cell leukemia: the product of TCL1 gene, Tcl1, interacts with the PH domain of phosphorylated Akt, thus driving Akt to the nucleus. In this context, Tcl1 may act as a direct transporter of Akt or may contribute to the formation of a complex that promotes the transport of active Akt to the nucleus, where it can phosphorylate nuclear substrates. A well described nuclear substrate if Foxo. IGF-1 triggers phosphorylation of Foxo by Akt inside the nucleus, where phospho-Foxo associates to 14.3.3 proteins that, in turn, promote its export to the cytoplasm where it is sequestered. Remarkably, Foxo phosphorylation by Akt has been shown to be a crucial event in Akt-dependent myogenesis. However, most Akt nuclear substrates have so far remained elusive, as well as nuclear Akt functions. This lack of information prompted us to undertake a search of substrates of Akt in the nucleus, by the combined use of 2D-separation/mass spectrometry and anti-Akt-phosphosubstrate antibody. This study presents evidence of A-type lamins as novel nuclear substrates of Akt. Lamins are type V intermediate filaments proteins found in the nucleus of higher eukaryotes where, together with lamin-binding proteins, they form the lamina at the nuclear envelope, providing mechanical stability for the nuclear membrane. By coimmunoprecipitation, it is demonstrated here that endogenous lamin A and Akt interact, and that A-type lamins are phosphorylated by Akt both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, by phosphoaminoacid analysis and mutagenesis, it is further demonstrated that Akt phosphorylates lamin A at Ser404, and, more importantly, that while lamin A/C phosphorylation is stable throughout the cell cycle, phosphorylation of the precursor prelamin A becomes detectable as cells enter the G2 phase, picking at G2/M. This study also shows that lamin phosphorylation by Akt creates a binding site for 14.3.3 adaptors which, in turn, promote prelamin A degradation. While this mechanism is in agreement with a general role of Akt in the regulation of a subset of its substrates, opposite to what has been described, degradation is not mediated through a ubiquitination and proteasomal mechanism but through a lysosomal pathway, as indicated by the reverting action of the lysosomal inhibitor cloroquine. Phosphorylation is a key event in the mitotic breakdown of the nuclear lamina. However, the kinases and the precise sites of phosphorylation are scarcely known. Therefore, these results represent an important breakthrough in this very significant but understudied area. The phosphorylation of the precursor protein prelamin A and its subsequent degradation at G2/M, when both the nuclear envelop and the nuclear lamina disassemble, can be view as part of a mechanism to dispose off the precursor that is not needed in this precise context. The recently reported finding that patients affected by Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy carry a mutation at Arg 401, in the Akt phosphorylation motif, open new perspective that warrant further investigation in this very important field.


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The study of mass transport in polymeric membranes has grown in importance due to its potential application in many processes such as separation of gases and vapors, packaging, controlled drug release. The diffusion of a low molecular weight species in a polymer is often accompanied by other phenomena like swelling, reactions, stresses, that have not been investigated in all their aspects yet. Furthermore, novel materials have been developed that include inorganic fillers, reactive functional groups or ions, that make the scenery even more complicated. The present work focused on the experimental study of systems where the diffusion is accompanied by other processes; suitable models were also developed to describe the particular circumstances in order to understand the underlying concepts and be able to design the performances of the material. The effect of solvent-induced deformation in polymeric films during sorption processes was studied since the dilation, especially in constrained membranes, can cause the development of stresses and therefore early failures of the material. The bending beam technique was used to test the effects of the dilation and the stress induced in the polymer by penetrant diffusion. A model based on the laminate theory was developed that accounts for the swelling and is able to predict the stress that raise in the material. The addition of inorganic fillers affects the transport properties of polymeric films. Mixed matrix membranes based on fluorinated, high free volume matrices show attractive performances for separation purposes but there is a need for deeper investigation of the selectivity properties towards gases and vapors. A new procedure based on the NELF model was tested on the experimental data; it allows to predict solubility of every penetrant on the basis of data for one vapor. The method has proved to be useful also for the determination of the diffusion coefficient and for an estimation of the permeability in the composite materials. Oxygen scavenging systems can overcome lack of barrier properties in common polymers that forbids their application in sensitive applications as food packaging. The final goal of obtaining a membrane almost impermeable to oxygen leads to experimental times out of reach. Hence, a simple model was developed in order to describe the transport of oxygen in a membrane with also reactive groups and analyze the experimental data collected on SBS copolymers that show attractive scavenging capacity. Furthermore, a model for predicting the oxygen barrier behavior of a film formed as a blend of OSP in a common packaging material was built, considering particles capable of reactions with oxygen embedded in a non-reactive matrix. Perfluorosulphonic acid ionomers (PFSI) are capturing attention due to a high thermal and chemical resistance coupled with very peculiar transport properties, that make them appropriate to be used in fuel cells. The possible effect of different formation procedure was studied together with the swelling due to water sorption since both water uptake and dilation can dramatically affect the fuel cells performances. The water diffusion and sorption was studied with a FTIR-ATR spectrometer that can give deeper information on the bonds between water molecules and the sulphonic hydrophilic groups and, therefore, on the microstructure of the hydrated ionomer.


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The work of this thesis has been focused on the characterization of metallic membranes for the hydrogen purification from steam reforming process and also of perfluorosulphonic acid ionomeric (PFSI) membranes suitable as electrolytes in fuel cell applications. The experimental study of metallic membranes was divided in three sections: synthesis of palladium and silver palladium coatings on porous ceramic support via electroless deposition (ELD), solubility and diffusivity analysis of hydrogen in palladium based alloys (temperature range between 200 and 400 °C up to 12 bar of pressure) and permeation experiments of pure hydrogen and mixtures containing, besides hydrogen, also nitrogen and methane at high temperatures (up to 600 °C) and pressures (up to 10 bar). Sequential deposition of palladium and silver on to porous alumina tubes by ELD technique was carried out using two different procedures: a stirred batch and a continuous flux method. Pure palladium as well as Pd-Ag membranes were produced: the Pd-Ag membranes’ composition is calculated to be close to 77% Pd and 23% Ag by weight which was the target value that correspond to the best performance of the palladium-based alloys. One of the membranes produced showed an infinite selectivity through hydrogen and relatively high permeability value and is suitable for the potential use as a hydrogen separator. The hydrogen sorption in silver palladium alloys was carried out in a gravimetric system on films produced by ELD technique. In the temperature range inspected, up to 400°C, there is still a lack in literature. The experimental data were analyzed with rigorous equations allowing to calculate the enthalpy and entropy values of the Sieverts’ constant; the results were in very good agreement with the extrapolation made with literature data obtained a lower temperature (up to 150 °C). The information obtained in this study would be directly usable in the modeling of hydrogen permeation in Pd-based systems. Pure and mixed gas permeation tests were performed on Pd-based hydrogen selective membranes at operative conditions close to steam-reforming ones. Two membranes (one produced in this work and another produced by NGK Insulators Japan) showed a virtually infinite selectivity and good permeability. Mixture data revealed the existence of non negligible resistances to hydrogen transport in the gas phase. Even if the decrease of the driving force due to polarization concentration phenomena occurs, in principle, in all membrane-based separation systems endowed with high perm-selectivity, an extensive experimental analysis lack, at the moment, in the palladium-based membrane process in literature. Moreover a new procedure has been introduced for the proper comparison of the mass transport resistance in the gas phase and in the membrane. Another object of study was the water vapor sorption and permeation in PFSI membranes with short and long side chains was also studied; moreover the permeation of gases (i.e. He, N2 and O2) in dry and humid conditions was considered. The water vapor sorption showed strong interactions between the hydrophilic groups and the water as revealed from the hysteresis in the sorption-desorption isotherms and thermo gravimetric analysis. The data obtained were used in the modeling of water vapor permeation, that was described as diffusion-reaction of water molecules, and in the humid gases permeation experiments. In the dry gas experiments the permeability and diffusivity was found to increase with temperature and with the equivalent weight (EW) of the membrane. A linear correlation was drawn between the dry gas permeability and the opposite of the equivalent weight of PFSI membranes, based on which the permeability of pure PTFE is retrieved in the limit of high EW. In the other hand O2 ,N2 and He permeability values was found to increase significantly, and in a similar fashion, with water activity. A model that considers the PFSI membrane as a composite matrix with a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic phase was considered allowing to estimate the variation of gas permeability with relative humidity on the basis of the permeability in the dry PFSI membrane and in pure liquid water.


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Membrane-based separation processes are acquiring, in the last years, an increasing importance because of their intrinsic energetic and environmental sustainability: some types of polymeric materials, showing adequate perm-selectivity features, appear rather suitable for these applications, because of their relatively low cost and easy processability. In this work have been studied two different types of polymeric membranes, in view of possible applications to the gas separation processes, i.e. Mixed Matrix Membranes (MMMs) and high free volume glassy polymers. Since the early 90’s, it has been understood that the performances of polymeric materials in the field of gas separations show an upper bound in terms of permeability and selectivity: in particular, an increase of permeability is often accompanied by a decrease of selectivity and vice-versa, while several inorganic materials, like zeolites or silica derivates, can overcome this limitation. As a consequence, it has been developed the idea of dispersing inorganic particles in polymeric matrices, in order to obtain membranes with improved perm-selectivity features. In particular, dispersing fumed silica nanoparticles in high free volume glassy polymers improves in all the cases gases and vapours permeability, while the selectivity may either increase or decrease, depending upon material and gas mixture: that effect is due to the capacity of nanoparticles to disrupt the local chain packing, increasing the dimensions of excess free volume elements trapped in the polymer matrix. In this work different kinds of MMMs were fabricated using amorphous Teflon® AF or PTMSP and fumed silica: in all the cases, a considerable increase of solubility, diffusivity and permeability of gases and vapours (n-alkanes, CO2, methanol) was observed, while the selectivity shows a non-monotonous trend with filler fraction. Moreover, the classical models for composites are not able to capture the increase of transport properties due to the silica addition, so it has been necessary to develop and validate an appropriate thermodynamic model that allows to predict correctly the mass transport features of MMMs. In this work, another material, called poly-trimethylsilyl-norbornene (PTMSN) was examined: it is a new generation high free volume glassy polymer that, like PTMSP, shows unusual high permeability and selectivity levels to the more condensable vapours. These two polymer differ each other because PTMSN shows a more pronounced chemical stability, due to its structure double-bond free. For this polymer, a set of Lattice Fluid parameters was estimated, making possible a comparison between experimental and theoretical solubility isotherms for hydrocarbons and alcoholic vapours: the successfully modelling task, based on application of NELF model, offers a reliable alternative to direct sorption measurement, which is extremely time-consuming due to the relevant relaxation phenomena showed by each sorption step. For this material also dilation experiments were performed, in order to quantify its dimensional stability in presence of large size, swelling vapours.


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Membrane lipid rafts are detergent-resistant microdomains containing glycosphingolipids, cholesterol and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked proteins; they seem to be actively involved in many cellular processes including signal transduction, apoptosis, cell adhesion and migration. Lipid rafts may represent important functional platforms where redox signals are produced and transmitted in response to various agonists or stimuli. In addition, a new concept is emerging that could be used to define the interactions or amplification of both redox signalling and lipid raft-associated signalling. This concept is characterized by redox-mediated feed forward amplification in lipid platforms. It is proposed that lipid rafts are formed in response to various stimuli; for instance, NAD(P)H oxidase (Nox) subunits are aggregated or recruited in these platforms, increasing Nox activity. Superoxide and hydrogen peroxide generation could induce various regulatory activities, such as the induction of glucose transport activity and proliferation in leukaemia cells. The aim of our study is to probe: i) the involvement of lipid rafts in the modulation of the glucose transporter Glut1 in human acute leukemia cells; ii) the involvement of plasma membrane caveolae/lipid rafts in VEGF-mediated redox signaling via Nox activation in human leukemic cells; iii) the role of p66shc, an adaptor protein, in VEGF signaling and ROS production in endothelial cells (ECs); iv) the role of Sindecan-2, a transmembrane heparan sulphate proteoglycan, in VEGF signaling and physiological response in ECs and v) the antioxidant and pro-apoptotic activities of simple dietary phenolic acids, i. e. caffeic, syringic and protocatechuic acids in leukemia cells, characterized by a very high ROS content. Our results suggest that the role played by NAD(P)H oxidase-derived ROS in the regulation of glucose uptake, proliferation and migration of leukaemia and endothelial cells could likely occur through the control of lipid raft-associated signalling.


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Polymeric membranes represent a promising technology for gas separation processes, thanks to low costs, reduced energy consumption and limited waste production. The present thesis aims at studying the transport properties of two membrane materials, suitable for CO2 purification applications. In the first part, a polyimide, Matrimid 5218, has been throughout investigated, with particular reference to the effect of thermal treatment, aging and the presence of water vapor in the gas transport process. Permeability measurements showed that thermal history affects relevantly the diffusion of gas molecules across the membrane, influencing also the stability of the separation performances. Subsequently, the effect of water on Matrimid transport properties has been characterized for a wide set of incondensable penetrants. A monotonous reduction of permeability took place at increasing the water concentration within the polymer matrix, affecting the investigated gaseous species to the same extent, despite the different thermodynamic and kinetic features. In this view, a novel empirical model, based on the Free Volume Theory, has been proposed to qualitatively describe the phenomenon. Moreover, according to the accurate representation of the experimental data, the suggested approach has been combined with a more rigorous thermodynamic tool (NELF Model), allowing an exhaustive description of water influence on the single parameters contributing to the gas permeation across the membrane. In the second part, the study has focused on the synthesis and characterization of facilitated transport membranes, able to achieving outstanding separation performances thanks to the chemical enhancement of CO2 permeability. In particular, the transport properties have been investigated for high pressure CO2 separation applications and specific solutions have been proposed to solve stability issues, frequently arising under such severe conditions. Finally, the effect of different process parameters have been investigated, aiming at the identification of the optimal conditions capable to maximize the separation performance.