8 resultados para Media and minorities

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This Ph.D. thesis consists in three research papers focused on the relationship between media industry and the financial sector. The importance of a correct understanding what is the effect of media on financial markets is becoming increasingly important as long as fully informed markets hypothesis has been challenged. Therefore, if financial markets do not have access to complete information, the importance of information professionals, the media, follows. On the other side, another challenge for economic and finance scholar is to understand how financial features are able to influence media and to condition information disclosure. The main aim of this Ph.D. dissertation is to contribute to a better comprehension for both the phenomena. The first paper analyzes the effects of owning equity shares in a newspaper- publishing firm. The main findings show how for a firm being part of the ownership structure of a media firm ends to receive more and better coverage. This confirms the view in which owning a media outlet is a source of conflicts of interest. The second paper focuses on the effect of media-delivered information on financial markets. In the framework of IPO in the U.S. market, we found empirical evidence of a significant effect of the media role in the IPO pricing. Specifically, increasing the quantity and the quality of the coverage increases the first-day returns (i.e. the underpricing). Finally the third paper tries to summarize what has been done in studying the relationship between media and financial industries, putting together contributes from economic, business, and financial scholars. The main finding of this dissertation is therefore to have underlined the importance and the effectiveness of the relationship between media industry and the financial sector, contributing to the stream of research that investigates about the media role and media effectiveness in the financial and business sectors.


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The silent demographic revolution characterizing the main industrialized countries is an unavoidable factor which has major economic, social, cultural and psychological implications. This thesis studies the main consequences of population ageing and the connections with the phenomenon of migration, The theoretical analysis is developed using Overlapping Generations Models (OLG). The thesis is divided in the following four chapters: 1) “A Model for Determining Consumption and Social Assistance Demand in Uncertainty Conditions”, focuses on the relation between demographic impact and social insurance and proposes the institution of a non selfsufficiency fund for the elderly. 2) "Population Ageing, Longevity and Health", analyzes the effects of health investment on intertemporal individual behaviour and capital accumulation. 3) "Population Ageing and the Nursing Flow", studies the consequences of migration in the nursing sector. 4) "Quality of Multiculturalism and Minorities' Assimilation", focuses on the problem of assimilation and integration of minorities.


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Nano(bio)science and nano(bio)technology play a growing and tremendous interest both on academic and industrial aspects. They are undergoing rapid developments on many fronts such as genomics, proteomics, system biology, and medical applications. However, the lack of characterization tools for nano(bio)systems is currently considered as a major limiting factor to the final establishment of nano(bio)technologies. Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FlFFF) is a separation technique that is definitely emerging in the bioanalytical field, and the number of applications on nano(bio)analytes such as high molar-mass proteins and protein complexes, sub-cellular units, viruses, and functionalized nanoparticles is constantly increasing. This can be ascribed to the intrinsic advantages of FlFFF for the separation of nano(bio)analytes. FlFFF is ideally suited to separate particles over a broad size range (1 nm-1 μm) according to their hydrodynamic radius (rh). The fractionation is carried out in an empty channel by a flow stream of a mobile phase of any composition. For these reasons, fractionation is developed without surface interaction of the analyte with packing or gel media, and there is no stationary phase able to induce mechanical or shear stress on nanosized analytes, which are for these reasons kept in their native state. Characterization of nano(bio)analytes is made possible after fractionation by interfacing the FlFFF system with detection techniques for morphological, optical or mass characterization. For instance, FlFFF coupling with multi-angle light scattering (MALS) detection allows for absolute molecular weight and size determination, and mass spectrometry has made FlFFF enter the field of proteomics. Potentialities of FlFFF couplings with multi-detection systems are discussed in the first section of this dissertation. The second and the third sections are dedicated to new methods that have been developed for the analysis and characterization of different samples of interest in the fields of diagnostics, pharmaceutics, and nanomedicine. The second section focuses on biological samples such as protein complexes and protein aggregates. In particular it focuses on FlFFF methods developed to give new insights into: a) chemical composition and morphological features of blood serum lipoprotein classes, b) time-dependent aggregation pattern of the amyloid protein Aβ1-42, and c) aggregation state of antibody therapeutics in their formulation buffers. The third section is dedicated to the analysis and characterization of structured nanoparticles designed for nanomedicine applications. The discussed results indicate that FlFFF with on-line MALS and fluorescence detection (FD) may become the unparallel methodology for the analysis and characterization of new, structured, fluorescent nanomaterials.


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Recently, the existence of a capillary-rich vasculogenic zone has been identified in adult human arteries between the tunica media and adventitia; in this area it has been postulated that Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) may be present amidst the endothelial progenitors and hematopoietic stem cells. This hypothesis is supported by several studies claiming to have found the in vivo reservoir of MSCs in post-natal vessels and by the presence of ectopic tissues in the pathological artery wall. We demonstrated that the existence of multipotent progenitors is not restricted to microvasculature; vascular wall resident MSCs (VW-MSCs) have been isolated from multidistrict human large and middle size vessels (aortic arch, thoracic aorta and femoral artery) harvested from healthy multiorgan donors. Each VW-MSC population shows characteristics of embryonic-like stem cells and exhibits angiogenic, adipogenic, chondrogenic and leiomyogenic potential but less propensity to osteogenic ifferentiation. Human vascular progenitor cells are also able to engraft, differentiate into mature endothelial cells and support muscle function when injected in a murine model of hind limb ischemia. Conversely, VW-MSCs isolated from calcified femoral arteries display a good response to osteogenic commitment letting us to suppose that VW-MSCs could have an important role in the onset of vascular pathologies such as Mönckeberg sclerosis. Taken together these results show two opposite roles of vascular progenitor cells and underline the importance of establishing their in vivo pathological and regenerative potential to better understand pathological events and promote different therapeutic strategies in cardiovascular research and clinical applications.


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The meaning of a place has been commonly assigned to the quality of having root (rootedness) or sense of belonging to that setting. While on the contrary, people are nowadays more concerned with the possibilities of free moving and networks of communication. So, the meaning, as well as the materiality of architecture has been dramatically altered with these forces. It is therefore of significance to explore and redefine the sense and the trend of architecture at the age of flow. In this dissertation, initially, we review the gradually changing concept of "place-non-place" and its underlying technological basis. Then we portray the transformation of meaning of architecture as influenced by media and information technology and advanced methods of mobility, in the dawn of 21st century. Against such backdrop, there is a need to sort and analyze architectural practices in response to the triplet of place-non-place and space of flow, which we plan to achieve conclusively. We also trace the concept of flow in the process of formation and transformation of old cities. As a brilliant case study, we look at Persian Bazaar from a socio-architectural point of view. In other word, based on Robert Putnam's theory of social capital, we link social context of the Bazaar with architectural configuration of cities. That is how we believe "cities as flow" are not necessarily a new paradigm.


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Come dimostrano i sempre più numerosi casi di cronaca riportati dai notiziari, la preoccupazione per la gestione delle immagini di morte si configura come un nodo centrale che coinvolge spettatori, produttori di contenuti e broadcaster, dato che la sua emersione nel panorama mediale in cui siamo immersi è sempre più evidente. Se la letteratura socio-antropologica è generalmente concorde nel ritenere che, rispetto al passato, oggi la morte si manifesti con meno evidenza nella vita comune delle persone, che tendono a rimuovere i segni della contiguità vivendo il lutto in forma privata, essa è però percepita in modo pervasivo perché disseminata nei (e dai) media. L'elaborato, concentrandosi in maniera specifica sulle produzioni audiovisive, e quindi sulla possibilità intrinseca al cinema – e alle sue forme derivate – di registrare un evento in diretta, tenta di mappare alcune dinamiche di produzione e fruizione considerando una particolare manifestazione della morte: quella che viene comunemente indicata come “morte in diretta”. Dopo una prima ricognizione dedicata alla tensione continua tra la spinta a considerare la morte come l'ultimo tabù e le manifestazioni che essa assume all'interno della “necrocultura”, appare chiaro che il paradigma pornografico risulta ormai inefficace a delineare compiutamente le emersioni della morte nei media, soggetta a opacità e interdizioni variabili, e necessita dunque di prospettive analitiche più articolate. Il fulcro dell'analisi è dunque la produzione e il consumo di precisi filoni quali snuff, cannibal e mondo movie e quelle declinazioni del gore che hanno ibridato reale e fittizio: il tentativo è tracciare un percorso che, a partire dal cinema muto, giunga al panorama contemporaneo e alle pratiche di remix rese possibili dai media digitali, toccando episodi controversi come i Video Nasties, le dinamiche di moral panic scatenate dagli snuff film e quelle di contagio derivanti dalla manipolazione e diffusione delle immagini di morte.


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Foodborne diseases impact human health and economies worldwide in terms of health care and productivity loss. Prevention is necessary and methods to detect, isolate and quantify foodborne pathogens play a fundamental role, changing continuously to face microorganisms and food production evolution. Official methods are mainly based on microorganisms growth in different media and their isolation on selective agars followed by confirmation of presumptive colonies through biochemical and serological test. A complete identification requires form 7 to 10 days. Over the last decades, new molecular techniques based on antibodies and nucleic acids allow a more accurate typing and a faster detection and quantification. The present thesis aims to apply molecular techniques to improve official methods performances regarding two pathogens: Shiga-like Toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and Listeria monocytogenes. In 2011, a new strain of STEC belonging to the serogroup O104 provoked a large outbreak. Therefore, the development of a method to detect and isolate STEC O104 is demanded. The first objective of this work is the detection, isolation and identification of STEC O104 in sprouts artificially contaminated. Multiplex PCR assays and antibodies anti-O104 incorporated in reagents for immunomagnetic separation and latex agglutination were employed. Contamination levels of less than 1 CFU/g were detected. Multiplex PCR assays permitted a rapid screening of enriched food samples and identification of isolated colonies. Immunomagnetic separation and latex agglutination allowed a high sensitivity and rapid identification of O104 antigen, respectively. The development of a rapid method to detect and quantify Listeria monocytogenes, a high-risk pathogen, is the second objective. Detection of 1 CFU/ml and quantification of 10–1,000 CFU/ml in raw milk were achieved by a sample pretreatment step and quantitative PCR in about 3h. L. monocytogenes growth in raw milk was also evaluated.