12 resultados para Mechanical Services, Resources , Transaction Costs , Vertical integration

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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L’idea fondamentale da cui prende avvio la presente tesi di dottorato è che sia possibile parlare di una svolta nel modo di concettualizzare e implementare le politiche sociali, il cui fuoco diviene sempre più la costruzione di reti di partnership fra attori pubblici e privati, in cui una serie di soggetti sociali plurimi (stakeholders) attivano fra loro una riflessività relazionale. L’ipotesi generale della ricerca è che, dopo le politiche improntate a modelli statalisti e mercatisti, o un loro mix, nella politica sociale italiana emerga l’esigenza di una svolta riflessiva e relazionale, verso un modello societario, sussidiario e plurale, e che di fatto – specie a livello locale – stiano sorgendo molte iniziative in tal senso. Una delle idee più promettenti sembra essere la creazione di distretti sociali per far collaborare tra loro attori pubblici, privati e di Terzo settore al fine di creare forme innovative di servizi per la famiglia e la persona. La presente tesi si focalizza sul tentativo della Provincia di Trento di distrettualizzare le politiche per la famiglia. Tramite l’analisi del progetto “Trentino – Territorio Amico della Famiglia” e di una sua verticalizzazione, il Distretto Famiglia, si è studiato l’apporto delle partnership pubblico-privato nella formazione di strumenti innovativi di governance che possano determinare una svolta morfogenetica nell’elaborazione di politiche per la famiglia. Le conclusioni del lavoro, attraverso una comparazione tra esperienze territoriali, presentano la differenziazione delle partnership sociali, in base ad alcuni variabili (pluralità di attori, pluralità di risorse, shared project, capitale sociale, decision making, mutual action, logiche di lavoro relazionale, sussidiarietà). Le diverse modalità di gestione delle partnership (capacitante, professionale e generativa) sintetizzano i portati culturali, strutturali e personali coinvolti nelle singole costruzioni. Solo le partnership che interpretano il loro potenziale regolativo e promozionale secondo la riflessività relazionale tendono a generare beni comuni nel contesto sociale.


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Recently, a rising interest in political and economic integration/disintegration issues has been developed in the political economy field. This growing strand of literature partly draws on traditional issues of fiscal federalism and optimum public good provision and focuses on a trade-off between the benefits of centralization, arising from economies of scale or externalities, and the costs of harmonizing policies as a consequence of the increased heterogeneity of individual preferences in an international union or in a country composed of at least two regions. This thesis stems from this strand of literature and aims to shed some light on two highly relevant aspects of the political economy of European integration. The first concerns the role of public opinion in the integration process; more precisely, how economic benefits and costs of integration shape citizens' support for European Union (EU) membership. The second is the allocation of policy competences among different levels of government: European, national and regional. Chapter 1 introduces the topics developed in this thesis by reviewing the main recent theoretical developments in the political economy analysis of integration processes. It is structured as follows. First, it briefly surveys a few relevant articles on economic theories of integration and disintegration processes (Alesina and Spolaore 1997, Bolton and Roland 1997, Alesina et al. 2000, Casella and Feinstein 2002) and discusses their relevance for the study of the impact of economic benefits and costs on public opinion attitude towards the EU. Subsequently, it explores the links existing between such political economy literature and theories of fiscal federalism, especially with regard to normative considerations concerning the optimal allocation of competences in a union. Chapter 2 firstly proposes a model of citizens’ support for membership of international unions, with explicit reference to the EU; subsequently it tests the model on a panel of EU countries. What are the factors that influence public opinion support for the European Union (EU)? In international relations theory, the idea that citizens' support for the EU depends on material benefits deriving from integration, i.e. whether European integration makes individuals economically better off (utilitarian support), has been common since the 1970s, but has never been the subject of a formal treatment (Hix 2005). A small number of studies in the 1990s have investigated econometrically the link between national economic performance and mass support for European integration (Eichenberg and Dalton 1993; Anderson and Kalthenthaler 1996), but only making informal assumptions. The main aim of Chapter 2 is thus to propose and test our model with a view to providing a more complete and theoretically grounded picture of public support for the EU. Following theories of utilitarian support, we assume that citizens are in favour of membership if they receive economic benefits from it. To develop this idea, we propose a simple political economic model drawing on the recent economic literature on integration and disintegration processes. The basic element is the existence of a trade-off between the benefits of centralisation and the costs of harmonising policies in presence of heterogeneous preferences among countries. The approach we follow is that of the recent literature on the political economy of international unions and the unification or break-up of nations (Bolton and Roland 1997, Alesina and Wacziarg 1999, Alesina et al. 2001, 2005a, to mention only the relevant). The general perspective is that unification provides returns to scale in the provision of public goods, but reduces each member state’s ability to determine its most favoured bundle of public goods. In the simple model presented in Chapter 2, support for membership of the union is increasing in the union’s average income and in the loss of efficiency stemming from being outside the union, and decreasing in a country’s average income, while increasing heterogeneity of preferences among countries points to a reduced scope of the union. Afterwards we empirically test the model with data on the EU; more precisely, we perform an econometric analysis employing a panel of member countries over time. The second part of Chapter 2 thus tries to answer the following question: does public opinion support for the EU really depend on economic factors? The findings are broadly consistent with our theoretical expectations: the conditions of the national economy, differences in income among member states and heterogeneity of preferences shape citizens’ attitude towards their country’s membership of the EU. Consequently, this analysis offers some interesting policy implications for the present debate about ratification of the European Constitution and, more generally, about how the EU could act in order to gain more support from the European public. Citizens in many member states are called to express their opinion in national referenda, which may well end up in rejection of the Constitution, as recently happened in France and the Netherlands, triggering a European-wide political crisis. These events show that nowadays understanding public attitude towards the EU is not only of academic interest, but has a strong relevance for policy-making too. Chapter 3 empirically investigates the link between European integration and regional autonomy in Italy. Over the last few decades, the double tendency towards supranationalism and regional autonomy, which has characterised some European States, has taken a very interesting form in this country, because Italy, besides being one of the founding members of the EU, also implemented a process of decentralisation during the 1970s, further strengthened by a constitutional reform in 2001. Moreover, the issue of the allocation of competences among the EU, the Member States and the regions is now especially topical. The process leading to the drafting of European Constitution (even if then it has not come into force) has attracted much attention from a constitutional political economy perspective both on a normative and positive point of view (Breuss and Eller 2004, Mueller 2005). The Italian parliament has recently passed a new thorough constitutional reform, still to be approved by citizens in a referendum, which includes, among other things, the so called “devolution”, i.e. granting the regions exclusive competence in public health care, education and local police. Following and extending the methodology proposed in a recent influential article by Alesina et al. (2005b), which only concentrated on the EU activity (treaties, legislation, and European Court of Justice’s rulings), we develop a set of quantitative indicators measuring the intensity of the legislative activity of the Italian State, the EU and the Italian regions from 1973 to 2005 in a large number of policy categories. By doing so, we seek to answer the following broad questions. Are European and regional legislations substitutes for state laws? To what extent are the competences attributed by the European treaties or the Italian Constitution actually exerted in the various policy areas? Is their exertion consistent with the normative recommendations from the economic literature about their optimum allocation among different levels of government? The main results show that, first, there seems to be a certain substitutability between EU and national legislations (even if not a very strong one), but not between regional and national ones. Second, the EU concentrates its legislative activity mainly in international trade and agriculture, whilst social policy is where the regions and the State (which is also the main actor in foreign policy) are more active. Third, at least two levels of government (in some cases all of them) are significantly involved in the legislative activity in many sectors, even where the rationale for that is, at best, very questionable, indicating that they actually share a larger number of policy tasks than that suggested by the economic theory. It appears therefore that an excessive number of competences are actually shared among different levels of government. From an economic perspective, it may well be recommended that some competences be shared, but only when the balance between scale or spillover effects and heterogeneity of preferences suggests so. When, on the contrary, too many levels of government are involved in a certain policy area, the distinction between their different responsibilities easily becomes unnecessarily blurred. This may not only leads to a slower and inefficient policy-making process, but also risks to make it too complicate to understand for citizens, who, on the contrary, should be able to know who is really responsible for a certain policy when they vote in national,local or European elections or in referenda on national or European constitutional issues.


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The importance of organizational issues to assess the success of international development project has not been fully considered yet. After a brief overview, in 1st chapter, on main actors involved on international cooperation, in the 2nd chapter an analysis of the literature on the project success definition, focused on the success criteria and success factors, was carried out by surveying the contribution of different authors and approaches. Traditionally projects were perceived as successful when they met time, budget and performance goals, assuming a basic similarity among projects (universalistic approach). However, starting from a non-universalistic approach, the importance of organization’s effectiveness, in terms of Relations Sustainability, emerged as a dimension able to define and assess a project success. The identification of the factors influencing the relationship between and inside the organizations becomes consequently a priority. In 3th chapter, starting from a literature survey, the different analytical approaches related to the inter and intra-organization relationships are analysed. They involve two different groups: the first includes studies focused on the type of organizations relationship structure (Supply Chains, Networks, Clusters and Industrial Districts); the second group includes approaches related to the general theories on firms relationship interpretation (Transaction Costs Economics, Resource Based View, Organization Theory). The variables and logical frameworks provided by these different theoretical contributions are compared and classified in order to find out possible connections and/or juxtapositions. Being an exhaustive collection of the literature on the subject is impossible, the main goal is to underline the existence of potentially overlapping and/or integrating approaches examining the contribution provided by different representative authors. The survey showed first of all many variables in common between approaches coming from different disciplines; furthermore the non overlapping variables can be integrated contributing to a broader picture of the variables influencing the organization relations; in particular a theoretical design for the identification of connections between the inter and the intra-organizations relations was made possible. The results obtained in 3th chapter help to defining a general theoretical framework linking the different interpretative variables. Based on extensive research contributions on the factors influencing the relations between organizations, the 4th chapter expands the analysis of the influence of variables like Human Resource Management, Organizational Climate, Psychological Contract and KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) on the relation sustainability. A detailed analysis of these relations is provided and a research hypothesis are built. According to this new framework in 5th chapter a statistical analysis was performed to qualify and quantify the influence of Organizational Climate on the Relations Sustainability. To this end the Structural Equation Modeling (SEMs) has adopted as method for the definition of the latent variables and the measure of their relations. The results obtained are satisfactory. An effective strategy to motivate the respondents to participate in the survey seems to be at the moment one of the major obstacles to the analysis implementation since the organizational performances are not specifically required by the projects’ evaluation guidelines and they represent an increase in the project related transaction costs. Their explicit introduction in the project presentation guidelines should be explored as an opportunity to increase the chances of success of these projects.


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Negli ultimi anni, parallelamente all’espansione del settore biologico, si è assistito a un crescente interesse per i modelli alternativi di garanzia dell’integrità e della genuinità dei prodotti biologici. Gruppi di piccoli agricoltori di tutto il mondo hanno iniziato a sviluppare approcci alternativi per affrontare i problemi connessi alla certificazione di terza parte. Queste pratiche sono note come Sistemi di Garanzia Partecipativa (PGS). Tali modelli: (i) si basano sugli standard di certificazione biologica dell’IFOAM, (ii) riguardano il complesso dei produttori di una comunità rurale, (iii) comportano l’inclusione di una grande varietà di attori e (iv) hanno lo scopo di ridurre al minimo burocrazia e costi semplificando le procedure di verifica e incorporando un elemento di educazione ambientale e sociale sia per i produttori sia per i consumatori. Gli obiettivi di questo lavoro di ricerca: • descrivere il funzionamento dei sistemi di garanzia partecipativa; • indicare i vantaggi della loro adozione nei Paesi in via di sviluppo e non; • illustrare il caso della Rede Ecovida de Agroecologia (Brasile); • offrire uno spunto di riflessione che riguarda il consumatore e la relativa fiducia nel modello PGS. L’impianto teorico fa riferimento alla Teoria delle Convenzioni. Sulla base del quadro teorico è stato costruito un questionario per i consumatori con lo scopo di testare l’appropriatezza delle ipotesi teoriche. I risultati finali riguardano la stima del livello di conoscenza attuale, la fiducia e la volontà d’acquisto dei prodotti PGS da parte dei consumatori nelle aree considerate. Sulla base di questa ricerca sarà possibile adattare ed esportare il modello empirico in altri paesi che presentano economie diverse per cercare di comprendere il potenziale campo di applicazione dei sistemi di garanzia partecipativa.


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La ricerca si propone un duplice obbiettivo: 1. provare, attraverso l’applicazione di un metodo teorico tradizionale di analisi economico-finanziaria, il livello ottimale di equilibrio finanziario fra accesso al credito esterno e capitale proprio; 2. mostrare l’utilità di alcuni strumenti finanziari partecipativi per la ricapitalizzazione dell’impresa cooperativa. Oggetto di studio è l’impresa cooperativa che si occupa di una o più fasi del processo di lavorazione, trasformazione e prima commercializzazione del prodotto agricolo conferito dai soci, confrontata con le imprese di capitali che svolgono la medesima attività. La società cooperativa e quella capitalistica saranno, pertanto analizzate in termini di liquidità generata, redditività prodotta e grado di indebitamento, attraverso il calcolo e l’analisi di una serie di indici, tratti dai rispettivi bilanci d’esercizio. È opportuno sottolineare che nella seguente trattazione sarà riservato uno spazio al tema della ricerca del valore nell’impresa cooperativa inteso come espressione della ricchezza creata dai processi aziendali in un determinato periodo di tempo tentando di definire, se esiste, una struttura finanziaria ottimale , ossia uno specifico rapporto tra indebitamento finanziario e mezzi propri, che massimizzi il valore dell’impresa. L’attenzione verso la struttura finanziaria, pertanto, non sarà solo rivolta al costo esplicito del debito o dell’equity, ma si estenderà anche alle implicazioni delle scelte di finanziamento sulle modalità di governo dell’impresa. Infatti molti studi di economia aziendale, e in particolar modo di gestione d’impresa e finanza aziendale, hanno trattato il tema dell’attività di governo dell’impresa, quale elemento in grado di contribuire alla creazione di valore non solo attraverso la selezione dei progetti d’investimento ma anche attraverso la composizione della struttura finanziaria.


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Nowadays, in Ubiquitous computing scenarios users more and more require to exploit online contents and services by means of any device at hand, no matter their physical location, and by personalizing and tailoring content and service access to their own requirements. The coordinated provisioning of content tailored to user context and preferences, and the support for mobile multimodal and multichannel interactions are of paramount importance in providing users with a truly effective Ubiquitous support. However, so far the intrinsic heterogeneity and the lack of an integrated approach led to several either too vertical, or practically unusable proposals, thus resulting in poor and non-versatile support platforms for Ubiquitous computing. This work investigates and promotes design principles to help cope with these ever-changing and inherently dynamic scenarios. By following the outlined principles, we have designed and implemented a middleware support platform to support the provisioning of Ubiquitous mobile services and contents. To prove the viability of our approach, we have realized and stressed on top of our support platform a number of different, extremely complex and heterogeneous content and service provisioning scenarios. The encouraging results obtained are pushing our research work further, in order to provide a dynamic platform that is able to not only dynamically support novel Ubiquitous applicative scenarios by tailoring extremely diverse services and contents to heterogeneous user needs, but is also able to reconfigure and adapt itself in order to provide a truly optimized and tailored support for Ubiquitous service provisioning.


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The application of modern ICT technologies is radically changing many fields pushing toward more open and dynamic value chains fostering the cooperation and integration of many connected partners, sensors, and devices. As a valuable example, the emerging Smart Tourism field derived from the application of ICT to Tourism so to create richer and more integrated experiences, making them more accessible and sustainable. From a technological viewpoint, a recurring challenge in these decentralized environments is the integration of heterogeneous services and data spanning multiple administrative domains, each possibly applying different security/privacy policies, device and process control mechanisms, service access, and provisioning schemes, etc. The distribution and heterogeneity of those sources exacerbate the complexity in the development of integrating solutions with consequent high effort and costs for partners seeking them. Taking a step towards addressing these issues, we propose APERTO, a decentralized and distributed architecture that aims at facilitating the blending of data and services. At its core, APERTO relies on APERTO FaaS, a Serverless platform allowing fast prototyping of the business logic, lowering the barrier of entry and development costs to newcomers, (zero) fine-grained scaling of resources servicing end-users, and reduced management overhead. APERTO FaaS infrastructure is based on asynchronous and transparent communications between the components of the architecture, allowing the development of optimized solutions that exploit the peculiarities of distributed and heterogeneous environments. In particular, APERTO addresses the provisioning of scalable and cost-efficient mechanisms targeting: i) function composition allowing the definition of complex workloads from simple, ready-to-use functions, enabling smarter management of complex tasks and improved multiplexing capabilities; ii) the creation of end-to-end differentiated QoS slices minimizing interfaces among application/service running on a shared infrastructure; i) an abstraction providing uniform and optimized access to heterogeneous data sources, iv) a decentralized approach for the verification of access rights to resources.


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Advances in wireless networking and content delivery systems are enabling new challenging provisioning scenarios where a growing number of users access multimedia services, e.g., audio/video streaming, while moving among different points of attachment to the Internet, possibly with different connectivity technologies, e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular 3G. That calls for novel middlewares capable of dynamically personalizing service provisioning to the characteristics of client environments, in particular to discontinuities in wireless resource availability due to handoffs. This dissertation proposes a novel middleware solution, called MUM, that performs effective and context-aware handoff management to transparently avoid service interruptions during both horizontal and vertical handoffs. To achieve the goal, MUM exploits the full visibility of wireless connections available in client localities and their handoff implementations (handoff awareness), of service quality requirements and handoff-related quality degradations (QoS awareness), and of network topology and resources available in current/future localities (location awareness). The design and implementation of the all main MUM components along with extensive on the field trials of the realized middleware architecture confirmed the validity of the proposed full context-aware handoff management approach. In particular, the reported experimental results demonstrate that MUM can effectively maintain service continuity for a wide range of different multimedia services by exploiting handoff prediction mechanisms, adaptive buffering and pre-fetching techniques, and proactive re-addressing/re-binding.


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This thesis deals with Context Aware Services, Smart Environments, Context Management and solutions for Devices and Service Interoperability. Multi-vendor devices offer an increasing number of services and end-user applications that base their value on the ability to exploit the information originating from the surrounding environment by means of an increasing number of embedded sensors, e.g. GPS, compass, RFID readers, cameras and so on. However, usually such devices are not able to exchange information because of the lack of a shared data storage and common information exchange methods. A large number of standards and domain specific building blocks are available and are heavily used in today's products. However, the use of these solutions based on ready-to-use modules is not without problems. The integration and cooperation of different kinds of modules can be daunting because of growing complexity and dependency. In this scenarios it might be interesting to have an infrastructure that makes the coexistence of multi-vendor devices easy, while enabling low cost development and smooth access to services. This sort of technologies glue should reduce both software and hardware integration costs by removing the trouble of interoperability. The result should also lead to faster and simplified design, development and, deployment of cross-domain applications. This thesis is mainly focused on SW architectures supporting context aware service providers especially on the following subjects: - user preferences service adaptation - context management - content management - information interoperability - multivendor device interoperability - communication and connectivity interoperability Experimental activities were carried out in several domains including Cultural Heritage, indoor and personal smart spaces – all of which are considered significant test-beds in Context Aware Computing. The work evolved within european and national projects: on the europen side, I carried out my research activity within EPOCH, the FP6 Network of Excellence on “Processing Open Cultural Heritage” and within SOFIA, a project of the ARTEMIS JU on embedded systems. I worked in cooperation with several international establishments, including the University of Kent, VTT (the Technical Reserarch Center of Finland) and Eurotech. On the national side I contributed to a one-to-one research contract between ARCES and Telecom Italia. The first part of the thesis is focused on problem statement and related work and addresses interoperability issues and related architecture components. The second part is focused on specific architectures and frameworks: - MobiComp: a context management framework that I used in cultural heritage applications - CAB: a context, preference and profile based application broker which I designed within EPOCH Network of Excellence - M3: "Semantic Web based" information sharing infrastructure for smart spaces designed by Nokia within the European project SOFIA - NoTa: a service and transport independent connectivity framework - OSGi: the well known Java based service support framework The final section is dedicated to the middleware, the tools and, the SW agents developed during my Doctorate time to support context-aware services in smart environments.


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Recently in most of the industrial automation process an ever increasing degree of automation has been observed. This increasing is motivated by the higher requirement of systems with great performance in terms of quality of products/services generated, productivity, efficiency and low costs in the design, realization and maintenance. This trend in the growth of complex automation systems is rapidly spreading over automated manufacturing systems (AMS), where the integration of the mechanical and electronic technology, typical of the Mechatronics, is merging with other technologies such as Informatics and the communication networks. An AMS is a very complex system that can be thought constituted by a set of flexible working stations, one or more transportation systems. To understand how this machine are important in our society let considerate that every day most of us use bottles of water or soda, buy product in box like food or cigarets and so on. Another important consideration from its complexity derive from the fact that the the consortium of machine producers has estimated around 350 types of manufacturing machine. A large number of manufacturing machine industry are presented in Italy and notably packaging machine industry,in particular a great concentration of this kind of industry is located in Bologna area; for this reason the Bologna area is called “packaging valley”. Usually, the various parts of the AMS interact among them in a concurrent and asynchronous way, and coordinate the parts of the machine to obtain a desiderated overall behaviour is an hard task. Often, this is the case in large scale systems, organized in a modular and distributed manner. Even if the success of a modern AMS from a functional and behavioural point of view is still to attribute to the design choices operated in the definition of the mechanical structure and electrical electronic architecture, the system that governs the control of the plant is becoming crucial, because of the large number of duties associated to it. Apart from the activity inherent to the automation of themachine cycles, the supervisory system is called to perform other main functions such as: emulating the behaviour of traditional mechanical members thus allowing a drastic constructive simplification of the machine and a crucial functional flexibility; dynamically adapting the control strategies according to the different productive needs and to the different operational scenarios; obtaining a high quality of the final product through the verification of the correctness of the processing; addressing the operator devoted to themachine to promptly and carefully take the actions devoted to establish or restore the optimal operating conditions; managing in real time information on diagnostics, as a support of the maintenance operations of the machine. The kind of facilities that designers can directly find on themarket, in terms of software component libraries provides in fact an adequate support as regard the implementation of either top-level or bottom-level functionalities, typically pertaining to the domains of user-friendly HMIs, closed-loop regulation and motion control, fieldbus-based interconnection of remote smart devices. What is still lacking is a reference framework comprising a comprehensive set of highly reusable logic control components that, focussing on the cross-cutting functionalities characterizing the automation domain, may help the designers in the process of modelling and structuring their applications according to the specific needs. Historically, the design and verification process for complex automated industrial systems is performed in empirical way, without a clear distinction between functional and technological-implementation concepts and without a systematic method to organically deal with the complete system. Traditionally, in the field of analog and digital control design and verification through formal and simulation tools have been adopted since a long time ago, at least for multivariable and/or nonlinear controllers for complex time-driven dynamics as in the fields of vehicles, aircrafts, robots, electric drives and complex power electronics equipments. Moving to the field of logic control, typical for industrial manufacturing automation, the design and verification process is approached in a completely different way, usually very “unstructured”. No clear distinction between functions and implementations, between functional architectures and technological architectures and platforms is considered. Probably this difference is due to the different “dynamical framework”of logic control with respect to analog/digital control. As a matter of facts, in logic control discrete-events dynamics replace time-driven dynamics; hence most of the formal and mathematical tools of analog/digital control cannot be directly migrated to logic control to enlighten the distinction between functions and implementations. In addition, in the common view of application technicians, logic control design is strictly connected to the adopted implementation technology (relays in the past, software nowadays), leading again to a deep confusion among functional view and technological view. In Industrial automation software engineering, concepts as modularity, encapsulation, composability and reusability are strongly emphasized and profitably realized in the so-calledobject-oriented methodologies. Industrial automation is receiving lately this approach, as testified by some IEC standards IEC 611313, IEC 61499 which have been considered in commercial products only recently. On the other hand, in the scientific and technical literature many contributions have been already proposed to establish a suitable modelling framework for industrial automation. During last years it was possible to note a considerable growth in the exploitation of innovative concepts and technologies from ICT world in industrial automation systems. For what concerns the logic control design, Model Based Design (MBD) is being imported in industrial automation from software engineering field. Another key-point in industrial automated systems is the growth of requirements in terms of availability, reliability and safety for technological systems. In other words, the control system should not only deal with the nominal behaviour, but should also deal with other important duties, such as diagnosis and faults isolations, recovery and safety management. Indeed, together with high performance, in complex systems fault occurrences increase. This is a consequence of the fact that, as it typically occurs in reliable mechatronic systems, in complex systems such as AMS, together with reliable mechanical elements, an increasing number of electronic devices are also present, that are more vulnerable by their own nature. The diagnosis problem and the faults isolation in a generic dynamical system consists in the design of an elaboration unit that, appropriately processing the inputs and outputs of the dynamical system, is also capable of detecting incipient faults on the plant devices, reconfiguring the control system so as to guarantee satisfactory performance. The designer should be able to formally verify the product, certifying that, in its final implementation, it will perform itsrequired function guarantying the desired level of reliability and safety; the next step is that of preventing faults and eventually reconfiguring the control system so that faults are tolerated. On this topic an important improvement to formal verification of logic control, fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control results derive from Discrete Event Systems theory. The aimof this work is to define a design pattern and a control architecture to help the designer of control logic in industrial automated systems. The work starts with a brief discussion on main characteristics and description of industrial automated systems on Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 a survey on the state of the software engineering paradigm applied to industrial automation is discussed. Chapter 3 presentes a architecture for industrial automated systems based on the new concept of Generalized Actuator showing its benefits, while in Chapter 4 this architecture is refined using a novel entity, the Generalized Device in order to have a better reusability and modularity of the control logic. In Chapter 5 a new approach will be present based on Discrete Event Systems for the problemof software formal verification and an active fault tolerant control architecture using online diagnostic. Finally conclusive remarks and some ideas on new directions to explore are given. In Appendix A are briefly reported some concepts and results about Discrete Event Systems which should help the reader in understanding some crucial points in chapter 5; while in Appendix B an overview on the experimental testbed of the Laboratory of Automation of University of Bologna, is reported to validated the approach presented in chapter 3, chapter 4 and chapter 5. In Appendix C some components model used in chapter 5 for formal verification are reported.


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Prokaryotic organisms are one of the most successful forms of life, they are present in all known ecosystems. The deluge diversity of bacteria reflects their ability to colonise every environment. Also, human beings host trillions of microorganisms in their body districts, including skin, mucosae, and gut. This symbiosis is active for all other terrestrial and marine animals, as well as plants. With the term holobiont we refer, with a single word, to the systems including both the host and its symbiotic microbial species. The coevolution of bacteria within their ecological niches reflects the adaptation of both host and guest species, and it is shaped by complex interactions that are pivotal for determining the host state. Nowadays, thanks to the current sequencing technologies, Next Generation Sequencing, we have unprecedented tools for investigating the bacterial life by studying the prokaryotic genome sequences. NGS revolution has been sustained by the advancements in computational performance, in terms of speed, storage capacity, algorithm development and hardware costs decreasing following the Moore’s Law. Bioinformaticians and computational biologists design and implement ad hoc tools able to analyse high-throughput data and extract valuable biological information. Metagenomics requires the integration of life and computational sciences and it is uncovering the deluge diversity of the bacterial world. The present thesis work focuses mainly on the analysis of prokaryotic genomes under different aspects. Being supervised by two groups at the University of Bologna, the Biocomputing group and the group of Microbial Ecology of Health, I investigated three different topics: i) antimicrobial resistance, particularly with respect to missense point mutations involved in the resistant phenotype, ii) bacterial mechanisms involved in xenobiotic degradation via the computational analysis of metagenomic samples, and iii) the variation of the human gut microbiota through ageing, in elderly and longevous individuals.


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The cardiomyocytes are very complex consisting of many interlinked non-linear regulatory mechanisms between electrical excitation and mechanical contraction. Thus given a integrated electromechanically coupled system it becomes hard to understand the individual contributor of cardiac electrics and mechanics under both physiological and pathological conditions. Hence, to identify the causal relationship or to predict the responses in a integrated system the use of computational modeling can be beneficial. Computational modeling is a powerful tool that provides complete control of parameters along with the visibility of all the individual components of the integrated system. The advancement of computational power has made it possible to simulate the models in a short timeframe, providing the possibility of increased predictive power of the integrated system. My doctoral thesis is focused on the development of electromechanically integrated human atrial cardiomyocyte model with proper consideration of feedforward and feedback pathways.