5 resultados para Mean occupancy time

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Introduction Lower pole kidney stones represent at time a challenge for the urologist. The gold standard treatment for intrarenal stones <2 cm is Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) while for those >2 cm is Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL). The success rate of ESWL, however, decreases when it is employed for lower pole stones, and this is particularly true in the presence of narrow calices or acute infundibular angles. Studies have proved that ureteroscopy (URS) is an efficacious alternative to ESWL for lower pole stones <2 cm, but this is not reflected by either the European or the American guidelines. The aim of this study is to present the results of a large series of flexible ureteroscopies and PCNLs for lower pole kidney stones from high-volume centers, in order to provide more evidences on the potential indications of the flexible ureteroscopy for the treatment of kidney stones. Materials and Methods A database was created and the participating centres retrospectively entered their data relating to the percutaneous and flexible ureteroscopic management of lower pole kidney stones. Patients included were treated between January 2005 and January 2010. Variables analyzed included case load number, preoperative and postoperative imaging, stone burden, anaesthesia (general vs. spinal), type of lithotripter, access location and size, access dilation type, ureteral access sheath use, visual clarity, operative time, stone-free rate, complication rate, hospital stay, analgesic requirement and follow-up time. Stone-free rate was defined as absence of residual fragments or presence of a single fragment <2 mm in size at follow-up imaging. Primary end-point was to test the efficacy and safety of flexible URS for the treatment of lower pole stones; the same descriptive analysis was conducted for the PCNL approach, as considered the gold standard for the treatment of lower pole kidney stones. In this setting, no statistical analysis was conducted owing to the different selection criteria of the patients. Secondary end-point consisted in matching the results of stone-free rates, operative time and complications rate of flexible URS and PCNL in the subgroup of patients harbouring lower pole kidney stones between 1 and 2 cm in the higher diameter. Results A total 246 patients met the criteria for inclusion. There were 117 PCNLs (group 1) and 129 flexible URS (group 2). Ninety-six percent of cases were diagnosed by CT KUB scan. Mean stone burden was 175±160 and 50±62 mm2 for groups 1 and 2, respectively. General anaesthesia was induced in 100 % and 80% of groups 1 and 2, respectively. Pneumo-ultrasonic energy was used in 84% of cases in the PCNL group, and holmium laser in 95% of the cases in the flexible URS group. The mean operative time was 76.9±44 and 63±37 minutes for groups 1 and 2 respectively. There were 12 major complications (11%) in group 1 (mainly Grade II complications according to Clavidien classification) and no major complications in group 2. Mean hospital stay was 5.7 and 2.6 days for groups 1 and 2, respectively. Ninety-five percent of group 1 and 52% of group 2 required analgesia for a period longer than 24 hours. Intraoperative stone-free rate after a single treatment was 88.9% for group 1 and 79.1% for group 2. Overall, 6% of group 1 and 14.7% of group 2 required a second look procedure. At 3 months, stone-free rates were 90.6% and 92.2% for groups 1 and 2, respectively, as documented by follow-up CT KUB (22%) or combination of intra-venous pyelogram, regular KUB and/or kidney ultrasound (78%). In the subanalysis conducted comparing 82 vs 65 patients who underwent PCNL and flexible URS for lower pole stones between 1 and 2 cm, intreoperative stone-free rates were 88% vs 68% (p= 0.03), respectively; anyway, after an auxiliary procedure which was necessary in 6% of the cases in group 1 and 23% in group 2 (p=0.03), stone-free rates at 3 months were not statistically significant (91.5% vs 89.2%; p=0.6). Conversely, the patients undergoing PCNL maintained a higher risk of complications during the procedure, with 9 cases observed in this group versus 0 in the group of patients treated with URS (p=0.01) Conclusions These data highlight the value of flexible URS as a very effective and safe option for the treatment of kidney stones; thanks to the latest generation of flexible devices, this new technical approach seems to be a valid alternative in particular for the treatment of lower pole kidney stones less than 2 cm. In high-volume centres and in the hands of skilled surgeons, this technique can approach the stone-free rates achievable through PCNL in lower pole stones between 1 and 2 cm, with a very low risk of complications. Furthermore, the results confirm the high success rate and relatively low morbidity of modern PCNL for lower pole stones, with no difference detectable between the prone and supine position.


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This was a retrospective study including ninety samples of dogs with a histological diagnosis of intermediate grade cutaneous mast cell tumour (MCT). The objectives of the study were to validate Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 7 (MCM7) as a prognostic marker in MCTs and to compare the ability of mitotic index (MI), Ki67 and MCM7 to predict outcome. The median survival for the entire population was not reached at 2099 days. The mean survival time was 1708 days. Seventy-two cases were censored after a median follow up of 1136 days and eighteen dogs died for causes related to the MCT after a median of 116 days. For each sample MI, Ki67 and MCM7 were determined. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was obtained for each prognostic marker to evaluate the performance of the test, expressed as area under the curve, and whether the published threshold value was adequate. Kaplan-Meier and corresponding logrank test for MI, Ki67 and MCM7 as binary variables was highly significant (P<0.0001). Multivariable regression analysis of MI, Ki67 and MCM7 corrected for age and surgical margins indicated that the higher risk of dying of MCT was associated with MCM7 > 0.18 (Hazard Ration [HR] 14.7; P<0.001) followed by MI > 5 (HR 13.9; P<0.001) and Ki67 > 0.018 (HR 8.9; P<0.001). Concluding, the present study confirmed that MCM7 is an excellent prognostic marker in cutaneous MCTs being able to divide Patnaik intermediate grade tumours in two categories with different prognosis. Ki67 was equally good confirming its value as a prognostic marker in intermediate grade MCTs. The mitotic index was extremely specific, but lacked of sensitivity. Interestingly, mitotic index, Ki67 and MCM7 were independent from each other suggesting that their combination would improve their individual prognostic value.


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MATERIALI E METODI: Tra il 2012 e il 2013, abbiamo analizzato in uno studio prospettico i dati di 48 pazienti sottoposti a ThuLEP con approccio autodidatta. I pazienti sono stati rivalutati a 3, 6, 12 e 24 mesi con la valutazione del PSA, il residuo post-minzionale (RPM), l'uroflussometria (Qmax), l'ecografia transrettale e questionari validati (IPSS: international prostate symptom score e QoL: quality of life) RISULTATI: Il volume medio della prostata è di 63 ± 5,3 ml. Il tempo operatorio medio è stato di 127,58 ± 28.50 minuti. Il peso medio del tessuto asportato è stato di 30,40 ± 13,90 gr. A 6 mesi dopo l'intervento l'RPM medio è diminuito da 165,13 ± 80,15 ml a 7,78 ± 29.19 ml, mentre il Qmax medio è aumentato da 5.75 ± 1.67ml / s a 18.1 ± 5.27 ml / s. I valori medi dei IPSS e QoL hanno dimostrato un progressivo miglioramento: da 19.15 (IQR: 2-31) e 4 (IQR: 1-6) nel preoperatorio a 6.04 (IQR: 1-20) e 1.13 (IQR: 1-4), rispettivamente. Durante la curva di apprendimento si è assistito ad un progressivo aumento del peso del tessuto enucleato e ad una progressiva riduzione del tempo di ospedalizzazione e di cateterismo. Tra le principali complicanze ricordiamo un tasso di incontinenza transitoria del 12,5% a 3 mesi e del 2.1% a 12 mesi. CONCLUSIONI: ThuLEP rappresenta una tecnica chirurgica efficace, sicura e riproducibile indipendentemente dalle dimensioni della prostata. I nostri dati suggeriscono che la ThuLEP offre un miglioramento significativo dei parametri funzionali comparabili con le tecniche tradizionali, nonostante una lunga curva di apprendimento.


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Questo studio prospettico valuta l’efficacia e i vantaggi del sistema LigasureTM rispetto alle tecniche chirurgiche tradizionali, in quattro differenti procedure eseguite su 77 cani. I soggetti sono stati suddivisi in 4 gruppi, a seconda della chirurgia eseguita: Gruppo 1, 25 pazienti sottoposti a Splenectomia “aperta” semplice; Gruppo 2, 15 pazienti sottoposti a Splenectomia “aperta” complessa; Gruppo 3, 22 pazienti sottoposti ad Ovariectomia “aperta”. Gruppo 4: 18 pazienti sottoposti a Linfoadenectomia. Ciascun gruppo è stato a sua volta suddiviso in due sottogruppi: a (LigasureTM) e b (Tradizionale), a seconda della metodica utilizzata. Sono stati analizzati: il segnalamento, i parametri ematologici, le condizioni cliniche, le informazioni riguardanti l’intervento chirurgico e l’outcome. In tutti i gruppi il ricorso all’utilizzo di garze nonché dei fili da sutura sono risultati statisticamente inferiori nei pazienti operati con il sistema a radiofrequenza (Gruppo 1, P < 0.0001; Gruppo 2, P < 0,0014; Gruppo 3, P = 0,0001; Gruppo 4, P = 0,0148). Anche i tempi per la rimozione dell’organo sono significativamente ridotti in tutti i gruppi in cui è stato utilizzato il sistema LigasureTM (Gruppo 1 P < 0.0001; Gruppo 2 P < 0,0014; Gruppo 3 P = 0,0009; Gruppo 4 P = 0,0008), come i tempi chirurgici nei gruppi 1, 2 e 3 (P = 0,0287; P = 0,0064; e P = 0,0124) ed anestesiologici nei gruppi 1a e 2a (P = 0,0176; P = 0,0043). Tra le variabili analizzate, l’utilizzo del sistema di sintesi vascolare a radiofrequenza, è l’unico ad influenzare i tempi necessari per l’esecuzione della procedura. Questo studio dimostra, quindi, come il sistema LigasureTM sia sicuro ed efficace per le procedure chirurgiche esaminate, riducendo i tempi della chirurgia e limitando, quindi, i rischi per il paziente, indipendentemente dall’operatore, dall’esecuzione di altre procedure contemporanee e dalla natura della patologia splenica o linfonodale.


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This work deals with some classes of linear second order partial differential operators with non-negative characteristic form and underlying non- Euclidean structures. These structures are determined by families of locally Lipschitz-continuous vector fields in RN, generating metric spaces of Carnot- Carath´eodory type. The Carnot-Carath´eodory metric related to a family {Xj}j=1,...,m is the control distance obtained by minimizing the time needed to go from two points along piecewise trajectories of vector fields. We are mainly interested in the causes in which a Sobolev-type inequality holds with respect to the X-gradient, and/or the X-control distance is Doubling with respect to the Lebesgue measure in RN. This study is divided into three parts (each corresponding to a chapter), and the subject of each one is a class of operators that includes the class of the subsequent one. In the first chapter, after recalling “X-ellipticity” and related concepts introduced by Kogoj and Lanconelli in [KL00], we show a Maximum Principle for linear second order differential operators for which we only assume a Sobolev-type inequality together with a lower terms summability. Adding some crucial hypotheses on measure and on vector fields (Doubling property and Poincar´e inequality), we will be able to obtain some Liouville-type results. This chapter is based on the paper [GL03] by Guti´errez and Lanconelli. In the second chapter we treat some ultraparabolic equations on Lie groups. In this case RN is the support of a Lie group, and moreover we require that vector fields satisfy left invariance. After recalling some results of Cinti [Cin07] about this class of operators and associated potential theory, we prove a scalar convexity for mean-value operators of L-subharmonic functions, where L is our differential operator. In the third chapter we prove a necessary and sufficient condition of regularity, for boundary points, for Dirichlet problem on an open subset of RN related to sub-Laplacian. On a Carnot group we give the essential background for this type of operator, and introduce the notion of “quasi-boundedness”. Then we show the strict relationship between this notion, the fundamental solution of the given operator, and the regularity of the boundary points.