11 resultados para MPEG-DASH C streaming TVWS reti wireless

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Wireless networks rapidly became a fundamental pillar of everyday activities. Whether at work or elsewhere, people often benefits from always-on connections. This trend is likely to increase, and hence actual technologies struggle to cope with the increase in traffic demand. To this end, Cognitive Wireless Networks have been studied. These networks aim at a better utilization of the spectrum, by understanding the environment in which they operate, and adapt accordingly. In particular recently national regulators opened up consultations on the opportunistic use of the TV bands, which became partially free due to the digital TV switch over. In this work, we focus on the indoor use of of TVWS. Interesting use cases like smart metering and WiFI like connectivity arise, and are studied and compared against state of the art technology. New measurements for TVWS networks will be presented and evaluated, and fundamental characteristics of the signal derived. Then, building on that, a new model of spectrum sharing, which takes into account also the height from the terrain, is presented and evaluated in a real scenario. The principal limits and performance of TVWS operated networks will be studied for two main use cases, namely Machine to Machine communication and for wireless sensor networks, particularly for the smart grid scenario. The outcome is that TVWS are certainly interesting to be studied and deployed, in particular when used as an additional offload for other wireless technologies. Seeing TVWS as the only wireless technology on a device is harder to be seen: the uncertainity in channel availability is the major drawback of opportunistic networks, since depending on the primary network channel allocation might lead in having no channels available for communication. TVWS can be effectively exploited as offloading solutions, and most of the contributions presented in this work proceed in this direction.


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Ambient Intelligence (AmI) envisions a world where smart, electronic environments are aware and responsive to their context. People moving into these settings engage many computational devices and systems simultaneously even if they are not aware of their presence. AmI stems from the convergence of three key technologies: ubiquitous computing, ubiquitous communication and natural interfaces. The dependence on a large amount of fixed and mobile sensors embedded into the environment makes of Wireless Sensor Networks one of the most relevant enabling technologies for AmI. WSN are complex systems made up of a number of sensor nodes, simple devices that typically embed a low power computational unit (microcontrollers, FPGAs etc.), a wireless communication unit, one or more sensors and a some form of energy supply (either batteries or energy scavenger modules). Low-cost, low-computational power, low energy consumption and small size are characteristics that must be taken into consideration when designing and dealing with WSNs. In order to handle the large amount of data generated by a WSN several multi sensor data fusion techniques have been developed. The aim of multisensor data fusion is to combine data to achieve better accuracy and inferences than could be achieved by the use of a single sensor alone. In this dissertation we present our results in building several AmI applications suitable for a WSN implementation. The work can be divided into two main areas: Multimodal Surveillance and Activity Recognition. Novel techniques to handle data from a network of low-cost, low-power Pyroelectric InfraRed (PIR) sensors are presented. Such techniques allow the detection of the number of people moving in the environment, their direction of movement and their position. We discuss how a mesh of PIR sensors can be integrated with a video surveillance system to increase its performance in people tracking. Furthermore we embed a PIR sensor within the design of a Wireless Video Sensor Node (WVSN) to extend its lifetime. Activity recognition is a fundamental block in natural interfaces. A challenging objective is to design an activity recognition system that is able to exploit a redundant but unreliable WSN. We present our activity in building a novel activity recognition architecture for such a dynamic system. The architecture has a hierarchical structure where simple nodes performs gesture classification and a high level meta classifiers fuses a changing number of classifier outputs. We demonstrate the benefit of such architecture in terms of increased recognition performance, and fault and noise robustness. Furthermore we show how we can extend network lifetime by performing a performance-power trade-off. Smart objects can enhance user experience within smart environments. We present our work in extending the capabilities of the Smart Micrel Cube (SMCube), a smart object used as tangible interface within a tangible computing framework, through the development of a gesture recognition algorithm suitable for this limited computational power device. Finally the development of activity recognition techniques can greatly benefit from the availability of shared dataset. We report our experience in building a dataset for activity recognition. Such dataset is freely available to the scientific community for research purposes and can be used as a testbench for developing, testing and comparing different activity recognition techniques.


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The study of the objects LaTne type found in middle-eastern alpine region (Trentino Alto Adige-Sdtirol, Engadina, North Tirol, Voralberg and Villach basin) is aimed to a better comprehension of the complex net of relationships established among the Celts, settled both in the central Europe territories and, since the IV century b.C., in the Po Plain, and the local populations. The ancient authors, who called the inhabitants of this area Raeti, propose for this territory the usual pattern according to which, the population of a region was formed consequently to a migration or was caused by the hunting of pre-existing peoples. The archaeologists, in the last thirty years, recognized a cultural facies typical of the middle-eastern alpine territory during the second Iron Age, and defined that as Fritzens-Sanzeno culture (from the sites of Fritzens, Inn valley, and Sanzeno, Non Valley). The so-called Fritzens-Sanzeno culture spread out without breaks from the material culture of the final Bronze Age and the first Iron Age. This local substratum, characterized by a ceramic repertoire strongly standardized, by peculiar architectural solutions and by a particular typology of rural sacred places (Brandopferpltze), accepted, above all during the second Iron Age, the strong influences coming from the Etruscan world and from the Celtic one (evident in the presence of objects of ornament, of glass artefacts, of elements of the weaponry and of coins). The objects LaTne type become, with different degrees of reliability, important markers of the relationships existing between the Celts and the Raeti, although the ways of interaction (cultural influence, people's movements, commercial exchanges, gifts among lites etc.) is not still clear. The revision of published data and the study of unpublished materials allows to define a rich and articulated picture both to chronological level and to territorial one.


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In questa tesi verranno trattati sia il problema della creazione di un ambiente di simulazione a domini fisici misti per dispositivi RF-MEMS, che la definizione di un processo di fabbricazione ad-hoc per il packaging e lintegrazione degli stessi. Riguardo al primo argomento, sar mostrato nel dettaglio lo sviluppo di una libreria di modelli MEMS allinterno dellambiente di simulazione per circuiti integrati Cadence c . Lapproccio scelto per la definizione del comportamento elettromeccanico dei MEMS basato sul concetto di modellazione compatta (compact modeling). Questo significa che il comportamento fisico di ogni componente elementare della libreria descritto per mezzo di un insieme limitato di punti (nodi) di interconnessione verso il mondo esterno. La libreria comprende componenti elementari, come travi flessibili, piatti rigidi sospesi e punti di ancoraggio, la cui opportuna interconnessione porta alla realizzazione di interi dispositivi (come interruttori e capacit variabili) da simulare in Cadence c . Tutti i modelli MEMS sono implementati per mezzo del linguaggio VerilogA c di tipo HDL (Hardware Description Language) che supportato dal simulatore circuitale Spectre c . Sia il linguaggio VerilogA c che il simulatore Spectre c sono disponibili in ambiente Cadence c . Lambiente di simulazione multidominio (ovvero elettromeccanico) cos ottenuto permette di interfacciare i dispositivi MEMS con le librerie di componenti CMOS standard e di conseguenza la simulazione di blocchi funzionali misti RF-MEMS/CMOS. Come esempio, un VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) in cui lLC-tank realizzato in tecnologia MEMS mentre la parte attiva con transistor MOS di libreria sar simulato in Spectre c . Inoltre, nelle pagine successive verr mostrata una soluzione tecnologica per la fabbricazione di un substrato protettivo (package) da applicare a dispositivi RF-MEMS basata su vie di interconnessione elettrica attraverso un wafer di Silicio. La soluzione di packaging prescelta rende possibili alcune tecniche per lintegrazione ibrida delle parti RF-MEMS e CMOS (hybrid packaging). Verranno inoltre messe in luce questioni riguardanti gli effetti parassiti (accoppiamenti capacitivi ed induttivi) introdotti dal package che influenzano le prestazioni RF dei dispositivi MEMS incapsulati. Nel dettaglio, tutti i gradi di libert del processo tecnologico per lottenimento del package saranno ottimizzati per mezzo di un simulatore elettromagnetico (Ansoft HFSSTM) al fine di ridurre gli effetti parassiti introdotti dal substrato protettivo. Inoltre, risultati sperimentali raccolti da misure di strutture di test incapsulate verranno mostrati per validare, da un lato, il simulatore Ansoft HFSSTM e per dimostrate, dallaltro, la fattibilit`a della soluzione di packaging proposta. Aldil dellapparente debole legame tra i due argomenti sopra menzionati possibile identificare un unico obiettivo. Da un lato questo da ricercarsi nello sviluppo di un ambiente di simulazione unificato allinterno del quale il comportamento elettromeccanico dei dispositivi RF-MEMS possa essere studiato ed analizzato. Allinterno di tale ambiente, linfluenza del package sul comportamento elettromagnetico degli RF-MEMS pu essere tenuta in conto per mezzo di modelli a parametri concentrati (lumped elements) estratti da misure sperimentali e simulazioni agli Elementi Finiti (FEM) della parte di package. Infine, la possibilit offerta dallambiente Cadence c relativamente alla simulazione di dipositivi RF-MEMS interfacciati alla parte CMOS rende possibile lanalisi di blocchi funzionali ibridi RF-MEMS/CMOS completi.


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The full exploitation of multi-hop multi-path connectivity opportunities offered by heterogeneous wireless interfaces could enable innovative Always Best Served (ABS) deployment scenarios where mobile clients dynamically self-organize to offer/exploit Internet connectivity at best. Only novel middleware solutions based on heterogeneous context information can seamlessly enable this scenario: middleware solutions should i) provide a translucent access to low-level components, to achieve both fully aware and simplified pre-configured interactions, ii) permit to fully exploit communication interface capabilities, i.e., not only getting but also providing connectivity in a peer-to-peer fashion, thus relieving final users and application developers from the burden of directly managing wireless interface heterogeneity, and iii) consider user mobility as crucial context information evaluating at provision time the suitability of available Internet points of access differently when the mobile client is still or in motion. The novelty of this research work resides in three primary points. First of all, it proposes a novel model and taxonomy providing a common vocabulary to easily describe and position solutions in the area of context-aware autonomic management of preferred network opportunities. Secondly, it presents PoSIM, a context-aware middleware for the synergic exploitation and control of heterogeneous positioning systems that facilitates the development and portability of location-based services. PoSIM is translucent, i.e., it can provide application developers with differentiated visibility of data characteristics and control possibilities of available positioning solutions, thus dynamically adapting to application-specific deployment requirements and enabling cross-layer management decisions. Finally, it provides the MMHC solution for the self-organization of multi-hop multi-path heterogeneous connectivity. MMHC considers a limited set of practical indicators on node mobility and wireless network characteristics for a coarsegrained estimation of expected reliability/quality of multi-hop paths available at runtime. In particular, MMHC manages the durability/throughput-aware formation and selection of different multi-hop paths simultaneously. Furthermore, MMHC provides a novel solution based on adaptive buffers, proactively managed based on handover prediction, to support continuous services, especially by pre-fetching multimedia contents to avoid streaming interruptions.


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Water distribution networks optimization is a challenging problem due to the dimension and the complexity of these systems. Since the last half of the twentieth century this field has been investigated by many authors. Recently, to overcome discrete nature of variables and non linearity of equations, the research has been focused on the development of heuristic algorithms. This algorithms do not require continuity and linearity of the problem functions because they are linked to an external hydraulic simulator that solve equations of mass continuity and of energy conservation of the network. In this work, a NSGA-II (Non-dominating Sorting Genetic Algorithm) has been used. This is a heuristic multi-objective genetic algorithm based on the analogy of evolution in nature. Starting from an initial random set of solutions, called population, it evolves them towards a front of solutions that minimize, separately and contemporaneously, all the objectives. This can be very useful in practical problems where multiple and discordant goals are common. Usually, one of the main drawback of these algorithms is related to time consuming: being a stochastic research, a lot of solutions must be analized before good ones are found. Results of this thesis about the classical optimal design problem shows that is possible to improve results modifying the mathematical definition of objective functions and the survival criterion, inserting good solutions created by a Cellular Automata and using rules created by classifier algorithm (C4.5). This part has been tested using the version of NSGA-II supplied by Centre for Water Systems (University of Exeter, UK) in MATLAB environment. Even if orientating the research can constrain the algorithm with the risk of not finding the optimal set of solutions, it can greatly improve the results. Subsequently, thanks to CINECA help, a version of NSGA-II has been implemented in C language and parallelized: results about the global parallelization show the speed up, while results about the island parallelization show that communication among islands can improve the optimization. Finally, some tests about the optimization of pump scheduling have been carried out. In this case, good results are found for a small network, while the solutions of a big problem are affected by the lack of constraints on the number of pump switches. Possible future research is about the insertion of further constraints and the evolution guide. In the end, the optimization of water distribution systems is still far from a definitive solution, but the improvement in this field can be very useful in reducing the solutions cost of practical problems, where the high number of variables makes their management very difficult from human point of view.


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In recent years, due to the rapid convergence of multimedia services, Internet and wireless communications, there has been a growing trend of heterogeneity (in terms of channel bandwidths, mobility levels of terminals, end-user quality-of-service (QoS) requirements) for emerging integrated wired/wireless networks. Moreover, in nowadays systems, a multitude of users coexists within the same network, each of them with his own QoS requirement and bandwidth availability. In this framework, embedded source coding allowing partial decoding at various resolution is an appealing technique for multimedia transmissions. This dissertation includes my PhD research, mainly devoted to the study of embedded multimedia bitstreams in heterogenous networks, developed at the University of Bologna, advised by Prof. O. Andrisano and Prof. A. Conti, and at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where I spent eighteen months as a visiting scholar, advised by Prof. L. B. Milstein and Prof. P. C. Cosman. In order to improve the multimedia transmission quality over wireless channels, joint source and channel coding optimization is investigated in a 2D time-frequency resource block for an OFDM system. We show that knowing the order of diversity in time and/or frequency domain can assist image (video) coding in selecting optimal channel code rates (source and channel code rates). Then, adaptive modulation techniques, aimed at maximizing the spectral efficiency, are investigated as another possible solution for improving multimedia transmissions. For both slow and fast adaptive modulations, the effects of imperfect channel estimation errors are evaluated, showing that the fast technique, optimal in ideal systems, might be outperformed by the slow adaptive modulation, when a real test case is considered. Finally, the effects of co-channel interference and approximated bit error probability (BEP) are evaluated in adaptive modulation techniques, providing new decision regions concepts, and showing how the widely used BEP approximations lead to a substantial loss in the overall performance.


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In ambito oncologico il dolore affligge la maggior parte dei pazienti (incidenza riportata dal 53 al 90%), in tutte le fasi della malattia: nonostante lesistenza di Linee Guida (OMS), lattuale undertreatment del sintomo dolore oncologico, legato a un inappropriato uso degli oppioidi, in Italia raggiunge stime fino al 40% dei casi. Segnalazioni recenti sul consumo degli oppioidi in Italia riportano un aumento imputabile a un solo farmaco (fentanil TTS), il che suggerisce un comportamento prescrittivo inappropriato. Letteratura in merito alle valutazioni di efficacia delle terapie di controllo del dolore sia in fase iniziale quando la terapia medica oncologica attiva- sia in fase avanzata di malattia quando il controllo del dolore si configura come una delle principali terapie di supporto- ormai disponibile , con un buon livello di affidabilit. Quello che necessario aumentare la capacit del Servizio Sanitario di trasferire nella pratica clinica e assistenziale i risultati della ricerca sulla efficacia delle cure. Questi i quesiti ai quali la ricerca ha inteso rispondere: a. Le competenze globalmente espresse dal servizio sanitario dellEmilia Romagna sono adeguate per consentire un tempestivo, globale, appropriato ed efficace controllo del dolore oncologico, in tutte le fasi della malattia e lungo tutto il percorso di assistenza si a domiciliare che ospedaliero, per tutti i malati che ne hanno bisogno? b. Quali raccomandazioni possiamo fornire, basate sulle evidenze di efficacia, a clinici e gestori per migliorare lidentificazione del bisogno, la scelta del trattamento, il suo monitoraggio, la possibilit di garantirne laccesso e la disponibilit non solo in ospedale ma anche a domicilio? c. Quale efficacia hanno dimostrato i percorsi di formazione relativi al riconoscimento e al controllo del dolore messi in atto finora? d. Quali percorsi possono essere raccomandati per mettere a disposizione dei cittadini le conoscenze scientifiche sul controllo del dolore oncologico?


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Il lavoro di ricerca prende le mosse da una premessa di ordine economico. Il fenomeno delle reti di impresa, infatti, nasce dalla realt economica dei mercati. In tale contesto non pu prescindere dal delineare un quadro della situazione- anche di crisi- congiunturale che ha visto coinvolte specialmente le imprese italiane. In tale prospettiva, si reso necessario indagare il fenomeno della globalizzazione, con riferimento alle sue origini,caratteristiche e conseguenze. Ci si sofferma poi sulla ricostruzione dogmatica del fenomeno. Si parte dalla ricostruzione dello stesso in termini di contratto plurilaterale- sia esso con comunione di scopo oppure plurilaterale di scambio- per criticare tale impostazione, non del tutto soddisfacente, in quanto ritenuto remissiva di fronte alla attuale vis espansiva del contratto plurilaterale. Pi convincente appare lo schema del collegamento contrattuale, che ha il pregio di preservare lautonomia e lindipendenza degli imprenditori aderenti, pur inseriti nel contesto di unoperazione economica unitaria, volta a perseguire uno scopo comune, linteresse di rete, considerato meritevole di tutela secondo lordinamento giuridico ex art. 1322 2.co. c.c. In effetti il contratto ben si presta a disegnare modelli di rete sia con distribuzione simmetrica del potere decisionale, sia con distribuzione asimmetrica, vale a dire con un elevato livello di gerarchia interna. Non pu daltra parte non ravvisarsi unaffinit con le ipotesi di collegamento contrattuale in fase di produzione, consistente nel delegare ad un terzo parte della produzione, e nella fase distributiva, per cui la distribuzione avviene attraverso reti di contratti. Si affronta la materia della responsabilit della rete, impostando il problema sotto due profili: la responsabilit interna ed esterna. La prima viene risolta sulla base dellaffidamento reciproco maturato da ogni imprenditore. La seconda viene distinta in responsabilit extracontrattuale, ricondotta nella fattispecie allart. 2050 c.c., e contrattuale.


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La tesi si consolidata nellanalisi dellimpatto dei social networks nella costruzione dello spazio pubblico, nella sfera di osservazione che la rete e il web2.0. Osservando che il paradigma della societ civile si sia modificato. Ridefinendo immagini e immaginari e forme di autorappresentazione sui new media (Castells, 2010). Nel presupposto che lo spazio pubblico non mai una realt precostituita (Innerarity, 2008) ma si muove allinterno di reti che generano e garantiscono socievolezza. Nellobiettivo di capire cosa spazio pubblico. Civic engagement che si rafforza in spazi simbolici (Sassen, 2008), nodi dincontro significativi. Ivi cittadini-consumatori avanzano corresponsabilmente le proprie istanze per la debacle nei governi.. Cultura partecipativa che prende mossa da un nuovo senso civico mediato che si esprime nelle virt del consumo critico. Portando la politica sul mercato. Cultura civica autoattualizzata alla ricerca di soluzioni alle crisi degli ultimi anni. Potere di una comunicazione che riduce il mondo ad un villaggio globale e mettono in relazione i pubblici connessi in spazi e tempi differenti, dando origine ad azioni collettive come nel caso degli Indignados, di Occupy Wall Street o di Rai per una notte. Emerge un (ri)pensare la citizenship secondo due paradigmi (Bennett,2008): luno orientato al governo attraverso i partiti, modello Dutiful Citizenship; laltro, modello Self Actualizing Citizenship per cui i pubblici attivi seguono news ed eventi, percepiscono un minor obbligo nel governo, il voto meno significativo per (s)fiducia nei media e nei politici. Mercato e societ civile si muovono per il bene comune e una nuova felicit. La partecipazione si costituisce in consumerismo politico allinterno di reti in cui si sviluppano azioni individuali attraverso il social networking e scelte di consumo responsabile. Partendo dalletnografia digitale, si definito il modello 4 C: Conoscenza > Coadesione > Co-partecipazione > Corresposabilit (azioni collettive) > Cultura-bility.