6 resultados para MARKING

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The present PhD project was focused on the development of new tools and methods for luminescence-based techniques. In particular, the ultimate goal was to present substantial improvements to the currently available technologies for both research and diagnostic in the fields of biology, proteomics and genomics. Different aspects and problems were investigated, requiring different strategies and approaches. The whole work was thus divided into separate chapters, each based on the study of one specific aspect of luminescence: Chemiluminescence, Fluorescence and Electrochemiluminescence. CHAPTER 1, Chemiluminescence The work on luminol-enhancer solution lead to a new luminol solution formulation with 1 order of magnitude lower detection limit for HRP. This technology was patented with Cyanagen brand and is now sold worldwide for Western Blot and ELISA applications. CHAPTER 2, Fluorescescence The work on dyed-doped silica nanoparticles is marking a new milestone in the development of nanotechnologies for biological applications. While the project is still in progress, preliminary studies on model structures are leading to very promising results. The improved brightness of these nano-sized objects, their simple synthesis and handling, their low toxicity will soon turn them, we strongly believe, into a new generation of fluorescent labels for many applications. CHAPTER 3, Electrochemiluminescence The work on electrochemiluminescence produced interesting results that can potentially turn into great improvements from an analytical point of view. Ru(bpy)3 derivatives were employed both for on-chip microarray (Chapter 3.1) and for microscopic imaging applications (Chapter 3.2). The development of these new techniques is still under investigation, but the obtained results confirm the possibility to achieve the final goal. Furthermore the development of new ECL-active species (Chapter 3.3, 3.4, 3.5) and their use in these applications can significantly improve overall performances, thus helping to spread ECL as powerful analytical tool for routinary techniques. To conclude, the results obtained are of strong value to largely increase the sensitivity of luminescence techniques, thus fulfilling the expectation we had at the beginning of this research work.


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Thermal infrared (IR, 10.5 – 12.5 m) images from the Meteosat Visible and Infrared Imager (MVIRI) of cold cloud episodes (cloud top brightness temperature < 241 K) are used as a proxy of precipitating clouds to derive a warm season (May-August) climatology of their coherency, duration, span, and speed over Europe and the Mediterranean. The analysis focuses over the 30°-54°N, 15°W-40°E domain in May-August 1996-2005. Harmonic analysis using discrete Fourier transforms is applied together with a statistical analysis and an investigation of the diurnal cycle. This study has the objective to make available a set of results on the propagation dynamics of the cloud systems with the aim of assist numerical modellers in improving summer convection parameterization. The zonal propagation of cold cloud systems is accompanied by a weak meridional component confined to narrow latitude belts. The persistence of cold clouds over the area evidences the role of orography, the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Balkans and Anatolia. A diurnal oscillation is found with a maximum marking the initiation of convection in the lee of the mountains and shifting from about 1400 UTC at 40°E to 1800 UTC at 0°. A moderate eastward propagation of the frequency maximum from all mountain chains across the domain exists and the diurnal maxima are completely suppressed west of 5°W. The mean power spectrum of the cold cloud frequency distribution evidences a period of one day all over Europe disappearing over the ocean (west of 10°W). Other maxima are found in correspondence of 6 to 10 days in the longitudes from 15° W to 0° and indicate the activity of the westerlies with frontal passage over the continent. Longer periods activities (from 15 up to 30 days) were stronger around 10° W and from 5° W to 15° E and are likely related to the Madden Julian Oscillation influence. The maxima of the diurnal signal are in phase with the presence of elevated terrain and with land masses. A median zonal phase speed of 16.1 ms-1 is found for all events ≥ 1000 km and ≥ 20 h and a full set of results divided by years and recurrence categories is also presented.


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This thesis introduces new processing techniques for computer-aided interpretation of ultrasound images with the purpose of supporting medical diagnostic. In terms of practical application, the goal of this work is the improvement of current prostate biopsy protocols by providing physicians with a visual map overlaid over ultrasound images marking regions potentially affected by disease. As far as analysis techniques are concerned, the main contributions of this work to the state-of-the-art is the introduction of deconvolution as a pre-processing step in the standard ultrasonic tissue characterization procedure to improve the diagnostic significance of ultrasonic features. This thesis also includes some innovations in ultrasound modeling, in particular the employment of a continuous-time autoregressive moving-average (CARMA) model for ultrasound signals, a new maximum-likelihood CARMA estimator based on exponential splines and the definition of CARMA parameters as new ultrasonic features able to capture scatterers concentration. Finally, concerning the clinical usefulness of the developed techniques, the main contribution of this research is showing, through a study based on medical ground truth, that a reduction in the number of sampled cores in standard prostate biopsy is possible, preserving the same diagnostic power of the current clinical protocol.


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Lo studio presentato in questa sede concerne applicazioni di saldatura LASER caratterizzate da aspetti di non-convenzionalità ed è costituito da tre filoni principali. Nel primo ambito di intervento è stata valutata la possibilità di effettuare saldature per fusione, con LASER ad emissione continua, su pannelli Aluminum Foam Sandwich e su tubi riempiti in schiuma di alluminio. Lo studio ha messo in evidenza numerose linee operative riguardanti le problematiche relative alla saldatura delle pelli esterne dei componenti ed ha dimostrato la fattibilità relativa ad un approccio di giunzione LASER integrato (saldatura seguita da un post trattamento termico) per la realizzazione della giunzione completa di particolari tubolari riempiti in schiuma con ripristino della struttura cellulare all’interfaccia di giunzione. Il secondo ambito di intervento è caratterizzato dall’applicazione di una sorgente LASER di bassissima potenza, operante in regime ad impulsi corti, nella saldatura di acciaio ad elevato contenuto di carbonio. Lo studio ha messo in evidenza come questo tipo di sorgente, solitamente applicata per lavorazioni di ablazione e marcatura, possa essere applicata anche alla saldatura di spessori sub-millimetrici. In questa fase è stato messo in evidenza il ruolo dei parametri di lavoro sulla conformazione del giunto ed è stata definita l’area di fattibilità del processo. Lo studio è stato completato investigando la possibilità di applicare un trattamento LASER dopo saldatura per addolcire le eventuali zone indurite. In merito all’ultimo ambito di intervento l’attività di studio si è focalizzata sull’utilizzo di sorgenti ad elevata densità di potenza (60 MW/cm^2) nella saldatura a profonda penetrazione di acciai da costruzione. L’attività sperimentale e di analisi dei risultati è stata condotta mediante tecniche di Design of Experiment per la valutazione del ruolo preciso di tutti i parametri di processo e numerose considerazioni relative alla formazione di cricche a caldo sono state suggerite.


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The country-of-origin is the “nationality” of a food when it goes through customs in a foreign country, and is a “brand” when the food is for sale in a foreign market. My research on country-of-origin labeling (COOL) started from a case study on the extra virgin olive oil exported from Italy to China; the result shows that asymmetric and imperfect origin information may lead to market inefficiency, even market failure in emerging countries. Then, I used the Delphi method to conduct qualitative and systematic research on COOL; the panel of experts in food labeling and food policy was composed of 19 members in 13 countries; the most important consensus is that multiple countries of origin marking can provide accurate information about the origin of a food produced by two or more countries, avoiding misinformation for consumers. Moreover, I enhanced the research on COOL by analyzing the rules of origin and drafting a guideline for the standardization of origin marking. Finally, from the perspective of information economics I estimated the potential effect of the multiple countries of origin labeling on the business models of international trade, and analyzed the regulatory options for mandatory or voluntary COOL of main ingredients. This research provides valuable insights for the formulation of COOL policy.


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During the last few decades an unprecedented technological growth has been at the center of the embedded systems design paramount, with Moore’s Law being the leading factor of this trend. Today in fact an ever increasing number of cores can be integrated on the same die, marking the transition from state-of-the-art multi-core chips to the new many-core design paradigm. Despite the extraordinarily high computing power, the complexity of many-core chips opens the door to several challenges. As a result of the increased silicon density of modern Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC), the design space exploration needed to find the best design has exploded and hardware designers are in fact facing the problem of a huge design space. Virtual Platforms have always been used to enable hardware-software co-design, but today they are facing with the huge complexity of both hardware and software systems. In this thesis two different research works on Virtual Platforms are presented: the first one is intended for the hardware developer, to easily allow complex cycle accurate simulations of many-core SoCs. The second work exploits the parallel computing power of off-the-shelf General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs), with the goal of an increased simulation speed. The term Virtualization can be used in the context of many-core systems not only to refer to the aforementioned hardware emulation tools (Virtual Platforms), but also for two other main purposes: 1) to help the programmer to achieve the maximum possible performance of an application, by hiding the complexity of the underlying hardware. 2) to efficiently exploit the high parallel hardware of many-core chips in environments with multiple active Virtual Machines. This thesis is focused on virtualization techniques with the goal to mitigate, and overtake when possible, some of the challenges introduced by the many-core design paradigm.