3 resultados para Lung`s volume in time
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Among the experimental methods commonly used to define the behaviour of a full scale system, dynamic tests are the most complete and efficient procedures. A dynamic test is an experimental process, which would define a set of characteristic parameters of the dynamic behaviour of the system, such as natural frequencies of the structure, mode shapes and the corresponding modal damping values associated. An assessment of these modal characteristics can be used both to verify the theoretical assumptions of the project, to monitor the performance of the structural system during its operational use. The thesis is structured in the following chapters: The first introductive chapter recalls some basic notions of dynamics of structure, focusing the discussion on the problem of systems with multiply degrees of freedom (MDOF), which can represent a generic real system under study, when it is excited with harmonic force or in free vibration. The second chapter is entirely centred on to the problem of dynamic identification process of a structure, if it is subjected to an experimental test in forced vibrations. It first describes the construction of FRF through classical FFT of the recorded signal. A different method, also in the frequency domain, is subsequently introduced; it allows accurately to compute the FRF using the geometric characteristics of the ellipse that represents the direct input-output comparison. The two methods are compared and then the attention is focused on some advantages of the proposed methodology. The third chapter focuses on the study of real structures when they are subjected to experimental test, where the force is not known, like in an ambient or impact test. In this analysis we decided to use the CWT, which allows a simultaneous investigation in the time and frequency domain of a generic signal x(t). The CWT is first introduced to process free oscillations, with excellent results both in terms of frequencies, dampings and vibration modes. The application in the case of ambient vibrations defines accurate modal parameters of the system, although on the damping some important observations should be made. The fourth chapter is still on the problem of post processing data acquired after a vibration test, but this time through the application of discrete wavelet transform (DWT). In the first part the results obtained by the DWT are compared with those obtained by the application of CWT. Particular attention is given to the use of DWT as a tool for filtering the recorded signal, in fact in case of ambient vibrations the signals are often affected by the presence of a significant level of noise. The fifth chapter focuses on another important aspect of the identification process: the model updating. In this chapter, starting from the modal parameters obtained from some environmental vibration tests, performed by the University of Porto in 2008 and the University of Sheffild on the Humber Bridge in England, a FE model of the bridge is defined, in order to define what type of model is able to capture more accurately the real dynamic behaviour of the bridge. The sixth chapter outlines the necessary conclusions of the presented research. They concern the application of a method in the frequency domain in order to evaluate the modal parameters of a structure and its advantages, the advantages in applying a procedure based on the use of wavelet transforms in the process of identification in tests with unknown input and finally the problem of 3D modeling of systems with many degrees of freedom and with different types of uncertainty.
INTRODUCTION: The orthotopic left lung transplantation model in rats has been developed to answer a variety of scientific questions in transplant immunology and in the related fields of respiratory diseases. However, its widespread use has been hampered by the complexity of the procedure. AIM OF THE RESEARCH: Our purpose is to provide a detailed description of the procedure of this technique, including the complications and difficulties from the very first microsurgical step until the ultimate successful completion of the transplant procedure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The transplant procedures were performed by two collaborating transplant surgeons with microsurgical and thoracic surgery skills. A total of 150 left lung transplants in rats were performed. Twenty-seven syngeneic (Lewis to Lewis) and 123 allogeneic (Brown-Norway to Lewis) lung transplants were performed using the cuff technique. RESULTS: In first 50 transplant procedures, post-transplant survival rate was 74% of which 54% reached the end-point of 3 or 7 days post-transplant; whole complication rate was 66%. In the subsequent 50 transplant surgeries (from 51 to 100) post-transplant survival rate increased to 88% of which 56% reached the end-point; whole complication rate was 32 %. In the final 50 transplants (from 101 to 150) post-transplant survival rate was confirmed to be 88% of which 74% reached the end-point; whole complication rate was again 32 %. CONCLUSIONS: One hundred-fifty transplants can represent a reasonable number of procedures to obtain a satisfactory surgical outcome. Training period with simpler animal models is mandatory to develop anesthesiological and microsurgical skills required for successfully develop this model. The collaboration between at least two microsurgeons is mandatory to perform all the simultaneous procedures required for completing the transplant surgery.
Background Il trapianto polmonare rappresenta l'unica soluzione percorribile per l'insufficienza respiratoria end-stage. La principale limitante ad un suo impiego è rappresentata dalla scarsità di polmoni idonei. In questo contesto si colloca il progetto di ricondizionamento ex-vivo. L'implementazione risulta possibile attraverso il ricondizionamento di organi cosiddetti “marginali” o giudicati inizialmente non idonei al trapianto e da donatori a cuore fermo (Donor after Cardiac Death – DCD). Scopo Lo scopo principale del progetto è quello di analizzare i risultati a breve e medio termine del trapianto polmonare effettuato impiegando polmoni sottoposti a procedura di ricondizionamento ex-vivo in due centri trapianti di polmone a basso volume. Materiali e Metodi I dati sono stati raccolti retrospettivamente (da Giugno 2013 per quanto riguarda l’ISMETT e dal 2014 quelli dell’ Ospedale S. Orsola-Malpighi) e in maniera prospettica dal 2019. Risultati Sommando i dati relativi ad entrambi i centri, dal 2013 sono stati eseguiti un totale di 26 procedure di riperfusione. Sei volte i polmoni sono stati giudicati idonei al trapianto al termine con 5 trapianti doppi e un trapianto singolo sinistro. I risultati in termine di sopravvivenza a medio termine sono risultati sovrapponibili a quelli disponibili in letteratura, tuttavia è stato registrato un alto tasso di PGD (Primary Graft Disfunction) di grado 3, da imputare alla patologia di base del ricevente (ipertensione polmonare), che per protocollo di istituto rimane con supporto cardio-respiratorio (ECMO) dopo il trapianto. Conclusioni L’EVLP si conferma in centri di piccolo e medio volume un metodo sicuro ed efficace per implementare in numero di polmoni idonei al trapianto.