15 resultados para Lockheed SUE (Computer)
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The main problem connected to cone beam computed tomography (CT) systems for industrial applications employing 450 kV X-ray tubes is the high amount of scattered radiation which is added to the primary radiation (signal). This stray radiation leads to a significant degradation of the image quality. A better understanding of the scattering and methods to reduce its effects are therefore necessary to improve the image quality. Several studies have been carried out in the medical field at lower energies, whereas studies in industrial CT, especially for energies up to 450 kV, are lacking. Moreover, the studies reported in literature do not consider the scattered radiation generated by the CT system structure and the walls of the X-ray room (environmental scatter). In order to investigate the scattering on CT projections a GEANT4-based Monte Carlo (MC) model was developed. The model, which has been validated against experimental data, has enabled the calculation of the scattering including the environmental scatter, the optimization of an anti-scatter grid suitable for the CT system, and the optimization of the hardware components of the CT system. The investigation of multiple scattering in the CT projections showed that its contribution is 2.3 times the one of primary radiation for certain objects. The results of the environmental scatter showed that it is the major component of the scattering for aluminum box objects of front size 70 x 70 mm2 and that it strongly depends on the thickness of the object and therefore on the projection. For that reason, its correction is one of the key factors for achieving high quality images. The anti-scatter grid optimized by means of the developed MC model was found to reduce the scatter-toprimary ratio in the reconstructed images by 20 %. The object and environmental scatter calculated by means of the simulation were used to improve the scatter correction algorithm which could be patented by Empa. The results showed that the cupping effect in the corrected image is strongly reduced. The developed CT simulation is a powerful tool to optimize the design of the CT system and to evaluate the contribution of the scattered radiation to the image. Besides, it has offered a basis for a new scatter correction approach by which it has been possible to achieve images with the same spatial resolution as state-of-the-art well collimated fan-beam CT with a gain in the reconstruction time of a factor 10. This result has a high economic impact in non-destructive testing and evaluation, and reverse engineering.
L’uso frequente dei modelli predittivi per l’analisi di sistemi complessi, naturali o artificiali, sta cambiando il tradizionale approccio alle problematiche ambientali e di rischio. Il continuo miglioramento delle capacità di elaborazione dei computer facilita l’utilizzo e la risoluzione di metodi numerici basati su una discretizzazione spazio-temporale che permette una modellizzazione predittiva di sistemi reali complessi, riproducendo l’evoluzione dei loro patterns spaziali ed calcolando il grado di precisione della simulazione. In questa tesi presentiamo una applicazione di differenti metodi predittivi (Geomatico, Reti Neurali, Land Cover Modeler e Dinamica EGO) in un’area test del Petén, Guatemala. Durante gli ultimi decenni questa regione, inclusa nella Riserva di Biosfera Maya, ha conosciuto una rapida crescita demografica ed un’incontrollata pressione sulle sue risorse naturali. L’area test puó essere suddivisa in sotto-regioni caratterizzate da differenti dinamiche di uso del suolo. Comprendere e quantificare queste differenze permette una migliore approssimazione del sistema reale; é inoltre necessario integrare tutti i parametri fisici e socio-economici, per una rappresentazione più completa della complessità dell’impatto antropico. Data l’assenza di informazioni dettagliate sull’area di studio, quasi tutti i dati sono stati ricavati dall’elaborazione di 11 immagini ETM+, TM e SPOT; abbiamo poi realizzato un’analisi multitemporale dei cambi uso del suolo passati e costruito l’input per alimentare i modelli predittivi. I dati del 1998 e 2000 sono stati usati per la fase di calibrazione per simulare i cambiamenti nella copertura terrestre del 2003, scelta come data di riferimento per la validazione dei risultati. Quest’ultima permette di evidenziare le qualità ed i limiti per ogni modello nelle differenti sub-regioni.
Computer simulation of ordering and dynamics in liquid crystals in the bulk and close to the surface
The aim of this PhD thesis is to investigate the orientational and dynamical properties of liquid crystalline systems, at molecular level and using atomistic computer simulations, to reach a better understanding of material behavior from a microscopic point view. In perspective this should allow to clarify the relation between the micro and macroscopic properties with the objective of predicting or confirming experimental results on these systems. In this context, we developed four different lines of work in the thesis. The first one concerns the orientational order and alignment mechanism of rigid solutes of small dimensions dissolved in a nematic phase formed by the 4-pentyl,4 cyanobiphenyl (5CB) nematic liquid crystal. The orientational distribution of solutes have been obtained with Molecular Dynamics Simulation (MD) and have been compared with experimental data reported in literature. we have also verified the agreement between order parameters and dipolar coupling values measured in NMR experiments. The MD determined effective orientational potentials have been compared with the predictions of MaierSaupe and Surface tensor models. The second line concerns the development of a correct parametrization able to reproduce the phase transition properties of a prototype of the oligothiophene semiconductor family: sexithiophene (T6). T6 forms two crystalline polymorphs largely studied, and possesses liquid crystalline phases still not well characterized, From simulations we detected a phase transition from crystal to liquid crystal at about 580 K, in agreement with available experiments, and in particular we found two LC phases, smectic and nematic. The crystalsmectic transition is associated to a relevant density variation and to strong conformational changes of T6, namely the molecules in the liquid crystal phase easily assume a bent shape, deviating from the planar structure typical of the crystal. The third line explores a new approach for calculating the viscosity in a nematic through a virtual exper- iment resembling the classical falling sphere experiment. The falling sphere is replaced by an hydrogenated silicon nanoparticle of spherical shape suspended in 5CB, and gravity effects are replaced by a constant force applied to the nanoparticle in a selected direction. Once the nanoparticle reaches a constant velocity, the viscosity of the medium can be evaluated using Stokes' law. With this method we successfully reproduced experimental viscosities and viscosity anisotropy for the solvent 5CB. The last line deals with the study of order induction on nematic molecules by an hydrogenated silicon surface. Gaining predicting power for the anchoring behavior of liquid crystals at surfaces will be a very desirable capability, as many properties related to devices depend on molecular organization close to surfaces. Here we studied, by means of atomistic MD simulations, the flat interface between an hydrogenated (001) silicon surface in contact with a sample of 5CB molecules. We found a planar anchoring of the first layers of 5CB where surface interactions are dominating with respect to the mesogen intermolecular interactions. We also analyzed the interface 5CBvacuum, finding a homeotropic orientation of the nematic at this interface.
L’ecografia è la metodica diagnostica più utilizzata come screening e follow-up nei pazienti epatopatici con o senza lesioni focali e questo grazie alle sue peculiari caratteristiche, che sono date dall’essere real-time, maneggevole, priva di radiazioni ionizzanti e con bassi costi. Tuttavia tale metodica se confrontata con la TC o la RMN, può avere importanti limiti, quali l’impossibilità di visualizzare piccole lesioni localizzate in aree anatomicamente “difficili” o in pazienti obesi, che sono già state identificate con altre tecniche, come la TC o la RMN. Per superare queste limitazioni sono stati introdotti dei sistemi di “fusione d’immagine” che consentono di sincronizzare in tempo reale una metodica real time con bassa risoluzione spaziale come l’ecografia ed una statica ad alta risoluzione come la TC o la RMN. Ciò si ottiene creando attorno al paziente un piccolo campo elettromagnetico costituito da un generatore e da un rilevatore applicato al trasduttore ecografico ed introducendo in un computer abbinato all’ecografo il “volume rendering” dell’addome del paziente ottenuto mediante TC multistrato o RM. Il preciso “ appaiamento spaziale “ delle due metodiche si ottiene individuando in entrambe lo stesso piano assiale di riferimento e almeno 3-4 punti anatomici interni. Tale sistema di fusione d’immagine potrebbe essere molto utile in campo epatologico nella diagnostica non invasiva del piccolo epatocarcinoma, che secondo le ultime linee guida, nei noduli di dimensioni fra 1 e 2 cm, richiede una concordanza nel comportamento contrastografico della lesione in almeno due tecniche d’immagine. Lo scopo del nostro lavoro è stato pertanto quello di valutare, in pazienti epatopatici, il contributo che tale sistema può dare nell’identificazione e caratterizzazione di lesioni inferiori a 20 mm, che erano già state identificate alla TC o alla RMN come noduli sospetti per HCC, ma che non erano stati visualizzati in ecografia convenzionale. L’eventuale re-identificazione con l’ecografia convenzionale dei noduli sospetti per essere HCC, può permettere di evitare, alla luce dei criteri diagnostici non invasivi un’ ulteriore tecnica d’immagine ed eventualmente la biopsia. Pazienti e Metodi: 17 pazienti cirrotici (12 Maschi; 5 Femmine), con età media di 68.9 +/- 6.2 (SD) anni, in cui la TC e la RMN con mezzo di contrasto avevano identificato 20 nuove lesioni focali epatiche, inferiori a 20 mm (13,6 +/- 3,6 mm), sospette per essere epatocarcinomi (HCC), ma non identificate all’ecografia basale (eseguita in cieco rispetto alla TC o alla RMN) sono stati sottoposti ad ecografia senza e con mezzo di contrasto, focalizzata su una zona bersaglio identificata tramite il sistema di fusione d’immagini, che visualizza simultaneamente le immagini della TC e della RMN ricostruite in modalità bidimensionale ( 2D), tridimensionale ( 3 D) e real-time. La diagnosi finale era stata stabilita attraverso la presenza di una concordanza diagnostica, secondo le linee guida internazionali o attraverso un follow-up nei casi di discordanza. Risultati: Una diagnosi non invasiva di HCC è stata raggiunta in 15/20 lesioni, inizialmente sospettate di essere HCC. Il sistema di fusione ha identificato e mostrato un comportamento contrastografico tipico in 12/15 noduli di HCC ( 80%) mentre 3/15 HCC (20%) non sono stati identificati con il sistema di fusione d’immagine. Le rimanenti 5/20 lesioni non sono state visualizzate attraverso i sistemi di fusione d’immagine ed infine giudicate come falsi positivi della TC e della RMN, poiché sono scomparse nei successivi mesi di follow-up e rispettivamente dopo tre, sei, nove, dodici e quindici mesi. Conclusioni: I nostri risultati preliminari mostrano che la combinazione del sistema di fusione dell’immagine associata all’ecografia senza e con mezzo di contrasto (CEUS), migliora il potenziale dell’ecografia nell’identificazione e caratterizzazione dell’HCC su fegato cirrotico, permettendo il raggiungimento di una diagnosi, secondo criteri non invasivi e slatentizzazndo casi di falsi positivi della TC e della RMN.
Broad consensus has been reached within the Education and Cognitive Psychology research communities on the need to center the learning process on experimentation and concrete application of knowledge, rather than on a bare transfer of notions. Several advantages arise from this educational approach, ranging from the reinforce of students learning, to the increased opportunity for a student to gain greater insight into the studied topics, up to the possibility for learners to acquire practical skills and long-lasting proficiency. This is especially true in Engineering education, where integrating conceptual knowledge and practical skills assumes a strategic importance. In this scenario, learners are called to play a primary role. They are actively involved in the construction of their own knowledge, instead of passively receiving it. As a result, traditional, teacher-centered learning environments should be replaced by novel learner-centered solutions. Information and Communication Technologies enable the development of innovative solutions that provide suitable answers to the need for the availability of experimentation supports in educational context. Virtual Laboratories, Adaptive Web-Based Educational Systems and Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning environments can significantly foster different learner-centered instructional strategies, offering the opportunity to enhance personalization, individualization and cooperation. More specifically, they allow students to explore different kinds of materials, to access and compare several information sources, to face real or realistic problems and to work on authentic and multi-facet case studies. In addition, they encourage cooperation among peers and provide support through coached and scaffolded activities aimed at fostering reflection and meta-cognitive reasoning. This dissertation will guide readers within this research field, presenting both the theoretical and applicative results of a research aimed at designing an open, flexible, learner-centered virtual lab for supporting students in learning Information Security.
The field of "computer security" is often considered something in between Art and Science. This is partly due to the lack of widely agreed and standardized methodologies to evaluate the degree of the security of a system. This dissertation intends to contribute to this area by investigating the most common security testing strategies applied nowadays and by proposing an enhanced methodology that may be effectively applied to different threat scenarios with the same degree of effectiveness. Security testing methodologies are the first step towards standardized security evaluation processes and understanding of how the security threats evolve over time. This dissertation analyzes some of the most used identifying differences and commonalities, useful to compare them and assess their quality. The dissertation then proposes a new enhanced methodology built by keeping the best of every analyzed methodology. The designed methodology is tested over different systems with very effective results, which is the main evidence that it could really be applied in practical cases. Most of the dissertation discusses and proves how the presented testing methodology could be applied to such different systems and even to evade security measures by inverting goals and scopes. Real cases are often hard to find in methodology' documents, in contrary this dissertation wants to show real and practical cases offering technical details about how to apply it. Electronic voting systems are the first field test considered, and Pvote and Scantegrity are the two tested electronic voting systems. The usability and effectiveness of the designed methodology for electronic voting systems is proved thanks to this field cases analysis. Furthermore reputation and anti virus engines have also be analyzed with similar results. The dissertation concludes by presenting some general guidelines to build a coordination-based approach of electronic voting systems to improve the security without decreasing the system modularity.
Il lavoro si propone di indagare, a livello europeo, il fenomeno della seconda vittimizzazione, attraverso l'analisi delle condizioni attuali dei sistemi giudiziari nei confronti delle vittime di reato, anche grazie allo spoglio della giurisprudenza della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo di Strasburgo.
The quest for universal memory is driving the rapid development of memories with superior all-round capabilities in non-volatility, high speed, high endurance and low power. The memory subsystem accounts for a significant cost and power budget of a computer system. Current DRAM-based main memory systems are starting to hit the power and cost limit. To resolve this issue the industry is improving existing technologies such as Flash and exploring new ones. Among those new technologies is the Phase Change Memory (PCM), which overcomes some of the shortcomings of the Flash such as durability and scalability. This alternative non-volatile memory technology, which uses resistance contrast in phase-change materials, offers more density relative to DRAM, and can help to increase main memory capacity of future systems while remaining within the cost and power constraints. Chalcogenide materials can suitably be exploited for manufacturing phase-change memory devices. Charge transport in amorphous chalcogenide-GST used for memory devices is modeled using two contributions: hopping of trapped electrons and motion of band electrons in extended states. Crystalline GST exhibits an almost Ohmic I(V) curve. In contrast amorphous GST shows a high resistance at low biases while, above a threshold voltage, a transition takes place from a highly resistive to a conductive state, characterized by a negative differential-resistance behavior. A clear and complete understanding of the threshold behavior of the amorphous phase is fundamental for exploiting such materials in the fabrication of innovative nonvolatile memories. The type of feedback that produces the snapback phenomenon is described as a filamentation in energy that is controlled by electron–electron interactions between trapped electrons and band electrons. The model thus derived is implemented within a state-of-the-art simulator. An analytical version of the model is also derived and is useful for discussing the snapback behavior and the scaling properties of the device.
Mainstream hardware is becoming parallel, heterogeneous, and distributed on every desk, every home and in every pocket. As a consequence, in the last years software is having an epochal turn toward concurrency, distribution, interaction which is pushed by the evolution of hardware architectures and the growing of network availability. This calls for introducing further abstraction layers on top of those provided by classical mainstream programming paradigms, to tackle more effectively the new complexities that developers have to face in everyday programming. A convergence it is recognizable in the mainstream toward the adoption of the actor paradigm as a mean to unite object-oriented programming and concurrency. Nevertheless, we argue that the actor paradigm can only be considered a good starting point to provide a more comprehensive response to such a fundamental and radical change in software development. Accordingly, the main objective of this thesis is to propose Agent-Oriented Programming (AOP) as a high-level general purpose programming paradigm, natural evolution of actors and objects, introducing a further level of human-inspired concepts for programming software systems, meant to simplify the design and programming of concurrent, distributed, reactive/interactive programs. To this end, in the dissertation first we construct the required background by studying the state-of-the-art of both actor-oriented and agent-oriented programming, and then we focus on the engineering of integrated programming technologies for developing agent-based systems in their classical application domains: artificial intelligence and distributed artificial intelligence. Then, we shift the perspective moving from the development of intelligent software systems, toward general purpose software development. Using the expertise maturated during the phase of background construction, we introduce a general-purpose programming language named simpAL, which founds its roots on general principles and practices of software development, and at the same time provides an agent-oriented level of abstraction for the engineering of general purpose software systems.
This thesis aimed at addressing some of the issues that, at the state of the art, avoid the P300-based brain computer interface (BCI) systems to move from research laboratories to end users’ home. An innovative asynchronous classifier has been defined and validated. It relies on the introduction of a set of thresholds in the classifier, and such thresholds have been assessed considering the distributions of score values relating to target, non-target stimuli and epochs of voluntary no-control. With the asynchronous classifier, a P300-based BCI system can adapt its speed to the current state of the user and can automatically suspend the control when the user diverts his attention from the stimulation interface. Since EEG signals are non-stationary and show inherent variability, in order to make long-term use of BCI possible, it is important to track changes in ongoing EEG activity and to adapt BCI model parameters accordingly. To this aim, the asynchronous classifier has been subsequently improved by introducing a self-calibration algorithm for the continuous and unsupervised recalibration of the subjective control parameters. Finally an index for the online monitoring of the EEG quality has been defined and validated in order to detect potential problems and system failures. This thesis ends with the description of a translational work involving end users (people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-ALS). Focusing on the concepts of the user centered design approach, the phases relating to the design, the development and the validation of an innovative assistive device have been described. The proposed assistive technology (AT) has been specifically designed to meet the needs of people with ALS during the different phases of the disease (i.e. the degree of motor abilities impairment). Indeed, the AT can be accessed with several input devices either conventional (mouse, touchscreen) or alterative (switches, headtracker) up to a P300-based BCI.
The monitoring of cognitive functions aims at gaining information about the current cognitive state of the user by decoding brain signals. In recent years, this approach allowed to acquire valuable information about the cognitive aspects regarding the interaction of humans with external world. From this consideration, researchers started to consider passive application of brain–computer interface (BCI) in order to provide a novel input modality for technical systems solely based on brain activity. The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate how the passive Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) applications can be used to assess the mental states of the users, in order to improve the human machine interaction. Two main studies has been proposed. The first one allows to investigate whatever the Event Related Potentials (ERPs) morphological variations can be used to predict the users’ mental states (e.g. attentional resources, mental workload) during different reactive BCI tasks (e.g. P300-based BCIs), and if these information can predict the subjects’ performance in performing the tasks. In the second study, a passive BCI system able to online estimate the mental workload of the user by relying on the combination of the EEG and the ECG biosignals has been proposed. The latter study has been performed by simulating an operative scenario, in which the occurrence of errors or lack of performance could have significant consequences. The results showed that the proposed system is able to estimate online the mental workload of the subjects discriminating three different difficulty level of the tasks ensuring a high reliability.
La ricerca si propone di sondare in maniera completa e approfondita la rappresentazione del banchetto nel testo letterario e, in senso più ampio, nel testo inteso come sistema di segni (siano essi parole, gesti, espressioni facciali, modi di esprimersi, mezzi di comunicazione in genere). Il banchetto è una ‘messa in scena’ che assume nel testo letterario e nei linguaggi espressivi dell’arte contemporanea diverse funzioni a livello tematico e stilistico. Nel lavoro si analizza ognuna di queste funzioni: la funzione denotativa, connotativa, strutturale, metaforica, metanarrativa e stilistica e comunicativa. La linea di analisi tracciata si conclude con un particolare focus sulla rappresentazione del banchetto nel testo letterario e nei media come strumento di comunicazione all’interno di un altro mezzo di comunicazione. Con questa premessa la candidata termina con il capitolo conclusivo dedicando spazio all’immagine del pasto postmoderno. Il banchetto, in quanto rito simbolico, media contenuti legati all’universo culturale, rivela connessioni con la realtà storico-sociale, con l’assetto profondo dell’identità individuale e collettiva, costituendo un polo di aggregazione di diverse dimensioni di umanità. Nonostante l’estrema duttilità alla quale si presta l’immaginario del banchetto sul piano artistico e concettuale, nella quotidianità il momento conviviale continua per l’uomo postmoderno a evocare sentimenti e valori tradizionali ai quali ispirarsi.