4 resultados para Lifelong learning education

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The thesis of this paper is based on the assumption that the socio-economic system in which we are living is characterised by three great trends: growing attention to the promotion of human capital; extremely rapid technological progress, based above all on the information and communication technologies (ICT); the establishment of new production and organizational set-ups. These transformation processes pose a concrete challenge to the training sector, which is called to satisfy the demand for new skills that need to be developed and disseminated. Hence the growing interest that the various training sub-systems devote to the issues of lifelong learning and distance learning. In such a context, the so-called e-learning acquires a central role. The first chapter proposes a reference theoretical framework for the transformations that are shaping post-industrial society. It analyzes some key issues such as: how work is changing, the evolution of organizational set-ups and the introduction of learning organization, the advent of the knowledge society and of knowledge companies, the innovation of training processes, and the key role of ICT in the new training and learning systems. The second chapter focuses on the topic of e-learning as an effective training model in response to the need for constant learning that is emerging in the knowledge society. This chapter starts with a reflection on the importance of lifelong learning and introduces the key arguments of this thesis, i.e. distance learning (DL) and the didactic methodology called e-learning. It goes on with an analysis of the various theoretic and technical aspects of e-learning. In particular, it delves into the theme of e-learning as an integrated and constant training environment, characterized by customized programmes and collaborative learning, didactic assistance and constant monitoring of the results. Thus, all the aspects of e-learning are taken into exam: the actors and the new professionals, the virtual communities as learning subjects, the organization of contents in learning objects, the conformity to international standards, the integrated platforms and so on. The third chapter, which concludes the theoretic-interpretative part, starts with a short presentation of the state-of-the-art e-learning international market that aims to understand its peculiarities and its current trends. Finally, we focus on some important regulation aspects related to the strong impulse given by the European Commission first, and by the Italian governments secondly, to the development and diffusion of e-learning. The second part of the thesis (chapters 4, 5 and 6) focus on field research, which aims to define the Italian scenario for e-learning. In particular, we have examined some key topics such as: the challenges of training and the instruments to face such challenges; the new didactic methods and technologies for lifelong learning; the level of diffusion of e-learning in Italy; the relation between classroom training and online training; the main factors of success as well as the most critical aspects of the introduction of e-learning in the various learning environments. As far as the methodological aspects are concerned, we have favoured a qualitative and quantitative analysis. A background analysis has been done to collect the statistical data available on this topic, as well as the research previously carried out in this area. The main source of data is constituted by the results of the Observatory on e-learning of Aitech-Assinform, which covers the 2000s and four areas of implementation (firms, public administration, universities, school): the thesis has reviewed the results of the last three available surveys, offering a comparative interpretation of them. We have then carried out an in-depth empirical examination of two case studies, which have been selected by virtue of the excellence they have achieved and can therefore be considered advanced and emblematic experiences (a large firm and a Graduate School).


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Il presente lavoro di ricerca si propone di discutere il contributo che l’analisi dell’evoluzione storica del pensiero politico occidentale e non occidentale riveste nel percorso intellettuale compiuto dai fondatori della teoria contemporanea dell’approccio delle capacità, fondata e sistematizzata nei suoi contorni speculativi a partire dagli anni Ottanta dal lavoro congiunto dell’economista indiano Amartya Sen e della filosofa dell’Università di Chicago Martha Nussbaum. Ci si ripropone di dare conto del radicamento filosofico-politico del lavoro intellettuale di Amartya Sen, le cui concezioni economico-politiche non hanno mai rinunciato ad una profonda sensibilità di carattere etico, così come dei principali filoni intorno ai quali si è imbastita la versione nussbaumiana dell’approccio delle capacità a partire dalla sua ascendenza filosofica classica in cui assume una particolare primazia il sistema etico-politico di Aristotele. Il pensiero politico moderno, osservato sotto il prisma della riflessione sulla filosofia della formazione che per Sen e Nussbaum rappresenta la “chiave di volta” per la fioritura delle altre capacità individuali, si organizzerà intorno a tre principali indirizzi teorici: l’emergenza dei diritti positivi e sociali, il dibattito sulla natura della consociazione nell’ambito della dottrina contrattualista e la stessa discussione sui caratteri delle politiche formative. La sensibilità che Sen e Nussbaum mostrano nei confronti dell’evoluzione del pensiero razionalista nel subcontinente che passa attraverso teorici antichi (Kautylia e Ashoka) e moderni (Gandhi e Tagore) segna il tentativo operato dai teorici dell’approccio delle capacità di contrastare concezioni politiche contemporanee fondate sul culturalismo e l’essenzialismo nell’interpretare lo sviluppo delle tradizioni culturali umane (tra esse il multiculturalismo, il comunitarismo, il neorealismo politico e la teoria dei c.d. “valori asiatici”) attraverso la presa di coscienza di un corredo valoriale incentrato intorno al ragionamento rintracciabile (ancorché in maniera sporadica e “parallela”) altresì nelle tradizioni culturali e politiche non occidentali.


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La ricerca, di carattere esplorativo, prende spunto dal dibattito internazionale, sviluppatosi sul finire dello scorso secolo, sulla necessità di innovare il sistema educativo, in ottica di lifelong-learning, e favorire l’acquisizione delle competenze richieste nel XXI secolo. Le diverse indicazioni sollecitano una scuola intesa come Civic-center in grado di riconoscere gli apprendimenti extra-scolastici, con spazi di apprendimento innovativi funzionali a didattiche learner-centred. A circa trent’anni dalla Dichiarazione di Salamanca riteniamo necessario interrogarsi se queste innovazioni garantiscano l’inclusione e il successo formativo di tutti. La ricerca si articola in quattro studi di caso relativi a due scuole secondarie di secondo grado innovative italiane e due finlandesi. Si propone di comprendere sulla base delle percezioni di studenti, insegnanti, dirigenti se tale modello di scuola favorisca anche l’inclusione e il benessere di tutti gli studenti. Dall’analisi dei risultati sembra che, secondo le percezioni di coloro che hanno partecipato alla ricerca, le scuole siano riuscite a far coesistere innovazione e inclusione. In particolare, l’utilizzo di spazi di apprendimento innovativi e didattiche learner-centred all’interno di una scuola aperta al territorio in grado di riconoscere le competenze extra-scolastiche, sembrano favorire effettivamente l’inclusione di tutti gli studenti. Nonostante gli aspetti innovativi, restano tuttavia presenti all’interno delle scuole analizzate ancora diverse criticità che non consentono una piena inclusione for all


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Service-learning in higher education is gaining attention as a reliable tool to support students’ learning and fulfil the mission of higher education institutions (HEIs). This dissertation addresses existing gaps in the literature by examining the effects and perspectives of service-learning in HEIs through three studies. The first study compares the effects of a voluntary semester-long service-learning course with traditional courses. A survey completed by 110 students before and after the lectures found no significant group differences in the psychosocial variables under inspection. Nevertheless, service-learning students showed higher scores concerning the quality of participation. Factors such as students’ perception of competence, duration of service-learning, and self-reported measures may have influenced the results. The second study explores the under-researched perspective of community partners in higher education and European settings. Twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted with community partners from various community organisations across Europe. The results highlight positive effects on community members and organisations, intrinsic motivations, organisational empowerment, different forms of reciprocity, the co-educational role of community partners, and the significant role of a sense of community and belonging. The third study focuses on faculty perspectives on service-learning in the European context. Twenty-two semi-structured interviews were conducted in 14 European countries. The findings confirm the transformative impact of service-learning on the community, students, teachers, and HEIs, emphasising the importance of motivation and institutionalisation processes in sustaining engaged scholarship. The study also identifies the relevance of the community experience, sense of community, and community responsibility with the service-learning experience; relatedness is proposed as the fifth pillar of service-learning. Overall, this dissertation provides new insights into the effects and perspectives of service-learning in higher education. It integrates the 4Rs model with the addition of relatedness, guiding the theoretical and practical implications of the findings. The dissertation also suggests limitations and areas for further research.