9 resultados para Legume Germplasm
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
This thesis aimed to characterise two large tetraploid germplasm collections. The Global Durum Panel, involving modern cultivars and landrances and the Tetraploid Global Collection which comprises all the tetraploid wheat subgroups. Two distinct parallel studies were carried out. The first is focused on the characterisation of both collection for yield and quality related traits. The panel were phenotyped for two consecutive years each. In this phase the following traits were collected: the number of fertile spikelets per spike, the number of fertile florets of central spikelet for the spike-related traits. The following grain related traits were also phenotyped: the thousand kernel weight, the average grain area, average grain length, average grain width, grain brightness, grain redness, grain yellowness. GWAS analysis were performed for each collected trait and major QTLs were subjected to candidate gene analysis. Major QTLs emerging from GWA study were located on chromosome 2A with a strong bibliographic evidence for grain number-related traits such as the fertile spikelet number, the number of fertile florets per central spikelet. On the other hand two evident peaks were detected on chromosomes 6A and 7B for grain size and weight related traits. The second work was focused on the characterisation of the Global Durum Panel for root system architecture components, namely the root growth angle. GWAS analysis was perfomed and three major QTLs were detected on chromosome 2A, 6A and 7A. These three QTLs all have a bibliographic evidence.
Crop elicitation: innovative approach for the valorization of grain legume functional properties. In Italy grain legume cultivation has encountered a drastic decrease due to several causes (productive, economic, social). In this regard, studies aimed at the setting up of agronomic techniques able to guarantee high and constant in planta yields of health-promoting compounds may concur at re-launching legume production. In this context, 22 accessions of grain legumes (17 Phaseolus vulgaris, 3 Phaseolus coccineus, 1 Vigna unguiculata and 1 Glycine max genotypes) were screened with the aim of identifying genotypes rich in health beneficial phytochemicals (α-amylase inhibitors, α -glucosidase inhibitors, polyphenols) and with low anti-nutritional compounds (lectins). A wide variability was observed among investigated accessions. Four genotypes (Verdone, Kidney Cina, Roviotto and DG) showed a α -amylase inhibitory activity significantly higher (approximately 30% more) than all other tested accessions. The α -amylase inhibitory activity was not correlated neither with the protein nor with the polyphenol contents. Conversely, the α -glucosidase inhibitory activity was positively correlated with grain color and polyphenol content: dark-colored seeds had a mean inhibitory activity of 83.64 ± 22.07%, whereas light-colored seeds had mean values of 21.11 ± 9.36%. As regards the anti-nutritional compounds, out of all common bean accessions, only DG showed no erythro-agglutination activity (lectins). Preliminary experiments, performed in controlled environment, permitted to highlight that different germination conditions markedly affect the synthesis and accumulation of functional compounds in legume seedlings. Those findings were confirmed with field trials performed in two different locations (Bologna and Pisa), on two bean genotypes (Verdone and Zolfino), during the 2004-2005 cropping season. Results showed that the application of abiotic stresses (no fertilization and /or no irrigation) lead to a significant increase of flavonoids in grains, but a decrease (up to 50%) in legume yields was also observed. Crop elicitation, even if valuable for boosting health-promoting compound synthesis in crops, must necessary cope with economically acceptable crop yields.
The goal of many plant scientists’ research is to explain natural phenotypic variation in term of simple changes in DNA sequence. DNA-based molecular markers are extensively used for the construction of genome-wide molecular maps and to perform genetic analysis for simple and complex traits. The PhD thesis was divided into two main research lines according to the different approaches adopted. The first research line is to analyze the genetic diversity in an Italian apple germplasm collection for the identification of markers tightly linked to targeted genes by an association genetic method. This made it possible to identify synomym and homonym accessions and triploids. The fruit red skin color trait has been used to test the reliability of the genetic approaches in this species. The second line is related to the development of molecular markers closely linked to the Rvi13 and Rvi5 scab resistance genes, previously mapped on apple’s chromosome 10 and 17 respectively by using the traditional linkage mapping method. Both region have been fine-mapped with various type of markers that could be used for marker-assisted selection in future breeding programs and to isolate the two resistance genes.
Acrylamide (AA) is an undesirable food toxic compound, classified as 'probably carcinogenic to humans' by the International Agency for Research on Cancer due to its toxic effects, including neurotoxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity. AA is mainly formed during the heat treatment of foods (> 120 °C) by the Maillard reaction, an essential reaction that also allows the desired levels of shelf-life and sensory properties of various food products to be achieved. Over the years, authorities and regulations have become more restrictive regarding the maximum levels of AA permitted in foods and beverages. The latest Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2158 contains reference levels and measures to reduce AA in several food groups that contribute to the highest dietary intake, making necessary the study of promising AA mitigation strategies. The aim of this PhD research project was to identify, characterise and optimise some AA mitigation strategies in the most at-risk widely consumed foods such as potato, coffee and bakery products. Some AA control strategies were selected and investigated for each food category, also considering the main quality characteristics of the final products. The comprehensive results obtained during the three years of research activity have allowed a deeper knowledge of the traditional and innovative AA mitigation strategies, which can be extremely useful for both the food industry and international authorities. The most promising strategies studied in terms of reduction of AA while maintaining the main quality characteristics of the examined foods were: the application of pulsed electric fields and yeast immersion as pre-treatments of chips for frying; the selection of high roasting degrees for coffee products; the selection of static baking conditions for biscuits; the optimisation of alternative biscuit’ formulations by both the use of chickpea legume flour and of flour from bean with intact cotyledon cell walls.
Several diseases challenge bread and durum wheat productions worldwide. The importance of these cereals requires adequate protection to pathogens that can cause strong yield and grain quality losses. The main work of this thesis was related to phenotype GDP (Global Durum Panel) in the Mediterranean region (Italy, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Turkey) and Argentina across three years (2019-2021) for yellow rust resistance (infection type and severity). GWAS shows in particular, loci in chromosome 1B, 2B, 4B, 5A, 6A, 7B showed high significance across nurseries/years, with various patterns of GxE. The second chapter is about Zymoseptoria tritici, agent of STB (Septoria Tritici Blotch), a foliar pathogen that yearly causes high damages if not controlled. In recent years research in durum wheat breeding is focused on the identification of novel, underexploited resistance genes to be subsequently and conveniently moved into the pre-breeding and breeding stream. The plants were phenotyped for disease height characters, infection type at the flag leaf and infection type at the level of the canopy below the flag leaf. This experiment opens up a rich scenario of analysis and opportunities to investigate and discover new loci of resistance to STB. Third chapter is about Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a fungal disease caused by pathogens belonging to the genus Fusarium. In particular, Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium graminearum species cause severe grain yield losses and accumulation of mycotoxins in wheat that compromise food safety. Over 250 QTL/genes for FHB resistance have been identified in bread wheat, such as Fhb 1 and Fhb 5 but only a small number of FHB resistance loci have been mapped in durum wheat. The aim of this work is to find loci of partial resistance to FHB already present in durum and bread wheat germplasm and therefore easily cumulative.
Red flesh fruit is a character which interest is increasing in several commercial species. Following a review of the research on the biosynthesis and accumulation of anthocyanin in pears (Chapter 1) the general aim of the project is reported in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 reports the results of a molecular analysis of 33 red-fleshed pear accessions, genotyped with 18 SSR markers with the aim of improving germplasm conservation strategies to support ongoing breeding programs. The molecular profiles revealed both cases of synonymy and homonymy and 6 unique genotypes were identified. The S-allele were established to highlight the genetic relationships among these landraces. Four of the unique genotypes have been clustered based on pomological data. In the Chapter 4, the work was directed to identify the putative genomic regions involved in the appearance of this character in pear fruit. A crossing population (‘Carmen’ x ‘Cocomerina Precoce’) segregating for the trait was phenotyped for 2 consecutive years and used for QTL analysis. A strong QTL was identified in a small genomic region related to the red flesh fruit trait at 27 Mb from the start of LG5. Two candidate genes were detected in this genomic region: ‘PcMYB114’ and ‘PcABCC2’. SSR marker SSR114 was found able to detect the red flesh phenotype segregation in all the red-fleshed pear accessions and segregating progenies tested. Chapter 5 focuses on examining the trend of anthocyanin synthesis and accumulation during the fruit development, from fruit set to ripening time. Three different trials were planned: qPCR and HPLC methods were performed to correlate the genes expression with the anthocyanin accumulation in ‘Cocomerina Precoce’ and six progenies. Total transcriptome sequencing was used to compare the differential genes expression between red and white-fleshed fruit. Chapter 6 reviews and analyses all the earlier study findings while providing new potential future perspectives.
Durum wheat (Triticum durum) is an important crop that has been used for millennia for human consumption, and modern breeding can take advantage of the wide variability useful for the adaptation to new challenges. Novel beneficial alleles can be found in wild relatives and landraces thus enhancing crop adaptation to many biotic and abiotic stresses. This dissertation considers the source of variability from both before and after wheat domestication, that caused a loss of potentially useful alleles. Chapter 1. is the thesis introduction, which outlines the importance of wheat in the world, providing an historical overview of the domestication, the evolution mechanisms that led to the current forms of durum wheat and the use of wild relatives as a source of germplasm for future breeding programs is crucial. Moreover, the emergence of Z. tritici has been considered as the main pathogen of wheat since it contains extremely high levels of genetic variability and is thus difficult to control. Chapter 2. Considers the contribution of the phenotypic diversity of 242 accessions of Aegilops tauschii from the Open Wild Wheat Consortium, involved in wheat domestication, provided with whole-genome resequencing. The accessions were phenotyped both in the field and in controlled conditions and A k-mer-based GWAS was performed to identify genomic regions involved in useful traits. Chapter 3. Describes the genetic basis of resistance to Z. tritici in a durum wheat elite diversity panel representative of the germplasm bred in Mediterranean. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis results revealed several loci involved in the STB response that were found in several chromosome regions with a high infection rate. The genomic regions associated with STB resistance identified in this study could be of interest for marker assisted selection (MAS) in durum wheat breeding programs.