4 resultados para LPS

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Gli endocannabinoidi (EC) sono una classe di composti che mimano gli effetti del Δ9-tetraidrocannabinolo. Essi comprendono l’anandamide (AEA) ed il 2-arachidonoilglicerolo (2-AG), molecole che interagiscono preferenzialmente con due specifici recettori, il CB1 ed il CB2. Più recente è la scoperta di due molecole EC simili, il palmitoiletanolamide (PEA) e l’oleiletanolamide (OEA), che tuttavia agiscono legando recettori diversi tra cui il PPARα ed il TRVP1. Studi sperimentali dimostrano che il sistema degli EC è attivato in corso di cirrosi epatica ed è coinvolto nel processo fibrogenico e nella patogenesi delle alterazioni emodinamiche tipiche della malattia. Esso partecipa alla patogenesi di alcune delle maggiori complicanze della cirrosi quali ascite, encefalopatia, cardiomiopatia ed infezioni batteriche. Scopo del presente studio è stato quello di studiare il ruolo degli EC nella patogenesi delle infezioni batteriche in corso di cirrosi. A tale scopo sono stati eseguiti un protocollo clinico ed uno sperimentale. Nel protocollo sperimentale la cirrosi è stata indotta mediante somministrazione di CCl4 per via inalatoria a ratti maschi Wistar. In tale protocollo i livelli circolanti di tutti gli EC sono risultati significativamente aumentati a seguito della somministrazione di LPS. La somministrazione dell’antagonista del recettore CB1, Rimonabant, inoltre, è stata efficace nel ridurre del 50% la mortalità a 24 ore dei ratti trattati col farmaco rispetto ai ratti trattati col solo LPS. Parallelamente il Rimonabant ha determinato una riduzione dell’espressione genica di molecole pro-infiammatorie e sostanze vasoattive. Lo studio clinico, condotto su 156 pazienti, ha confermato l’attivazione del sistema degli EC in corso di cirrosi epatica. Inoltre è stata identificata una forte correlazione tra il PEA e l’OEA e l’emodinamica sistemica ed una associazione con alcune delle maggiori complicanze. L’analisi statistica ha inoltre individuato l’OEA quale predittore indipendente di insufficenza renale e di sopravvivenza globale.


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Nowadays it is requested more investigations on alternative rearing systems that are able to improve poultry welfare and to warrant high-quality and safe meat products. This thesis work was focused on the evaluation of the oxidative stability of poultry meats, obtained with different rearing systems, diets (supplemented with bioactive compounds), and packaging conditions. The thesis work was divided into the following parts: - Evaluation of the effects of different rearing systems on the quality, fatty acid composition and oxidative stability of poultry thigh and breast meat belonging to different product categories (“rotisserie” and “cut-up” carcasses); - Evaluation of the effects of different rearing systems and packaging conditions on the shelf-life of poultry thigh meat stored at 4°C for 14 days, and the effects of feed supplementation with thymol (control diet and diet with 2 different concentration of thymol) and packaging conditions on lipid oxidation of poultry thigh meat shelf-life (stored at 4°C for 14 days). The oxidative stability of poultry meat was studied by means of the spectrophotometric determinations of peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. - Evaluation of anti-inflammatory effects of different flavonoids (thymol, luteolin, tangeretin, sulforaphane, polymethoxyflavones, curcumin derivates) to detect their biological activity in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells in vitro, in order to study more in depth their action mechanisms. It was evaluated the cell vitality (MTT assay), nitrite concentration and protein profile. The study was focused on the identification of potential dietary bioactive compounds in order to investigate their biological activity and possible synergic effects, and to develop new suitable strategies for long-term promotion of human health, in particular against cancer.


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The energy released during a seismic crisis in volcanic areas is strictly related to the physical processes in the volcanic structure. In particular Long Period seismicity, that seems to be related to the oscillation of a fluid-filled crack (Chouet , 1996, Chouet, 2003, McNutt, 2005), can precedes or accompanies an eruption. The present doctoral thesis is focused on the study of the LP seismicity recorded in the Campi Flegrei volcano (Campania, Italy) during the October 2006 crisis. Campi Flegrei Caldera is an active caldera; the combination of an active magmatic system and a dense populated area make the Campi Flegrei a critical volcano. The source dynamic of LP seismicity is thought to be very different from the other kind of seismicity ( Tectonic or Volcano Tectonic): it’s characterized by a time sustained source and a low content in frequency. This features implies that the duration–magnitude, that is commonly used for VT events and sometimes for LPs as well, is unadapted for LP magnitude evaluation. The main goal of this doctoral work was to develop a method for the determination of the magnitude for the LP seismicity; it’s based on the comparison of the energy of VT event and LP event, linking the energy to the VT moment magnitude. So the magnitude of the LP event would be the moment magnitude of a VT event with the same energy of the LP. We applied this method to the LP data-set recorded at Campi Flegrei caldera in 2006, to an LP data-set of Colima volcano recorded in 2005 – 2006 and for an event recorded at Etna volcano. Experimenting this method to lots of waveforms recorded at different volcanoes we tested its easy applicability and consequently its usefulness in the routinely and in the quasi-real time work of a volcanological observatory.


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Microglial involvement in neurological disorders is well-established, being microglial activation not only associated with neurotoxic consequences, but also with neuroprotective effects. The studies presented here, based on microglia rat primary cell cultures and mainly on microglial conditioned medium (MCM), show insights into the mechanism of Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) secretion by microglia as well as their neuroprotective effect towards primary cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) exposed to the dopaminergic toxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). SOD1 and ApoE are released respectively through non-classical lysosomal or the classical ER/Golgi-mediated secretion pathway. Microglial conditioned medium, in which SOD1 and ApoE accumulated, protected CGNs from degeneration and these effects were replicated when exogenous SOD1 or ApoE was added to a non-conditioned medium. SOD1 neuroprotective action was mediated by increased cell calcium from an external source. ApoE release is negatively affected by microglia activation, both with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Benzoylbenzoyl-ATP (Bz-ATP) but is stimulated by neuronal-conditioned medium as well as in microglia-neurons co-culture conditions. This neuronal-stimulated microglial ApoE release is differently regulated by activation states (i.e. LPS vs ATP) and by 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurodegeneration. In co-culture conditions, microglial ApoE release is essential for neuroprotection, since microglial ApoE silencing through siRNA abrogated protection of cerebellar granule neurons against 6-OHDA toxicity. Therefore, these molecules could represent a target for manipulation aimed at promoting neuroprotection in brain diseases. Considering a pathological context, and the microglial ability to adopt a neuroprotective or neurotoxic profile, we characterize the microglial M1/M2 phenotype in transgenic rats (McGill-R-Thy1-APP) which reproduce extensively the Alzheimer’s-like amyloid pathology. Here, for the first time, cortical, hippocampal and cerebellar microglia of wild type and transgenic adult rats were compared, at both early and advanced stages of the pathology. In view of possible therapeutic translations, these findings are relevant to test microglial neuroprotection, in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases.