7 resultados para Kommissorder-picking

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Thanks to the Chandra and XMM–Newton surveys, the hard X-ray sky is now probed down to a flux limit where the bulk of the X-ray background is almost completely resolved into discrete sources, at least in the 2–8 keV band. Extensive programs of multiwavelength follow-up observations showed that the large majority of hard X–ray selected sources are identified with Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) spanning a broad range of redshifts, luminosities and optical properties. A sizable fraction of relatively luminous X-ray sources hosting an active, presumably obscured, nucleus would not have been easily recognized as such on the basis of optical observations because characterized by “peculiar” optical properties. In my PhD thesis, I will focus the attention on the nature of two classes of hard X-ray selected “elusive” sources: those characterized by high X-ray-to-optical flux ratios and red optical-to-near-infrared colors, a fraction of which associated with Type 2 quasars, and the X-ray bright optically normal galaxies, also known as XBONGs. In order to characterize the properties of these classes of elusive AGN, the datasets of several deep and large-area surveys have been fully exploited. The first class of “elusive” sources is characterized by X-ray-to-optical flux ratios (X/O) significantly higher than what is generally observed from unobscured quasars and Seyfert galaxies. The properties of well defined samples of high X/O sources detected at bright X–ray fluxes suggest that X/O selection is highly efficient in sampling high–redshift obscured quasars. At the limits of deep Chandra surveys (∼10−16 erg cm−2 s−1), high X/O sources are generally characterized by extremely faint optical magnitudes, hence their spectroscopic identification is hardly feasible even with the largest telescopes. In this framework, a detailed investigation of their X-ray properties may provide useful information on the nature of this important component of the X-ray source population. The X-ray data of the deepest X-ray observations ever performed, the Chandra deep fields, allows us to characterize the average X-ray properties of the high X/O population. The results of spectral analysis clearly indicate that the high X/O sources represent the most obscured component of the X–ray background. Their spectra are harder (G ∼ 1) than any other class of sources in the deep fields and also of the XRB spectrum (G ≈ 1.4). In order to better understand the AGN physics and evolution, a much better knowledge of the redshift, luminosity and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of elusive AGN is of paramount importance. The recent COSMOS survey provides the necessary multiwavelength database to characterize the SEDs of a statistically robust sample of obscured sources. The combination of high X/O and red-colors offers a powerful tool to select obscured luminous objects at high redshift. A large sample of X-ray emitting extremely red objects (R−K >5) has been collected and their optical-infrared properties have been studied. In particular, using an appropriate SED fitting procedure, the nuclear and the host galaxy components have been deconvolved over a large range of wavelengths and ptical nuclear extinctions, black hole masses and Eddington ratios have been estimated. It is important to remark that the combination of hard X-ray selection and extreme red colors is highly efficient in picking up highly obscured, luminous sources at high redshift. Although the XBONGs do not present a new source population, the interest on the nature of these sources has gained a renewed attention after the discovery of several examples from recent Chandra and XMM–Newton surveys. Even though several possibilities were proposed in recent literature to explain why a relatively luminous (LX = 1042 − 1043erg s−1) hard X-ray source does not leave any significant signature of its presence in terms of optical emission lines, the very nature of XBONGs is still subject of debate. Good-quality photometric near-infrared data (ISAAC/VLT) of 4 low-redshift XBONGs from the HELLAS2XMMsurvey have been used to search for the presence of the putative nucleus, applying the surface-brightness decomposition technique. In two out of the four sources, the presence of a nuclear weak component hosted by a bright galaxy has been revealed. The results indicate that moderate amounts of gas and dust, covering a large solid angle (possibly 4p) at the nuclear source, may explain the lack of optical emission lines. A weak nucleus not able to produce suffcient UV photons may provide an alternative or additional explanation. On the basis of an admittedly small sample, we conclude that XBONGs constitute a mixed bag rather than a new source population. When the presence of a nucleus is revealed, it turns out to be mildly absorbed and hosted by a bright galaxy.


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The thesis deals with the heterogenous category of the “unaccompanied minors”, concentrating the scientific work on those who migrate from Romania to the Italian city of Bologna. Between different migratory routes that include Romanian minors, I chose to explore the ones linked with the underground and illegal contexts. In order to analyse the reasons and the morphology of their migratory career, I used the multisituated field research which allowed me to consider the social policies in both the Romanian and the Italian environment. The main debate on the situation of the “unaccompanied children” refers to the extent to which these minors leave their country of origin “accompanied” by different adult figures and it also involves the role played by these adults. The first chapter is dedicated to a brief theoretical and methodological introduction to the main arguments of the thesis such as Romanian migration to Italy, trafficking in human beings, transnationality of migrant’s migration and decentered cooperation as a means of contrasting illegal migration and trafficking. Each field of research is characterized by a specific methodological approach, but they are all linked by the anthropological perspective I adopted throughout the entire work. The Romanian context, analized from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective represents the object of the second chapter. Some aspects of the Regime policies and other characteristics of the Romanian poscomunist period of “transition” are useful frameworks that become a background of the migration flows outside the country. The third chapter focuses on the Romanian patterns of migration. The reconstruction of some past attitudes that Romanians adopted towards migration are relevant in order to reveal the continuity with the present migratory practices. A consistent part is dedicated to a concrete example based on a field research in Bologna on a group of Romanian roma migrating from the south of Romania. The contact with these persons opened a debate on the limits between legal and illegal migration practices among the Romanians. The conclusion is that minors’ migration to Italy follows the adult patterns and flows. The nucleus of the field researches is included in the fourth and the fifth chapter. Before presenting the settings and the itineraries of the field researches, some deconstructive reflections are made on the representations that common sense and social sciences create on concepts as “child”, “minor” and “childhood”. A first perspective on the Romanian migrant minors emerges from a research concentrated on a group of roma teenagers engaged in Bologna in activities like windscreen washing, pocket-picking, begging and street prostitution. The aim of the research was to gain access to their daily life, to observe their relationship with the adults who “accompany” them and the strategies they activate in order to take some material profit out of their migratory experience. A parallel field research focuses on the Romanian minors who are part of the roma group coming from the south of Romania. Most of them are reunited with their family in Bologna, but according to the Italian law, they are all living as illegal migrants. Others are only temporary sheltered by these families and they meanwhile dedicate to illegal survviving practices. An interesting point of my participant observation was to reveal the motivations that these minors give when asked about the refusal to start a legal career inside the local Centres dedicated to the “non accompanied minors”. Their autoreflexivity brings some light on the controversy regarding the adequacy of the local and national care system and the migratory projects the minors have. In this respect, a small part of the research is dedicated to the phenomena of minors’ street prostitution in Bologna, as a useful contribution to the fragmented vision researchers have on the “unaccompanied” or “separated” children. The last chapter focuses on a decentered cooperation project that emerged as an alternative response the local administration from Bologna had chosen for facing the presence of numerous migrants coming from the south of Romania. The group of Romanian roma who was also the object of my field research became the starting point for the cooperation proposals between the city of Bologna and the city of Craiova. Although there are three projects involving the two administrations, throughout a period of stage in the Romanian city of Craiova I chose to analyse, only the one dedicated to the “urgent measures” requested in order to contrast the illegal migration and the trafficking in minors. This final part of the thesis highlightens the possible contribution that such a project might bring to the study of a complex and in some parts contradictory phenomena as that of the “unaccompanied” migrant minors.


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Since the first underground nuclear explosion, carried out in 1958, the analysis of seismic signals generated by these sources has allowed seismologists to refine the travel times of seismic waves through the Earth and to verify the accuracy of the location algorithms (the ground truth for these sources was often known). Long international negotiates have been devoted to limit the proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons. In particular the Treaty for the comprehensive nuclear test ban (CTBT), was opened to signatures in 1996, though, even if it has been signed by 178 States, has not yet entered into force, The Treaty underlines the fundamental role of the seismological observations to verify its compliance, by detecting and locating seismic events, and identifying the nature of their sources. A precise definition of the hypocentral parameters represents the first step to discriminate whether a given seismic event is natural or not. In case that a specific event is retained suspicious by the majority of the State Parties, the Treaty contains provisions for conducting an on-site inspection (OSI) in the area surrounding the epicenter of the event, located through the International Monitoring System (IMS) of the CTBT Organization. An OSI is supposed to include the use of passive seismic techniques in the area of the suspected clandestine underground nuclear test. In fact, high quality seismological systems are thought to be capable to detect and locate very weak aftershocks triggered by underground nuclear explosions in the first days or weeks following the test. This PhD thesis deals with the development of two different seismic location techniques: the first one, known as the double difference joint hypocenter determination (DDJHD) technique, is aimed at locating closely spaced events at a global scale. The locations obtained by this method are characterized by a high relative accuracy, although the absolute location of the whole cluster remains uncertain. We eliminate this problem introducing a priori information: the known location of a selected event. The second technique concerns the reliable estimates of back azimuth and apparent velocity of seismic waves from local events of very low magnitude recorded by a trypartite array at a very local scale. For the two above-mentioned techniques, we have used the crosscorrelation technique among digital waveforms in order to minimize the errors linked with incorrect phase picking. The cross-correlation method relies on the similarity between waveforms of a pair of events at the same station, at the global scale, and on the similarity between waveforms of the same event at two different sensors of the try-partite array, at the local scale. After preliminary tests on the reliability of our location techniques based on simulations, we have applied both methodologies to real seismic events. The DDJHD technique has been applied to a seismic sequence occurred in the Turkey-Iran border region, using the data recorded by the IMS. At the beginning, the algorithm was applied to the differences among the original arrival times of the P phases, so the cross-correlation was not used. We have obtained that the relevant geometrical spreading, noticeable in the standard locations (namely the locations produced by the analysts of the International Data Center (IDC) of the CTBT Organization, assumed as our reference), has been considerably reduced by the application of our technique. This is what we expected, since the methodology has been applied to a sequence of events for which we can suppose a real closeness among the hypocenters, belonging to the same seismic structure. Our results point out the main advantage of this methodology: the systematic errors affecting the arrival times have been removed or at least reduced. The introduction of the cross-correlation has not brought evident improvements to our results: the two sets of locations (without and with the application of the cross-correlation technique) are very similar to each other. This can be commented saying that the use of the crosscorrelation has not substantially improved the precision of the manual pickings. Probably the pickings reported by the IDC are good enough to make the random picking error less important than the systematic error on travel times. As a further justification for the scarce quality of the results given by the cross-correlation, it should be remarked that the events included in our data set don’t have generally a good signal to noise ratio (SNR): the selected sequence is composed of weak events ( magnitude 4 or smaller) and the signals are strongly attenuated because of the large distance between the stations and the hypocentral area. In the local scale, in addition to the cross-correlation, we have performed a signal interpolation in order to improve the time resolution. The algorithm so developed has been applied to the data collected during an experiment carried out in Israel between 1998 and 1999. The results pointed out the following relevant conclusions: a) it is necessary to correlate waveform segments corresponding to the same seismic phases; b) it is not essential to select the exact first arrivals; and c) relevant information can be also obtained from the maximum amplitude wavelet of the waveforms (particularly in bad SNR conditions). Another remarkable point of our procedure is that its application doesn’t demand a long time to process the data, and therefore the user can immediately check the results. During a field survey, such feature will make possible a quasi real-time check allowing the immediate optimization of the array geometry, if so suggested by the results at an early stage.


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The topic of this study is surprise, re gard as an evolutionary complex process, with manifold implication in different fields, from neurological, since aspecific correlate of surprise exist more or less at every level of neuronal processes (e.g. Rao e Ballard, 1999.), to behavioral , inasmuch a s our ability to quickly valuate(assess), recognize and learn from surprising events, are be regarded as pivotal for survival (e.g. Ranganath e Rainer, 2003). In particular this work, going from belief that surprise is really a psychoevolutive mechanism of primary relevance, has the objective to investigate if there may be a substantial connection between development of surprise' emotion and specific developmental problems, or, if in subjects with pervasive developmental disorders surprise may embody (represent) a essential mechanism of emotional tuning, and consequently if abnormalities in such process may be at the base of at least a part of cognitive and behavioural problems that determine (describe) this pathology. Theoretical reasons lead us to conside r this particular pathologic condition, recall to a broad area of research concern the comprehension of belief as marker of ability to reasons about mental states of others (i.e. Theory of Mind), and in addition, at the detection of specific subjects' diff iculty in this field. On the experimental side, as well as limited of this work, we have to compare comprehension and expression of surprise in a sample of 21 children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), with a sample of 35 children without deve lopmental problems, in a range of age 3-12. Method After the customary approach to become friendly with the child, an experimenter and an accomplice showed three boxes of nuts, easily to distinguish one from the other because of their different colours an d , working together with the child, the contents of one of the boxes were replaced and a different material (macaroni, pebbles) was put in the box. for the purpose of preparing a surprise for someone. At this stage, the accomplice excused himself/herself and left and the experimenter suggested to the child that he prepare another surprise, replacing the contents in the second box. When the accomplice came back, the child was asked to prepare a surprise for him by picking out the box that he thought was the right one for the purpose. After, and the child doesn't know it, the accomplice change the content of one of the boxes with candies and asked out to the children to open the box, in order to see if he show surprise. Result Date have obtain a significant difference between autistic and normal group, in all four tests. The expression of surprise too, is present in significantly lower degree in autistic group than in control group. Moreover, autistic children do not provide appropriate metarappresentative explanations. Conclusion Our outcome, with knowledge of the limit of our investigation at an experimental level (low number of the champions, no possibility of video registration to firm the expressions ) orient to consider eventuality that surprise, may be seen as relevant component, or indicative, in autistic spectrum disorders.


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Akt (also called PKB) is a 63 kDa serine/threonine kinase involved in promotion of cell survival, proliferation a nd metabolic responses downstream the phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) signaling pathway. In resting cells, Akt is a predominantly cytosolic enzyme; however generation of PI 3-kinase lipid products recruits Akt to the plasma membrane, resulting in a conformational change which confers full enzymatic activity through the phosphorylation of the membrane-bound protein at two residues, Thr308, and Ser473. Activated Akt redistributes to cytoplasm and nucleus, where phosphorylation of specific substrates occurs. Both the presence and the activity of Akt in the nucleus have been described. An interesting mechanism that mediates nuclear translocation of Akt has been described in human mature T-cell leukemia: the product of TCL1 gene, Tcl1, interacts with the PH domain of phosphorylated Akt, thus driving Akt to the nucleus. In this context, Tcl1 may act as a direct transporter of Akt or may contribute to the formation of a complex that promotes the transport of active Akt to the nucleus, where it can phosphorylate nuclear substrates. A well described nuclear substrate if Foxo. IGF-1 triggers phosphorylation of Foxo by Akt inside the nucleus, where phospho-Foxo associates to 14.3.3 proteins that, in turn, promote its export to the cytoplasm where it is sequestered. Remarkably, Foxo phosphorylation by Akt has been shown to be a crucial event in Akt-dependent myogenesis. However, most Akt nuclear substrates have so far remained elusive, as well as nuclear Akt functions. This lack of information prompted us to undertake a search of substrates of Akt in the nucleus, by the combined use of 2D-separation/mass spectrometry and anti-Akt-phosphosubstrate antibody. This study presents evidence of A-type lamins as novel nuclear substrates of Akt. Lamins are type V intermediate filaments proteins found in the nucleus of higher eukaryotes where, together with lamin-binding proteins, they form the lamina at the nuclear envelope, providing mechanical stability for the nuclear membrane. By coimmunoprecipitation, it is demonstrated here that endogenous lamin A and Akt interact, and that A-type lamins are phosphorylated by Akt both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, by phosphoaminoacid analysis and mutagenesis, it is further demonstrated that Akt phosphorylates lamin A at Ser404, and, more importantly, that while lamin A/C phosphorylation is stable throughout the cell cycle, phosphorylation of the precursor prelamin A becomes detectable as cells enter the G2 phase, picking at G2/M. This study also shows that lamin phosphorylation by Akt creates a binding site for 14.3.3 adaptors which, in turn, promote prelamin A degradation. While this mechanism is in agreement with a general role of Akt in the regulation of a subset of its substrates, opposite to what has been described, degradation is not mediated through a ubiquitination and proteasomal mechanism but through a lysosomal pathway, as indicated by the reverting action of the lysosomal inhibitor cloroquine. Phosphorylation is a key event in the mitotic breakdown of the nuclear lamina. However, the kinases and the precise sites of phosphorylation are scarcely known. Therefore, these results represent an important breakthrough in this very significant but understudied area. The phosphorylation of the precursor protein prelamin A and its subsequent degradation at G2/M, when both the nuclear envelop and the nuclear lamina disassemble, can be view as part of a mechanism to dispose off the precursor that is not needed in this precise context. The recently reported finding that patients affected by Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy carry a mutation at Arg 401, in the Akt phosphorylation motif, open new perspective that warrant further investigation in this very important field.


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The southern Apennines of Italy have been experienced several destructive earthquakes both in historic and recent times. The present day seismicity, characterized by small-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes, was used like a probe to obatin a deeper knowledge of the fault structures where the largest earthquakes occurred in the past. With the aim to infer a three dimensional seismic image both the problem of data quality and the selection of a reliable and robust tomographic inversion strategy have been faced. The data quality has been obtained to develop optimized procedures for the measurements of P- and S-wave arrival times, through the use of polarization filtering and to the application of a refined re-picking technique based on cross-correlation of waveforms. A technique of iterative tomographic inversion, linearized, damped combined with a strategy of multiscale inversion type has been adopted. The retrieved P-wave velocity model indicates the presence of a strong velocity variation along a direction orthogonal to the Apenninic chain. This variation defines two domains which are characterized by a relatively low and high velocity values. From the comparison between the inferred P-wave velocity model with a portion of a structural section available in literature, the high velocity body was correlated with the Apulia carbonatic platforms whereas the low velocity bodies was associated to the basinal deposits. The deduced Vp/Vs ratio shows that the ratio is lower than 1.8 in the shallower part of the model, while for depths ranging between 5 km and 12 km the ratio increases up to 2.1 in correspondence to the area of higher seismicity. This confirms that areas characterized by higher values are more prone to generate earthquakes as a response to the presence of fluids and higher pore-pressures.


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Lo scheletro è un tessuto dinamico, capace di adattarsi alle richieste funzionali grazie a fenomeni di rimodellamento ed alla peculiare proprietà rigenerativa. Tali processi avvengono attraverso l’azione coordinata di osteoclasti ed osteoblasti. Queste popolazioni cellulari cooperano allo scopo di mantenere l’ equilibrio indispensabile per garantire l’omeostasi dello scheletro. La perdita di tale equilibrio può portare ad una diminuzione della massa ossea e, ad una maggiore suscettibilità alle fratture, come avviene nel caso dell’osteoporosi. E’ noto che, nella fisiopatologia dell’osso, un ruolo cruciale è svolto da fattori endocrini e paracrini. Dati recenti suggeriscono che il rimodellamento osseo potrebbe essere influenzato dal sistema nervoso. L’ipotesi è supportata dalla presenza, nelle vicinanze dell’osso, di fibre nervose sensoriali responsabili del rilascio di alcuni neuro peptidi, tra i quali ricordiamo la sostanza P. Inoltre in modelli animali è stato dimostrato il diretto coinvolgimento del sistema nervoso nel mantenimento dell’omeostasi ossea, infatti ratti sottoposti a denervazione hanno mostrato una perdita dell’equilibrio esistente tra osteoblasti ed osteoclasti. Per tali ragioni negli ultimi anni si è andata intensificando la ricerca in questo campo cercando di comprendere il ruolo dei neuropeptidi nel processo di differenziamento dei precursori mesenchimali in senso osteogenico. Le cellule stromali mesenchimali adulte sono indifferenziate multipotenti che risiedono in maniera predominante nel midollo osseo, ma che possono anche essere isolate da tessuto adiposo, cordone ombelicale e polpa dentale. In questi distretti le MSC sono in uno stato non proliferativo fino a quando non sono richieste per processi locali di riparo e rigenerazione tessutale. MSC, opportunamente stimolate, possono differenziare in diversi tipi di tessuto connettivo quali, tessuto osseo, cartilagineo ed adiposo. L’attività di ricerca è stata finalizzata all’ottimizzazione di un protocollo di espansione ex vivo ed alla valutazione dell’influenza della sostanza P, neuropeptide presente a livello delle terminazioni sensoriali nelle vicinanze dell’osso, nel processo di commissionamento osteogenico.