9 resultados para Karolinska Sleepiness Scale performance
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Coordinating activities in a distributed system is an open research topic. Several models have been proposed to achieve this purpose such as message passing, publish/subscribe, workflows or tuple spaces. We have focused on the latter model, trying to overcome some of its disadvantages. In particular we have applied spatial database techniques to tuple spaces in order to increase their performance when handling a large number of tuples. Moreover, we have studied how structured peer to peer approaches can be applied to better distribute tuples on large networks. Using some of these result, we have developed a tuple space implementation for the Globus Toolkit that can be used by Grid applications as a coordination service. The development of such a service has been quite challenging due to the limitations imposed by XML serialization that have heavily influenced its design. Nevertheless, we were able to complete its implementation and use it to implement two different types of test applications: a completely parallelizable one and a plasma simulation that is not completely parallelizable. Using this last application we have compared the performance of our service against MPI. Finally, we have developed and tested a simple workflow in order to show the versatility of our service.
Impairment due to narcolepsy strongly limits job performance, but there are no standard criteria to assess disability in people with narcolepsy and a scale of disease severity is still lacking. We explored: 1. the interobserver reliability among Italian Medical Commissions making disability and handicap benefit decisions for people with narcolepsy, searching for correlations between the recognized disability degree and patients’ features; 2. the willingness to report patients to the driving licence authority; 3. possible sources of variance in judgement. Fifteen narcoleptic patients were examined by four Medical Commissions in simulated sessions. Raw agreement and interobserver reliability among Commissions were calculated for disability and handicap benefit decisions and for driving licence decisions. Levels of judgement differed on percentage of disability (p<0.001), severity of handicap (p=0.0007) and the need to inform the driving licence authority (p=0.032). Interobserver reliability ranged from Kappa = - 0.10 to Kappa = 0.35 for disability benefit decision and from Kappa = - 0.26 to Kappa = 0.36 for handicap benefit decision. The raw agreement on driving licence decision ranged from 73% to 100% (Kappa not calculable). Spearman’s correlation between percentages of disability and patients’ features showed correlations with age, daytime naps, sleepiness, cataplexy and quality of life. This first interobserver reliability study on social benefit decisions for narcolepsy shows the difficulty of reaching an agreement in this field, mainly due to variance in interpretation of the assessment criteria. The minimum set of indicators of disease severity correlating with patients’ self assessments encourages a disability classification of narcolepsy.
The scale down of transistor technology allows microelectronics manufacturers such as Intel and IBM to build always more sophisticated systems on a single microchip. The classical interconnection solutions based on shared buses or direct connections between the modules of the chip are becoming obsolete as they struggle to sustain the increasing tight bandwidth and latency constraints that these systems demand. The most promising solution for the future chip interconnects are the Networks on Chip (NoC). NoCs are network composed by routers and channels used to inter- connect the different components installed on the single microchip. Examples of advanced processors based on NoC interconnects are the IBM Cell processor, composed by eight CPUs that is installed on the Sony Playstation III and the Intel Teraflops pro ject composed by 80 independent (simple) microprocessors. On chip integration is becoming popular not only in the Chip Multi Processor (CMP) research area but also in the wider and more heterogeneous world of Systems on Chip (SoC). SoC comprehend all the electronic devices that surround us such as cell-phones, smart-phones, house embedded systems, automotive systems, set-top boxes etc... SoC manufacturers such as ST Microelectronics , Samsung, Philips and also Universities such as Bologna University, M.I.T., Berkeley and more are all proposing proprietary frameworks based on NoC interconnects. These frameworks help engineers in the switch of design methodology and speed up the development of new NoC-based systems on chip. In this Thesis we propose an introduction of CMP and SoC interconnection networks. Then focusing on SoC systems we propose: • a detailed analysis based on simulation of the Spidergon NoC, a ST Microelectronics solution for SoC interconnects. The Spidergon NoC differs from many classical solutions inherited from the parallel computing world. Here we propose a detailed analysis of this NoC topology and routing algorithms. Furthermore we propose aEqualized a new routing algorithm designed to optimize the use of the resources of the network while also increasing its performance; • a methodology flow based on modified publicly available tools that combined can be used to design, model and analyze any kind of System on Chip; • a detailed analysis of a ST Microelectronics-proprietary transport-level protocol that the author of this Thesis helped developing; • a simulation-based comprehensive comparison of different network interface designs proposed by the author and the researchers at AST lab, in order to integrate shared-memory and message-passing based components on a single System on Chip; • a powerful and flexible solution to address the time closure exception issue in the design of synchronous Networks on Chip. Our solution is based on relay stations repeaters and allows to reduce the power and area demands of NoC interconnects while also reducing its buffer needs; • a solution to simplify the design of the NoC by also increasing their performance and reducing their power and area consumption. We propose to replace complex and slow virtual channel-based routers with multiple and flexible small Multi Plane ones. This solution allows us to reduce the area and power dissipation of any NoC while also increasing its performance especially when the resources are reduced. This Thesis has been written in collaboration with the Advanced System Technology laboratory in Grenoble France, and the Computer Science Department at Columbia University in the city of New York.
Electronic applications are nowadays converging under the umbrella of the cloud computing vision. The future ecosystem of information and communication technology is going to integrate clouds of portable clients and embedded devices exchanging information, through the internet layer, with processing clusters of servers, data-centers and high performance computing systems. Even thus the whole society is waiting to embrace this revolution, there is a backside of the story. Portable devices require battery to work far from the power plugs and their storage capacity does not scale as the increasing power requirement does. At the other end processing clusters, such as data-centers and server farms, are build upon the integration of thousands multiprocessors. For each of them during the last decade the technology scaling has produced a dramatic increase in power density with significant spatial and temporal variability. This leads to power and temperature hot-spots, which may cause non-uniform ageing and accelerated chip failure. Nonetheless all the heat removed from the silicon translates in high cooling costs. Moreover trend in ICT carbon footprint shows that run-time power consumption of the all spectrum of devices accounts for a significant slice of entire world carbon emissions. This thesis work embrace the full ICT ecosystem and dynamic power consumption concerns by describing a set of new and promising system levels resource management techniques to reduce the power consumption and related issues for two corner cases: Mobile Devices and High Performance Computing.
This thesis proposes an integrated holistic approach to the study of neuromuscular fatigue in order to encompass all the causes and all the consequences underlying the phenomenon. Starting from the metabolic processes occurring at the cellular level, the reader is guided toward the physiological changes at the motorneuron and motor unit level and from this to the more general biomechanical alterations. In Chapter 1 a list of the various definitions for fatigue spanning several contexts has been reported. In Chapter 2, the electrophysiological changes in terms of motor unit behavior and descending neural drive to the muscle have been studied extensively as well as the biomechanical adaptations induced. In Chapter 3 a study based on the observation of temporal features extracted from sEMG signals has been reported leading to the need of a more robust and reliable indicator during fatiguing tasks. Therefore, in Chapter 4, a novel bi-dimensional parameter is proposed. The study on sEMG-based indicators opened a scenario also on neurophysiological mechanisms underlying fatigue. For this purpose, in Chapter 5, a protocol designed for the analysis of motor unit-related parameters during prolonged fatiguing contractions is presented. In particular, two methodologies have been applied to multichannel sEMG recordings of isometric contractions of the Tibialis Anterior muscle: the state-of-the-art technique for sEMG decomposition and a coherence analysis on MU spike trains. The importance of a multi-scale approach has been finally highlighted in the context of the evaluation of cycling performance, where fatigue is one of the limiting factors. In particular, the last chapter of this thesis can be considered as a paradigm: physiological, metabolic, environmental, psychological and biomechanical factors influence the performance of a cyclist and only when all of these are kept together in a novel integrative way it is possible to derive a clear model and make correct assessments.
The topic of the Ph.D project focuses on the modelling of the soil-water dynamics inside an instrumented embankment section along Secchia River (Cavezzo (MO)) in the period from 2017 to 2018 and the quantification of the performance of the direct and indirect simulations . The commercial code Hydrus2D by Pc-Progress has been chosen to run the direct simulations. Different soil-hydraulic models have been adopted and compared. The parameters of the different hydraulic models are calibrated using a local optimization method based on the Levenberg - Marquardt algorithm implemented in the Hydrus package. The calibration program is carried out using different types of dataset of observation points, different weighting distributions, different combinations of optimized parameters and different initial sets of parameters. The final goal is an in-depth study of the potentialities and limits of the inverse analysis when applied to a complex geotechnical problem as the case study. The second part of the research focuses on the effects of plant roots and soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction on the spatial and temporal distribution of pore water pressure in soil. The investigated soil belongs to the West Charlestown Bypass embankment, Newcastle, Australia, that showed in the past years shallow instabilities and the use of long stem planting is intended to stabilize the slope. The chosen plant species is the Malaleuca Styphelioides, native of eastern Australia. The research activity included the design and realization of a specific large scale apparatus for laboratory experiments. Local suction measurements at certain intervals of depth and radial distances from the root bulb are recorded within the vegetated soil mass under controlled boundary conditions. The experiments are then reproduced numerically using the commercial code Hydrus 2D. Laboratory data are used to calibrate the RWU parameters and the parameters of the hydraulic model.
Modern scientific discoveries are driven by an unsatisfiable demand for computational resources. High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems are an aggregation of computing power to deliver considerably higher performance than one typical desktop computer can provide, to solve large problems in science, engineering, or business. An HPC room in the datacenter is a complex controlled environment that hosts thousands of computing nodes that consume electrical power in the range of megawatts, which gets completely transformed into heat. Although a datacenter contains sophisticated cooling systems, our studies indicate quantitative evidence of thermal bottlenecks in real-life production workload, showing the presence of significant spatial and temporal thermal and power heterogeneity. Therefore minor thermal issues/anomalies can potentially start a chain of events that leads to an unbalance between the amount of heat generated by the computing nodes and the heat removed by the cooling system originating thermal hazards. Although thermal anomalies are rare events, anomaly detection/prediction in time is vital to avoid IT and facility equipment damage and outage of the datacenter, with severe societal and business losses. For this reason, automated approaches to detect thermal anomalies in datacenters have considerable potential. This thesis analyzed and characterized the power and thermal characteristics of a Tier0 datacenter (CINECA) during production and under abnormal thermal conditions. Then, a Deep Learning (DL)-powered thermal hazard prediction framework is proposed. The proposed models are validated against real thermal hazard events reported for the studied HPC cluster while in production. This thesis is the first empirical study of thermal anomaly detection and prediction techniques of a real large-scale HPC system to the best of my knowledge. For this thesis, I used a large-scale dataset, monitoring data of tens of thousands of sensors for around 24 months with a data collection rate of around 20 seconds.
The accurate representation of the Earth Radiation Budget by General Circulation Models (GCMs) is a fundamental requirement to provide reliable historical and future climate simulations. In this study, we found reasonable agreement between the integrated energy fluxes at the top of the atmosphere simulated by 34 state-of-the-art climate models and the observations provided by the Cloud and Earth Radiant Energy System (CERES) mission on a global scale, but large regional biases have been detected throughout the globe. Furthermore, we highlighted that a good agreement between simulated and observed integrated Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) fluxes may be obtained from the cancellation of opposite-in-sign systematic errors, localized in different spectral ranges. To avoid this and to understand the causes of these biases, we compared the observed Earth emission spectra, measured by the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) in the period 2008-2016, with the synthetic radiances computed on the basis of the atmospheric fields provided by the EC-Earth GCM. To this purpose, the fast σ-IASI radiative transfer model was used, after its validation and implementation in EC-Earth. From the comparison between observed and simulated spectral radiances, a positive temperature bias in the stratosphere and a negative temperature bias in the middle troposphere, as well as a dry bias of the water vapor concentration in the upper troposphere, have been identified in the EC-Earth climate model. The analysis has been performed in clear-sky conditions, but the feasibility of its extension in the presence of clouds, whose impact on the radiation represents the greatest source of uncertainty in climate models, has also been proven. Finally, the analysis of simulated and observed OLR trends indicated good agreement and provided detailed information on the spectral fingerprints of the evolution of the main climate variables.
Continuum parallel robots (CPRs) are manipulators employing multiple flexible beams arranged in parallel and connected to a rigid end-effector. CPRs promise higher payload and accuracy than serial CRs while keeping great flexibility. As the risk of injury during accidental contacts between a human and a CPR should be reduced, CPRs may be used in large-scale collaborative tasks or assisted robotic surgery. There exist various CPR designs, but the prototype conception is rarely based on performance considerations, and the CPRs realization in mainly based on intuitions or rigid-link parallel manipulators architectures. This thesis focuses on the performance analysis of CPRs, and the tools needed for such evaluation, such as workspace computation algorithms. In particular, workspace computation strategies for CPRs are essential for the performance assessment, since the CPRs workspace may be used as a performance index or it can serve for optimal-design tools. Two new workspace computation algorithms are proposed in this manuscript, the former focusing on the workspace volume computation and the certification of its numerical results, while the latter aims at computing the workspace boundary only. Due to the elastic nature of CPRs, a key performance indicator for these robots is the stability of their equilibrium configurations. This thesis proposes the experimental validation of the equilibrium stability assessment on a real prototype, demonstrating limitations of some commonly used assumptions. Additionally, a performance index measuring the distance to instability is originally proposed in this manuscript. Differently from the majority of the existing approaches, the clear advantage of the proposed index is a sound physical meaning; accordingly, the index can be used for a more straightforward performance quantification, and to derive robot specifications.