6 resultados para Interventions in Oral Healthcare

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In the last decades, medical malpractice has been framed as one of the most critical issues for healthcare providers and health policy, holding a central role on both the policy agenda and public debate. The Law and Economics literature has devoted much attention to medical malpractice and to the investigation of the impact of malpractice reforms. Nonetheless, some reforms have been much less empirically studied as in the case of schedules, and their effects remain highly debated. The present work seeks to contribute to the study of medical malpractice and of schedules of noneconomic damages in a civil law country with a public national health system, using Italy as case study. Besides considering schedules and exploiting a quasi-experimental setting, the novelty of our contribution consists in the inclusion of the performance of the judiciary (measured as courts’ civil backlog) in the empirical analysis. The empirical analysis is twofold. First, it investigates how limiting compensations for pain and suffering through schedules impacts on the malpractice insurance market in terms of presence of private insurers and of premiums applied. Second, it examines whether, and to what extent, healthcare providers react to the implementation of this policy in terms of both levels and composition of the medical treatments offered. Our findings show that the introduction of schedules increases the presence of insurers only in inefficient courts, while it does not produce significant effects on paid premiums. Judicial inefficiency is attractive to insurers for average values of schedules penetration of the market, with an increasing positive impact of inefficiency as the territorial coverage of schedules increases. Moreover, the implementation of schedules tends to reduce the use of defensive practices on the part of clinicians, but the magnitude of this impact is ultimately determined by the actual degree of backlog of the court implementing schedules.


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Traditional morphological examinations are not anymore sufficient for a complete evaluation of tumoral tissue and the use of neoplastic markers is of utmost importance. Neoplastic markers can be classified in: diagnostic, prognostic and predictive markers. Three markers were analyzed. 1) Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) was immunohistochemically examined in prostatic tissues: 40 radical prostatectomies from hormonally untreated patients with their preoperative biopsies, 10 radical prostatectomies from patients under complete androgen ablation before surgery and 10 simple prostatectomies from patients with bladder outlet obstruction. Results were compared with α-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR). IGFBP2 was expressed in the cytoplasm of untreated adenocarcinomas and, to a lesser extent, in HG-PIN; the expression was markedly lower in patients after complete androgen ablation. AMACR was similarly expressed in both adenocarcinoma and HG-PIN, the level being similar in both lesions; the expression was slightly lower in patients after complete androgen ablation. IGFBP2 may be used a diagnostic marker of prostatic adenocarcinomas. 2) Heparan surface proteoglycan immunohistochemical expression was examined in 150 oral squamous cell carcinomas. Follow up information was available in 93 patients (range: 6-34 months, mean: 19±7). After surgery, chemotherapy was performed in 8 patients and radiotherapy in 61 patients. Multivariate and univariate overall survival analyses showed that high expression of syndecan-1 (SYN-1) was associated with a poor prognosis. In patients treated with radiotherapy, such association was higher. SYN-1 is a prognostic marker in oral squamous cell carcinomas; it may also represent a predictive factor for responsiveness to radiotherapy. 3) EGFR was studied in 33 pulmonary adenocarcinomas with traditional DNA sequencing methods and with two mutation-specific antibodies. Overall, the two antibodies had 61.1% sensitivity and 100% specificity in detecting EGFR mutations. EGFR mutation-specific antibodies may represent a predictive marker to identify patients candidate to tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy.


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Le patologie di pertinenza odontostomatologica in pazienti adulti istituzionalizzati affetti da disabilità neuropsichiatrica presentano un’alta prevalenza; scopo del presente lavoro è stato la valutazione della prevalenza di carie (DMFT, SIC) e lo stato di igiene orale (OHI-S) in un gruppo di 103 (72 maschi, 31 femmine, età media 51) pazienti degli Istituti del P.O. Corberi e della RSD Beato Papa Giovanni XIII di Limbiate (MB). E’ stato valutata la collaborazione alla visita con la scala di Frankl, si è definito lo stato funzionale del paziente, in base alla Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento, della Disabilità e della Salute (ICF) e si è valutata con un questionario la motivazione degli operatori sanitari a stili di salute orale. Lo studio ha evidenziato un DMFT medio pari a 16,14 e SIC pari a 23,8, valori non correlabili con l'età del soggetto. L’OHI-S medio è pari a 3,46, dato che si presenza correlato con il tempo intercorso dall’ultima visita odontoiatrica. Dal confronto con un gruppo di soggetti sani della stessa età risultano significativamente più elevati i valori della componente (M) e (F) del DMFT e di tutte le componenti dell’OHI-S. Il campione è stato diviso in due gruppi a seconda della loro pregressa collaborazione al trattamento odontoiatrico e sono stati confrontati i dati ricavati dalla checklist ICF. Il gruppo collaborante ha mostrato livelli di funzionalità superiori per quanto riguarda le capacità di osservare, parlare e l’assistenza personale. Dalle risposte del personale socio-sanitario ermerge scarsa informazione sulle tecniche di igiene orale domiciliare quotidiana del paziente assistito. I risultati di questo studio confermano l'alta prevalenza di carie e scarsa igiene orale in soggetti istituzionalizzati con disabilità neuropsichiatrica. L'ICF si è dimostrata una utile guida per la valutazione dell�approccio comportamentale più idoneo in fase di trattamento. Infine, si evidenzia l’importanza di una formazione continua degli operatori socio-sanitari.


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Many factors influence the propensity of young women to seek appropriate maternal healthcare, and they need to be considered when analyzing these women’s reproductive behavior. This study aimed to contribute to the analysis concerning Kenyan young women’s determinants on maternal healthcare-seeking behavior for the 5 years preceding the 2008/9 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey. The specific objectives were to: investigate the individual and contextual variables that may explain maternal healthcare habits; measure the individual, household and community effect on maternal healthcare attitudes in young women; assess the link between young women’s characteristics and the use of facilities for maternal healthcare; find a relationship between young women’s behavior and the community where they live; examine how the role of the local presence of healthcare facilities influences reproductive behavior, and if the specificity of services offered by healthcare facilities affects their inclination to use healthcare facilities, and measure the geographic differences that influence the propensity to seek appropriate maternal healthcare. The analysis of factors associated with maternal healthcare-seeking behavior for young women in Kenya was investigated using multilevel models. We performed three major analyses, which concerned the individual and contextual determinants influencing antenatal care (discussed in Part 6), delivery care (Part 7), and postnatal care (Part 8). Our results show that there is a significant variation in antenatal, delivery and postnatal care between communities, even if the majority of variability is explained by individual characteristics. There are differences at the women’s level on the probability of receiving antenatal care and delivering in a healthcare facility instead of at home. Moreover, community factors and availability of healthcare facilities on the territory are also crucial in influencing young women’s behavior. Therefore, policies addressed to youth’s reproductive health should also consider geographic inequalities and different types of barriers in access to healthcare facilities.


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In this thesis we focus on optimization and simulation techniques applied to solve strategic, tactical and operational problems rising in the healthcare sector. At first we present three applications to Emilia-Romagna Public Health System (SSR) developed in collaboration with Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale dell'Emilia-Romagna (ASSR), a regional center for innovation and improvement in health. Agenzia launched a strategic campaign aimed at introducing Operations Research techniques as decision making tools to support technological and organizational innovations. The three applications focus on forecast and fund allocation of medical specialty positions, breast screening program extension and operating theater planning. The case studies exploit the potential of combinatorial optimization, discrete event simulation and system dynamics techniques to solve resource constrained problem arising within Emilia-Romagna territory. We then present an application in collaboration with Dipartimento di Epidemiologia del Lazio that focuses on population demand of service allocation to regional emergency departments. Finally, a simulation-optimization approach, developed in collaboration with INESC TECH center of Porto, to evaluate matching policies for the kidney exchange problem is discussed.


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The activity carried out during my PhD was principally addressed to the development of portable microfluidic analytical devices based on biospecific molecular recognition reactions and CL detection. In particular, the development of biosensors required the study of different materials and procedures for their construction, with particular attention to the development of suitable immobilization procedures, fluidic systems and the selection of the suitable detectors. Different methods were exploited, such as gene probe hybridization assay or immunoassay, based on different platform (functionalized glass slide or nitrocellulose membrane) trying to improve the simplicity of the assay procedure. Different CL detectors were also employed and compared with each other in the search for the best compromise between portability and sensitivity. The work was therefore aimed at miniaturization and simplification of analytical devices and the study involved all aspects of the system, from the analytical methodology to the type of detector, in order to combine high sensitivity with easiness-of-use and rapidity. The latest development involving the use of smartphone as chemiluminescent detector paves the way for a new generation of analytical devices in the clinical diagnostic field thanks to the ideal combination of sensibility a simplicity of the CL with the day-by-day increase in the performance of the new generation smartphone camera. Moreover, the connectivity and data processing offered by smartphones can be exploited to perform analysis directly at home with simple procedures. The system could eventually be used to monitor patient health and directly notify the physician of the analysis results allowing a decrease in costs and an increase in the healthcare availability and accessibility.