6 resultados para Independent factor analysis

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In this work, we explore and demonstrate the potential for modeling and classification using quantile-based distributions, which are random variables defined by their quantile function. In the first part we formalize a least squares estimation framework for the class of linear quantile functions, leading to unbiased and asymptotically normal estimators. Among the distributions with a linear quantile function, we focus on the flattened generalized logistic distribution (fgld), which offers a wide range of distributional shapes. A novel naïve-Bayes classifier is proposed that utilizes the fgld estimated via least squares, and through simulations and applications, we demonstrate its competitiveness against state-of-the-art alternatives. In the second part we consider the Bayesian estimation of quantile-based distributions. We introduce a factor model with independent latent variables, which are distributed according to the fgld. Similar to the independent factor analysis model, this approach accommodates flexible factor distributions while using fewer parameters. The model is presented within a Bayesian framework, an MCMC algorithm for its estimation is developed, and its effectiveness is illustrated with data coming from the European Social Survey. The third part focuses on depth functions, which extend the concept of quantiles to multivariate data by imposing a center-outward ordering in the multivariate space. We investigate the recently introduced integrated rank-weighted (IRW) depth function, which is based on the distribution of random spherical projections of the multivariate data. This depth function proves to be computationally efficient and to increase its flexibility we propose different methods to explicitly model the projected univariate distributions. Its usefulness is shown in classification tasks: the maximum depth classifier based on the IRW depth is proven to be asymptotically optimal under certain conditions, and classifiers based on the IRW depth are shown to perform well in simulated and real data experiments.


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Running economy (RE), i.e. the oxygen consumption at a given submaximal speed, is an important determinant of endurance running performance. So far, investigators have widely attempted to individuate the factors affecting RE in competitive athletes, focusing mainly on the relationships between RE and running biomechanics. However, the current results are inconsistent and a clear mechanical profile of an economic runner has not been yet established. The present work aimed to better understand how the running technique influences RE in sub-elite middle-distance runners by investigating the biomechanical parameters acting on RE and the underlying mechanisms. Special emphasis was given to accounting for intra-individual variability in RE at different speeds and to assessing track running rather than treadmill running. In Study One, a factor analysis was used to reduce the 30 considered mechanical parameters to few global descriptors of the running mechanics. Then, a biomechanical comparison between economic and non economic runners and a multiple regression analysis (with RE as criterion variable and mechanical indices as independent variables) were performed. It was found that a better RE was associated to higher knee and ankle flexion in the support phase, and that the combination of seven individuated mechanical measures explains ∼72% of the variability in RE. In Study Two, a mathematical model predicting RE a priori from the rate of force production, originally developed and used in the field of comparative biology, was adapted and tested in competitive athletes. The model showed a very good fit (R2=0.86). In conclusion, the results of this dissertation suggest that the very complex interrelationships among the mechanical parameters affecting RE may be successfully dealt with through multivariate statistical analyses and the application of theoretical mathematical models. Thanks to these results, coaches are provided with useful tools to assess the biomechanical profile of their athletes. Thus, individual weaknesses in the running technique may be identified and removed, with the ultimate goal to improve RE.


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Atmospheric aerosol particles directly impact air quality and participate in controlling the climate system. Organic Aerosol (OA) in general accounts for a large fraction (10–90%) of the global submicron (PM1) particulate mass. Chemometric methods for source identification are used in many disciplines, but methods relying on the analysis of NMR datasets are rarely used in atmospheric sciences. This thesis provides an original application of NMR-based chemometric methods to atmospheric OA source apportionment. The method was tested on chemical composition databases obtained from samples collected at different environments in Europe, hence exploring the impact of a great diversity of natural and anthropogenic sources. We focused on sources of water-soluble OA (WSOA), for which NMR analysis provides substantial advantages compared to alternative methods. Different factor analysis techniques are applied independently to NMR datasets from nine field campaigns of the project EUCAARI and allowed the identification of recurrent source contributions to WSOA in European background troposphere: 1) Marine SOA; 2) Aliphatic amines from ground sources (agricultural activities, etc.); 3) Biomass burning POA; 4) Biogenic SOA from terpene oxidation; 5) “Aged” SOAs, including humic-like substances (HULIS); 6) Other factors possibly including contributions from Primary Biological Aerosol Particles, and products of cooking activities. Biomass burning POA accounted for more than 50% of WSOC in winter months. Aged SOA associated with HULIS was predominant (> 75%) during the spring-summer, suggesting that secondary sources and transboundary transport become more important in spring and summer. Complex aerosol measurements carried out, involving several foreign research groups, provided the opportunity to compare source apportionment results obtained by NMR analysis with those provided by more widespread Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometers (AMS) techniques that now provided categorization schemes of OA which are becoming a standard for atmospheric chemists. Results emerging from this thesis partly confirm AMS classification and partly challenge it.


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The evaluation of the farmers’ communities’ approach to the Slow Food vision, their perception of the Slow Food role in supporting their activity and their appreciation and expectations from participating in the event of Mother Earth were studied. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model was adopted in an agro-food sector context. A survey was conducted, 120 questionnaires from farmers attending the Mother Earth in Turin in 2010 were collected. The descriptive statistical analysis showed that both Slow Food membership and participation to Mother Earth Meeting were much appreciated for the support provided to their business and the contribution to a more sustainable and fair development. A positive social, environmental and psychological impact on farmers also resulted. Results showed also an interesting perspective on the possible universality of the Slow Food and Mother Earth values. Farmers declared that Slow Food is supporting them by preserving the biodiversity and orienting them to the use of local resources and reducing the chemical inputs. Many farmers mentioned the language/culture and administration/bureaucratic issues as an obstacle to be a member in the movement and to participate to the event. Participation to Mother Earth gives an opportunity to exchange information with other farmers’ communities and to participate to seminars and debates, helpful for their business development. The absolute majority of positive answers associated to the farmers’ willingness to relate to Slow Food and participate to the next Mother Earth editions negatively influenced the UTAUT model results. A factor analysis showed that the variables associated to the UTAUT model constructs Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy were consistent, able to explain the construct variability, and their measurement reliable. Their inclusion in a simplest Technology Acceptance Model could be considered in future researches.


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The candidate tackled an important issue in contemporary management: the role of CSR and Sustainability. The research proposal focused on a longitudinal and inductive research, directed to specify the evolution of CSR and contribute to the new institutional theory, in particular institutional work framework, and to the relation between institutions and discourse analysis. The documental analysis covers all the evolution of CSR, focusing also on a number of important networks and associations. Some of the methodologies employed in the thesis have been employed as a consequence of data analysis, in a truly inductive research process. The thesis is composed by two section. The first section mainly describes the research process and the analyses results. The candidates employed several research methods: a longitudinal content analysis of documents, a vocabulary research with statistical metrics as cluster analysis and factor analysis, a rhetorical analysis of justifications. The second section puts in relation the analysis results with theoretical frameworks and contributions. The candidate confronted with several frameworks: Actor-Network-Theory, Institutional work and Boundary Work, Institutional Logic. Chapters are focused on different issues: a historical reconstruction of CSR; a reflection about symbolic adoption of recurrent labels; two case studies of Italian networks, in order to confront institutional and boundary works; a theoretical model of institutional change based on contradiction and institutional complexity; the application of the model to CSR and Sustainability, proposing Sustainability as a possible institutional logic.


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Il carcinoma squamoso orale (CSO) è spesso preceduto da lesioni definite potenzialmente maligne tra cui la leucoplachia e il lichen ma una diagnosi precoce avviene ancora oggi in meno della metà dei casi. Inoltre spesso un paziente trattato per CSO svilupperà secondi tumori. Scopo del lavoro di ricerca è stato: 1) Studiare, mediante metodica di next generation sequencing, lo stato di metilazione di un gruppo di geni a partire da prelievi brushing del cavo orale al fine di identificare CSO o lesioni ad alto rischio di trasformazione maligna. 2) Valurare la relazione esistente tra sovraespressione di p16INK4A e presenza di HPV in 35 pazienti affetti da lichen 3) Valutare la presenza di marker istopatologici predittivi di comparsa di seconde manifestazioni tumorali 4) valutare la relazione clonale tra tumore primitivo e metastasi linfonodale in 8 pazienti mediante 2 metodiche di clonalità differenti: l’analisi di mtDNA e delle mutazioni del gene TP53. I risultati hanno mostrato: 1) i geni ZAP70 e GP1BB hanno presentato un alterato stato di metilazione rispettivamente nel 100% e nel 90,9% di CSO e lesioni ad alto rischio, mentre non sono risultati metilati nei controlli sani; ipotizzando un ruolo come potenziali marcatori per la diagnosi precoce nel CSO. 2)Una sovraespressione di p16INK4A è risultata in 26/35 pazienti affetti da lichen ma HPV-DNA è stato identificato in soli 4 campioni. Nessuna relazione sembra essere tra sovraespressione di p16INK4A e virus HPV. 3)L’invasione perineurale è risultato un marker predittivo della comparsa di recidiva locale e metastasi linfonodale, mentre lo stato dei margini chirurgici si è rilevato un fattore predittivo per la comparsa di secondi tumori primitivi 4) Un totale accordo nei risultati c’è stato tra analisi di mtDNA e analisi di TP53 e le due metodiche hanno identificato la presenza di 4 metastasi linfonodali non clonalmente correlate al tumore primitivo.