6 resultados para Inclusion to school environment
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Can space and place foster child development, and in particular social competence and ecological literacy? If yes, how can space and place do that? This study shows that the answer to the first question is positive and then tries to explain the way space and place can make a difference. The thesis begins with the review of literature from different disciplines – child development and child psychology, education, environmental psychology, architecture and landscape architecture. Some bridges among such disciplines are created and in some cases the ideas from the different areas of research merge: thus, this is an interdisciplinary study. The interdisciplinary knowledge from these disciplines is translated into a range of design suggestions that can foster the development of social competence and ecological literacy. Using scientific knowledge from different disciplines is a way of introducing forms of evidence into the development of design criteria. However, the definition of design criteria also has to pass through the study of a series of school buildings and un-built projects: case studies can give a positive contribution to the criteria because examples and good practices can help “translating” the theoretical knowledge into design ideas and illustrations. To do that, the different case studies have to be assessed in relation to the various themes that emerged in the literature review. Finally, research by design can be used to help define the illustrated design criteria: based on all the background knowledge that has been built, the role of the architect is to provide a series of different design solutions that can give answers to the different “questions” emerged in the literature review.
The research examines which cultural and linguistic instruments can be offered to provide adult migrants with formative access to citizenship competences. Starting from the questions: How can individuals of all community groups present in a nation-state acquire high standards of linguistic, sociolinguistic and discourse competences in order to be fully integrated, that is to participate and be included in social activities in the public domain such as work and institutional environments? How are these competencies developed in an educational context? How do adult migrants behave linguistically in this context, according to their needs and motivations? The research hypothesis aimed at outlining a formative project of citizenship education targeted at adult foreign citizens, where a central role is assigned both to law education and linguistic education. Acoordingly, as the study considered if the introduction of a law programme in a second language course could be conceived as an opportunity to further the access to active citizenship and social participation, a corpus of audiodata was collected in law classes of an Italian adult professional course attended by a 50% of foreign students. The observation was conducted on teacher and learner talk and learner participation in classroom interaction when curriculum legal topics were introduced and discussed. In the classroom law discourse two dimensions were analyzed: the legal knowledge construction and the participants’ interpersonal and identity construction. From the analysis, the understanding is that drawn that law classes seem to represent an educational setting where foreign citizens have an opportunity to learn and practise citizenship. The social and pragmatic approach to legal contents plays a relevant role, in a subject which, in non-academic contexts, loses its technical specificity and refers to law as a product of social representation. In the observed educational environment, where students are adults who bring into the classroom multiple personal and social identities, legal topics have the advantage of increasing adult migrants’ motivation to ‘go back to school’ as they are likely to give hints, if not provide solutions, to problems relating to participation in socio-institutional activities. At the same time, these contents offer an ideal context where individuals can acquire high discourse competences and citizenship skills, such as agency and critical reflection. Besides, the analysis reveals that providing adult learners with materials that focus on rights, politics and the law, i.e. with materials which stimulate discussion on concerns affecting their daily lives, is welcomed by learners themselves, who might appreciate the integration of these same topics in a second language course.
Hair cortisol is a novel marker to measure long-term secretion cortisol free from many methodological caveats associated with other matrices such as plasma, saliva, urine, milk and faeces. For decades hair analysis has been successfully used in forensic science and toxicology to evaluate the exposure to exogenous substances and assess endogenous steroid hormones. Evaluation of cortisol in hair matrix began about a decade ago and have over the past five years had a remarkable development by advancing knowledge and affirming this method as a new and efficient way to study the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity over a long time period. In farm animals, certain environmental or management conditions can potentially activate the HPA axis. Given the importance of cortisol in monitoring the HPA axis activity, a first approach has involved the study on the distribution of hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) in healthy dairy cows showing a physiological range of variation of this hormone. Moreover, HCC have been significantly influenced also by changes in environmental conditions and a significant positive correlation was detected between HCC and cows clinically or physiologically compromised suggesting that these cows were subjected to repeated HPA axis activation. Additionally, Crossbreed F1 heifers showed significantly lower HCC compared to pure animals and a breed influence has been seen also on the HPA axis activity stimulated by an environmental change showing thus a higher level of resilience and a better adaptability to the environment of certain genotypes. Hair proved to be an excellent matrix also in the study of the activation of the HPA axis during the perinatal period. The use of hair analysis in research holds great promise to significantly enhance current understanding on the role of HPA axis over a long period of time.
La ricerca si colloca all’interno di un complesso intervento di cooperazione internazionale realizzato in El Salvador tra il 2009 e il 2014. Il Progetto di cooperazione è stato promosso dal Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione dell’Università di Bologna e finanziato dalla Cooperazione Italiana. L’esperienza studiata rappresenta un esempio di promozione dell’inclusione nei sistemi scolastici di Paesi del Sud del mondo e si propone due obiettivi: 1) analizzare il processo di cambiamento della prospettiva di intervento promossa dalla cooperazione internazionale, evidenziando la dimensione educativa che sostiene processi di empowerment e ownership delle istituzioni locali; 2) contribuire al dibattito sull’ “inclusive education”, sostenendo processi di inclusione scolastica e sociale rivolti a tutti coloro che si trovano in situazione di svantaggio psico-fisico e/o socio-culturale. Le politiche locali del Ministero dell’Educazione dal 2009 hanno promosso un modello educativo con l’obiettivo di garantire il diritto all’educazione per tutti nella scuola pubblica. Lo studio costituisce un'indagine di tipo valutativo sul processo di sviluppo della scuola inclusiva in El Salvador, supportato dall’intervento di cooperazione internazionale. La ricerca utilizza in modo integrato strumenti di natura quantitativa (questionari) e qualitativa (interviste). Dai dati raccolti emerge come il processo di cooperazione sia stato caratterizzato dal principio della pari dignità tra esperti internazionali e autorità politiche e tecniche locali. Inoltre, la ricerca ha consentito di verificare come la cultura dell'inclusione si sia radicata in modo diffuso nella percezione della missione della scuola e il suo ruolo tra i protagonisti del sistema scolastico. Alla luce dei risultati, appare fondamentale continuare a investire sulla formazione tecnica delle figure chiave del sistema educativo; facilitare il processo di inclusione dei disabili nelle scuole regolari con una parallela trasformazione delle scuole speciali in centri di supporto all’integrazione; promuovere una sinergia di azione formativa tra il ministero, mondo accademico e della formazione professionale.
La ricerca, di carattere esplorativo, prende spunto dal dibattito internazionale, sviluppatosi sul finire dello scorso secolo, sulla necessità di innovare il sistema educativo, in ottica di lifelong-learning, e favorire l’acquisizione delle competenze richieste nel XXI secolo. Le diverse indicazioni sollecitano una scuola intesa come Civic-center in grado di riconoscere gli apprendimenti extra-scolastici, con spazi di apprendimento innovativi funzionali a didattiche learner-centred. A circa trent’anni dalla Dichiarazione di Salamanca riteniamo necessario interrogarsi se queste innovazioni garantiscano l’inclusione e il successo formativo di tutti. La ricerca si articola in quattro studi di caso relativi a due scuole secondarie di secondo grado innovative italiane e due finlandesi. Si propone di comprendere sulla base delle percezioni di studenti, insegnanti, dirigenti se tale modello di scuola favorisca anche l’inclusione e il benessere di tutti gli studenti. Dall’analisi dei risultati sembra che, secondo le percezioni di coloro che hanno partecipato alla ricerca, le scuole siano riuscite a far coesistere innovazione e inclusione. In particolare, l’utilizzo di spazi di apprendimento innovativi e didattiche learner-centred all’interno di una scuola aperta al territorio in grado di riconoscere le competenze extra-scolastiche, sembrano favorire effettivamente l’inclusione di tutti gli studenti. Nonostante gli aspetti innovativi, restano tuttavia presenti all’interno delle scuole analizzate ancora diverse criticità che non consentono una piena inclusione for all
Coastal ecosystems represent an inestimable source of biodiversity, being among the most productive areas on the planet. Despite the great ecological and economic value of those environments, many threats endanger the species living in this ecosystem, like the rapid warming and the sea acidification, among many other. Benthic calcifying organisms (e.g. mollusks, corals and echinoderms) in particular, are among the most exposed to those hazards. These organisms use calcium carbonate as a structural and protective material through the biomineralization process, biologically controlled by the organism, but nevertheless, strongly influenced by the environmental surroundings. Evaluating how a changing environment can influence the process of biomineralization is critical to understand how those species of great ecological and economic importance will face the ongoing climate change. This thesis investigates the mechanism of biomineralization in different mollusks’ species of the Adriatic Sea, providing detailed descriptions of shells skeletal, biometric and growth parameters. Applying a multidisciplinary and multi-scale research approach, the influence of external environmental factors on the process of shell formation has been investigated. To achieve this purpose analysis were conducted both on current populations and on fossil remain, which allows to investigate ecological responses to past climate transitions. Mollusks’ shells in fact are one of the best tools to understand climate change in the past, present and future, since they record the environmental conditions prevailed during their life, reflected on the geochemical properties, microstructure and growth of the shell. This approach allowed to overcome the time scale limit imposed by field and laboratory survey, and better understand species long term adaptive response to changing environment, a crucial issue to define proper conservation and management strategies. Furthermore, the investigation of fossil record of mollusks assemblages offered the opportunity to evaluate the long-term biotic response to anthropogenic stressors in the north Adriatic Sea.