9 resultados para Idols and images -- TFC

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The subject of the present thesis is about the enhancement of orbiter spacecraft navigation capabilities obtained by the standard radiometric link, taking advantage of an imaging payload and making use of a novel definition of optical measurements. An ESA Mission to Mercury called BepiColombo, was selected as a reference case for this study, and in particular its Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), because of the presence of SIMBIO-SYS, an instrument suite part of the MPO payload, capable of acquiring high resolution images of the surface of Mercury. The use of optical measurements for navigation, can provide complementary informations with respect to Doppler, for enhanced performances or a relaxation of the radio tracking requisites in term of ground station schedule. Classical optical techniques based on centroids, limbs or landmarks, were the base to a novel idea for optical navigation, inspired by concepts of stereoscopic vision. In brief, the relation between two overlapped images acquired by a nadir pointed orbiter spacecraft at different times, was defined, and this information was then formulated into an optical measurement, to be processed by a navigation filter. The formulation of this novel optical observable is presented, moreover the analysis of the possible impact on the mission budget and images scheduling is addressed. Simulations are conducted using an orbit determination software already in use for spacecraft navigation in which the proposed optical measurements were implemented and the final results are given.


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The thesis reconstructs the cinema’s experience of Italian missionaries during the XX century in a historical-pragmatic key. Italian missionaries, who started producing movies around the Twenties, have used cinema as a helpful instrument for religious propaganda. They have considered the rules of the Catholic Church, the political and social context and the audience’s expectations. Each chapter (1-4) analyses the phenomenon inside the context constituted by the Italian colonial experiences, the relationship between Catholic Church and images during the Evangelization, the history of cinema and the history of missions. A specific chapter (chapter 5) is dedicated to the archives of missionary’s cinema and to the value to be assigned to this film production (in terms of social memory and archive’s memory). At the end of the first part, the thesis presents a proposal about the relationship between missionary’s cinema and visual anthropology. The second part of the thesis includes the film cards of the missionary’s movies preserved in Italy: 339 cards of Italian movies and 149 cards of foreign movies placed in different archives and bureaus.


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Il presente studio si propone come una rilettura del profilo drammaturgico e teatrale di Sarah Kane a partire dalla ricostruzione e integrazione dei dati biografici e delle interazioni artistiche e personali dell’autrice. Lo studio si articola in due sezioni: in un primo momento esso inquadra contestualmente la drammaturgia inglese del secondo dopoguerra, origine della prima generazione dei Giovani Arrabbiati e sostrato della trasformazione teatrale britannica degli anni Novanta. La seconda sezione, invece, si articola come un’indagine biografica della vita della Kane scandita da documenti e immagini inediti. Tali immagini restituiscono una preziosa testimonianza dei primi spettacoli giovanili, delle prime regie e del percorso professionale maturo della drammaturga/regista, oltre a far luce sulla sua vita personale e famigliare e sugli influssi della stessa sul suo teatro. Inoltre, lo studio approfondito delle vicende biografiche dell’autrice ridisegna le caratteristiche fondanti dell'universo teatrale britannico comprendendo il valore che hanno: i teatri, la critica giornalistica e le strutture universitarie, per la configurazione del sistema teatrale.


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La percezione dello spazio urbano, nella sua complessità, risente inevitabilmente dello stratificarsi, nel tempo, di significati storici, ideologie, archetipi e utopie attraverso i quali la società, nei suoi diversi stadi di sviluppo, ha consolidato l'idea di centro abitato. Nel mondo contemporaneo, la città narrata si sovrappone sempre di più a quella reale, organizzando e sintetizzando i processi interpretativi dei circuiti urbani: al cityscape, il panorama fisico della città, si antepone il suo mindscape, il panorama dell'anima e delle culture urbane. In sintonia con tali prospettive, la presente ricerca si propone di analizzare i processi comunicativi e i paradigmi mediatici che attraversano e ridefiniscono le dinamiche urbane, prendendo in esame gli strumenti e i linguaggi che concorrono a disegnare e raccontare l'immagine di una città. In tale contesto, il progetto prende in considerazione come case study la singolare situazione del distretto universitario intorno a via Zamboni a Bologna: un'arteria di straordinaria bellezza e vitalità, cui tuttavia non corrisponde un'immagine pubblica altrettanto positiva. La tesi ha analizzato in particolare l’immagine pubblica e la percezione di via Zamboni e di piazza Verdi dai primi del Novecento a oggi, in relazione ai principali eventi che le hanno viste come scenari privilegiati. Prendendo in considerazione un arco di tempo di oltre un secolo, sono stati selezionati alcuni momenti topici, occasioni culturali o accadimenti con una forte connotazione simbolica: dalla Liberazione alle manifestazioni del ’77, dalle storiche ‘prime’ del Teatro Comunale agli allestimenti della Pinacoteca, dalle lezioni di professori universitari di chiara fama alle più recenti contestazioni studentesche. Il risultato è un racconto stratificato che attraversa segni e immagini per ricostruire l’iconografia del quartiere attraverso testi, fotografie, filmati, opere d’arte o prodotti multimediali.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi, inscritto in un’ottica pedagogica interdisciplinare che si sviluppa attraverso il paradigma indiziario, si propone di svolgere una riflessione attorno alla «parola poetica» nell’ottica di un’educazione estetica dell’infanzia che passi anche dalla scoperta di un linguaggio polisemico, metaforico, complesso, lieve quale quello poetico. Concetti quali la marginalità e l’alterità del dire poetico e della figura stessa del poeta, che dà voce al momento liminale della communitas, si fanno rivelatori di quella che si mostra come vera e propria “parola magica” capace di dare senso, nel mito e nel rito che costantemente lo rigenera, all’esperienza umana. La ricerca prende quindi in esame alcuni momenti paradigmatici, nella storia dell’immaginario e nella riflessione letteraria occidentale, che hanno favorito l’incontro fra poesia e infanzia nel terreno di una parola che dà voce alla liminalità: da Rousseau a Pascoli, da Baudelaire a Stevenson, numerosi sono gli autori che conducono la riflessione fino a quel territorio di soglia proficuamente spaesante che è la poesia «autentica» per l’infanzia contemporanea. In particolare, questa ricerca prende in esame la collana di poesia della casa editrice Topipittori significativamente denominata “Parola magica”. Ventidue titoli, riconducibili alle due tipologie testuali che C. Boutevin definisce «raccolta di poesie illustrata» e «albo-poesia», permettono un affondo nella poesia contemporanea per l’infanzia, che esprime in questa collana la propria dimensione di soglia: l’interdipendenza fra parola e immagine e la diffusa presenza di «tracce di fiaba» ne sono i principali indizi analizzati in questo lavoro.


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Machine (and deep) learning technologies are more and more present in several fields. It is undeniable that many aspects of our society are empowered by such technologies: web searches, content filtering on social networks, recommendations on e-commerce websites, mobile applications, etc., in addition to academic research. Moreover, mobile devices and internet sites, e.g., social networks, support the collection and sharing of information in real time. The pervasive deployment of the aforementioned technological instruments, both hardware and software, has led to the production of huge amounts of data. Such data has become more and more unmanageable, posing challenges to conventional computing platforms, and paving the way to the development and widespread use of the machine and deep learning. Nevertheless, machine learning is not only a technology. Given a task, machine learning is a way of proceeding (a way of thinking), and as such can be approached from different perspectives (points of view). This, in particular, will be the focus of this research. The entire work concentrates on machine learning, starting from different sources of data, e.g., signals and images, applied to different domains, e.g., Sport Science and Social History, and analyzed from different perspectives: from a non-data scientist point of view through tools and platforms; setting a problem stage from scratch; implementing an effective application for classification tasks; improving user interface experience through Data Visualization and eXtended Reality. In essence, not only in a quantitative task, not only in a scientific environment, and not only from a data-scientist perspective, machine (and deep) learning can do the difference.


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Myocardial perfusion quantification by means of Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance images relies on time consuming frame-by-frame manual tracing of regions of interest. In this Thesis, a novel automated technique for myocardial segmentation and non-rigid registration as a basis for perfusion quantification is presented. The proposed technique is based on three steps: reference frame selection, myocardial segmentation and non-rigid registration. In the first step, the reference frame in which both endo- and epicardial segmentation will be performed is chosen. Endocardial segmentation is achieved by means of a statistical region-based level-set technique followed by a curvature-based regularization motion. Epicardial segmentation is achieved by means of an edge-based level-set technique followed again by a regularization motion. To take into account the changes in position, size and shape of myocardium throughout the sequence due to out of plane respiratory motion, a non-rigid registration algorithm is required. The proposed non-rigid registration scheme consists in a novel multiscale extension of the normalized cross-correlation algorithm in combination with level-set methods. The myocardium is then divided into standard segments. Contrast enhancement curves are computed measuring the mean pixel intensity of each segment over time, and perfusion indices are extracted from each curve. The overall approach has been tested on synthetic and real datasets. For validation purposes, the sequences have been manually traced by an experienced interpreter, and contrast enhancement curves as well as perfusion indices have been computed. Comparisons between automatically extracted and manually obtained contours and enhancement curves showed high inter-technique agreement. Comparisons of perfusion indices computed using both approaches against quantitative coronary angiography and visual interpretation demonstrated that the two technique have similar diagnostic accuracy. In conclusion, the proposed technique allows fast, automated and accurate measurement of intra-myocardial contrast dynamics, and may thus address the strong clinical need for quantitative evaluation of myocardial perfusion.


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This dissertation adopts a multidisciplinary approach to investigate graphical and formal features of Cretan Hieroglyphic and Linear A. Drawing on theories which understand inscribed artefacts as an interplay of materials, iconography, and texts, I combine archaeological and philological considerations with statistical and experimental observations. The work is formulated on three key-questions. The first deals with the origins of Cretan Hieroglyphic. After providing a fresh view on Prepalatial seals chronology, I identify a number of forerunners of Hieroglyphic signs in iconographic motifs attested among the Prepalatial glyptic and material culture. I further identified a specific style-group, i.e., the ‘Border and Leaf Complex’, as the decisive step towards the emergence of the Hieroglyphic graphic repertoire. The second deals with the interweaving of formal, iconographical, and epigraphic features of Hieroglyphic seals with the sequences they bear and the contexts of their usage. By means of two Correspondence Analyses, I showed that the iconography on seals in some materials and shapes is closer to Cretan Hieroglyphics, than that on the other ones. Through two Social Network Analyses, I showed that Hieroglyphic impressions, especially at Knossos, follow a precise sealing pattern due to their shapes and sequences. Furthermore, prisms with a high number of inscribed faces adhere to formal features of jasper ones. Finally, through experimental engravings, I showed differences in cutting rates among materials, as well as the efficiency of abrasives and tools unearthed within the Quartier Mu. The third question concerns overlaps in chronology, findspots and signaries between Cretan Hieroglyphic and Linear A. I discussed all possible earliest instances of both scripts and argued for some items datable to the MM I-IIA period. I further provide an insight into the Hieroglyphic-Linear A dubitanda and criteria for their interpretation. Finally, I suggest four different patterns in the creation and diversification of the two signaries.