47 resultados para IT governance structures
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The present work tries to display a comprehensive and comparative study of the different legal and regulatory problems involved in international securitization transactions. First, an introduction to securitization is provided, with the basic elements of the transaction, followed by the different varieties of it, including dynamic securitization and synthetic securitization structures. Together with this introduction to the intricacies of the structure, a insight into the influence of securitization in the financial and economic crisis of 2007-2009 is provided too; as well as an overview of the process of regulatory competition and cooperation that constitutes the framework for the international aspects of securitization. The next Chapter focuses on the aspects that constitute the foundations of structured finance: the inception of the vehicle, and the transfer of risks associated to the securitized assets, with particular emphasis on the validity of those elements, and how a securitization transaction could be threatened at its root. In this sense, special importance is given to the validity of the trust as an instrument of finance, to the assignment of future receivables or receivables in block, and to the importance of formalities for the validity of corporations, trusts, assignments, etc., and the interaction of such formalities contained in general corporate, trust and assignment law with those contemplated under specific securitization regulations. Then, the next Chapter (III) focuses on creditor protection aspects. As such, we provide some insights on the debate on the capital structure of the firm, and its inadequacy to assess the financial soundness problems inherent to securitization. Then, we proceed to analyze the importance of rules on creditor protection in the context of securitization. The corollary is in the rules in case of insolvency. In this sense, we divide the cases where a party involved in the transaction goes bankrupt, from those where the transaction itself collapses. Finally, we focus on the scenario where a substance over form analysis may compromise some of the elements of the structure (notably the limited liability of the sponsor, and/or the transfer of assets) by means of veil piercing, substantive consolidation, or recharacterization theories. Once these elements have been covered, the next Chapters focus on the regulatory aspects involved in the transaction. Chapter IV is more referred to “market” regulations, i.e. those concerned with information disclosure and other rules (appointment of the indenture trustee, and elaboration of a rating by a rating agency) concerning the offering of asset-backed securities to the public. Chapter V, on the other hand, focuses on “prudential” regulation of the entity entrusted with securitizing assets (the so-called Special Purpose vehicle), and other entities involved in the process. Regarding the SPV, a reference is made to licensing requirements, restriction of activities and governance structures to prevent abuses. Regarding the sponsor of the transaction, a focus is made on provisions on sound originating practices, and the servicing function. Finally, we study accounting and banking regulations, including the Basel I and Basel II Frameworks, which determine the consolidation of the SPV, and the de-recognition of the securitized asset from the originating company’s balance-sheet, as well as the posterior treatment of those assets, in particular by banks. Chapters VI-IX are concerned with liability matters. Chapter VI is an introduction to the different sources of liability. Chapter VII focuses on the liability by the SPV and its management for the information supplied to investors, the management of the asset pool, and the breach of loyalty (or fiduciary) duties. Chapter VIII rather refers to the liability of the originator as a result of such information and statements, but also as a result of inadequate and reckless originating or servicing practices. Chapter IX finally focuses on third parties entrusted with the soundness of the transaction towards the market, the so-called gatekeepers. In this respect, we make special emphasis on the liability of indenture trustees, underwriters and rating agencies. Chapters X and XI focus on the international aspects of securitization. Chapter X contains a conflicts of laws analysis of the different aspects of structured finance. In this respect, a study is made of the laws applicable to the vehicle, to the transfer of risks (either by assignment or by means of derivatives contracts), to liability issues; and a study is also made of the competent jurisdiction (and applicable law) in bankruptcy cases; as well as in cases where a substance-over-form is performed. Then, special attention is also devoted to the role of financial and securities regulations; as well as to their territorial limits, and extraterritoriality problems involved. Chapter XI supplements the prior Chapter, for it analyzes the limits to the States’ exercise of regulatory power by the personal and “market” freedoms included in the US Constitution or the EU Treaties. A reference is also made to the (still insufficient) rules from the WTO Framework, and their significance to the States’ recognition and regulation of securitization transactions.
The recent default of important Italian agri-business companies provides a challenging issue to be investigated through an appropriate scientific approach. The events involving CIRIO, FERRUZZI or PARMALAT rise an important research question: what are the determinants of performance for Italian companies in the Italian agri – food sector? My aim is not to investigate all the factors that are relevant in explaining performance. Performance depends on a wide set of political, social, economic variables that are strongly interconnected and that are often very difficult to express by formal or mathematical tools. Rather, in my thesis I mainly focus on those aspects that are strictly related to the governance and ownership structure of agri – food companies representing a strand of research that has been quite neglected by previous scholars. The conceptual framework from which I move to justify the existence of a relationship between the ownership structure of a company, governance and performance is the model set up by Airoldi and Zattoni (2005). In particular the authors investigate the existence of complex relationships arising within the company and between the company and the environment that can bring different strategies and performances. They do not try to find the “best” ownership structure, rather they outline what variables are connected and how they could vary endogenously within the whole economic system. In spite of the fact that the Airoldi and Zattoni’s model highlights the existence of a relationship between ownership and structure that is crucial for the set up of the thesis the authors fail to apply quantitative analyses in order to verify the magnitude, sign and the causal direction of the impact. In order to fill this gap we start from the literature trying to investigate the determinants of performance. Even in this strand of research studies analysing the relationship between different forms of ownership and performance are still lacking. In this thesis, after a brief description of the Italian agri – food sector and after an introduction including a short explanation of the definitions of performance and ownership structure, I implement a model in which the performance level (interpreted here as Return on Investments and Return on Sales) is related to variables that have been previously identified by the literature as important such as the financial variables (cash and leverage indices), the firm location (North Italy, Centre Italy, South Italy), the power concentration (lower than 25%, between 25% and 50% and between 50% and 100% of ownership control) and the specific agri – food sector (agriculture, food and beverage). Moreover we add a categorical variable representing different forms of ownership structure (public limited company, limited liability company, cooperative) that is the core of our study. All those variables are fully analysed by a preliminary descriptive analysis. As in many previous contributions we apply a panel least squares analysis for 199 Italian firms in the period 1998 – 2007 with data taken from the Bureau Van Dijck Dataset. We apply two different models in which the dependant variables are respectively the Return on Investments (ROI) and the Return on Sales (ROS) indicators. Not surprisingly we find that companies located in the North Italy representing the richest area in Italy perform better than the ones located in the Centre and South of Italy. In contrast with the Modigliani - Miller theorem financial variables could be significant and the specific sector within the agri – food market could play a relevant role. As the power concentration, we find that a strong property control (higher than 50%) or a fragmented concentration (lower than 25%) perform better. This result apparently could suggest that “hybrid” forms of concentrations could create bad functioning in the decision process. As our key variables representing the ownership structure we find that public limited companies and limited liability companies perform better than cooperatives. This is easily explainable by the fact that law establishes that cooperatives are less profit – oriented. Beyond cooperatives public limited companies perform better than limited liability companies and show a more stable path over time. Results are quite consistent when we consider both ROI and ROS as dependant variables. These results should not lead us to claim that public limited company is the “best” among all possible governance structures. First, every governance solution should be considered according to specific situations. Second more robustness analyses are needed to confirm our results. At this stage we deem these findings, the model set up and our approach represent original contributions that could stimulate fruitful future studies aimed at investigating the intriguing issue concerning the effect of ownership structure on the performance levels.
L’elaborato costituisce la fase di approfondimento conclusivo del lavoro scientifico svolto negli anni precedenti. In quest’ottica, a circa tre anni dalla sua entrata in vigore, esso risulta prevalentemente incentrato sull’analisi delle principali innovazioni imposte dalla legge 30 dicembre 2010, n . 240, recante "Norme in materia di organizzazione delle università, di personale accademico e reclutamento, nonché delega al Governo per incentivare la qualità e l'efficienza del sistema universitario", nel tentativo di individuare quali soluzioni ,più o meno differenziate in base alle specificità delle diverse realtà, gli atenei italiani abbiano prefigurato mediante la revisione dei propri statuti, organi e strutture, al fine di rispettare ed attuare il dettato legislativo e non comprimere i propri spazi di autonomia. Contemporaneamente, esso approfondisce l’orientamento della giurisprudenza amministrativa in materia, la quale proprio nel corso di quest’anno ha avuto più di un’occasione di pronunciarsi in merito, per effetto dell’impugnazione ministeriale di molti dei nuovi statuti di autonomia. Infine, non viene tralasciata l’analisi dei profili e aspetti del sistema universitario italiano non intaccati dal cambiamento, ai fini del loro coordinamento con quelli riformati, cercando di percorrere parallelamente più strade: dalla ricognizione e lo studio dei più autorevoli contributi che la dottrina ha recentemente elaborato in materia, all’inquadramento delle scelte effettuate in sede di attuazione dai singoli atenei, anche alla luce dei decreti applicativi emanati. Il tutto al fine di individuare, anche grazie a studi di tipo comparato, con particolare riferimento all’ordinamento spagnolo, nuove soluzioni per il sistema universitario che, senza la pretesa di giungere a percorsi di cambiamento validamente applicabili per tutti gli atenei, possano risultare utili alla definizione di principi e modelli base, nel pieno rispetto del dettato costituzionale e dei parametri individuati a livello europeo con il processo di Bologna e la strategia di Lisbona.
In the last few years, a steadily increasing number of Latin American countries have been adopting policy assessment instruments and new governance structures for them, as part of their policymaking process. Even though the literature argues that these instruments serve, among other things, as tools for accountability, for this to be so, it is necessary to take into account the legal system, decision-making process, and regulatory relationships that exist in the adopting countries. This Thesis researches the policy assessment arrangements adopted and implemented in the Latin American region to understand why are these countries adopting and implementing tools for policy evaluation? Can this contribute towards regulatory accountability, and if so, in which conditions? The Thesis first analyzes the rationales that these countries might have to adopt these regulatory policy arrangements. It then studies the various tools used for policy assessment, paying attention to the scope of the assessments, the times and the stages on which regulations are assessed, referred to as the Policy Evaluation Cycle (PEC), as well as to the governance of these processes. The Thesis develops a framework where each of these components are organized and classified based on which goals or rationales they serve. This can assist countries on deciding how to implement their policy evaluation arrangements, to serve their own goals. Since all of the studied countries have presidential systems, this Thesis studies how regulations are made in this system, and the multiple needed delegations for policymaking, which results in various regulatory relationships. Thus, the desired accountability of policymakers towards their different forums makes relevant the adoption this agenda for regulatory accountability reasons. Bringing to together the literatures on public law, accountability and policy evaluation, this Thesis builds a framework for assessing the contribution towards accountability that each stage of the PEC might have in a specific regulatory relationship. The framework shows to which degree the stages, and the cycle as a whole, contribute towards accountability in specific relationships of a presidential constitutional system. The results evidence that even when a policy assessment structure might contribute towards accountability, this contribution is not absolute as it only operates in specific regulatory relationships, and even more, only in some stages of the PEC contributing at different degrees. This framework can be used by governments or regulatory agencies as an instrument to assess the contribution to accountability of their existing or potential regulatory policy structures in order to improve it.
Kafir Kala is a key-site to understand the historical dynamics of the Samarkand Region in the Early Middle Ages (5th - 8th centuries CE). The site is clearly associated with a Sogdian occupation, as both literature and archaeological research testify. But the chronological phase that follows the Sogdian period, as the Islamic occupation became stable, is still little known. Structures and finds (an hoard of 133 silver coins, in particular) clearly testify a new occupation of some parts of the citadel; and some rooms, dug in the northern side of it, present structures and materials connected with an Islamic activity. The study of material culture from these rooms, and from more ancient contexts, will help to understand the eventual continuity of traditions and the new productions. Besides the citadel, as a matter of fact, also some kilns have been dug, near the main site. Their material culture is very interesting because it represents an example of the typical Sogdian production (ceramics covered with white mica, and stamped). The work on the ceramic material has consisted in cataloguing and classifying all the diagnostics. Three main morphological classes have been individuated: cooking, coarse and table ware), and some other ones (lamps, ossuaries). A catalogue of the finds organized them in a typological system based on their morphology, function, fabric, and eventually decoration style. Crossing the stratigraphical data with information from this typological study, it has been possible to provide a chronological arrangement of the sites investigated by the italo-uzbek archaeological mission from 2001 to 2008.
In un contesto dominato da invecchiamento della popolazione, prevalenza della cronicità e presenza crescente di pazienti multiproblematici e non autosufficienti è indispensabile spostare il baricentro delle cure dall'acuzie alla cronicità, e quindi assicurare la continuità e la coerenza fra i diversi setting di cura, sia sanitari che socio-sanitari (ospedale, servizi sanitari territoriali, domicilio, strutture residenziali di Long term care). Dall'analisi della letteratura emerge che il maggiore ostacolo a realizzare questa continuità è rappresentato dalla presenza, caratteristica del sistema di welfare italiano, di molteplici attori e strutture con competenze, obiettivi e funzioni diverse e separate, e la raccomandazione di lavorare per l'integrazione contemporaneamente su più livelli: - normativo-istituzionale - programmatorio - professionale e gestionale Il sistema della "governance" realizzato in Emilia-Romagna per l'integrazione socio-sanitaria è stato valutato alla luce di queste raccomandazioni, seguendo il modello della Realist evaluation per i Social complex interventions: enucleando le "teorie" alla base dell'intervento ed analizzando i diversi step della sua implementazione. Alla luce di questa valutazione, il modello della "governance" è risultato coerente con le indicazioni delle linee guida, ed effettivamente capace di produrre risultati al fine della continuità e della coerenza fra cure sanitarie e assistenza sociale e sanitaria complessa. Resta da realizzare una valutazione complessiva dell'impatto su efficacia, costi e soddisfazione dei pazienti.
Governance territoriale e difesa dell'ambiente per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Alcuni casi a confronto
High-frequency seismograms contain features that reflect the random inhomogeneities of the earth. In this work I use an imaging method to locate the high contrast small- scale heterogeneity respect to the background earth medium. This method was first introduced by Nishigami (1991) and than applied to different volcanic and tectonically active areas (Nishigami, 1997, Nishigami, 2000, Nishigami, 2006). The scattering imaging method is applied to two volcanic areas: Campi Flegrei and Mt. Vesuvius. Volcanic and seismological active areas are often characterized by complex velocity structures, due to the presence of rocks with different elastic properties. I introduce some modifications to the original method in order to make it suitable for small and highly complex media. In particular, for very complex media the single scattering approximation assumed by Nishigami (1991) is not applicable as the mean free path becomes short. The multiple scattering or diffusive approximation become closer to the reality. In this thesis, differently from the ordinary Nishigami’s method (Nishigami, 1991), I use the mean of the recorded coda envelope as reference curve and calculate the variations from this average envelope. In this way I implicitly do not assume any particular scattering regime for the "average" scattered radiation, whereas I consider the variations as due to waves that are singularly scattered from the strongest heterogeneities. The imaging method is applied to a relatively small area (20 x 20 km), this choice being justified by the small length of the analyzed codas of the low magnitude earthquakes. I apply the unmodified Nishigami’s method to the volcanic area of Campi Flegrei and compare the results with the other tomographies done in the same area. The scattering images, obtained with frequency waves around 18 Hz, show the presence of high scatterers in correspondence with the submerged caldera rim in the southern part of the Pozzuoli bay. Strong scattering is also found below the Solfatara crater, characterized by the presence of densely fractured, fluid-filled rocks and by a strong thermal anomaly. The modified Nishigami’s technique is applied to the Mt. Vesuvius area. Results show a low scattering area just below the central cone and a high scattering area around it. The high scattering zone seems to be due to the contrast between the high rigidity body located beneath the crater and the low rigidity materials located around it. The central low scattering area overlaps the hydrothermal reservoirs located below the central cone. An interpretation of the results in terms of geological properties of the medium is also supplied, aiming to find a correspondence of the scattering properties and the geological nature of the material. A complementary result reported in this thesis is that the strong heterogeneity of the volcanic medium create a phenomenon called "coda localization". It has been verified that the shape of the seismograms recorded from the stations located at the top of the volcanic edifice of Mt. Vesuvius is different from the shape of the seismograms recorded at the bottom. This behavior is justified by the consideration that the coda energy is not uniformly distributed within a region surrounding the source for great lapse time.
La ricerca si propone di definire le linee guida per la stesura di un Piano che si occupi di qualità della vita e di benessere. Il richiamo alla qualità e al benessere è positivamente innovativo, in quanto impone agli organi decisionali di sintonizzarsi con la soggettività attiva dei cittadini e, contemporaneamente, rende evidente la necessità di un approccio più ampio e trasversale al tema della città e di una più stretta relazione dei tecnici/esperti con i responsabili degli organismi politicoamministrativi. La ricerca vuole indagare i limiti dell’urbanistica moderna di fronte alla complessità di bisogni e di nuove necessità espresse dalle popolazioni urbane contemporanee. La domanda dei servizi è notevolmente cambiata rispetto a quella degli anni Sessanta, oltre che sul piano quantitativo anche e soprattutto sul piano qualitativo, a causa degli intervenuti cambiamenti sociali che hanno trasformato la città moderna non solo dal punto di vista strutturale ma anche dal punto di vista culturale: l’intermittenza della cittadinanza, per cui le città sono sempre più vissute e godute da cittadini del mondo (turisti e/o visitatori, temporaneamente presenti) e da cittadini diffusi (suburbani, provinciali, metropolitani); la radicale trasformazione della struttura familiare, per cui la famiglia-tipo costituita da una coppia con figli, solido riferimento per l’economia e la politica, è oggi minoritaria; l’irregolarità e flessibilità dei calendari, delle agende e dei ritmi di vita della popolazione attiva; la mobilità sociale, per cui gli individui hanno traiettorie di vita e pratiche quotidiane meno determinate dalle loro origini sociali di quanto avveniva nel passato; l’elevazione del livello di istruzione e quindi l’incremento della domanda di cultura; la crescita della popolazione anziana e la forte individualizzazione sociale hanno generato una domanda di città espressa dalla gente estremamente variegata ed eterogenea, frammentata e volatile, e per alcuni aspetti assolutamente nuova. Accanto a vecchie e consolidate richieste – la città efficiente, funzionale, produttiva, accessibile a tutti – sorgono nuove domande, ideali e bisogni che hanno come oggetto la bellezza, la varietà, la fruibilità, la sicurezza, la capacità di stupire e divertire, la sostenibilità, la ricerca di nuove identità, domande che esprimono il desiderio di vivere e di godere la città, di stare bene in città, domande che non possono essere più soddisfatte attraverso un’idea di welfare semplicemente basata sull’istruzione, la sanità, il sistema pensionistico e l’assistenza sociale. La città moderna ovvero l’idea moderna della città, organizzata solo sui concetti di ordine, regolarità, pulizia, uguaglianza e buon governo, è stata consegnata alla storia passata trasformandosi ora in qualcosa di assai diverso che facciamo fatica a rappresentare, a descrivere, a raccontare. La città contemporanea può essere rappresentata in molteplici modi, sia dal punto di vista urbanistico che dal punto di vista sociale: nella letteratura recente è evidente la difficoltà di definire e di racchiudere entro limiti certi l’oggetto “città” e la mancanza di un convincimento forte nell’interpretazione delle trasformazioni politiche, economiche e sociali che hanno investito la società e il mondo nel secolo scorso. La città contemporanea, al di là degli ambiti amministrativi, delle espansioni territoriali e degli assetti urbanistici, delle infrastrutture, della tecnologia, del funzionalismo e dei mercati globali, è anche luogo delle relazioni umane, rappresentazione dei rapporti tra gli individui e dello spazio urbano in cui queste relazioni si muovono. La città è sia concentrazione fisica di persone e di edifici, ma anche varietà di usi e di gruppi, densità di rapporti sociali; è il luogo in cui avvengono i processi di coesione o di esclusione sociale, luogo delle norme culturali che regolano i comportamenti, dell’identità che si esprime materialmente e simbolicamente nello spazio pubblico della vita cittadina. Per studiare la città contemporanea è necessario utilizzare un approccio nuovo, fatto di contaminazioni e saperi trasversali forniti da altre discipline, come la sociologia e le scienze umane, che pure contribuiscono a costruire l’immagine comunemente percepita della città e del territorio, del paesaggio e dell’ambiente. La rappresentazione del sociale urbano varia in base all’idea di cosa è, in un dato momento storico e in un dato contesto, una situazione di benessere delle persone. L’urbanistica moderna mirava al massimo benessere del singolo e della collettività e a modellarsi sulle “effettive necessità delle persone”: nei vecchi manuali di urbanistica compare come appendice al piano regolatore il “Piano dei servizi”, che comprende i servizi distribuiti sul territorio circostante, una sorta di “piano regolatore sociale”, per evitare quartieri separati per fasce di popolazione o per classi. Nella città contemporanea la globalizzazione, le nuove forme di marginalizzazione e di esclusione, l’avvento della cosiddetta “new economy”, la ridefinizione della base produttiva e del mercato del lavoro urbani sono espressione di una complessità sociale che può essere definita sulla base delle transazioni e gli scambi simbolici piuttosto che sui processi di industrializzazione e di modernizzazione verso cui era orientata la città storica, definita moderna. Tutto ciò costituisce quel complesso di questioni che attualmente viene definito “nuovo welfare”, in contrapposizione a quello essenzialmente basato sull’istruzione, sulla sanità, sul sistema pensionistico e sull’assistenza sociale. La ricerca ha quindi analizzato gli strumenti tradizionali della pianificazione e programmazione territoriale, nella loro dimensione operativa e istituzionale: la destinazione principale di tali strumenti consiste nella classificazione e nella sistemazione dei servizi e dei contenitori urbanistici. E’ chiaro, tuttavia, che per poter rispondere alla molteplice complessità di domande, bisogni e desideri espressi dalla società contemporanea le dotazioni effettive per “fare città” devono necessariamente superare i concetti di “standard” e di “zonizzazione”, che risultano essere troppo rigidi e quindi incapaci di adattarsi all’evoluzione di una domanda crescente di qualità e di servizi e allo stesso tempo inadeguati nella gestione del rapporto tra lo spazio domestico e lo spazio collettivo. In questo senso è rilevante il rapporto tra le tipologie abitative e la morfologia urbana e quindi anche l’ambiente intorno alla casa, che stabilisce il rapporto “dalla casa alla città”, perché è in questa dualità che si definisce il rapporto tra spazi privati e spazi pubblici e si contestualizzano i temi della strada, dei negozi, dei luoghi di incontro, degli accessi. Dopo la convergenza dalla scala urbana alla scala edilizia si passa quindi dalla scala edilizia a quella urbana, dal momento che il criterio del benessere attraversa le diverse scale dello spazio abitabile. Non solo, nei sistemi territoriali in cui si è raggiunto un benessere diffuso ed un alto livello di sviluppo economico è emersa la consapevolezza che il concetto stesso di benessere sia non più legato esclusivamente alla capacità di reddito collettiva e/o individuale: oggi la qualità della vita si misura in termini di qualità ambientale e sociale. Ecco dunque la necessità di uno strumento di conoscenza della città contemporanea, da allegare al Piano, in cui vengano definiti i criteri da osservare nella progettazione dello spazio urbano al fine di determinare la qualità e il benessere dell’ambiente costruito, inteso come benessere generalizzato, nel suo significato di “qualità dello star bene”. E’ evidente che per raggiungere tale livello di qualità e benessere è necessario provvedere al soddisfacimento da una parte degli aspetti macroscopici del funzionamento sociale e del tenore di vita attraverso gli indicatori di reddito, occupazione, povertà, criminalità, abitazione, istruzione, etc.; dall’altra dei bisogni primari, elementari e di base, e di quelli secondari, culturali e quindi mutevoli, trapassando dal welfare state allo star bene o well being personale, alla wellness in senso olistico, tutte espressioni di un desiderio di bellezza mentale e fisica e di un nuovo rapporto del corpo con l’ambiente, quindi manifestazione concreta di un’esigenza di ben-essere individuale e collettivo. Ed è questa esigenza, nuova e difficile, che crea la diffusa sensazione dell’inizio di una nuova stagione urbana, molto più di quanto facciano pensare le stesse modifiche fisiche della città.
In Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE), evaluating the seismic performance (or seismic risk) of a structure at a designed site has gained major attention, especially in the past decade. One of the objectives in PBEE is to quantify the seismic reliability of a structure (due to the future random earthquakes) at a site. For that purpose, Probabilistic Seismic Demand Analysis (PSDA) is utilized as a tool to estimate the Mean Annual Frequency (MAF) of exceeding a specified value of a structural Engineering Demand Parameter (EDP). This dissertation focuses mainly on applying an average of a certain number of spectral acceleration ordinates in a certain interval of periods, Sa,avg (T1,…,Tn), as scalar ground motion Intensity Measure (IM) when assessing the seismic performance of inelastic structures. Since the interval of periods where computing Sa,avg is related to the more or less influence of higher vibration modes on the inelastic response, it is appropriate to speak about improved IMs. The results using these improved IMs are compared with a conventional elastic-based scalar IMs (e.g., pseudo spectral acceleration, Sa ( T(¹)), or peak ground acceleration, PGA) and the advanced inelastic-based scalar IM (i.e., inelastic spectral displacement, Sdi). The advantages of applying improved IMs are: (i ) "computability" of the seismic hazard according to traditional Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), because ground motion prediction models are already available for Sa (Ti), and hence it is possibile to employ existing models to assess hazard in terms of Sa,avg, and (ii ) "efficiency" or smaller variability of structural response, which was minimized to assess the optimal range to compute Sa,avg. More work is needed to assess also "sufficiency" and "scaling robustness" desirable properties, which are disregarded in this dissertation. However, for ordinary records (i.e., with no pulse like effects), using the improved IMs is found to be more accurate than using the elastic- and inelastic-based IMs. For structural demands that are dominated by the first mode of vibration, using Sa,avg can be negligible relative to the conventionally-used Sa (T(¹)) and the advanced Sdi. For structural demands with sign.cant higher-mode contribution, an improved scalar IM that incorporates higher modes needs to be utilized. In order to fully understand the influence of the IM on the seismis risk, a simplified closed-form expression for the probability of exceeding a limit state capacity was chosen as a reliability measure under seismic excitations and implemented for Reinforced Concrete (RC) frame structures. This closed-form expression is partuclarly useful for seismic assessment and design of structures, taking into account the uncertainty in the generic variables, structural "demand" and "capacity" as well as the uncertainty in seismic excitations. The assumed framework employs nonlinear Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) procedures in order to estimate variability in the response of the structure (demand) to seismic excitations, conditioned to IM. The estimation of the seismic risk using the simplified closed-form expression is affected by IM, because the final seismic risk is not constant, but with the same order of magnitude. Possible reasons concern the non-linear model assumed, or the insufficiency of the selected IM. Since it is impossibile to state what is the "real" probability of exceeding a limit state looking the total risk, the only way is represented by the optimization of the desirable properties of an IM.
I rifiuti come oggetti impegnano tutte le istituzioni umane in una lotta di definizione del posto che occupano e quindi del valore che assumono. In tale dinamica la gestione dei rifiuti diventa un fatto sociale totale che coinvolge tutte le istituzioni umane in una lotta di definizione territorializzata. La storia del movimento ambientalista ci mostra come partendo dal disagio nei confronti dell’oggetto si è passati ad un disagio nei confronti delle idee che lo generano. Modernizzazione ecologica e modernizzazione democratica sembrano andare per un certo periodo d’accordo. Nei casi di conflittualità recente, e nello studio di caso approfondito di un piano provinciale della gestione rifiuti, il carattere anticipatore dell’attivismo ambientalista, sta rendendo sempre più costosi e incerti, investimenti e risultati strategici . Anche i principi delle politiche sono messi in discussione. La sostenibilità è da ricercare in una relativizzazione dei principi di policy e degli strumenti tecnici di valutazione (e.g. LCA) verso una maggiore partecipazione di tutti gli attori. Si propone un modello di governance che parta da un coordinamento amministrativo territoriale sulle reti logistiche, quindi un adeguamento geografico degli ATO, e un loro maggior ruolo nella gestione del processo di coordinamento e pianificazione. Azioni queste che devono a loro volta aprirsi ai flussi (ecologici ed economici) e ai loro attori di riferimento: dalle aziende multiutility agli ambientalisti. Infine è necessario un momento di controllo democratico che può avere una funzione arbitrale nei conflitti tra gli attori o di verifica. La ricerca si muove tra la storia e la filosofia, la ricerca empirica e la riflessione teorica. Sono state utilizzate anche tecniche di indagine attiva, come il focus group e l’intervista.
Chemists have long sought to extrapolate the power of biological catalysis and recognition to synthetic systems. These efforts have focused largely on low molecular weight catalysts and receptors; however, biological systems themselves rely almost exclusively on polymers, proteins and RNA, to perform complex chemical functions. Proteins and RNA are unique in their ability to adopt compact, well-ordered conformations, and specific folding provides precise spatial orientation of the functional groups that comprise the “active site”. These features suggest that identification of new polymer backbones with discrete and predictable folding propensities (“foldamers”) will provide a basis for design of molecular machines with unique capabilities. The foldamer approach complements current efforts to design unnatural properties into polypeptides and polynucleotides. The aim of this thesis is the synthesis and conformational studies of new classes of foldamers, using a peptidomimetic approach. Moreover their attitude to be utilized as ionophores, catalysts, and nanobiomaterials were analyzed in solution and in the solid state. This thesis is divided in thematically chapters that are reported below. It begins with a very general introduction (page 4) which is useful, but not strictly necessary, to the expert reader. It is worth mentioning that paragraph I.3 (page 22) is the starting point of this work and paragraph I.5 (page 32) isrequired to better understand the results of chapters 4 and 5. In chapter 1 (page 39) is reported the synthesis and conformational analysis of a novel class of foldamers containing (S)-β3-homophenylglycine [(S)-β3-hPhg] and D- 4-carboxy-oxazolidin-2-one (D-Oxd) residues in alternate order is reported. The experimental conformational analysis performed in solution by IR, 1HNMR, and CD spectroscopy unambiguously proved that these oligomers fold into ordered structures with increasing sequence length. Theoretical calculations employing ab initio MO theory suggest a helix with 11-membered hydrogenbonded rings as the preferred secondary structure type. The novel structures enrich the field of peptidic foldamers and might be useful in the mimicry of native peptides. In chapter 2 cyclo-(L-Ala-D-Oxd)3 and cyclo-(L-Ala-DOxd) 4 were prepared in the liquid phase with good overall yields and were utilized for bivalent ions chelation (Ca2+, Mg2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Hg2+); their chelation skill was analyzed with ESI-MS, CD and 1HNMR techniques and the best results were obtained with cyclo-(L-Ala-D-Oxd)3 and Mg2+ or Ca2+. Chapter 3 describes an application of oligopeptides as catalysts for aldol reactions. Paragraph 3.1 concerns the use of prolinamides as catalysts of the cross aldol addition of hydroxyacetone to aromatic aldeydes, whereas paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 are about the catalyzed aldol addition of acetone to isatins. By means of DFT and AIM calculations, the steric and stereoelectronic effects that control the enantioselectivity in the cross-aldol addition of acetone to isatin catalysed by L-proline have been studied, also in the presence of small quantities of water. In chapter 4 is reported the synthesis and the analysis of a new fiber-like material, obtained from the selfaggregation of the dipeptide Boc-L-Phe-D-Oxd-OBn, which spontaneously forms uniform fibers consisting of parallel infinite linear chains arising from singleintermolecular N-H···O=C hydrogen bonds. This is the absolute borderline case of a parallel β-sheet structure. Longer oligomers of the same series with general formula Boc-(L-Phe-D-Oxd)n-OBn (where n = 2-5), are described in chapter 5. Their properties in solution and in the solid state were analyzed, in correlation with their attitude to form intramolecular hydrogen bond. In chapter 6 is reported the synthesis of imidazolidin-2- one-4-carboxylate and (tetrahydro)-pyrimidin-2-one-5- carboxylate, via an efficient modification of the Hofmann rearrangement. The reaction affords the desired compounds from protected asparagine or glutamine in good to high yield, using PhI(OAc)2 as source of iodine(III).